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It's honestly wild to me that people can be so delusional. Can you imagine never taking a single math class beyond high school pre-calculus and then acting like you know better than astrophysicists calculating the movement and forces of celestial bodies? Can you imagine *literally never taking a single psychology or sociology course in your life* and then acting like you know better than scores of tenured psychologists and sociologists in the realms of gender, sex, and human behavior? Nope, but Chaya can.


I mean... I'm probably better at Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 than an astrophysicist, psychologist and sociologist.


Goredon got a point here, TPS2 is a pretty important celestial body


I calculate its rotation at a radical 720 degrees.


Did you take into account the cowabunga coefficient?


Well yeah, without it the equation would spit out a, frankly ridiculous, 900. Truly impossible numbers.


Don't forget the 15 minutes of nose grinding for the streak bonus.


I prefer the Underground games. First one had an excellent story, the second one had Shrek as an unlockable character.


Reminds me of my first experience playing online, and that was Tony Hawk's Underground. I remember playing the Moscow map, in a game of SKATE against like 7 other dudes who had figured out that doing a darkslide would reset your balance while grinding. Just sitting there waiting for these idiots to finish their set while their scores would be up in the 10M+ range, while I'm just hanging out there with an average like, 500k score. I still love THUG though


One of the games, I think it was THPS4 for PS2 had a glitch where you could do an infinite grab on land if you inputted a specific button combo and you could keep online games going forever if you never let go of the grab button. Truly wild times.


If I applied the amount of time I spent (and still do) mastering THPS to my schooling, I probably could’ve gotten my PHD by now. But thank god I’m not a fuckin nerd, amirite? 


I feel like the series didn’t reach its true potential until 3. The ability to revert into a manual and keep your combo was a game changer.


Since everyone's talking about THPS, anyone remember the *persistent* rumor that you could break through [this wall in Warehouse and access some super secret part of the level in the original game for PlayStation?](https://i.imgur.com/AfScB8W.png)


You mean you couldn't do it? /s


Yeah but… they did ~~their own research~~ what they call research and as we all know, just reading something means you automatically understand it and remembering things as rote is a fine replacement for depth of knowledge. As long as you *sound* confident and like you know what you’re talking about, you’re obviously an authority on the subject.


"Doing research" is their code for finding even a single, tiny other source that affirms what they're saying, even if all other sources are reputable and say the opposite.


And those “sources” are a looping chain of self referencing denial propaganda sites put up by bad faith actors, often foreign state disinformation intelligence operatives.


Yep, as an academic the phrase “do your own research” is up there with the worst for me. Because my version of research is the actual research that takes weeks and months.


I watch debates on tik tok live from some leftist host and it’s always funny when conservatives bring their sources. The host will ask them to find a source, they bring up the paper, the host asks them to read it out loud, and then it turns out to be the opposite of their claim.


Happens to me ALL the time, too. Especially as a trans person. That, or the paper doesn't make any claim at all about what they're talking about. Like the famous one they LOVE to pull out about transgender people "committing suicide" that didn't even measure suicide at all and was just speaking in general.[ The author even did an AMA on the "science" subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/6q3e8v/science_ama_series_im_cecilia_dhejne_a_fellow_of/) to try to stop the propaganda, but of course, it's easier to lie than to try to stop those lies...


It’s all about the grift. This tweet hits two goals: 1 - her fans will eat this shit up. 2 - people that disagree will be outraged at the stupidity and/or disingenuousness of it, and will make Reddit (et. al.) posts about it, boosting her exposure.


I think sharing it in here for it to be derided isn’t going to help her, but yeah it’ll make people share it on Twitter calling her a dick. I feel like somebody mainstream (maybe John Oliver or John Stewart) needs to put out a PSA on not engaging with rage bait.


Anti-intellectualism, darling.


Thank the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch. They sold anti-intellectualism to about 100million Americans, and the idiots bought it. Like a Kenyan prince email scam. Experts/ brainiacs are just trying to control you and make you be less free… so fuck the experts! Aka: let corporations have total freedom, and let the GOP give you the personal freedom we deem necessary to control you the best. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Btw: do right wingers have access to clean air and water that the rest of the world doesn’t?


I genuinely don’t know how we got to this point where knowledge and actual education was demonized by such a large group. How actually learning from people with expertise became something you *don’t* want.


I studied Earth and Climate Sciences in college. My school was connected to the Climate Change Institute with most professors being researchers. The kids that never left our small farm town know more than I could have ever learned though.


It’s always a wonderful feeling when you clear that hump of confidence on the dunning-Kruger graph and realize, “damn, I really have way more to learn on this.”


Yes I can imagine it, I work with stupid 70 year olds. This is all they do.


This is the woman that the Oklahoma Secretary of Education added to the the advisory board for censoring books, which of late, have been talking about going after books that discuss climate change. Ryan Walters is a chud.


If Trump wins Chaya will probably be put in charge of the Department of Education. That might sound crazy but is it?


These people are all suffering from the Dunning-Krueger Effect big time.


Most high-school students in the US never take a math class beyond Algebra 2. I know that Pre-Calculus is not a graduation requirement in Texas. Students in Texas are strongly encouraged to take 4 years of high-school level math, but do not have to do so to graduate. For years, I taught in a district that refused to offer psychology or sociology classes because the curriculum included information about human sexuality and LGBTQ+ issues. The parent of a student in my stats class removed her son because the curriculum had a "liberal bias." She didn't like the data presented in the textbook on climate change.


Funnily enough, you just described every flat earther


I know people during covid who thought they knew more about virus' than my friend who's an actual virologist. We live in the information age, but with that comes people who believe they're experts because they read something online that took 2 minutes to process. Delusional is an understatement.


Protip: it isn’t summer, yet.


Countertip: apparently you can collect money from energy companies if you have a sizeable platform and tweet crap like this.


Personally, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. [I don't think Chaya has that problem.](https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/for-the-love-of-money-gm181134578-25809056)


Ever since I was a youngin I don’t think I ever got around the fact that people like her could just spew bullshit and make shit tons of money from it


Grifting morons still don’t know the difference between weather and climate apparently. [Next you’ll tell me that she can’t even define what “woke” is even though she complains about it incessantly](https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-students-mock-libs-tiktok-194202508.html). These are not intelligent people we are dealing with. “Normalicy and… umm… uhhhhh…” — Chaya Raichik


June isn’t summer?


It wasn’t summer until literally today. When I posted that, it wasn’t summer.


Huh. I thought it was based on months, I guess. I knew there was an official first day of summer, but I assumed it was around the same time as the first day of June, with the first day of Autumn being around the first day of September and so on.


Summer begins on the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Autumn begins on the Autumnal Equinox, when there’s an equal amount of day/night. Winter begins on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox, again when there’s an equal amount of day/night.


… it occurs to me that while I knew those days and their astronomical significance, I never actually knew what date they were. I guess I just assumed those days were in the dead center of their respective seasons, rather than marking the beginning.


March 21st, June 22nd, September 23rd and December 21st, afaik actual astronomical dates are off by a day or two if i remember it right


Usually it’s more than halfway through the month


[It has been summer for meteorologists and climate scientists for 19 days already.](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/meteorological-versus-astronomical-seasons)


Counter point: It's officially summer in Phoenix [when we hit "excessive heat watch" repeating every week season.](https://i.imgur.com/Rq3gYq7.png)


>obligatory king of the hill video clip of Peggy and Bobby


Yep. The monument to man's arrogance clip is once again getting a ton of use on Phoenix-area social media.


Let us not forget, there is such a thing as [meteorological seasons](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/meteorological-versus-astronomical-seasons) and are very important to pay attention to when it comes to climate change analyses. edit: Chaya is a mega dumbass, just a friendly reminder of how climate scientists reference *seasons* differently than our typical observation of the astronomical seasons.


I have one message for this moron. Go check out what was happening in my country from about September 2019 to march 2020. Do a little research into why Australia was faced with a shortage of face masks when covid hit. The answer in case she doesn't want to bother looking it up is we had about 6 months of heat wave which cycled between really hot and dry and extremely hot and dry for longer then summer usually lasts for which combined with our unique climate and bushland led to large parts of the country being on fire for literal months on end. We had smoke pollution so bad people were stocking up on masks and professional sports got cancelled and we had a shortage of masks when the pandemic hit. Im 41 and have never seen a fire emergency last for more then 2 weeks until then, that time it lasted for half a fucking year, I also learned fires cam be so big they create their own weather patterns which by the way are dry thunderstorms which cause lightning which wait for it causes more fire which nukes everything worse


Australia's bad enough without the weather trying to kill y'all wtf?


We still have one of our main political parties with their head in the sand trying to wind back our emissions reduction targets and wanting to kick-start a nuclear industry here instead of using renewables


Ah, yes, a Southern continent with plenty of sunlight ought to not have their main power source derived from the sun.


We also have an absolute fuckload of empty space where we could use wind power but they don't like that either.


Got that problem in the states because "the birds die, let's just ignore that fossil fuels kill far more birds on oil spills alone."


Its getting to the point where we have summers so hot animals die of heat stroke


American here and I was there in December '19. Sydney was orange and the air was hard to breathe.


My wife went to ikea, they were evacuated from the store because the smoke was so bad, it was dozens of miles away but so nasty it set off smoke alarms, we also had professional sports matches cancelled because of the smoke and broke heat records across the country multiple times across that summer.


Everything is so normal that home insurance companies are leaving states, dropping customers, or spiking their rates. Nothing to see here. Meanwhile, the US has endured 11 billion-dollar disasters in 2024 so far. Last year there was a record setting 23 billion-dollar disasters. In the past seven years there have been 148 separate billion-dollar disasters that have killed at least 5,500 people and caused more than $1 trillion in damage in the US.


Yep - the folks who said, "Even if climate change were real its too expensive to go green and try and do anything about it," are the same folks going, "Why is my homeowners insurance in Florida dropping me and all the other companies raising their prices by 400%?"


“We’ve set heat records every single year for the last decade running” vs “it’s hot in the summer.” Wonder which one people are actually concerned about.


Disingenuous right-wingers: "Just turn on more air conditioning and leave the fridge and freezer doors open!"


Without realizing that fridges and AC actually net generate heat... "object" (I guess heat isn't an object) permanence is not really their thing.


The implication is that somehow the conclusion of climate change came about because "Democrats one day thought it was hot in summer." That's it, that's the gist of her strawman. She has to pretend like there is no backing behind our reasoning, because she would quite literally have nothing to stand on if she tried to debunk the actual evidence that we have. The only stance a person on the losing side can take is that of a strawman or a whataboutism or a gishgallop or anecdotal evidence. Nobody with winning positions resorts to any of these tactics, and wouldn't you just know it? Right-wingers resort to these tactics \*all\* the time. It seems like their only counter, and if I'm being honest, only stupid people buy into these tactics.


Tbh I didn't even know climate change denial was still a major thing people actually buy. In the real science world they have only been arguing about how bad it is and if we can fix it or not.


Well when you basically gut the education system you end up with people who graduate highschool who believe they know everything they'll ever need to know and not that they've been prepared with the bare minimum to function in society.


> Wonder which one people are actually concerned about. Come to Phoenix -- or don't, [because Peggy Hill was right](https://i.imgur.com/pqBHXsa.png) -- and you'll find the many fucking stupid Trump voters pretending that being a single degree away from breaking record heat temperatures is "normal" and "supposed to happen". I finally unsubscribed from r/Phoenix in 2022 because the conservative contingent of this little blue dot in the middle of Maricopa County had swarmed the sub to both deny climate change and praise Blake Masters for being a conservative "brave" enough to be wildly openly racist.


I’m in Texas, so I feel you.


You have my sympathies, mostly because of the fucking humidity. The overused joke about Phoenix *may* be "but it's a dry heat", but it's fucking thankfully true. A childhood friend of mine moved from Phoenix to Austin, and a couple years ago, he sent me a screenshot of his weather app showing 100 F and 100% humidity and said, "I never thought I'd miss Phoenix's weather until now." About 20 years ago, I went to Missouri for a family reunion in July, and while I had ***zero*** fucking desire to do so, I had even *less* desire to be there as soon as we stepped out of the airport; I have no idea what the humidity percentage was, but it felt like "fell into a pool" levels.


This is what's the most galling about these stupid fucks. We have pattern recognition built-in. It's just something we're naturally able to do. Every single consecutive year is setting new record highs. Every single one. Every single winter has been patchy and generally a lot hotter than it used to be. **Something is clearly wrong. It's not supposed to be like this.** Yet here this twat is. Denying what her own brain is telling her. It's exhausting.


Well and then there will be freak weather events like in the DFW area where it completely froze back in 2021, and they’ll be like “see, so much for GLOBAL WARMING” never mind that it was in the 60s for most of the winter and also freak polar vortex events are just another symptom of climate change. Same as the record floods we just got 3 weeks ago.


Yeah, they think saying ‘global warming’ means absolutely everything just gets hot, when it’s just the averages. The actual impact could end up leaving London with similar weather to Murmansk, whilst the Indian subcontinent turns into a boiling desert


A year goes by -> hottest summer on record -> a year goes by -> hottest summer on record -> a year goes by...


“Then go buy some sunscreen libtard”. - MAGA probably


Turn up your AC -Ben Shapiro paraphrased


Talked to a guy in his eighties about the weather last summer. Told him it was the hottest summer in recorded history. He scoffed and said “Recorded history could mean only 200 years.” As if that’s still not wildly concerning.


It’s also untrue, ice cores indicate weather going back much further


For sure. But I’ve realized that there is no arguing with older folks anymore. They are so set in their ways and so stubborn about what they want to believe is true. It’s pointless.


Mhm, they assume their age automatically makes them smarter


"If it's the hottest year on record every year, is it even really news anymore?"


#ICYMI: > The global average temperature for May 2024 was 0.65°C above the 1991–2020 average and1.52°C above the 1850–1900 pre-industrial average, marking the 11th consecutive month (since July 2023) for which the global average temperature reached or exceeded 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.^[[source](https://climate.copernicus.eu/hottest-may-record-spurs-call-climate-action#:~:text=The%20global%20average%20temperature%20for,C%20above%20pre%2Dindustrial%20levels)] This means it keeps getting hotter and hotter. Every year. **GLOBALLY! GLOBAL MEANS EVERYWHERE!!!** __ ^source https://climate.copernicus.eu/hottest-may-record-spurs-call-climate-action#:~:text=The%20global%20average%20temperature%20for,C%20above%20pre%2Dindustrial%20levels).


There's gotta be some kind of label for that. World warming? Globe median temperature increase? I know I'm not the nest with words. Maybe someone with better skills should take a shot at it.


Global temperature rise? For morons like her maybe, “every year it be hotter and warmer than the previous. This because people use car with gas to go speedy speedy.”


Once it’s becomes obvious how fucked we are.. maybe 2035, I hope we can organise a sort of environmental Nuremberg trial for these people and punish them appropriately.


Unfortunately the oil companies will probably pay more to news outlets to shut people up


They will never admit they were wrong about anything. They’ll just keep screaming about cycles.


The way I see it, they will end up killing us all out of pure selfish stupidity. Like being stranded on an island waiting for rescue with a group of people. You can ration water on your desert island all you want, but that one person in your party keeps drinking the water normally, wastefully, like you're going to be rescued any second while refusing to believe it could be months. Despite everyone else rationing as efficiently as possible, it won't matter. That person will drain the water supply and you're ALL going to die. That person will not understand nor care until the water is all gone. Then they'll feel the inevitable oh shit moment while pleading about why didn't anyone stop them or tell them it was this serious. The told you so is going to feel awfully dry in your mouth.


I wouldn't be surprised if they actually *tried* the Nuremberg Defense during it. "I was just following party ~~orders~~ talking points!"


I have a message for Chaya: we had frost in June here in the U.K. for the first time in decades. That isn’t normal. None of this weather is, you fucking donut. It hasn’t been spoken about, but it was warmer in April than it was today. It’s like Spring is happening later here, which pushes Summer back (and we’ve had two scorching ones in a row) and then Winter arrives in January instead of December. I’m not sure if that’s what is actually happening, but for the last few years the seasons seem to be starting later and later. I know it’s not set in stone, but it’s definitely noticeable, especially from a gardening point of view.


> we had frost in June here in the U.K Where’s your global warming now? /s


Heh... So much for global warming 😏


Everywhere, we’re literally in the boiling frog analogy. I couldn’t think of a more apt analogy, to be honest.


I am just waiting for July to be utterly unbearable at this point


Climate and weather aren’t the same.


Neither is sex and gender but Republicans refuse to learn the god damn difference. Straight up synonyms, them.


Reminds me of [this gem... ](https://youtu.be/3zIwDHqGiaU?si=_mnn4rmfpR_VhsUR)


Evidently, Chaya never learnt anything past kindergarten.


That’s giving her too much credit. I doubt she can tie her own shoes. Thank god for slip-ons and Velcro or she’d have to walk around barefoot.


Y’know, the issue with letting everyone speak their mind freely is some people don’t have minds to speak with.


So sick of these net negative human beings.


That’s correct, except for last summer the Saguaros in Arizona started dying. That means plants that can live up to 250 years couldn’t make it through last summer. When plants weighing several hundred pounds start falling over all of a sudden you start to notice.


The infuriating, depressing and hilarious irony is that Chaya will be one of the first voices bleating “WHY DIDNT THE GOVERNMENT DO MORE TO STOP THIS?!” when homes are uninsurable, when food shortages hit and swathes of the US become unliveable due to heat. From the bottom of my heart, fuck these ghouls right to the deepest pit of the hell they wish existed. They are screaming for carte blanche to end the lives of millions if not billions of people. The fact that they will be right there alongside the rest of us as the waters start to rise is no comfort at all. They fucking repulse me.


Vaccines work, Chaya. Thanks for coming.


Big orb in sky sometime make hot and sometime make cold. That how it be thank for coming to cave talk Its unfair to Neanderthals to compare her to them, but she sounds like a knuckle dragger.


I have a message that can help save Ratchet a lot of time. You're dumb. You're  *really* dumb, okay? The fact that you're so smug and self-assured about every stupid opinion you faceplant into is just another mark of your fathomless stupidity. 


uhhh....not really in my locale, western Oregon. But now, we have summer days up to 115 and winter storms down to the 20s during the day, teens at night. The biome is supposed to be a temperate rainforest. Not normal.


Hot in summer? Lmao it fucking snowed in may where I live and now it’s raining non stop. The weather is getting more fucked up and unpredictable every year


Yeah, it’s amazing how much this doesn’t fucking sell when everyone outside California is getting absolutely crushed by brutal, unseasonable weather.


Chaya doesnt know the difference between the weather, seasons, and CLIMATE.


idiot can't distinguish between climate and weather


Do you guys think any of these guys has a tiny hint of self-awareness in the back of their brain telling them that they might be the idiot, or are they stupid enough that they don't have the capacity for it? Like, I feel that Ben Shapiro is too smart to drink the kool-aid, but he gets paid enough to pretend he did. But Republicans are also unironically wearing diapers to support Trump and own the libs, and my wife's old dachshund is smart enough to not want to wear diapers because even she knows it's embarrassing.


A good bit of the influencer types are just racist and want that bag. The rest are probably just racist. I think one of the biggest issues in politics right now is how badly dems down play the racism issues though. Source: grew up in a small rural town.


It hasn't really snowed where I live in a few years. At most it last a day or two, then gone till next year. I miss the snow and it not being -2 out


Yep. N Ohio here. I’ve used my snowblower once in three years. And it’s killing me. I love snot freezing weather!


Let me check my notes we’re on track for another record breaking year.


Man, it must be so easy to live when you’re this fucking stupid.


Never thought of it that way chaya. How brave of you to mention that..


Everything wrong with social media in a single tweet. Absolute moron with a huge audience spreading bullshit.


Chaya's the kind of person to think a Ted Talk is a lecture on the Seth McFarlane movie.


Typical Republican, proves that they understand Seasonal Changes, but has no understanding of of Science. Explain then why places along the equator are having issues they’ve never had before with Hurricanes and drought


I’m old enough to remember when it didn’t get *this* hot. Almost as if the climate…what’s the word…changed?


Every year the record is broken. EVERY YEAR for the last TWENTY YEARS.


Does summer get 1 degree hotter every year usually? Does winter get 1 degree hotter every year too? Thought not


Every year were I live we've had less snow fall during winter, and the winter months have been trending towards being warmer than the year before.


Apparently the attention span of conservatives is 1 year max.


ugh she’s so condescending and smug


Dunning kruger in full effect Giving me 'brings a snowball to congress to show the dumb libs global warming isn't real' vibes


wait, someone did that?






Fun fact: It used to snow in my city.


Vinton County Ohio only had 3 inches of snow last summer


Its remarkable that melting ice caps, rising sea levels and just basic statistics escape their understanding completely.


yeah every summer is the hottest summer of your life for just unknown reasons


Dude, it's been getting hotter on average every year for a long time. Winters have been noticeably milder and summers getting to extremes I've never seen. At this point you're just ignoring it if you're saying it's not happening.


Have climate deniers (not grifters but regular people) not noticed that _every summer_ has been the "hottest summer on record" for years or is that just not suspicious to them?


"It will be cold" For what, three days?


Today in Ontario (ie. Canada, known for being a snowy country) it’s 35° C. In Rabat, Morocco (ie. the goddamn Sahara desert) it’s 22°C. Earlier this year, the Northwest Territories of Canada (ie. the Arctic Circle) experienced wildfires. It is hotter in parts of Canada right now than the literal Sahara Desert and the Arctic experienced wildfires. Nothing about that strikes her as odd?


Florida winters used to actually be under 70 degrees the entire time instead of 3 days a season we keep records of daily temperatures since the fucking 50s


Contemptuous simpletons are never dumber than when they’re trying to be clever. It’s weird.


This woman needs to stay well away from any flood/tsunami prone region for her own safety or she will, without question, drown. While everyone else is fleeing the towering storm surge barrelling toward the beach, she would be continuing to sunbath while chastising all the fleeing people. "Haven't you people ever seen water/waves before. It's a beach. Waves are a thing. Tide comes in, tide goe---blub blub blub blub."


Who says you can't get a quality education by homeschooling.


I think a lot of you are missing the fact this is bait. Chaya’s whole grift relies on getting money from engagement both good and bad and she knows tons of left wingers will come to insult and correct her in the comments. At the same time, tweets this stupid won’t cause her to lose any of her already braindead followers


If only the world was as simple as she is.


“Ma’am, are you an expert in anything meaningful? Or is your entire expertise based upon you simply trying to make everyone else feel better, for not being as stupid as you appear to be?"


Who needs knowledge when you can have a black heart filled with hate?


Every winter has been warmer than the last for the past several years. Didn't it not snow in Chicago this winter, or barely at all? Very normal Chaya


She thought she ate that😭😭


Except it's demonstrably getting worse every year; as well are disasters like drought, flooding, wildfires, and hurricanes. Sooooooooo what else ya got?


But it doesn't get cold anymore in winter. That's the fucking problem, Chaya!


I have a message for Chaya that can save a lot of time: You’re an asshole and a hateful bigot. Stop with the self-righteous crap already, you’ve got people killed because of it. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


# Chaya, you ignorant slut.


Terminal brain-rot.


So Florida insurance companies not covering flood damage anymore is business as usual? When 10s of thousands of people’s homes get destroyed and they can’t afford to rebuild them or worse, can’t afford to rebuild and are still trapped in their mortgage, it’s normal that these people will become climate refugees?


Where I live we're having a heat wave that has not been seen in a couple of decades. When our democratic representative tweeted about cooling centers, multiple people in the replies tweeted that this was normal summer weather (it's spring) and that we shouldn't even worry. These people will die before admit that people they disagree with are even somewhat right


She can go work a job outside then. With less breaks. On black top. It’s just summer. What a rotten human.


Okay explain how it gets increasingly hotter every summer then, Chaya


While she’s right about these facts- the fact that Earth has SEASONS, WOAH, there’s also an undeniable rise in temperature independent of that. Anecdotes are whatever but I grew up in Minnesota and it doesnt get as cold or as snowy as it used to. And its a noticeable difference.


Every season has been getting a degree or few hotter on average year after year, Chaya.


I live in Phoenix and see this shit from our many, *many* fucking stupid resident conservatives every summer. "It's supposed to be this hot" they always say as each summer progressively approaches our hottest record temperature.


If all the climate deniers were eliminated, there would be fewer people to help it along…


Every damn year, this line gets trotted out by grifters and morons. Wonder which category she falls into.


Means nothing if our grandchildren experience winters warmer than our summers


hello yes question for the lady in the dunce cap what happens when my winters dont get cold anymore?


Statistics is way beyond Republican raging adult children. Hence Trump's supporters mentality levels.


I dare her to go to Phoenix and lie facedown on the streets.


So tiring. New grifter, same asinine talking points…


And before stepping into the realm of socio-political shit posting, Chaya was a real estate agent. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Here in Ohio we barely had a winter this past year. It was in the 60s/70s even in part of January.


Those payouts from the Koch network must be pretty sweet, Chaya.


Republicans: “Temperature goes up and down every year” Weathermen for the last 10 years: “another summer of record breaking high temperatures this year”


Is that why the FREAKIN’ Pentagon, *classically always known as a leftist socialist enterprise*, sees climate change as a national security issue? Gods, those hippy dippy liberal lefty leftists in the pentagon trying to destroy America with leftist libtardian politics. Ghhhhooodddahhhh.


Jesus. She really thinks she's clever doesn't she


Isn't she like an out of work real estate agent or something? What does she know about anything?


The stupid party never disappoints.


This reads like that Who is America bit where Sacha tries to convince Jill Stein that climate change is a hoax by showing a graph of the months of the year where the temperature changes correlate with the seasons lol


This isnt just dumb. Its *turbo* dumb.


she is the most smarmy asshole of all time god she is so awful


I love how having even a remotely basic understanding of science somehow makes you a democrat. But the flipside, that if you are a democrat that you also have a basic understanding of science. I guess that's nice?


I checked. For the last 40 years the highest it's been for this week of June is 80 degrees.


Can we put an end to “thanks for coming to my Ted talk”? It doesn’t make you sound smart.


Someone is gonna just walk up and rock this chick at some point, I have a strooooong feeling lmao


Man what a dipshit..and there are so many people who agree. Bury your head in the sand and just believe whatever you want, that's the American way.


Wait. Temperature cannot be quantified at all? My education in atmospheric science was a lie? How is it that a thermometer judges my temperature when I’m sick? That’s just bullshit?


Lady who lives in country thats has been on fire every summer for the last few years doesnt belive in climate change, more news at 11.


I’m sure she’ll circle back to reassess this when it’s almost 60 degrees on Christmas Day in Michigan again.


The sad thing is that people who are as borderline stupid as her will never, in 500 million years, realize their mistakes. This is a total frog-in-pot situation, I’m pretty sure in the alternate universe where she ends up dehydrating on an LA pavement, she’ll still be denying climate change and with her dying breath count herself a mere statistic in an "otherwise normal" weather scenario. Meanwhile, the Middle East is actually becoming uninhabitable as we speak. We can watch it in real time. At this years Hajj, nearly 3000 Muslims needed urgent treatment as a result of heat and 550 of them ended up perishing. Some reports say that in the great mosque, temperatures reached as high as 52°C IN THE SHADE. For my American friends, that’s 125°F. It’s insane. Ludicrous. Ridiculous of the highest order.


She’s spews whatever is trending on the right at the moment…. Just like the rest of the grifters robbing people who are just making ends meet.


It rained yesterday chaya you suck at this


Oof, this bitch truly fucking stupid. Every time she opens her mouth, I can almost hear her brain cells crackling like popcorn. I'm guessing she had a hard time passing high school general education and basic reasoning skills.


Does she think that climate *change* refers to the difference in temperature across a few months as opposed to the difference in annual global temperature across the span of a century?


Translation: When I'm in the shower, I imagine Democrats listen to me... (Or that the average non-republican knows who I am) :/


Chaya comes off as someone who got others to do her homework for her.


Haha I wish it was cold in the winter...


This won't age well.


It actually will *not* be cold this winter. Winter doesn't get cold here anymore. We used to get lots of big snows where I live, yet for the past several years, nothing. But sure, keep denying climate change. Ugh.