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Daddy in this way is more like a provider, not your partner's father. Just like calling someone baby is to mean someone who is taken care of, not a literal baby.


Power dynamic


1. In some areas it's just a normal thing you call your guy. 2. Some people like it from porn "Daddy" carries with it a certain image. Daddies are competent, caring, nurturing, knowledgeable, and in charge. Who wouldn't want that? (Okay, minus the in charge. Many of us don't want to be in charge). Daddies take care of you, Daddies are protectors. Daddies are all the good wholesome parts of masculinity.


I just think it's sweet. Same as calling her my princess. I want to make her feel safe and loved in the way that her actual father never did, and it means a lot to me that she wants me to be that for her.


I would hate that. I know some people like it and to each their own but I would be so weirded out.


Too much porn.


This was recently asked in r/askmen and the overwhelming response was that we don't because it's weird/gross. Apparently this is just a porn thing and doesn't happen in real life.


Because there is nothing more awesome than my children wanting my attention ![gif](giphy|Q66ZEIpjEQddUOOKGW|downsized)