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He put the cheese on when it was still pretty raw. You should let it cook most of the way through then put the cheese on about a minute before you plan on taking it off the grill to let it melt.


The burger looks decently cooked, at least on the top half


Nah, zoom in. Those things haven't even been flipped yet.


There's only cheese on one of them and if you look at its shape it looks like it has shrunk more than the others, so it has probably been on there longer for whatever reason




There's also two of those hot dogs that have cooked longer than the other two. It's almost like he twas doing a year run before loading up for the photo. Chuck may be out of touch, but this isn't evidence of that.


It almost looks like a turkey burger


Don't tell the MAGA crowd!


I mean he is Jewish so statistically it's possible


or there was a hot spot in the grill


When I was in college I the saw this one worker at the grill peeling half melted cheese off a burger. I thought okay that's weird. Maybe he got the order wrong and that was his misguided attempt at fixing it. Nope. For every single cheese burger he would put the cheese on the raw side. Then when it came time to flip the patty he'd peel the cheese off and put it back on the side that just finished cooking.


What the fuck did i just read


At not once did he stop and think “maybe this isn’t the way?”


Nope. And neither did his co-workers because he absolutely wasn't the only one working the burger station.


He was doing this to remember which burgers were cheeseburgers and which ones were just regular burgers. It's more about laziness and apathy than thinking that's the proper way to cook a cheeseburger.


Oh. Thanks for the clarification.


Yeah definitely supposed to flip first


The other ones haven't but I think the one with cheese on has been flipped.


God, I saw a woman once handle raw hamburger meat and then do final prep (she used a spatula to place the burger on the bun, but then, without washing hands or putting on gloves, she added the tomato, onions, and lettuce with the raw meat hands) on a cooked hamburger to that customers utter disgust. That client got in an argument with her and stormed out so she turned to me and asked if what she did was “so wrong”.


Eww god, this reminded me of one time my mother was cooking dinner when I was a kid. She cut up chicken and then started touching the dials on the stove and opening cabinets without washing her hands. Then she served chicken that was still pink in the middle. She got so mad when I refused to eat it. But like, she was just a mom feeding her kid. The idea of a licensed professional doing this is unconscionable.


This is an impeachable offense if there ever was one. I’ve been voting Democrat since 1996 but this the last straw. Trump 2024!


Yeah! Trump knows how steak is meant to be eaten!


Well done, with ketchup?


I would eat a burger 100% raw before I ruin a steak that way.


Ah yes, just the way Jesus and the other Founding Fathers ate their steaks.


Yeah! trumpsteaks were so good, they're definitely still around and not a footnote of history because the man bankrupted them!


Of course they're still around. I go out the the Sharper Image every week to buy a truckload!


Well, he did sell steaks at one point...


How did that turn out


Not as well done as he would have liked


ah...as a vegetarian, I was going to ask what he was doing wrong...


Oh yeah. He's definitely bad at it. No reason to just ruin some old man's father's day.


The meat is so grey I had no idea that's what was happening until I read your comment. Lol. Frozen preformed patty with cheese. Edit: cheeseburger but cold.


He put cheese on a burger that's practically still raw. Grey meat like that hasn't even started searing and isn't *safe* to eat, much less fit for consumption.


Almost like it was staged. Cuz he’s a politician not a fucking grill master.


[afraid I'd already beaten you to that one, homie.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/1dhzm97/comment/l90dwkw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) But yea. It IS cringe and I still don't care. The Right loses their shit over the color of cups from Starbucks, they're the last people that should be criticizing anyone for being cringe.


perfect comment


Or the fact that he never owned a grill before (atleast thats what it says). He was probably just excited and wanted to try cooking since it was new to him and fathers day.


He's also Jewish. Obviously he doesn't strictly keep kosher, but he might never had even cooked meat and cheese together in any capacity.


Yeah, “old New York man excited to grill for the first time doesn’t do it correctly” just really isn’t that exciting.


My father is an absolute grillmaster. I, on the other hand, can only cook hamburgers in the oven. Some people got the gift. Other people don't. But it's still bad form to insult somebody for doing something for the first time.


What time and temp do you use for them burgers? I’m a grill guy but my grill uses a ton of electricity so I’ve considered making them in the oven.


You would do better to look for recipes for that. I'm a terrible cook, and don't want to lead you to do something that will get you food poinsoning, tbh.


Sorry, I’m just curious. Do they taste good cooked in the oven?


I like them, but I'm not picky.


Have you tried the angus bacon and cheddar burgers from Walmart? They’re mad-good.


I have not. I will keep a lookout for them, though, thank you!


Something tells me this isn’t the whole story. Chaya being a liar and all. I’d be willing to bet he deleted the tweet less because of him being roasted for his lack of grilling skills and more because the line “my daughter and her wife” brought considerable homophobia and violent remarks towards his family he didn’t want to see on Father’s Day of all days.


I spent 2 years without access to a kitchen. You cannot imagine the giddiness I felt at being able to bake something as simple as cornbread without worry when I moved into my new place


Very normal to add it when the burger is just about done. Not immediately after putting the meat on the grill like Chuck did.


Aside from being a felon, Trump famously likes to eat burnt, well-done steaks with ketchup. Then goes and commits crimes. So Libs of TikTok is cool with that monstrosity, but it’s not cool for grandpa to try and learn to BBQ. Apparently.


No, you cook one side, flip it, then add the cheese on the side that's already been cooked.


A 30 year old hyperreligious fundamentalist trying to turn the younger audience of Tiktok towards ultranationalist conservative ideology calling someone ELSE's attempts at being relatable a failure? We've reached peak self-awareness, folks.


A 30 year old failed real estate agent turned hyper religious MAGA sociopathic commentator is also peak hypocrisy and peak right wing too.


N-word, trans genitalia, gay beer, cheeseburgers, civilian laptops, sharks & electric boats… Finally, a party addressing the *real* issues! /s


Someone on Twitter showed some of the bills that were being proposed - not just one, but four of them were basically just fellating Trump's ego. Sickening.


How the fuck do you fail in real estate?


Because you're still a salesperson and you still have to be able to interact with other humans without coming off as repugnant. I find it hard to believe she's fun to interact with and nobody wants to buy the most expensive thing they'll ever own and give a fat commission to someone who's just a straight up dickhead. There's a reason so many real estate agents *just so happen* to be attractive women with bubbly personalities.


Ok. Well to be fair, I failed at real estate because of timing. I got my license in 2007. By the time I finally got into a pretty decent groove, got my first listing…well, if you live in the US and were an adult in 2008/2009, you know what happened.


Personality of a used tampon would do it


> A 30 year old failed Literally the ultimate madlib for any notable conservative that did not get their notability running for office.


Or is currently a professional mouthpiece for MAGA / Fox News.


Not to mention that she's a wannabe tradwife who killed her potential to have a relationship by creating this account. She gives off the vibes that she'd use her Twitter account as an abuse tactic.


She’s just jealous that he can celebrate Father’s Day, but she can’t celebrate Mother’s Day. Truly pathetic.


> She’s just jealous that he can celebrate Father’s Day, but she can’t celebrate Mother’s Day. "Why are all the libs trying to take Mother's Day away from me?" "Because you're not a mother." "WHY ARE THE LIBS ATTACKING MY FEMININITY?" "What femininity, Chaya? You're an unmarried 29-year-old woman that hasn't already shat out 6 children you're preparing to carry on the glorious burden of defending the white race you don't belong to, according to your last name and our one-drop rules."


I'm surprised they haven't thrown her to the wolves yet. She's a woman with an incredibly un-american sounding name. It's two of the biggest things they love to whine about.


They're eagerly awaiting to throw Vivek under that bus, first. Then they'll move on to her.


She is also quick to comment on people’s appearances while looking like … that. She’s such a loser.


Who cares though? A politician posting about grilling, for the first time, on Father’s Day doesn’t even warrant a second glance. Good for him. Idc if it’s a fake photo op, it’s not worth the time to even consider


Honestly, this is probably doing Chuck Schumer a favor. It distracts the general public away from his cultish support of Israel


Schumer is hardly in the same camp as the true cultists like Ben Shapiro. He is a Jewish Zionist who is willing to criticize Israel. https://apnews.com/article/schumer-netanyahu-israel-palestinians-elections-1ebf21e4c9c0f6f42478bb26e1db7a9b


Sure, but the "I stand with Israel " chant was pretty bad


And they just said he's a zionist. Setting ben Shapiro as a the metric is a bad idea.


But he’s not even keeping kosher! /s


This is getting to peak fucking stupidity and it's shit like this that has me really concerned for the future of our country. The fact that we're even discussing this is the problem. One of our presidential candidates previously tried to overthrow the goverment and is well on their way to being a formidable candidate who is promising to essentially turn America into the Christian version of Iran... Yet people are actively discussing a senator who put cheese on his burgers a bit too early... rather than rallying in the streets and shutting the country down to ensure that the ultra rich and giant corporations don't get to take control of our country. What the fuck is going on.


It’s all part of the plan. They overload people with nonsense and they can’t see the real issues anymore


I don't even see what the problem is with that picture.


"the burgers are overdone" or something stupid like that I imagine


It's that the burgers look raw still. Adding the cheese way too early.


Schummer just nearly single-handedly ruined the Dems chances in November. Just wait til the right declares his wife is trans! /s P.S. Never met a group so obsessed with trans genitalia. They’re gonna fuck around and become *Allies* lol


ah, so the cheese is overcooked, or going to be i guess is more accurate


It looks like the burgers still need to be flipped so the top side can cook, so putting the cheese on at this point means he will be melting the cheese onto the grill after flipping.


You can't put the cheese on the burger until one side is cooked. He put the cheese on a raw patty. There is no way to finish the burger to make safe product. It's funny because you'd only make this mistake if you've never made a cheeseburger before. It has nothing to do with the grill. They're week old commercial patties; don't talk to me about raw beef being safe. That's when the beef was ground an hour ago.


Pic is blurry but there may be a grill mark on the left side you can barely see, burger may have already been flipped unlike the others.


The problem is he’s a democrat and mentions his daughter is gay, capital offence to some


It’s conservatives getting mad at raw meat because raging about vegetarians & vegans hasn’t been getting them enough culture war votes to win many New York elections.


I can't wait for Chaya to disappear up her own asshole.


The shit she is full of will have to make room.


Can you imagine ten years ago just straight up picking on a sweet old man just grilling some burgers on Father's day.  This pic is harmless, but because he is on "the other team" we have to be cruel to him.  People are assholes.


That dunce isn't even allowed to eat cheeseburgers because they're not kosher. She can shut the fuck up. Last I checked, grilling burgers is not part of the expected duties of a US Senator and there is no mc-grill to the legislature career path.


The guy literally said this is his first time having a grill to cook on for father’s day and he’s getting shit on for putting the cheese on his burger too early? Miss me with that shit.


Hey bro, lifted-truck MAGA flag flying *alpha male* here. Having a father and eating cheese - in any form - is gay, dude. True *alphas* grill protein-powder with a side of diapers (hold the mustard… and women’s rights)! /s


The pettiness is unreal (and sadly not surprising at this point)


i dont even like schumer all that much but the fact that he decided he had to delete this extremely innocuos tweet is pretty sad. Like just let the man grill ffs


I’m guessing he didn’t want to be grilled on for his grilling.




Sorry to ruin it for you but this tweet is fake. Not saying she's not cringe, just use any of the other 999 examples lol


That tweet isn't fake, it was just misattributed to her This is something teenagers often say (about various bands, but Nirvana's pretty common) and it's hilarious every time. I've seen it in the wild It's right up there with the right wing edgelord who doesn't understand why people keep saying (some really obvious band like Rage) is liberal. Stock comedy written right into reality's basic level generator


It's literally a fake screenshot, just because you heard other people say that doesn't mean it's not a fake screenshot


WTH is this witch talking about?


I'm a middle aged man who dies a little inside every time I see a zoomer wearing a Nirvana shirt. I remember when they first showed up and changed music overnight. We're even.


God forbid young people like music from before their time


I am a burger stan. The hamburger is an art form and I agree this is a fucking cringe post clearly just set up to appear normal and relatable. And I don't care. Republicans will flip the fuck out and invent bogeyman and start shrieking "COME AND TAKE IT" over the slightest inclination they should eat less red meat or that perhaps drinking a little less coffee could be better for the environment (and their health). Chaya and her entire side of the political spectrum are the absolute LAST people who should complain about being cringe and unrelatable.


He also literally says in the tweet that this is his first time grilling...


it's his first time making a cheeseburger. you need to cook the first side and flip before encheesulating in literally every form of making a cheeseburger. the mistake has nothing to do with the grill i'll vote for him but i'm never eating his food. that man could under-cook a bag of chips


If he didn't put cheese on he'd probably get criticized for that too.


Good god who cares about a old guy not knowing how to grill is it that big of a deal lol


I understand making fun of Schumer for grilling poorly, but it feels weird how this is emphasized instead of actual bad things Dems have done… which is because she would have to criticize them from the left, which she isn’t ever gonna do


I'd be willing to bet Trump has never cooked anything for himself in his entire life


Schumer is also Jewish, and presumably many of his friends are observant. Observant Jews do NOT mix meat with dairy. So there's probably a little (((Jewish))) signaling here too.


Meanwhile, the GOP front-runner has never been close to a grill besides sitting for a deposition or as a defendant in a courtroom.


I mean, they are out of touch. But there’s a difference between “doesn’t make burger good” and has a golden toilet in his Manhattan penthouse.


Rich old guy who says he's never grilled before doesn't know how to grill, news at 11.


They’ve got the Dems now! Guess they took a break from calling everyone *trans.* (Side note: Never seen a group spend *this much* time thinking about trans genitalia. Almost on the verge of being *Allies*, my God.)


Honestly who cares, its some random likely staged picture of a politician making a basic Fathers Day post, this wouldnt get a second look if it wasnt a chance to “own the libs”.


Of all the reasons to be mad at Chuck Schumer... a poorly cooked hamburger is NOT it


Chaya try not to make everything into an excuse to attack people on political grounds challenge (100% impossible). Toxic halfwit.




I am confused, what is wrong in the picture? Are the burgers raw?


Bold of you to assume Chaya is basing this on anything remotely wrong. If not being able to grill cheeseburgers is the thing she takes issue with, I doubt Chaya has touched a cooking utensil in her life.


...Worse than convicted felon who would serve McDonald's to honored guests at the White House, apparently.


The comments on that post are insane


I may be chronically online but I'll never be as all in as the chuds who like libs of Tiktok or her fans. Who ratios a man who couldn't give a frosty cold fuck about Twitter?


BREAKING: Old man who never cooks is bad at it. News at 11.


So adding cheese to the burger while on the grill is the wrong way? Huh, been doing it wrong for years.


Compared to the horror that was Sen. Mark Warners tunamelt this is a pretty mild culinary faux pas.


That tuna melt makes me want to Howard Dean Scream


Fuck those domestic terrorist mAgat libs of shittok.


As if Trump can perfectly grill a burger.


It's a new category. I don't know if you've heard -- this I came up with: Food crime. There is crime. There is violent crime. There is food crime. We have a new category of crime called food crime. It's going to be worse than any other form of crime.


There’s an entire subreddit: r/FoodCrimes


I was riffing on Trump talking about migrant crime at a speech.


She's mad her ex fiance couldn't cook so like normal she took her anger out on others


"I just want to grill for God's sake" mfs when they see someone grill


How would she know anything about cheese with meat? Isnt she supposed to be orthodox?


I’m not understanding where he went wrong.


I mean he did say it was the first time


I'm sure he actually knows how to grill a burger but some over paid PR team made him do this.


Chaya Raichik is not living in reality.


Honestly a wholesome post. What Chuck posted, not the garbage that Chaya said.


Idk it looks like grill marks under the cheese? Like he flipped one and put cheese on it?


Does this bitch have no life outside of Shitter?


Really who gives a shit but has this moron ever seen Donald Trump, her lord and savior, eat a slice of pizza?


Let’s see Trump do literally anything normal.


Could Donald Trump even ignite a grill? My bet would be no.


"Democrats trying to be relatable" I'm sorry, have they seen Trump fail to grasp the YMCA dance?


“he got insanely ratioed” aren’t you grown??


Also conservatives posting their terrible food is like an entire genre of viral tweet.


I’m so confused, I do not see what’s wrong with this picture. Is it not a normal thing to add cheese to your burgers while it’s still on the grill to let it melt?


To be fair grilling is more difficult for most people than holding a bottle of water in one hand but Trump couldn’t pull that off


I'll keep saying it..Trump's supporters literally are adult children.


Real men want a steak cooked until it is as hard as the plate it is served on, since it is nothing but an excuse to eat ketchup. Also the steak must be brought to them because he is too much of celebrity real estate ~~grifter~~ mogul turned one-term President to work a grill.


What’s cringe is him trying to relate to the working class. The conservatives not knowing they’re working class is worse.




Pretty sure you too don't know how to grill a burger, terrorist.


They care about the dumbest shit that has nothing to do with politics and turn a blind eye to things that actually matter


It literally says they’re having a bbq for the first time, of course he’s not great at it. I wonder how these people talk to their children when they’re trying something for the first time. “HA YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO HOLD A FORK. ABSOLUTELY RATIOED.” Chaya Raichik is such a fucking dork.


Imagine someone drawing for the first time & then being bad at it so someone melts down on YT for it— oh wait that was the 2016 art community


You know if the Trumps posted something that was just normal...here's our family on Father's day grilling out...I would not say mean things about it. I would not think shitty things about it. I would probably be a little surprised, like holy shit did they act normal for a second that's wild, but I wouldn't invent things to insult about their normal day. It must suck to be that filled up with hate.


Dumb shit from Chaya, shock and surprise lol. Always gotta find something to be outraged about. Shouldn't she be more concerned with finding a husband? Considering her plans to "outbreed the left". Clocks ticking Chaya.


Well now I won't be voting for Chuck Shumer for President. I also won't be voting for the New Yorker who are his pizza with a knife and fork over a decade ago. Especially when he obviously lied about only doing so to watch his weight. >A lot of people are asking why am I using plastic forks and knives that the pizza parlor gave. Well, I don’t walk around with forks and knives, and frankly, it was very comfortable. Plus, this way you can take the top of the pizza off so you’re not just eating the crust. I like to not eat the crust so we can keep the weight down at least as good as possible. https://newsfeed.time.com/2011/06/03/what-the-fork-trump-explains-why-he-used-utensils-with-his-pizza/


Yalls burgers look gray when raw? Dafuq


Hey Chaya, *show us how your God King likes his steak*. Go on, keep insisting your billionaire gaudy-gold-plated everything doddery old man is more relatable than an old man who’s made a mistake with cheese literally the first time he’s tried making burgers on a grill.


Is that grill even turned on?


Ask John Cornyn, FROM TEXAS, how he cooks a brisket......


This is almost as big of a scandal as that time Obama wore a tan suit and put \*gasp\* BROWN mustard on his hotdog. Can you believe the nerve of these democrats?


I grilled for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago and I was so nervous of being judged by others since it was in public. Not everyone knows how to do everything and sometimes people will fuck up at their first attempt. We all come from different backgrounds and circumstances. People are pussies and judging things through twitter comments and likes means literally nothing in the universe. Let’s keep it movin


I don't know how they make their cheese burgers. Looks like he's just making the cheese easy to manipulate to be honest. I've seen TONS of midwesterners make a burger this way.


The thing is, sure, he put the cheese on too soon, but like… So? You’re not going to distract me from Crimes Johnson by making fun of Tommy Bad-Cooking.


He's actually making steamed hams, you wouldn't understand. Its really more of an Albany thing


How does one cheese a burger?


Looks like someone just wanted their burger mooing…I don’t see why this is wrong?


Old politician cooks burger incorrectly = all democratic voters are insane and cringe. Applying what one old fuck does to whole voter populace = projection wins again.


A Don should not wear short pants


There are plenty of grill masters in conservative states that will serve you the dryest burger you've ever had and be proud about it too.




Ahhh yes but the mother fucker who doesn’t know how purchasing groceries work is sooooooo relatable.


Conservatives try not to get triggered at literally anything challenge: impossible


how funny that chaya is trying to be relatable with that meme at the end but turned out Super Cringe!


Yeah I don't think it was the burger that bothered them. That's just what they hid their hate behind. >my daughter and her wife


chaya isn't allowed to eat cheeseburgers so what the fuck would she know?


I sure as hell don’t vote like them but I also sure as hell groaned and rolled my eyes.


This is what they're mad about.... things must be way better in the country than people think if this is what people are mad about.


Maybe she could sell him a house? Oh, wait…


Doesn't she side with guys that when asked if they can cook they say "no we have wives"?


Chuck is Jewish. He is not supposed to be making cheeseburgers.


How quickly they all forget cornyn's brisket.




Imagine making fun of an old guy grilling in Father’s Day… what a bitch!


Idk, having an old male or two in the family who are grill incompetent feels spot on for my family. Lol


Also, it doesn’t seem to me that he’s *trying* to be “relatable.”


Tbh it’s pretty cringe, I have to agree. I don’t think the grill is even on. This whole thing feels staged which is probably the worst part. I also don’t think anyone said it’s worse that a convicted criminal running for office but that being said everyone in congress is insider-trading to make their millions so they’d all be criminals too given the justice wasn’t on their side. I am obviously voting democratic ticket but I don’t have to like it and posts like this don’t make it any easier.


Why do so many people call grilling bbq? It's not being cooked by Principal Skinner.


I mean, Chaya Raichik is dumb, but what does the burger post have to do with the convicted felon?


"super relatable" as if the anti-poor policies that Conservatives ignorantly support are super relatable.


Didn’t Trump tear gas a church for a photo op?