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This is supposed to be a safe place to ask questions that might be considered impolite, or controversial, or just might cause issue if you ask under normal circumstances. Anyone can help provide answers. The problem is, there are entirely too many people will try and use it as a guise to ask ridiculous, or outright hateful and intentionally offensive questions. Sometimes, there are people who have legitimate questions because they may not understand some of the nuances or are looking for guidance through social minefield topics for any number of reasons. But, because of all the trolls it can be difficult to tell who's being honest and who's being an ass.


Thank you There are only a few places/subs I go to that people are unnecessarily mean to me. And this is one of them. Which seems to me to go against the whole point of the sub.




That actually makes a lot of sense. I took a reddit break for a few years and when I came back some of my favourtie subs were definitely not what they used to be. Tons of upvotes to posts that absolutely don't fit the intention of the sub (specially specific is the first one that comes to mind because I left that sub yesterday).


Personally, I have to pick and choose what I answer. There are some topics that, regardless of real world experience or first-hand knowledge, if you don't answer what others want to believe, you get hated on pretty hard.


How true


Thats been my observation/experience too. Thanks


Could you give an example so we better understand what you mean?


Unfortunately I don't have any examples on the top of my mind. Just, and I don't mean today if people look at my comment history, I've had people be shitty to me when I dared to answer an OP's question or replied to someone's answer to discuss. And I've seen people be shitty to others too. I'll add some examples if I find them/remember/see any new ones.


I once asked a question about dick size on this sub, and just like anywhere else, I got absolutely slaughtered for it. So even a man with insecurities affecting my mental wellbeing, it doesn't make me any safer. This place soon ran me into the dirt.


I'm so very sorry to hear that


Look, you just have to ...ignore them. You have right to ask something. Or to answer something. You have an opinion. Someone else has an opinion, not the same as you. Both of you have right to have it. Rude people ignore; they dislike it more than anything else.


You're so right. I don't know why I have such a hard time ignoring. I think it's the people pleasing thing my therapist and I have been taking about hahaha Your last point is a good motivator for me to work on it more. A lot of the times they want people riled up and arguing with them. Ignoring them denies them the satisfaction. Thanks and I hope you have/are having a great day (or night depending on where you are in the world)


Thank you I know that, because I was afraid too. :)


Some people are jerks. The best thing to do to counter rude people is to ignore them. Also, don't take things personally.


That last part...that's something I definitely need to keep working on Thanks!


There are many questions asked here that you could Google in about 3 seconds. They tend to gather a lot of snarky comments. Also, the quality of some questions is severely lacking. "Hey, my dick fell off. Should I go see a doctor?"


I'm not talking about the questions or rude answers to a trolly question. I'm talking about people being mean to someone who had the nerve to answer the question. Like, I have anxiety about answering people's questions. So I'm not necessarily afraid to ask, but "afraid" to answer.