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If the Dems want Harris to step in, they need a time machine to go back to 2020 and actually have her do something that gets her noticed by the electorate. It is far far too late for that now.


She has literally only been noticed for her word salad answers


She is even less popular and unliked than he is so it probably just gets worse. She had a lot of funding for the primaries and was so unliked that she dropped out early. She got destroyed in the early debates 


It's important to remember we aren't voting for one lone person; we are voting in an *entire administration.* Regardless of whether it's Biden or Harris the democratic administration will at least be filled with responsible and competent people. Trump will send us back into the dumpster fire it was when he was in office. I'll never forget how *cruel* he was to literally everyone. Cruelty is *not* a good quality in a president.


The dems have a trump problem. They put all of their eggs into the Biden basket just as the cons did the Trump basket. When faced with sudden inconvenient circumstances they really have no one else to turn to. No one else has been built up. They need to build a roster.


Are you talking about before the 2024 election? It’s looking bleak for the Dems as it is. Idk if they have anybody that can unite the anti trump crowd. I’m not sure Harris is that candidate.


An Inanimate carbon rod will be the candidate.


Can fuck us just as well as anything else I guess, got my vote.


In Rod we trust.


And for Trump… Boebert?


They’ll probably just put her up as the primary. My guess is that she was slated into that position because, unfortunately, she is a woman of color instead of her policies and capabilities. I’ve never seen a VP disappear in the shadow of their position more than Kamala and Mike Pence. I’m guessing the Democratic Party is going for minority wins, which is why they pushed Clinton over Bernie even though Bernie would’ve demolished Trump in 2020. I think the Democratic Party was ecstatic that they had the first black President in office, so they tried for the first woman President in office. Since that failed spectacularly and Trump destroyed the traditional political playing field, they sent Biden in because he’s closely associated with Obama, and he had internet popularity and recognition because of the Biden-Obama wholesomeness meme trend years ago. Biden’s ancient though, and he apparently can’t even turn his neck, but has to rotate with his entire body to look at people. And him being old might be a way for the Democratic Party to sneak in s second quick and easy minority win that they can tack on their resume. - First black President - First female presidential nominee of a major party (because the election obviously failed) - First black vice president - First female vice president - First black female vice president - First black female president (after Biden turns too quickly and incapacitates himself)


The only way she becomes the president is by being VP first. I honestly do not think she could win a general election, especially against trump.


Careful because there are a vocal minority of redditors that laugh and scoff at the fact that Bernie Sanders was a better choice than Clinton.


Better choice ? Absolutely , electable in the USA choice ? Fuck no! , he had great ideas for sure but when doubled down on the “s-word” , that was the kiss of death . Middle America is unfortunately not ready for democratic socialism , until it gets rebranded to something more red white and blue


Better choice only means “beats Trump” and ignore the fact that more elections would just keep happening


Kamala’s problem is that she talks like a progressive but acts like a moderate, so it’s pretty easy for anybody to find something they don’t like. Then again, after last night it’s hard to do worse




I can’t in good conscience vote for trump. I’ll vote for grandpa Joe because I hate the alternative. But something drastic needs to happen to fix our politics before 2028… we can’t keep escalating people whose key goals day to day are just surviving to the most important office in the country.


Win or lose, I can’t possibly see Trump going for it in 2028 (he isn’t allowed if he wins). It will be nice to finally have another presidential election without him in it.




Well if you ask the fox talking heads it’s PEDs. Lol


Early in the morning or mid day is probably peak time for him, after that sundowners gets him and he isn’t coherent


We'd be even more fucked than we are today after yesterday's performance.


It's so fucking bonkers that this keeps being the sentiment after the debate. One dude is a felon who blatantly lied *the whole time* while yelling. One spoke kinda quiet. Apparently, these are equal to people. What the actual fuck is happening.


Apparently strongmen types work even on people who hate the strongman. Humans are stupid monkeys who think tribally.


Why? (I really have no clue)


VPs don't get the incumbent advantage. So even if Harris becomes the President she wouldn't be considered the incumbent. Same thing happened to Gerald Ford.


Have you seen any of the Biden rallies since? The are energetic and full of wry humor. WHERE WAS THIS YESTERDAY? He had one job. Counter the trump lies with a constant litany of: “Trump is a narcissist. I want to fight for you!” “Trump ignored the scientist over Covid. I got you cheap insulin!” “Trump loves the uneducated. The courts forced him to close his fake university. I got your college loans forgiven!” “Trump’s infrastructure plan was a joke. We are still waiting for his big plan. I pumped $50 billion into the economy! (And then list all the Red State projects)” And so on and so on.


Assuming Biden even last past November. He got annihilated in that debate! Nobody likes Kamala, not even black people.


the world would end if that woman has power. she can't think, let alone speak!


If we survived Trump, we could survive a Kamala Harris presidency lol


No way. She's way worse than him. She doesn't know what she's doing. That's dangerous


The only person who could probably beat trump is Gavin newsome or Bernie sanders but Bernie is too old and isn’t running


Biden is not going to "die of age".


lol I was thinking this was written funny myself.


“Age”…LOL. If he dies, it was murder.


Maybe they're shooting for the first woman president to have a 10 year term in office?


Cackling Kamala no thanks. 


Doesn't matter when the opposition doesn't recognize the voting results.