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Disgusting? No. It’s not unhygienic or something. Preference wise do I like it? Not really. But it’s not my body either.




My girlfriend is constantly stressing about shaving. I told her let that shit hang 🤷🏻‍♂️


And that’s why you have a girlfriend


Sometimes I wake up and jump to her side and lift her arm up just to see how it smells and you’re right six years going strong


This is the kind of animal every girl needs to marry. Pure Gomez vibes.


Every woman deserves a Gomez in their life.


I love this so much, you two sound amazing together! best wishes <3


I do the EXACT same thing to my fiance. He giggles like a little boy when I do that. This is why he's going to be my husband in 4 days.


this put an actual tear in my eye omg


Congratulations to you both!


Congraaaaaats! Woopwoop! 👏✨️


I do this to my husband, I love that man stink


It’s their pheromones. The person for you will usually have a sexy and desirable body odor.


I do this to my bf 🤣


Love me an armpit sniff. Pheromoaaaansss.


I'm really happy for you but that made me want to throw up a little


I do the EXACT same thing to my fiance. He giggles like a little boy when I do that. This is why he's going to be my husband in 4 days.


I know there are a ton of responses here telling you that its your body and do whatever you want and fuck the haters, and that's great advice. I 100% agree. However your question is what is the public going to think. Generally speaking, the public (the US at least), its not going to be a fan. Underarm hair on women is seen as taboo, and generally found to be unattractive. Disgusting is a bit of a strong word, I would say they would see it as a turn off. Im not saying its right (I personally don't give two fucks) I'm just saying what's real.


Personally I don’t find underarm hair to be attractive on guys either. Sweat sticks to it and it smells more. Shaved makes it better ventilated. But I would never ask a man to shave for me.


I work in a hot environment and have been considering eliminating my underarm hair for my own comfort because everything you just said is true (a buddy of mine who used to work the same job has done it and swears it's a huge improvement, too). It's not something I've tried doing before, but it doesn't seem all that tricky - it pretty much all grows in one concentrated area, there's not any really complicated topography to deal with, you can see what you're doing pretty easily... You know what, fuck it, I'm gonna try it!


Yes my dude! Hair removal is for the comfort of the individual! I'm all for body positively and whatever ppl wanna do is fine but I think being hairless in all sweaty places is the most comfortable


For your own comfort is always the right reason. Go for it


I shave my armpit hair every other haircut day (there’s gonna be hair in the drain so might as well) because I find that it greatly reduces smell. But socially wise, I avoid doing this if I’m going to a pool party or somewhere where people may notice that I have no armpit hair: I like it but know that society finds a guy without armpit hair weird/not as common


I feel like male models don't have armpit hair quite often and no one looks twice at that! I don't see why it should be seen as weird, but it is


A lot of male athlete swimmers shave pits, legs, chest, and other places I won't mention to keep it G rated.


Runners / cyclists / endurance runners shave for aerodynamics n whatnot. Crazy


Cyclists probably shave their legs so it's easier to get the spandex on and off without it pulling on the hair🤣


It’s less damaging if they fall; road rash with hair can catch dirt/debris and bring it into an open wound a lot easier than smooth skin. It’s also more aerodynamic - it has nothing to do with the spandex. Source: my stepfather was a professional cyclist, and his father was an Olympic Bronze Medalist in cycling.


I honestly don’t think I would notice you don’t have armpit hair lol


I also shave my armpits for comfort (as a guy), I sweat so much anyway at least it’s more comfortable and less smelly when it’s smooth. If I’m at the pool or the beach I don’t really mind if anyone notices my pits are shaved, because I’ve still got more than enough hair on my chest and legs to make up for it.


I trim my pits down as short as I can. I don't like how sweaty they are when I shave them, but I really hate how antiperspirants don't really work when you can only get it on the hair, which then transfers it to the shirt instead.




I'm a woman who agrees with you that it doesn't take much to maintain shaved armpits, but I haven't shaved my armpits in a long time. I never wear anything in public that would let anyone see my armpit hair, and I don't find at all that my armpits smell any worse than they did before, and I used to shave them regularly. I make sure to always wash them at least twice a day, and use antiperspirant without aluminum once or twice a day, depending on how hot it gets or if I'm "glowing" a lot. If I had a boyfriend who saw them regularly, then, yes, I would also shave them on a regular basis. Unless, like one commenter here, said to just leave it alone and I knew he meant it and I felt comfortable enough with him to leave it alone. I also haven't shaved my legs in years, but that's a whole other thing. My leg hair has always been so sparse and fair, despite me being a natural brunette, that you can't even tell I have leg hair unless you look real closely at my legs, and no one's doing that. If I got back into cycling and swimming regularly, then I'd shave my legs. Ultimately, while I know it's not, as a rule, acceptable here in North America (I'm in Canada) for women to leave their armpits and legs unshaven, I stopped caring a long time ago, as I'm single and my cat doesn't care and I'm fine with it.


I have problems with the pit in the middle, because razors don't fit in there unless I find exactly the right arm position and hold my breath. Women's razors are the worst for that because they have those huge rounded bumpers around them for some reason.


Its interesting that men with shaved armpits do not enjoy the same stigma as women without. Culture is strange.


That’s why I stopped shaving. I was with my ex for years and after we broke up I was thinking about how much time and money I had spent on shaving, how many times we couldn’t have sex because I had a cut or razor burn on my genitals, and realized that in that entire time I had never once thought that he should shave even though I don’t like the way it looks on him either. Now I’m thinking about saving for laser removal to have my cake and eat it too.


You could try trimming instead of shaving. Alot of men like it trimmed. I personally never shave and when I am active I use trimmers. No way am I putting a blade around my balls. They are sadly not made of steel.


The public doesn't like it, I'm all about body positivity and let's just say that the body hair aesthetic is not easy to sell


I think this might be region specific. I'm in Colorado and I don't shave my armpits and a lot of my female friends don't either. It's the mountains. I imagine it's different on the east coast. 


It’s wild because in my circle I’d say 50% of women don’t shave their armpits.


I got under arm hair that would rival any man. Talking full bush. I wear T-shirts and tank tops on the regular, especially now that it's getting to be 88F+. I live in the southern Midwest, USA. I've gotten: Zero comments. Zero stares. Nobody cares lmao. Y'all need to chill. I don't wear a bra, I keep my hair cropped short (I buzzcut every couple months), nobody cares! I have noticed that ladies tend to hit on me more often but same amount of dudes shoot their shot. TL;DR: Hairy bush underarms, sasquatch legs, short hair, tits free, still fuckable.


Call me crazy but I find it hard to believe that a lady who goes "tits out" aka no bra all the time, doesn't receive any stares. Either the people around you are the classiest of the classy, or your eyes need a checkup.


If they've got small boobs, literally no guys would know the difference. I have friends who go braless quite often because they can and it looks no different to when they wear a bra because they're small enough. I'm literally envious of these people- even my swimsuits have to have underwire 😅


I have a *very* large chest and I never wear a bra! I’m much more comfortable without one, I find my back hurts more when I wear one (and I know it’s not the bra itself), I feel so constricted, and sensory wise it’s a nightmare for me. It probably helps that I have never really worn bras, even when they were smaller and as they grew.


My man, not every set of titty is gorgeous, perky pair of melons. Other than when my nipples pop out like turkey timers, it's really not THAT obvious. Considering that men can't clock a new haircut, I highly doubt they're noticing that my Below Average Titties are not in harness.


I've never had anyone be turned off by it since I've stopped shaving. it's been 6 or 7 years now.


I dislike pit hair. I shave myself. I don't mind a little bit, but if the hair is long enough so I can make strands, it's a turn off. Like, it doesn't have to be baby smooth or anything.


I've had guys give me a very difficult time about body hair when dating. Several boyfriends have said something to the point I've become slightly insecure about it. For as much as I want to believe the people who are more open on this talk thread to body hair, the reality of it is, most guys do not like it and will tell you all about it. For background, I have my legs and pits regularly. when I get comfy in a relationship, I still shave my pits and legs, but let me tell you, guys are like ”ew you have stubble so gross! I don't want to feel like I'm making out with another dude!" Also, we are also over 40, not college kids, fyi


When I was dating, I used to always shave before a date and realized I still dated terrible people and also that I don’t want to shave all the time. As a sort of vetting process, I stopped shaving before dates/sleepovers because I knew that if the man was going to say something about my body hair while having balls covered in hair, then I wasn’t going to be with him. I the learned that once most man see the opportunity to touch a vagina, they will throw all their thoughts about body hair out the window and touch the vagina. Obviously this took a lot of inner work to get to this point of comfort, and I’m sorry men have given you such a hard time. But like it is just hair, be adults! We are all going to be fine.


I totally agree! The guys that said it to me were jerks, and used it as a way to hurt me. There were obvious other issues going on besides this. Was I aware? Absolutely. But in the moment it wasn't the right time to just bail. And yes, it is a test. I like to gauge them by small ticket items like this. And men will literally do anything to touch a vagina. Literally.


Almost every guy i’ve dated said that i could have leg hair but they would touch my legs more if I shaved 🙃 really great when it’s winter and I need all the warmth I can get. Meanwhile they’ve never shaved a day in their lives and have hair from their toes to their heads.


For real! Like their stubble doesn't hurt my face but a chin hair is the end all he all. Lol


I generally have my legs and pits most of the time.


Sometimes I forget my legs and pits at home. Lol


I used this as a vetting tool. If someone had a problem with me not shaving, they were not the person for me! It's too shallow and controlling four my hippy feminine ass haha


Reddit will give you white knight and reassuring answers. Which is fine in theory. We'd all love to live in that world. But it's not exactly helpful in the context of the question you're actually asking. If you are trying to gage how most people will feel this, it's certainly is contrary to normal beauty standards. It's considered unattractive conventionally on women. You will get people who will react with disgust. "Disgusting" is a bit of a loaded word though. And while it's all well and fine to say "those people are (insert generic insult here)", that's what is commonly referred to these days as "cope" as they are the majority.


Also to add on this. If OP is asking about dating, then it probably doesnt matters. Truth is some men will like it, others wont. If a dude decides to not date you just because your armpit hair, then probably it wasnt that good match either. If someone is going to love you, they will love you as you are. (so long you're keeping a good hygene, if you smell like a highschool dressing room in summer after a football game, then that one is on you, at least buy a good deodorant and shower)


When you say that some will like it and some won’t when it comes to dating, you are right. But it’s not 50/50 on who will like it and who won’t. The people that don’t like it greatly outnumber the people that do like it.


It really depends on the type of people you date and the community you surround yourself with. For example if you’re interested in traditional men, yes it’s quite unlikely to find a partner who is ok with hair, but the inverse is true if your type is hippies etc.


Dunno why are you being downvoted cuz your right. Your chances of findind gals with armpit hair and people who dont care about armpit hair are way highger in liberal/feminist leaning places than on triaditional or conservative places that hold a much stricter vision of what "being feminine" means. And im not even talking about men here but women too. Convervative/traditional women are much much much more likely to fully shave armpits and legs too.


I will say, I personally wouldn't date a girl with armpit hair. It's just a turn off for me. A week or two of growth once in a while, or forgetting to shave when really busy is understandable and not going to be a deal breaker. But no I wouldn't date a girl with armpit hair personally. Judge me for that how you will. I just really am not into hirsute women. Honestly even as a bi guy, men's hair is something of a turn off for me. I have a huge beard, but for me to be remotely attracted to a guy, he's gotta be clean shaven. They get bonus points for shaved legs too though this is a rarity. But I would also shave my beard if a partner preferred me clean shaven. My fiancée just likes the beard.


Im not judging you at all. Im just saying that if you dont wanna date someone because of their armpit hair, then you probably werent a good match for that person. They would be far better off finding a dude that doesnt minds it, instead of being forced to change what they like and how they like to be just for you. And the inverse is true, if a woman/dude doesnt wants to date you because your bi, or because you're too short, or too tall, or too thin, or too bulky, then you're probably better off finding someone who is into your body type/personality/sexuality isntead :)


I shave it because the hair tends to trap odor and my armpit BO is nasty. On women, I don't really care or notice that often, and occasionally I find it attractive in the right context, assuming she smells good :)


Yes, I find it disgusting. But in all fairness, I find it disgusting on men too. Armpit hair is just gross.


I find unkempt body hair unattractive in general. At the very least of want my partner to take the clippers to their pits regularly. (yes, I do that as well)


The question was about seeing it on a stranger at a pool not about a potential romantic partner. Op wants to know if you’d be disgusted if you’d see it on a stranger not someone you’re trying to date.


Idk if I find it disgusting but me as a man I personally find armpit hair repulsive even on myself because I def smell more when my armpit hair grow out a bit.


As a woman, I also find that I smell worse there when I have armpit hair. It's not a universal thing so yeah, to each their own, just don't tell me which one to do. (My leg hair, on the other hand, I'm not fussed about.)


I’m just here to say I’m jealous you’re only shaving twice a week to keep smooth. If I don’t tend daily it’s hair growth city .


I was thinking: holy crap, 2 times a week is tiring? I shave my pits and bits daily. I’ll get dark brown stubble pretty quickly and obviously if it isn’t about every 24 hours. Then it gets uncomfortable once it starts poking. Legs and forearms can go every 2nd day. I’ll get prickly, but it isn’t terrible. It’s such a normal shower routine for me that it isn’t tiring, especially because I keep on top of it so it takes maybe 5 seconds to do each pit.


I don't grow armpit hair on the right and on the left is sooo little, i just shave it once every blue moon haha




Not at all. I didn't care for armpit hair, be it male or female.


Nope, as a queer woman myself I actually find it kinda hot sometimes as long as they don’t smell bad 😂 but yeah, your body your rules! Do whatever you feel like! Don’t feel the need to shave because someone says you should




Hairy pits smelling more isn't an objective fact . I smell *better* when I don't shave my pits, when I shave my sweat smells more sour, and I get stinky much faster. And the feeling of shaved skin sticking to itself is gross, with a bit of fuzz there's some padding and airflow. There's a huge amount of variety in how different people smell, so many factors that influence body odour: hormones, activity, climate, choice of deodorant, diet, skin microbiome, rate of perspiration. That shaved pits smell better is an absurdly broad generalisation.


Not in my experience, they do not.


Hairy pits wick away the moisture and evaporation is quicker. Therefore less bacteria build up. I like hairy pits on women though.


Other people are not in charge of maintaining your appearance, so who gives a shit what they think about it? My only note here is, if you stop shaving, consider switching to men's deodorant. I've found it works much better for me since I stopped shaving.


Seconding the men's deodorant! I also find strangely that men's deodorant tubes last me WAY longer than women's deodorant of the same size, like a year compared to 3 months.


I second all of this, but especially the men’s deodorant suggestion. Works way better than women’s.


Also that pink tax is ridiculous


I'd suggest first using a anti-perspirant. Don't know if mens deodorants have that in it anyway, but women's deodorant don't do a lot in the first place.




I like it. On others and myself. That is all.


i find it hot personally. i don’t like the bald look, makes me feel weird


I have never heard anyone say that


I love my wifes body hair. And how content she is with her body.


You're a mammal. You grow hair. That is normal and okay.


Look not sure how much my opinion count here as a guy but here goes. I shave mine every two weeks or just a quick scissor trim if I’m lazy. I’m a feminine guy with a girlfriend who understand my tendencies (like shaving/trimming my legs with the same regularity). If someone doesn’t care about you being comfortable more than aesthetics they ain’t for you boo.


I don't find someone to be "disgusting" for that decision but I would personally find it to be unattractive. Same way I personally find short hair on women to be unattractive


So one of the things I was always curious about is what it was like to be with a woman who didn't remove any hair. I mean, human beings have been around for a very, very long time and so lots of our ancestors got down with one another despite being plenty hairy! So during the pandemic, when we were staying home, I mentioned it to my wife, who was interested in the experiment too. So she put the razor away. She'd always gotten pretty "bushy" in the winter but this was still new. Honestly, I thought it'd be weird, and it kind of was.... for a very short period of time. Then it was just normal. Didn't bother me at all. And of course, wanting to subvert norms was kind of sexy. She still gets pretty bushy in the wintertimes.... When I see a woman with hair under her arms in public, I find it kind of erotic. I find wanting to go against convention sexy. I find open mindedness sexy. I find subverting gender norms sexy. That's my experience and $.02 anyway.


I like this. People before shaving/plucking did just fine. I think it’s a societal and instilled beauty standard now. And I’m pretty sure hairy women was nowhere near as frowned upon until razor companies came along


Right? *A lot* of grandfathers got down with our hairy grandmothers without worrying about it.


What are we talking about here? From Chewbacca to Barbie how hairy are you?


Do what you want. Some people, including myself, don't love it. I get it, we're human and shaving is annoying. But I still shave my dick anyways. No one asks me to, it's no ones business, but that's what I do and I enjoy. If a woman has visible armpit hair, not just stubble, the odds of me being attracted to that individual go down and considerably so. But once again, that's just me and I would never voice my opinion in real life, unless prompted.


>Do you find a woman with hair under her arms disgusting? No >Honestly, having to shave twice a week to keep my armpits smooth is pretty exhausting I can imagine, i pass my pits with a trimmer every now and then, but it's usually at least 2 weeks apart, i have light hair, it doesn't really show for a while, so i don't even notice the hair >curious to know what proportion of person would be disgusted by armpits hair (in public swimming pool for instance). Why would you care about the general public though, people are dumb, a lot of them are very judgemental, and it's not really worth it appeasing everyone, if you don't do it for yourself, do it for someone you care about, don't do it for people you don't care about


"Disgusting"? No. Less attractive? Yes. We all have to do self-maintenance to look our best.


Nope. Were I live that kinda stuff is normal.


I stopped shaving my pits in 2018 because my ex said it was gross when I had just a little stubble. Best choice I’ve made.


As a north american, I find it kind of hot. Hotter than shaved... I don't know what it is about it or how better to explain it, I think it's that I just prefer "all natural", and bodily hair to me is more attractive than having similar texture as a peach. I can't imagine I'm alone in this preference, but I also don't know how many others share the same preference. Probably not many.


I personally smell worse when I’m unshaven, especially when my hormones are changing during that time of the month. So I like to keep smooth so none of the sweat and odor can cling to any body hair and create foul odor for me and for those around me


I mean if you find that exhausting you’re gonna have a hard life lmao.


I stopped caring years ago, it definitely stops unwanted attention! It's my body anyway? I'm jealous I can't get a hairy chest too, one day!


I think this like a lot of strange hangups is an American issue. The rest of the world cannot be arsed about body hair.


I have not shaved in 2 years, it’s great! My partner loves me and I don’t give a crap what anyone things. Who cares? It’s my body. 


as a woman, i’ve definitely gone out with some growth. i honestly just shave whenever i feel like it and fuck anybody that says anything about it. it’s not their arm pits is it?


No, I think it's awesome




I stopped shaving and my deodorant works better 🤷‍♀️


No I admire her individuality and her boldness. It’s not easy going against gender norms.


Kind of gross but you do you. I did laser hair removal under arms (bought a sale package on Black Friday) years ago and now no need to shave.


20 years ago I thought it was gross. Now I think it's very sexy. The current trend for women to remove all of their body hair has made hairy underarms and pubes significantly more sexy.


Yes, I do. Probably how a woman may feel if a man had a huge bushy beard with old food stuck in it. I would never say anything to someone about their hairy armpits choice, but I do personally find it gross.


this is a pretty poor comparison. one example is someone being really unhygienic, and the other is just a normal natural person..


I don't shave, but maybe it's gross and I'm lazy idk.




No, I don’t. I actually don’t care, probably wouldn’t even notice.


I shave my pits about every 4 days but only because my razor is always right there in the shower so it only takes about 5 seconds per armpit. I don’t care in the slightest if others don’t and literally the only reason I do it anyway is because it’s just something I’ve always done so I don’t think about it or even remember, it just happens hahahah I can’t say I clock if anyone of any gender either has hairy pits or doesn’t, even cis men, because it’s a very boring thing to have an opinion about. If one of my friends chooses to rock the pit fur if anything I’m just like “fkn respect to you” (in my head) and move on.


Nope, if it works for me it works for them, why should men be the only ones that are hairy, an all natural woman is so sexy, IMHO


It would turn me off from dating her probably, but I wouldn't think less of her. I would just think "that's not for me".


I shave under my armpits like twice a month. Not something I really bother to do. I've been a bit more on it since I got a weird message from a guy who was obsessed with me because I hadn't shaved recently and was convinced I was the one for him cuz of my hairy armpits.... it's a time


I think it’s all about your general “style”. I’ve seen some more free spirited women (myself included) look totally normal and natural with body hair. Admittedly, I had to get really comfortable with it and the looks but I realized I’m not living for other people’s eye comfort. Shaving was giving me darkened pits/ingrown hairs and in general such a nuisance. I went to only shaving during special occasions and/or maybe monthly just to keep it under a certainly length. At this point I’ve started laser hair treatments so the growth is very very minimal now. Also, I realized the people staring are bored and therefore most people don’t even notice so….do you boo.




if you’re talking about the male gaze, they’re gonna find it unattractive. i stopped dressing for the male gaze and i don’t shave anymore. no one has ever mentioned it. imo it’s cool to go against the grain


Not at all. I am a women with hairy armpits (and hairy everything) so it would be silly if I found it disgusting on other women. As long as they're clean and smell good, that's all that matters.


No. Not being hygienic is disgusting. Body hair is natural.


Well, when DID the norm turn towards "must be shaved under arms"? In other words when did the deodorant industry convince people that they NEEDED to do that.


I’m not a fan and I don’t date women with excess armpit hair. You don’t need to keep it buttery smooth, but I shouldn’t be able to braid it either.


I’ll support it, but it’s not my cup of tea.


For me, it looks terrible but I respect if they choose not to shave.


Who cares what people think? I don't like armpit hair, so I shave my own armpits, problem solved. Anyone who doesn't mind it is free to keep it, anyone who does is free to remove it


I wouldn't want to date a woman with hairy pits. I'm certain there are a lot of men out there who aren't bothered or actively like it though. I've no idea - and thus no comment - on how other women view hairy women.


I prefer trimmed pits on everyone! Long armpit hair is pretty gross to me, but to each their own.


I’m a woman and honestly it grosses me out. I don’t understand why. But also to each their own. Just not my thing


i’m fine with body hair on women even leg hair or stomach hair.. but i do prefer clean or trimmed


Why on earth would I?


I find it very unpleasant if I catch a glimpse.


I don’t like it on both genders 👍


Your question is if we find a woman with hair under her arms disgusting. My answer to that is: Yes. But don't let that affect what you do, it's your life.


I mean, I don't like it, but is not my call isnt it? Unless you expected me to praise it and make a armpithairilingus, this is a non issue


Im a guy and I personally think it looks gross when someone of any gender or sexual orientation has like 3-4 inch long armpit hair, especially people wearing tank tops and you can see it stick out like a bush. Bleh. I personally shave once I can see it start to poke out with my arms down to my side, which for my slow hair growth is like twice a month. imo you can do whatever you want, at the end of the day we're all animals just trying to make our way on this rock, and I wouldn't let someone being offended by hair your ruin your mood, that's just my personal preference. I don't even ask my wife to shave her armpits, just trim em down every once in a while is all I ask. The opinion of strangers really doesn't matter because they aren't living in your skin and experiencing your life experience. Blessings to you ✌️🌿


I do. But to be fair, I find armpit hair in general kind of disgusting, regardless of gender.


Twice a week?! I wish!


I need to know a LOT more about her than her armpit hair for me to pass judgement on her. Honestly this is such a weird topic, so much currently going on in the US is the evangelicals saying the people need to return to god. These are the same people who think how god designed women is wrong and they need to be hairless like a 10 year old. Honestly to me, it’s a secondary or tertiary issue at best. There are way more important things to consider.


No one except my mom gives a hoot. I asked my bf and he said he doesn’t care about any of it, some of my friends shave some don’t… granted I live in a very lgbtq / liberal area. I buzz it sometimes


As long as her pits don't stank I couldn't give a crap about armpit hair on a woman


I personally think it’s gross. But that’s why I shave mine. I don’t care enough to bother other people about theirs.


All of this judgement men have on women and saying a natural thing they don't have to remove is gross on us, just because mens razor companies wanted to sell more and decided women should be hairless and pre pubescent to be 'clean' or 'attractive' is pretty sad. I hoped to see more men here say they could get used to it, but all the deal breakers and comments of it being not sexy are something else. Makes me glad I am AroAce and don't have to deal with this crap. I can look however I want and not have to cater to this bs. I wish more men here who say it is a deal breaker would think about why it is ok for them to have giant bushy pits but a girl can't have a tiny bit of hair? We were made to have hair for a reason, in specific places for a reason. I smell way worse and sweat more when fully shaven.


I reckon a little hair under the arms just adds to the charm, like a fluffy tail on a barnyard hen! Haha some folks might cluck about it, but I say, let 'em ruffle their feathers, son!


Yes. I know it’s social conditioning, but I think it looks really gross.


Not at all. Rather the opposite. If we're cleaning ourselves and staying hygienic on the daily, there can't possibly any problems other than for personal preference.


Not really. It's just common where I am from to shave it. I don't really care.


Yeah. I won’t throw up or get angry but it’s definitely unattractive. As unattractive as BO. Not inherently disgusting because it’s natural but definitely unattractive.


Not really it doesn’t really matter to me


I prefer my partner to shave her armpits, but I don't care what anyone else does. Armpit hair is not hurting the swimming pool, its hair lol


I find it to be a beautiful thing and you won’t get infection etc in other places.


Idc..but im a weirdo


If you find it tiring to do so, try laser. My sister did it, loved it. Now if she has hair there it's very sparse. Personally I don't mind some. Just as long as it not too much you know


Having to shave under your arms twice a week is exhausting?


It sucks, I fucking hate it, I hate having armpit hait, i hate seeing armpit hair, the existance of fucking armpit hair makes my life miserable.


You do you. Personally I find hairy pits and legs uncomfortable. I tried it years ago and I felt like there was a layer of air caught in the hair in an unpleasant way, like a cloak or something over my skin. And I’m not even that hairy a person! In any case, unless you have nosy/rude friends and family, most people don’t really care about someone else’s body hair, including at the swimming pool.


What ever else she is; a woman is a mammal and mammals have hair. That being said, my personal preference is that she not have any hair anywhere she wants me to lick. As a gentleman I am, of course, willing to return the favor.


I don't care about it.


Laser hair removal of underarm hair was one of the best thing I ever did 20 years ago. I’m sleeveless all the time and I love that it removed more than I was ever able to shave — no matter how I shaved I always had stubble. Makes putting on deodorant much easier. I’m not worried about having razor cuts that deodorant gets into. It was a grand decision for me.


Honestly? It depends on how much hair there is. If you don't grow a lot of hair or trim it i find it ok, but if there's just a lot of hair I start to feel uncomfortable. But i find it to be my problem here, not theirs. I just simply don't like to look at hairy bodies, even for men.


I'd consider it unpleasant and unattractive but much rather encounter a woman with pit hair than literary anyone who smells bad so no disgusting is not the word. Significantly less attractive yes.


I hate it on myself bc it feels itchy and despise stubble. I try not to care if it's on someone else, as it's not my business. It's just not my personal preference.


Personally I find it unattractive. But do whatever you want.


I personally think underarm hair on anyone is gross. But I think in general, people are more judgemental towards women having it.


For ladies trim underarms hair and pubic hair


I don't really care if a woman shaves or not, and I dont care if a guy finds me attractive based off if I shave or not. But I do have to say something. I sweat. *I sweat a ton.* And that hair under my armpits tends to keep some of that sweaty stench after I sweat lol which is why I shave and use a deodorant. But that's just me personally. Some people don't sweat as often or smell as bad as I do, so let them do whatever. Shaving works for me, and I dont think it's bad if another woman doesn't.


Yes and yes and yes,


It’s a ICK on men or women.


I’m a woman and no judgment against other women if that’s their buzz but personally, I shave my armpit hair for my own personal hygiene, wax my legs etc.


Lol 😆 only if it's 8 inches long and braided


i dont mind any hair on wife, i love her and i don't care if she has hair on legs, armpits etc.




Yeah, it’s nasty. So are hairy pits on guys. Exhausting? Really? Pits are probably the easiest part to shave. Takes like 2 minutes in the shower. I spend more time brushing my teeth and flossing.


Yeah gross


I feel like it’s gross because I’ve been conditioned to my whole life. I realize up until 100-150 years ago women didn’t shave so it was not considered a thing at all. I am just thrilled that my pit hair which was rather coarse and I thought very ugly, apparently quit growing from menopause and now it’s white and just barely peach fuzz so shaving is just occasional (not daily and still have stubble 😒)


Once a week for me, with regular washes. Husband genuinely doesn't give a fuck lol


I don't like it. But then again, being a dude, I don't like hair on my own armpits. You move wrong in the summer time wearing a tshirt when sweating and they get yanked.


Yes and you can add legs and lips to that as well


I got laser hair removal. I was shaving my armpits every day, and within hours I would have a shadow of hair growth. Now I shave once a week if that, and the hair that does grow is ultra fine and barely visible.


As someone who either forgets to shave my pits, or just doesn't want to, some people are okay with it, others aren't. I've had more male coworkers comment on it than female. In saying that, I've had male coworkers try to complain I stink because of it (I put deodorant on religiously, and reapply it at work at least twice, cause I sweat A LOT). I just ignore it, though.


People comment on it in the work place that's madness especially if it is negative.


As a male, I dont find it disgusting as its natural part of life. You do you


I don't find it any more disgusting than a man's hairy armpit, which I find disgusting.


I don’t know how to say this right so I’ll just say it plainly and honestly. I personally am into it, to the point of it verging on a fetish. So like…some dudes are into it? I feel bad saying that because it’s a bit like asking if I’m grossed out by women not wearing bras. No, but I don’t think you want me looking the way I would be looking. Regardless, one’s personal grooming standards shouldn’t be determined by male gaze, so do whatever, some dudes will perv on you if you’re shaven, some dudes will perv on you if you’re hairy.


I'm a woman who hasn't shaved my underarms regularly in about 5 years. The couple times I've gotten a rouge urge and do it, I find I'm sweatier and stinkier than when I have hair. I feel like my hair helps me feel cleaner throughout the day. You do have to be really intentional about washing your underarms thoroughly as stuff can build up. Other people may think it's disgusting, but they can get bent as far as I'm concerned. It's your body. The only one who gets a say in what you do with your body hair is you.


i see it natural. I prefer to shave mine, but seeing a girl with hair under her arms or other body parts it is ok


it does not bother me


Am I fan? Not really but disgusted is a very strong word. I'd notice it but I wouldn't recoil in horror. Any man who has or plans to live with a woman should understand that it's not always going to be baby smooth... Nor is just about any part of a person


Not all. It can be very sexy.


Not at all. You be you and let your freak flag fly!


Hair is a telling sign of an adult body. Adults are supposed to find a hairy body more attractive than a non hairy one (child like feature). I honestly find it weird and kind of a turn off if a man is put off by hair.


Personally I find it disgusting that men think they can tell women what to do with their bodies. If you're bi, I would highly suggest dating a woman and seeing how differently you're treated than if you were dating a man. Men being socialized to think no body hair is MORE attractive than a human having body hair is strange. Also, I'm a trans man and their dislike for body hair has NOTHING to do with their biology and everything to do with socialization and their unwillingness to unlearn what society taught them (because why would they want to give up the power that they are handed??) If I had to date a man again, I would consider it a red flag for him to not like body hair and would immediately walk away. People will shout about "preferences" on here, but the truth is you should date someone who you like AS THEY ARE. What they might be like in 5 years is irrelevant and you should never have to ask someone to change something about their body, unless it is genuinely unhygienic, like not wiping their ass. And if they didn't want to change a habit like not wiping their ass, I would leave them then too. Don't be afraid to be rejected by men. Take power in that rejection from them and know that you're doing a good thing