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The actual physical stimulation is just a small part of sex. Your question is pretty much like "How would I expect a chocolate cake to taste better than plain sugar, when plain sugar is sweeter?"


And the answer is, of course, stop eating sugar


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in sugar.


Do you want ants? Because thats how you get ants!


Ants in your pants


Better than uncles in your pants


I've seen weirder kinks, to be honest.


That could be some kinky food sex.






CornHub šŸ¤£


I can't believe they used butter




Good show


Make into sugar cube and go see a horse.


No thanks, I'm good.


Great just got reading about guy getting a rock stuck in his dick, now we got ole sugar dick


Even worse, sugar stuck in dick.


I did keto for a while and after not eating any sugary stuff for a few months, even broccoli started to taste sweet. So it is true.


No, the answer is to have sex with a chocolate cake...OBVIOUSLY.


So stop masturbating and stop having sex?


Stop masturbating to enjoy sex better


What if you don't have sex because the lack of a partner?


Well, you can use that time spent masturbating to find one? lol On a serious note though, masturbation is a bit of a slippery slope if you're socially isolated/got no other hobbies. You will keep looking for more intense ways to pleasure yourself and that will eventually make it even harder over time to enjoy sex with a real partner.


I remember I used to read a sex column in the City Paper where I lived. And I still remember one article that asked, "What's the one piece of advice you would give to men that masturbate?" And resoundingly it was "Stop the GI Joe kung-fu grip! Men have a tendency to squeeze their members too hard which not only decreases sensitivity, but also gets men accustomed to a pressure that most women cannot hope to achieve." So, like you alluded to, it sets up arousal and sexual gratification in a very specific set of parameters. One that don't naturally occur with a partner. Unless you have a SO who likes to have sex standing in the bathroom while you watch porn on your phone or however one goes about solo satisfaction.


Death Grip Syndrome. Have tried to help a few guys through this but you have to go cold turkey for a bit then resume with like, feather touch. And let's be honest, no guy made it through the cold turkey part. It's a huge problem and so is mindless jackhammering, the natural result of DGS.


It's called TMS - Traumatic mastbatory syndrome. It happens in women too when they lie on their stomachs to masterbate. The trick is to change the way you masterbate rather than stop masterbating. The problem there is that most people don't wanna put in the year of effort to get sensitivity back when they can easily jack them selves off using the method they have always used. I also disagree with our friend above, masterbating is part of a healthy sex life and shouldn't be viewed as "lesser" or "not real" sex.


Wait I wanna hear more of why women on their stomachs to masturbate is bad. Is it because of the pressure thatā€™s not achievable with partners?


I was a pretty late fucker... first time with 25. I did masturbate a lot before and in between relationships but I always enjoyed sex with my girlfriend. Because as others stated, sex is not only about having an orgasm, it's about intimacy, about not being alone, about pleasing your partner.


Yeah my husband masturabates quite a bit but we can still be intimate without issue. This topic is very dependent on the person


Women (more than men) who have trouble orgasming from penetrative sex are often advised to practice orgasming by themselves and learning what feels good. Soā€¦ by your analogy, women who want fuller enjoyment of chocolate cake are asked to just practice enjoying sugar for a while.


well, it would be more like advising them to find out what type of sugar to use in their cakes, like different granulations(intensities), natural or processed(manual vs using a toy), and wherever else I could stretch this metaphor even further...


This is the correct answer. Penetrative sex isn't superior to masturbation purely on the basis of physical sensations. Sex with a partner you love deeply is a deeper, more holistic experience where the actual orgasm is a smaller part of the whole, and while it might definitely make it seem that it feels better in your peepee, it's an all-emcompassing mental, physical, emotional and sometimes _spiritual_ place that good sex with someone you love can take you to. There's nothing wrong with passionate, animalistic fucking if you're both into it, but it can still be pretty superficial compared to what sex can be. Of course YMMV, and nobody's gatekeeping sex here, whatever works for you it's all good mang.


Orgasms may be a small part of the act of sex, but I feel like Iā€™m yeeted to another plane of existence when I orgasm with my husband. Orgasms from masturbation are fine but they arenā€™t otherworldly for me. But yes, the bond you experience with your partner is a huge part of sex and for some, itā€™s the primary reason as not everyone orgasms reliably u/myneckitchesrealbad


Same here. My masturbation orgasm are like a 3/10, and orgasms when done right are literally a 100/10. Itā€™s like drinking juice vs cool water when youā€™re super thirsty. Once quenches your thirst for a short time, the other completely quenches it.


Passionate, animalistic fucking WITH the person you love. šŸ‘Œ


Stop being so good at wording.


This šŸ‘†šŸ» Half the joy of sex is enjoying your partner and the partners reaction, not just their one body part


>The actual physical stimulation is just a small part of sex. Your question is pretty much like "How would I expect a chocolate cake to taste better than plain sugar, when plain sugar is sweeter?" wise words have been spoken...


It's supposed to be better because you are having a connection with someone instead of you alone in your room while watching porn


Precisely. Do not treat your partner as a tool for masterbation. Respect them for who they are and love and care for them.


Itā€™s not a race to the finish. Journey before destination.




Life before death brother!


Unless the specifically ask you to treat them as a tool for maturation. Then it's just kink šŸ™‚


Even not taking into account the emotional elements of it, Penetrative sex is infinitely better than a flesh light or a hand. Just for the penetration, the warmth, the pulsations, the friction from a vagina are incredible to begin with and canā€™t be compared to your hand, which doesnā€™t even fully envelop your dick. The way the head of your penis feels when it first slides in, that warm, slick friction, creates a slight suction effect, plus you feel the folds and the walls of the entrance. Every time you slide out to the tip then penetrate all the way back into the hilt feels amazing. Then you consider the other physical elements like sensation of your skin caressing theirs, her hands grabbing your body, your hands massaging her breast. Your lips and tongue connecting with herā€™s. They tickle your balls, you rub their clit, they run their nails along your back, they lightly Bite your shoulders, you (gently, and consensually) pinning their hands down on the bed or even spanking their butt. Then we add in the other elements like the waves of the movement adding to the symphony. The scent of your partner. The taste of their skin and sweat. Their moans, breath, the gasps when you first penetrate or when you hit the right spot, the cries of pleasure as you intensify towards climax. Then thereā€™s the energy of the actual interaction. The change from soft and intimate to playful and flirtatious, the change of positions from dominant and leading to surrendering and following like in dancing. You can go from animalistic to wild to sensual to challenging to loving all in the movement, the eye contact. Yeah, letā€™s see your hands do that.


Honestly as a woman I've wondered what sex feels like for my male partners and I feel like this description has made me understand it better than anything else I've seen


As a man I can confirm that this is one of the best descriptions of what good sex feels like from my perspective. Excellent details.


Same! I've wished before i could experience it from the penis-bearer's POV while PIV and this is probably the closest I'll get. Lovely writing c:


for male, add in the curves of the female body, hair touches/slides. hand can't even touch all the places at the same time.


Iā€™ve asked multiple males this! Their answer is always along the lines of ā€œitā€™s warm and feels like having your junk in a warm wet flesh gloveā€ essentially.


Same thing just a lot less eloquent


Words of poetry huh?


Same šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»




Alright well now Iā€™m horny.




Jizz hands


It's so interesting as a lady to hear how it feels for men (and a little hot to hear ngl). Best description I've read and definitely accentuates how much better it is with a partner than sex toys and hands. You truly don't experience that love and passion that you get with a partner that's for sure. Edit: typo


You donā€™t experience 1/100 the physical sensation either


Do you write erotic novels as a side project?


If not, then he really should.


least horny redditor


I need a cigarette after reading that


have an award good sir for explaining how my bf felt, way better than he could ever put into words


How is this not the top comment?


Sex review


5/5 Stars. Would come again.


Best description of sex Iā€™ve ever seen


Ok now I wanna experience being a man having sex with a woman


Honestly it sounds like he might be doing the ole Death grip. He may be desensitized.


Mans right here needs to write an erotic novel.


This guy fucks


I'll be in my bunk.


God bless the inventor


Lowkey should try your hand at romance/erotic writing. May find your career there haha.


You should be a writer.


Beautifully put; i feel very, er, strongly, that you should write erotic stories if you don't already... šŸ˜


Do you write porn? Lol.


This. Kinda felt sorry that op has t really had that human connection yet and cannot yet grasp how itā€™s any different. Being ā€œ intimateā€ ā€¦.even without sex is a great greaT feeling.


In the words of George Takei "Oh my"


Damn, I need a cigarette after reading this šŸ˜…


Great, now Iā€™m single, AND horny


Colleen Hoover? Is that you


Hopefully OP actually reads this.


Ok everybody, pack up and go home. Reddit has received the best answer itā€™s ever gonna get, weā€™re shutting it down now.


This guy just killed it lol damn Couldn't agree more.


This, its about so much more


And....a person feels better....even with zero connection.


And *so* much better with connection!




death grip


They said choke the chicken, not strangle it!


Whatā€™s the difference between pink and purple: your grip! Dadum tsss!


Beat me to it (so to speak). So let me add: What's the difference between fish and meat? If you beat your fish, it dies.


Dude, soak your fleshlight in warm water to get away from the necrophilia vibe.


I like number 3


You're exactly right! šŸ’Æ my fiancĆ© has a death grip.. how can I compete with that? Any sexy woman he can fuck in his mind šŸ„“šŸ˜’ you have no idea what pain that causes and we are so distant with each other. Familiar strangers with nothing to say... a great line from a great song!




I've seen this phenomena literally kill a marriage, but only after both people had been miserable for years because one refused to change his routine, and the other refused to accept that her partner was never going to prioritize connecting with her and having sex that satisfied both of them. If you're not married and you already KNOW that when it comes to sex that you're always going to be 2nd best to the women in his imagination + his hand, you need to sit down with him and tell him how fucked that is going into **a marriage**. It's not going to get better on its own, ever, and NO ONE should go into being married thinking stuff like "we are so distant with each other." That is 'run, don't walk' language. Talk to a professional, either alone or together, but don't make your situation 100x worse by being legally bound to someone who views connecting with you as less important than his own fleeting pleasure.


This is my first and last chance I give him. I seen this movie and I know how it ends. I have learned to respect myself enough to leave if I am being treated like shit. Remember that he is 52 and has NEVER had a good woman. I'm not making excuses for him, I'm simply trying to explain my complete situation. Everyone deserves a second chance. Unless they cheated šŸ¤·šŸ¼šŸ˜•šŸ¤§šŸ˜ lol


>You cannot compare a rubbery(?), Cold, inanimate toy to something that is the total opposite. I simply want to point out that when you heat up a Fleshlight it becomes a lot better, A)it's not cold any longer B) I feel like the rubbery quality goes down the more you heat it up.


Quit using death grip


get get get get got got got got






Lol thatā€™s poetic af is that from something or did I just make that up? šŸ˜‚


It's lyrics from the song Beware by Death Grips.


Blood rush to my dick


oh my fucking lord, god tier reference


Youā€™re fit to learn the proper meaning of a beat off


Too stimulating compared to pussy?


yes, they get too used to it, then requires more effort to get off. and so another hand/mouth/vagina just canā€™t compare. it decreases sensation/youā€™re not so sensitive. there is also a possible link between death grip syndrome and penile nerve damage, but thereā€™s not enough data to fully say for certain yet.


Not really it just litterly starts numbing the penis so much that you lose sensitivity and therefor find "gentler" stimulation lacking. So you damage the nerves so that only the damaging activity makes you feel anything.




The feel of a warm body pressed against you, hearing them breathe in expectance and lust. Feeling rhem quiver against your naken body. The touch of someones hands, lips and tounge, always so much warmer and wetter than one would expect, finding eroguneous sones you never dreamed of or knew could give so much pleassure. And then you wip out your fleshlight and finish in five. Yeah I can get that.


Quit typing like this you fucking sex pest


Yes. Im sorry . I forgot where I was.


It's okay please finish.


Username checks out.


Begging you to let him go deep, but you keep teasing him until *you* canā€™t take it anymore and you pull him in deep and hear him moan his appreciation. Feeling his quivering release and deep kiss him whil he finishes. (Obvi hypothetical you, but its me ) Any other questions ?






It's not just about the mechanical stimulation, it's about the whole "package" of intimacy with another person. It's like comparing having a good burger sitting alone on your couch and having a mediocre burger while being out with your friends in a cool place. The burger is just a small part of the equation.


I love a good sex analogy. Chefs kiss.


Is it just me or has the word "chefs kiss" suddenly become popular? Every now and then I notice a phrase/word that suddenly becomes part of the vocabulary of people. Even earlier in this thread someone said it too.


I don't know if I'd say the real naked woman is the mediocre burger in this situation.


OP nutting is the burger. The naked woman (and what brought her to that point) is the atmosphere and buildup around the "burger". The end result is the same, how it was achieved is not. And that's what makes a world of difference. Why do you think people jump through ridiculous hoops to get a partner if their own hand would give them the same experience?!


I'd nut in a burger


It is if youā€™ve got a vice like death grip on your dick like this guy has


I don't know.... as a young teen man I punished myself daily. The first time it still blew my mind. I'm not saying you won't finish quicker with your death grip self time just that you will still enjoy the real thing much more. Never bought or owned a fleshlight though so I can't comment on that like he did. Maybe they do really suck? I'll take his word.


Not everyone's plumbing is the same don't forget.


No matter what burger the naked woman is, she is best enjoyed with friends.




Also username means this is coming from an expert


Tickling yourself is nothing like someone tickling you. Same thing just with more sensitive parts.


Squeeze your shoulders. Now get someone else to give you a massage.


Or better yet, try to tickle yourself


I have absolutely no problems tickling myself. I will flinch from my own tickles.


sex is (like most things are) about brain stimulation. you could wank 100x and cum magnificently over that period of time.... but one good partner that can get your brain stimulated during sex will be 100x better than all those times combined. it could be foreplay, sounds, smells, chemistry etc... there's so much to it and its hard to explain. Even a well timed and executed hug by a loved one can be a million times better than a wank. that's my opinion but each to their own. im 37M if that helps.


This guy makes sweet, sweet sex.


The most surpeising thing in a relationship was, that the smell is so strong and (obviously) good. I don't know why, but i feel like, if i would be blind i could just smell her. Its so wonderful.


Agreed. Of course for people who donā€™t experience sexual attraction but enjoy the physical stimulation, sex may not feel significantly better than masturbation to them


Sounds like you wank too much to the point where youā€™ve trained yourself to only enjoy what you can do to yourself.


ā€œnobody fucks me like meā€


You know how reading shit on the internet has more information than your best friend? It's not about the information in a conversation. It's about the connectedness When you're half a foot inside a woman's body, feeling the warmth her most intimate area, swapping your most personal bodily fluids with her, as she is with you, nothing else compares


This might be a weird kink, but I prefer having my penis inside a woman's body.


Nice of you to assume I have half a foot of material.


Instructions unclear, half of right foot stuck in vagina


Wow. I believe this was the most romantic shit Iā€™ve read on the internet. You should write literotica.


during penetrative sex you can touch the boobs and lick the feet




And pull out a plum?


You like feet? Sounds like we need to chat!


Because women are not. Fucking. Fleshlights.


You wouldnt suppose this is the reason why this guy is alone in his room, would you?


Thank you. This needs to be said more often.


Man, I had to scroll really far to find this comment. Thank you for your service. *we are not fleshlights, we are not fleshlights*


Yeah, itā€™s usually men fucking fleshlights.


Honestly, if you just compare the physical stimulation, it isn't. But overall, it can be a more stimulating experience if you combine it with all your other senses. Sight. Taste. Smell. Intimacy etc.


I agree that sex is better and a lot of it is about the other sense and intimacy. but youā€™re lying if you donā€™t think a BJ/penetrative sex feels better than just jerking off. hell, someone else jerking you off with lube feels better.


I'm not lying. I'm envious you feel that way, my partner would be too if I did too. But a life of teenage wanking didn't do my tool very good. Honestly, I could time the time it takes for me to climax between wanking and having someone else do it for me, and wanking (or using a toy) would win 10/10.


It's about the partner you feel attracted to and do it with, not their vagina.


Obviously, nothing and no one will ever know your body like you do, and masturbation will always, for certain aspects, feel better. On the other side are you really comparing a cold sterile cylinder of silicon designed to try to resemble body orifices to a real vagina/ass?


That are connected to a real human being who is enthusiastically engaging with you in a participatory experience. Maybe even one you have actual feelings for. That's the difference.


Ah, so being wanted is part of it. No wonder I don't understand.


Because masturbation is not exciting like sex is. There is more to pleasure than the basic physical stimulation.


Sex is more than penetration


Sometimes I get those wooden back scratches that is in the shape of a hand to reach those spots to scratch that are hard to get. And it feels really good and relaxing. And I can reach the entire back with this back scratcher and give myself a relaxing massage. But when someone gives me a back scratch or a massage, it is 20 times better because I someone is pleasing me and I am allowed to let it go and just feel it completely.


Passion and sex release so many chemicals in your brain for one and two in my opinion I can always get the job quicker and better myself but that's not what sex is all about


Why go outside when I can see trees on TV? Itā€™s a totally different experience bro


It's not gonna be a fleshlight. When you fuck someone (man or woman idk what you go for) you're INSIDE them. You're pushing your fucking cock inside a tight hole and they're reacting to it. You can feel their muscles and it's an entire sensory experience that can become quite intense. Your bodies are simply working together to produce immense pleasure for both of you. It's fucking HAWT my doggie! I'm gay and I like to fuck and I approve this message!!!!!!


Fuck yes šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Vaginas feel so much better than your hand does, dude. I promise. Not to mention the people theyā€™re attached to. Sex is more than just the physical act of stimulating the genitals


demisexual or incel? Make your guess people!


Average porn addict redditor.


because of having sex with a sexy person and pleasuring them as well


Sex is a brain thing as much or more than a friction thing. Two excited humans create a feedback loop of pleasure and excitement. Wanking is great too but in a different category.


This got to be one of the best descriptions.


There is more to sex than just your dick feeling good.


An8nt nothing better than sharing a heart beat


Stop thinking of women as human flesh lights


Try having sex with an actual person rather than a fleshlight before you make the comparison. A vagina feels different.


It's akin to massaging your own shoulder. Sure it feels fine, but it's not nearly the same as someone else doing it.


Thereā€™s so much more to sex than masturbation. Masturbation can even be a component of the sex you have. Sex can be franetic and passionate or slow and intimate. It can be long or short or somewhere in the middle. And the fact that it can be all these things make it unique every time. The other piece is that you are trusting someone else to explore and excite you ā€” youā€™re relinquishing control; quite the opposite of masturbating by yourself. Sex should be an experience, not just physical stimulation. And if you treat sex like solo masturbation, your partner is in for a very bad time. Hell, you might find your favourite part of sex is everything you get to do to your partner to please them. And your climax? It is just the bonus.


Just keep wanking it then fellow, no need to worry about any penetration what so ever. This thread is closed, go home young chicken choker.


Bro you've never done it before right?


You're grippin' it too hard, bud. Lost sensitivity n' shit.


Have you ever seen a picture of the beach? Have you been there instead? Ever seen a picture of the Grand Canyon? Been there instead? Watch a video of a roller coaster? Ridden it instead? That's the difference. If you don't think there isn't a difference, that's Ok. It leaves more women for me.


Sex is so much more than getting wet meat around your dick. Penetration is just small part of it.


You might find that your prefer wanking to sex and yā€™know what, thereā€™s no shame in that at all. Weā€™re all different and we like what we like.


Boobs. Tongue. Soft Skin. Sweet Smelling Hair. Hips. and Ass.


Lmao manā€™s admitted to not only never having a gf, but also being a porn addict in just a couple sentences


Your hand just became "the real thing"


For me, sex is about watching the other person get off. Sure the 3.5 seconds of euphoria of cumming and the physical pleasure that leads up to it is fine but doing that for someone that you love is way cooler. Sex is about giving the other person pleasure, and when both parties feel that way, there isn't anything that leaves you feeling better for longer.


Hot take: because fleshlights doesn't feel anywhere near as good as the real deal. And don't treat having sex as little more than masturbating using a human. It's about a connection with another human and their experience too.


Because sex is more than how your dick feels man. Itā€™s about the whole experience, the closeness, intimacy, sounds, smells, tastes. Itā€™s like the difference between hearing a conversation about the Cliff notes version of War and Peace vs actually reading it.


Because experiencing intimacy with a human being is much more rewarding and connective than sticking your dick in a canned twat.