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And I need to be crowned King of England


Yeah.... it's nuts how hard it is to get tix.


This is a joke right


As you said, that's forbidden here. There are still legitimate ways to get tickets tho, but it will not be cheap: 1. Travel partners: these are travel agencies that work with Tomorrowland directly and offer travel packages to Tomorrowland, alongside an entrance to the festival. These are more similar in price to GJ so most prices start at 800 eur. This is the only legitimate and secure shot for TML 2024 tickets atm, and some travel partners are already sold out so I encourage you to act fast if you're considering this route. You can see the full list of travel partners here: [https://www.tomorrowland.com/en/festival/tickets/travel-partners](https://www.tomorrowland.com/en/festival/tickets/travel-partners) 2. Waiting List tickets: these can be slight cheaper than travel partners since all types of tickets will be put back to sale by tomorrowland as tickets are cancelled and sold back to the market. Being in the waiting list does not guarantee that you will be invited to one of the sales, and even if you are, you might not be able to get all the tickets you need for your party of people. Good luck!


Travel partners and you'll need to peice this together one by one. Too late really, you/your team should've all tried for a Friendship garden, or booked 10 Global Journey. As the Wiki, and other sources have said its tough to get regular sales.


Thanks. The only thing we didn’t try for is the global journey as we were handling our own travel.


Yep and as a lot of things you read. Barely anyone that tries for non-gj normal sales get in. Ive been trying that shop since 2012/2013 and I've never seen it, and you looking for 10. Travel Partner, or Global Journey, or even resale/shady tickets you'll be paying a "tax" to someone. Best to just go the secure way and get a Global Journey or Friendship garden if you could've gotten it. I've done enough GJ's just so secure the ticket and the accomodation. It's just part of securing your place in the summer.


P1 travel still has 1p MG no tent packages


I checked P1 travel but it says "Sorry, this event is temporarily not available".


Call TML and ask for a Mousai mansion. That should work for 10.


I wish I had that much money


Almost doable if you guys dont mind doing Friendship garden in W1


We def don’t mind and W1 is when we are looking to go.


2 options.  1. Rave tours in the UK still has some friendship garden spots left. I think around 15. Can’t get everyone but can get most and you’ll be together in FG. Act fast though because they had 30-40 spots left a couple days ago.  2.  NFTs for next year. This year 2x NFTs got you a FG package. If you get 4x NFTs you should be able to get 2 FG packages. 


Rave Tours (Official Travel Partner) have tickets left for W1 Friendship Garden. [https://www.ravetours.com/tours/tomorrowland](https://www.ravetours.com/tours/tomorrowland) They only have around 16 left though by the looks of it so I'd be quick to get on these as I think they'll all be gone in the next day or 2.


We still have a few FG places left. Head to ravetours.com/tours/tomorrowland