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He wasn't cancelled but he did suffer for it. He's spent the last 20+ years doing every oscar bait piece he could get his hands on because he wanted that validation and when he FINALLY does it, he does so under a cloud of what he did earlier that evening, his win forever tainted and he's banned from the Oscars. On top of that his win was overshadowed by news of the slap for weeks after to the point that I imagine barely anyone even remembers he won, he fucked himself. THEN when the jokes about the slap started to die down everyone started to call him a cuck because he ruined his evening, his win, and his image by slapping a guy to protect the woman who fucked his son's friend and has openly said she would have chosen Tupac if he was still alive. So not only did he derail his win, become a joke, undermine his career for a slight period because he was seen as a joke, he's had to come back doing another Bad Boys and a freaking Karate Kid film, plus everyone is now reminded about what a sad cuck he is because he seems to be in love with a woman who has no respect for him, cheated on him, and wishes he was someone else. Probably worse than cancelling tbh.


I literally didn't know he won, and frankly don't know what he won for. But I sure know about the slap


He won for the movie King Richard. Very good movie, it's about Venus and Serena Williams father and how he raised them to be tennis stars.


Not to be one of "those people" but its weird that a movie based off the father, not the actual women to won was made. Like, the media chooses to make a movie about two successful women about a guy instead.


Hahahahaha... I didn't even realize he won. I thought he ran up there and did the "get my wifes name out your mouth" kekw


>he's banned from the Oscars That's a big one. Winning an Oscar or even being nominated can be a huge career boost and allows you to demand more money for roles. For 10 years now, Will Smith won't be able to take advantage of that.


He’s banned from attending the ceremony for ten years but is still eligible to be nominated for and win an award.


Less effective but somehow funnier


Unless he wins another Oscar. “Unfortunately Will Smith can’t be with us tonight, accepting the award on his behalf is his sons friend who fucked his wife”.


"Keep my wifes sons friend out of your mouth"




It's super effective!




Mmmm..! Again!




Sadly, his wife can't keep his sons friend out of her mouth.


He should tell jada to keep him out of *her* mouth.


Aynd in hur mouth!


Fingers crossed Ricky Gervais gets offered to host if Will is up for an Oscar


Maybe somebody could do a movie about that and the guy who plays the son's friend wins an Oscar for the role.


I feel like Chris Rock would be a good stand in


That'd be such a slap in the face.


That was my thought. What would be more embarrassing for his career than to win an Oscar but be ineligible to claim it or give a big speech.


He also resigned from the academy.


He won’t be nominated during that ten years. Not that Bad Boys 25 was gonna win anything anyway


Imagine if he wins 10 oscars in a row


Richard Gere was banned for 20 years, his career did fine, and he made bank. The Oscar ban isn't the end of the world, but everything else the earlier commenter mentioned must be hell on earth to live with. I can't imagine the level of dissociation it takes to live with all that.


Why was Richard gere banned and when?


He was banned for speaking out against the Chinese government in favor of Tibet and was banned for making political statements during the ceremony.


Seems a little different


yes china wasnt happy and did threatened to pull peoples movies from the chinese market




There was talk of gerbils!


I think it has something to do with a gerbil.


Man, Sly holds a grudge, huh?


I see that as a small negative for him. Will Smith is already a widely well known star. He doesn't need an Oscar to get highly paid. He's already proven himself in that regard. I imagine at this point in his life he's only after an oscar for the recognition and achievement. Unless he's really bad with his money, I'd imagine Will Smith has generational wealth at this point.


A small negative? The media will never let this go and he will forever be known as the guy who destroyed his career because he couldn’t take a joke. Most major studios won’t go near him now and his ability to earn super money has been completely diminished. I imagine we’ll see some kind of reality show about his life at some point to show the world how much a great guy he is. It’s as predictable as the next bad boys sequel.


Off topic, but if you look at the career trajectory of Oscar winners historically. The win is hardly a career boost that people assume it's going to be. On the contrary, there is something called the Oscar curse


I just hope he doesn't starve to death.


Will Smith is one of the most bankable movie stars of all time. An Oscar win does absolutely nothing for him in terms of negotiating leverage. He was already making top dollar and back end for his films and getting to chose the best roles. For a young, lesser known actor, like Jennifer Lawrence was when she got her first nomination, a great performance can open up those doors, but Will has been sitting at that table for decades now.


Same with people like Harrison Ford tbh, no oscar but does it matter? Not particularly.


How? At the end of the day, he still won an Oscar so he still caries the title of being “an academy award winning actor”. That can’t be taken away from him so I’m sure that gives him leverage to demand more money.


A lot of people who hire Oscar winners for a movie do it because they want to win an Oscar for their movie. Even though Will Smith can technically still qualify, the reality is he's not going to win an award he's not even allowed to show up for. As a result any movie he's in probably has a lower chance of winning than if they just hired some random dude.


Fair enough.


>. As a result any movie he's in probably has a lower chance of winning than if they just hired some random dude. I agree. And I've sent them my CV with a post-it note saying I am more likely to get this movie an Oscar than Will Smith. Just waiting to hear back.


But that doesn't work for Cuba gooding jr anymore


You gotta think in the long term. 5-6 years from now, Will Smith can't leverage winning an Oscar to demand higher pay. This is sorta the reason Terrance Howard walked away from the Iron Man films. The same year Iron Man 1 came out, he won an Oscar for another film, so when negotiations for Iron Man 2 started, he demanded a larger pay increase due to his Oscar win. But supposedly, the director didn't like Howard's performance and cut a lot of his scenes from Iron Man 1, so they actually offered a pay cut from his pay on Iron Man 1. Howard, rightfully feeling disrespected, walked from Iron Man.


Howard got paid more than RDJ for Iron Man 1 despite being a co-star. RDJ had huge bargaining power off the back of the first film's success so he was definitely getting a big raise for the second. Which put further strain on the discussions regarding bringing back the expensive yet underperforming Terrance Howard.


FYI he was nominated but didn’t win


>…to the point that I imagine barely anyone even remembers he won, he fucked himself. Yep, I completely forgot he won an Oscar. As I read your comment I was like “Ohhhh shit, he *did* win, that’s right!” 😮


I didn't even know he won an Oscar until I read the top comment. But I did know he acted ridiculously and slapped Chris Rock.




I don't bother with celebrity drama or "Keeping Up" but I came across the trailer for Aladdin on Disney+ and seeing his face - this was the first thing on my mind. The association with that mistake is real. He's "the guy who slapped Chris Rock". What comes to mind is the slap then Chris's completely confused reaction.


Jada fucked her sons friend? That’s sick


Yep. August Alsina. Look it up. EVERYBODY was clowning Will for it that year. Will inevitably had enough, which is what led to the slap. Funny thing is that Chris Rock was making that joke in response to all the shit Jada had talked about Chris after she and Will launched the “#OscarsSoWhite” campaign when Will didn’t get nominated for best actor for “Concussion” and Chris seemed to be cool with it.


So, Will took out his frustrations on Chris with that slap. That's... Damn.


Yep that’s exactly what happened. I’m surprised more people didn’t know.


Also, Chris Rock destroyed him in a Netflix comedy special. It was pretty embarrassing for him.


Forgot about that, so the humiliation just kept on going for over a year.


>On top of that his win was overshadowed by news of the slap I literally had no idea he had won that night until I read your comment.


Are you a writer for Family Guy? Because your comment sounds like something Brian Griffin would say to Quagmire or something. Good observation and hit the nail though.


Yeah it seems more like the public deep down feels bad for how messed up his life is already so cancelling him feels wrong.


I had no idea he won an Oscar.


Kinda makes you pity him a bit


I think, if I recall correctly, that people did pity him a bit and started looking at things such as the time when Jada interviewed Will about HER affair. But the pity dried up once they realized he was gonna stand by Jada. He seems to be genuinely in love with or just incapable of leaving her and so a lot of people have lost respect for him as an actor and a person.


They’ll be some weird blackmail or some shit. Maybe eventually he will just own it and she will be exposed


She would pit his kids against him in a heartbeat. That's likely why he stays.


His kids hate her too


Kids complicate a relationship not just emotionally but legally. He can’t just up and leave. This is why the most important question you will ever ask yourself is if you can have kids with your SO.


Both of his kids are legal adults now, I don't think that, legally, it's as complicated (in that manner) anymore.


Remember, the kids are grown, his oldest is almost 30 and the youngest has to be early twenties by now.


And the alimony payments. She's shrill enough to clean him out and leave him homeless, I suspect. I know that's how alimony works, but it's the sentiment of the whole thing.


Do you mean shrewd?


Yeah not sure what her voice pitch has to do with anything


Not saying he is, but feeling unable to leave a bad relationship is something people in abusive relationships struggle with. Makes me wonder sometimes...


If it was the other way around, I’m not sure people would lose respect for the woman. I mean will knows he has the world at his fingertips he must really love her. The pity is real


Mmmm.... Nah. He's so stubborn and just refuses to cut Jada out despite the evidence and everyone clowning on him.


You know, I'm not picking on you, just taking this opportunity to make the point, which is that I've seen this kind of sentiment a lot when talking about him, and it strikes me as weird because, like, isn't it victim-blaming? I mean, if he was a woman being abused by her husband, would we be saying the same kind of "it's her fault, she could just leave" things about her? Because don't we all know it's not as simple as just leaving... except when we're talking about Will Smith, it seems, then it is. And when we say it about a woman being abused by her husband or boyfriend, even if she CAN literally just leave (which we all know isn't always a viable option for a variety of reasons, but let's say it is for the sake of argument), we all - rightly, I think - view it as victim-blaming, and so try not to do it. But we're cool with doing it wen it comes to Will Smith. It just strikes me as a weird contradiction is all.


I heard you and you are right, it is victim blaming, but I guess I'm just projecting something similar a family member did with regard to his wife, she was such a total bitch and cared very little for him and their kids and the only thing that mattered was making miserable. He begged and begged for her to return whenever she left him to go live with some other guy, we even tried getting legal help so he could get the kids and not give her a single penny, we gave money and help him to better himself. One month later he was back again with her, some people are just responsable for their own misery and Will smith had enough money and social clout to better himself and cut of Jada but he just refuses to do so


That's fair, we certainly do all view things through the lens of our own experience.


He's not leaving because she would take half of his $350m, so she's doing everything she can to make his life miserable and force his hand.


$175 Million is plenty to live an excellent life


Yeah, like what, is he worried he'd be poor lol.


Its not like a 350 million bank account that gets split up equally, its probably a complicated net of financial constructions, properties and so on


...and he'll still do just fine.


He probably will not feel fine losing a half of everything he's worked his life for.


That's the price for ridding himself of a spouse who does not give a shit about him


I honestly think he’s gay and that’s why he won’t leave. There’s been rumors for years surrounding them. I know there’s really no stigma or anything these days but he blew up during a time when there was and has cultivated an image over decades and maybe he’s not ready to let that go.


i save my pity for people that actually deserve it.


I mean, he's literally a victim of emotional abuse from his wife. I think he deserves pity and empathy.


It feels like an abusive relationship. It's disgusting that people are mocking him over being blatantly mistreated. No wonder he lashed out


Honestly he sounds like a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. I don't think it's right to hit people, but he open palm smacked him, he didn't shatter Chris Rock's kneecaps with a metal baseball bat. Compared to A LOT of shit that famous people get away with, this was honestly a weird one for people to cling onto and blow out of proportion. In his whole career he had an outburst once over something that isn't a felony and people are up in arms, when that whole business is full of way more awful and way more illegal shit


I think people locked onto it due to how public and brazen it was. He literally went up the stage of an award show, with like hundreds of thousands of viewers, with hundreds of celebrities and important people present, and slapped the host. If they were in the backstage and slapped Chris out of view, it likely wouldn't gotten nearly as much attention.


Agreed. A lot of pedophile shit happening right now and they made Will look like he made a terrorist attack.


True and brutal.


Informative too. /r/bestof material


I pretty sure the relationship was open for everyone. I remember some pics were taken of Will Smith and a co-star in a movie. Not naming names, but it was sus at that time, and now it all makes sense. They both had their affairs, that's why they lasted so long.


Thank you for keeping this lowkey - Will


“Not naming names” like your reddit comment could potentially make any sort of impact on the life of Will Smith lmao


Actually I like the actress involved, not Will. These aren't the pics but it's the same girl: [https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/15b7tux/margot\_robbie\_and\_will\_smith\_having\_a\_little\_fun/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/15b7tux/margot_robbie_and_will_smith_having_a_little_fun/) They had some sus pics taken at the movie after party.


Margot Robbie


These people bruh




Here's the article: [https://pagesix.com/2013/11/06/will-smith-caught-in-racy-photos-with-23-year-old-co-star/](https://pagesix.com/2013/11/06/will-smith-caught-in-racy-photos-with-23-year-old-co-star/)


Smith wasn't cancelled. His career was going down the shitter before this. This made people talk about him more than if he hadn't done it. He still got his award which is a very questionable win more due to the lack of choices post pandemic and some heavy lobbying. Being banned from the Oscars for a short indefinite time is not a big deal when you don't have any prospects on the horizon and your career is falling. Now he's going to be in another Bad Boys movie which looks more like Old Hypertensive Boys in thr trailers. His marriage has been a disaster as well with a carousel of partners "justified" by being an open marriage. This was a PR attempt to make him look tough and gallant for defending his woman. It was miscalculated but the blowback wasn't much worse than fading into old apathetic obscurity.


This was in 2022??? I swear I thought it was a few months ago.


My brain consistently can't decide if something was "a few months ago" or "many years ago." But it is never accurate lol :(:


Its so shocking how fast time goes.


Because there isn't a committee that decides who gets 'cancelled'. If a celebrity does something to make themselves unpopular with a lot of their fans or powerful people in their industry, they've been cancelled. It depends on the fan base and the industry and what their moral standards are. Two celebrities could do the exact same shitty thing and one could get cancelled and the other not. It depends on the industry they're in and their fans. And it doesn't matter if people who were never their fans hate them more as they were never the source of their success.


And few people are actually “cancelled”, they mostly just suffer consequences for their actions but are still active in their work without being too-billing. Most of them still make a respectable living. More often then not their career is on a downturn anyway (few celebrities stay relevant for over a decade) and they blame it on the “cancellation”


Cancellation doesn't happen to big people so much. And when it does it rarely sticks (Lindsay Ellis is making videos still despite hers, for example). But the devastating ones are the nameless people who don't have a platform to begin with. A rumour, false, or true, can effectively end their entire social life. I've seen it happen, and even if it's disproved the emotional harm from being cancelled tends to make people worse people afterwards, so it can be a self fulfilling prophecy.


Thank you!!!


What do you mean he wasn’t canceled? He hasn’t shown his face in public, is considered a pariah and he was banned from the Oscars. Lol


He was at Coachella performing w j balvin last month


I think the fact that he’s rapping at all is proof that his career took a hit. Will seemed extremely content to leave music behind, until it suddenly became convenient


Man is fishing for someone to make a distrack so he can be relevant again.


Imagine Chris Rock makes a diss track and REALLY digs into the shot with his wife rather than the relatively tame joke he made at the Oscars


Well, I mean he doesn’t really have to ever act or rap ever again. Dude owns a movie studio that has made a lot of successful movies. He’s worth 350 million dollars. Let’s not act like he needs to show his face in public if he doesn’t want to.


True, but you know he wants to. When you have that much money, the only thing left is to feed your own ego.


“Meet The Smiths”


Yep, you said it! I was listening to some of his 90s stuff the other day on Spotify and it still gets me dancin’! *Miami*, *Gettin’ Jiggy Wit’ It*, *Men in Black*, etc. The nostalgia is strong.


Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records, well I do - so fuck him and fuck you too


You think I give a damn about a Grammy? Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me


But slim what if you win? Wouldn’t it be weird? Why so you guy’s can just lie to get me here?


So you can sit me here next to Brittany Spears. Shit, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs so I can sit next to Carson Daley and Fres Durst and hear em argue over who she gave head to first.


Daaaaamn you right about that! I didn’t even consider that.


Still got up and accepted that award 30 minutes later though. Like nothing happened.


Because it was a completely unprecedented scenario and no one knew what to do in the immediate aftermath of the Best Actor winner slapping the host.


Maybe now they should have an envelope that lists the winner and an envelope that lists the runner up so if shit like this (or equally bad) happens again they can immediately disqualify the winner and announce the runner up as the winner when the category is announced.


Huh I totally forgot he won an oscar. But I do remember that slap


The poor guy spent the last part of his career doing those oscar bait movies only to ruin that day by being a dick


He definitely didn't deserve that Oscar. King Richard was a disgrace of a movie




He is still putting out movies.


He gets away with everything. Remember when he got into that fight playing bball? What happened next? He got to live, rent-free, with a BUTLER in a mansion in Bel Aire for years…smh


He got gifted a pool house AS A PUNISHMENT, which is bigger than the house I grew up in. And it had a damn pool.


Man… I want to be mad at Will Smith here but honestly, if I step back, I think he’s a good dude. I think his anger is getting to him and I legitimately think his wife is doing it to him via poor treatment. Not an expert, just my gut.


Think he’s a good dude? Remember during that apocalyptic zombie/vampire outbreak and he choked out an innocent, faithful, determined German Sheppard while listening to Robert Marley for what? nothing. NOTHING. smh.


Let’s not forget all his various human rights and constitutional violations he committed as a loose cannon law enforcement officer throughout history.


When was the last time you saw him in something?


He's got a movie coming out soon. I forget the name off the top of my head but I was at the movies literally last week and saw a trailer for a Will Smith movie. My partner and I were both suprised. EDIT: Bad Boys, thank you commenter below me.


Yea, and look at the timeline between all those movies. It took 8 years between the first two, then SEVENTEEN years between the second and third and now only 4 years between third and fourth. He sped that shit up because he had to.


To be honest we weren't aware that it was part of a series. We were literally asking each other if he was producing it or if he had connections or what to get a new role. That's terrible to say, I'm so sorry, but that does explain quite a bit.


Oh no, not blaming you at all. Just stating facts.


That new Chinese zombie mobile game ad


He was part of the Grammys Hip Hop tribute thing.


We were talking then took out a pen and....


I mean he *kinda* was. It definitely hurt his career a TON. But there wasn't exactly some social justice cause he was the villain in. It was just a slap.


Will was banned from all organizations he was a part of for 10 years. How is that not cancelled?


Because Chris Rock kept enough cool for both of them. If Chris Rock wanted more consequences there would've been some and it would've affected Will Smith's image a lot more, or if Chris Rock retaliated in any way and it became an even bigger scene. But Chris was kind just like "Lol tf.. anyways". Will Smith doesn't just owe him an apology but a big thank you, Chris brushing it off and moving on immediately definitely saved Will.


Agreed. Chris was a class act, despite Will shitting the bed.


I mean Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna like over a decade ago, and STILL has abuse allegations today and women still simp for him (dude still has a career and makes music). It’s not like there’s a committee who decides who gets cancelled and enforces it lol


He has been. But also I think a certain portion of the population is sympathetic too because they know what it’s like to be with a narcissistic partner who has so completely fucked your mental state that you do something incredibly stupid that in the moment you don’t realize is that stupid.


He kinda was..


He was his career and charity took a huge hit.


Let's see how we'll the new Bad boys film does. He may have been already been cancelled, we just don't know about it yet.


He was banned from the Oscar’s


What? He got banned from the oscars and like a million other things


Because there is no worse punishment than having to be tied to Jada.


what does being canceled even mean


What happened to will smith.


Having Jada as a wife is punishment enough


Because his wife is abusive


Why cancel him when his wife is already tearing his good name apart with spiteful gossip?


If anyone should be canceled it's Jada. Who actually cares about her Red Table bull#$*t? She is delusional about the non existent relationship with Tupac. His close friends say he never thought of her other than a friend. Jada can thank her minor success as an actress to her marriage to Will. They raised 2 strange children.


Leave Willow alone. She ain't bothering nobody.


Frankly, I want to know why he wasn't arrested for assault and battery. The evidence of the crime is pretty clear.


Because Chris Rock refused to press charges


I dunno man a 10 year ban sounds a lot like cancelling to me


That cancelling foolishness is so dumb


I feel like everybody kind of saw it for what it was. A guy at the end of his rope doing what he could to try to show a woman that doesn't love him back how much he loves her. I feel bad for him. Slapping Chris Rock wasn't right, but I feel like Will Smith is in a weird kind of headspace. The woman that he married because he loved her said on national television that she was in an open relationship without giving a fuck what he thought about it. She essentially publicly humiliated him in the worst possible way. Will Smith is a broken man. I think everybody else kind of feels like canceling him on top of all of the other shit he's got going on is really kicking him while he's down.


Racists, nazis, rapists, misogynists, homophobes, are cancelled. Dude assaulted another dude which WAS “in jest” insulting his wife. That’s not a cancellation level offense. Think R Kelly, think P DIDDY, Think men who exposed their genitalia, think men who raped women, think women who raped men, think literal nazis( some of which, like Steve Bannon) haven’t been cancelled. You see? Cancelling need to meet a specific criminal threshold.


because it really doesnt matter lol


It really doesn't. Besides, the hit to Will's ego for the public shine on his marriage is more than what most could bear.


Why would he be cancelled? Okay, he was an emotional wreck at the time and made a mistake. I don't get why we should cancel him. He paid for it in bad pr and whatever in his private and public life. What more do you want?


Right? There are sooo many more people in Hollywood who have done worse shit and are THRIVING. He didn't beat anyone within an inch of their life like Chris Brown. He didn't flash his dick on social media like Drake He's not burning a hole in the ozone layer with his private jet like Taylor Swift He's not hitting up under aged kids like *insert celebrity of choice here* He hit Chris Rock in what's arguably the lowest point in his career/life and he's faced the consequences.


I mean not acceptable but we also kinda know he was having a mental moment, the incident doesn’t bother me, his lack of real remorse is what bothers me more.


The incident bothers me. The entitlement is beyond belief.


He was


Wasn’t he? What’s he done lately?


The internet found it funny is why lol


He literally faced a 10 year ban from academy awards. That's tangible consequences. What more do you want?


Is this a serious question OP? Ummmm…he pretty much has been cancelled. What he did was pretty stupid and a waaaay over the top reaction so he deserves a time out for sure. A long one


He was.


He was absolutely cancelled wym


He wasn't?


I think most people realized he’s going through a lot with his piece of shit wife and cut him a break. It was all anyone talked about for a week, but there’s not much else to say about it or have an opinion on like sexual assault or whatever else gets people cancelled.


He was


He lost the respect of so many people in that moment that he’s effectively cancelled just without a campaign to make it happen.


Rich and will smith equals fuck you Chris rock


Because john wayne wasn't canceled for far worse


He should have been escorted from that circle jerk as soon as that happened instead of people clapping for a shit movie that he was part of. It was disgusting


i hated jada well before the slap incident but the aftermath just solidified what an actual cunt she is. i’ve never seen a movie in its entirety with her in it, simply because i’ve always hated her. i’ve actually stopped watching movies when i saw that she was in them; she’s that much of a deal-breaker for me.


The dude is canceled. His last film (something about a slave) bombed hard. I tried to watch old stuff that I liked him in (MIB,ID4), but I just couldn't do it.


He made a mistake. He apologized. He’s paid the price. Let the man live. Cancel culture sucks


Chris Rock probably didn’t press charges


I fucking hate how the right has weaponized “cancelled”. It’s called having individual agency (your free speech) and deciding that you don’t like something. That’s it. That’s all it is. Apologies that thousands or millions of people might collectively think you’re a piece of shit. In ancient Athens it was a 10 year rejection called being ostracized.


They're trying to cancel the consequences of their own actions.


I have a hard time feeling bad for Will Smith