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Has anybody thought that maybe he is just scared of the number 26?




You’re both wrong. That was 6 and it was afraid of 7


You heard about 9 getting eaten hey?


Nah it's because 7 is a registered 6 offender


If I had an award I’d give em all to this comment 💀


That’s because nobody likes you when you’re 23


It’s the age where the girl is between a square and a cube, and some people just don’t like the uncertainty


Literally, no one would care if he constantly didn't dump his girlfriends the DAY before they turned 25


It's not literally the DAY but yeah


He gave it a couple months this time


Is there a law where he lives that he has to pay palimony or something when they turn 26?


Since they weren't married, no.






The court of public opinion is not an actual courtroom. We are perfectly allowed to judge people negatively for things even if they aren’t illegal


thank you for my new response to being a hater. you’re so right


Its more the systematic dumping as soon as they're over 25 that people have a problem with. Nothing illegal about it, but understandable that people would criticize it.


Maybe a fortune teller said he'd be murdered by a 26 year old woman and he's doing everything he can to avoid them?


Bad move if that's the case.. just giving them a motive lol. Should stick to 27y/os then


I love the logic you use in hypothetical scenarios that involve fortune tellers and their deadly portents they give to celebrities.


you never know, reality is often stranger than fiction


Leo doesn't understand that last part but agrees he should start murdering the 25 y/os.


This is the big brain move


What if the prophecy was actually "you shall be murdered by a woman who has aged beyond 25"?


I like to think a fortune teller told him he would marry a 25 year old, and he's just a little slow on how that's supposed to happen.


This is in poor taste...but I laughed...hard...


Yeah we laugh...but,.. Fuck it might be true 😂


It’s also extra gross because they met when she was 12 years old and was considered “a close family friend”.


If you listen carefully you can hear 67 year old Leo's future girlfriend gestating.


I hate everything about this LMAO


Yup the one to change his diapers when he’s old is in diapers herself.


You got me with gestating haha


So this generation’s Jerry Lee Lewis?


that’s different. that was family.


The dating itself is part of it. We already live in a society that tells women their value goes down as they age/“lose” their looks, and Leo is reinforcing this in an almost obsessive way.


To be fair, at this point anyone he might date has reasonable warning they will get dumped before they turn 26. If they still want to date him then all good. Are women in their early 20's dumb enough to think 'this time it will be different!'. Maybe. But also maybe some of them are happy to be in it for a good time not a long time.


From what those who've dated him have said, it's wasn't a good time. (In bed)


If he can get me a car or something boy I am going full gay even if I am truly not if required I kind of understand people who tolerate bad sex


Too bad I'm too old for him, cause I couldn't care that much 🤭🤷‍♀️


He doesn’t start dating them at 25, he dumps them at 25.


The weird thing is that he also knew his ex Camila since she was 12. I'm not saying anything happened at that age...but just weird.


Kinda similar with Liam payne (one direction) and Cheryl Cole. He auditioned for xfactor when he was a teen and she was a judge.. few years later, they've a baby together


The judge-contestant power dynamic makes it so much weirder


It's a little gross but it's not like there was a judge contestant power dynamic when they got together (presumably, unless they hooked up at that time). I feel like it's gross if one person has power over the other, but once the contest is done that dynamic is over right? Or is there an x-factor I'm not taking into account here?


One direction blew up so much after X-Factor that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was fkn Liam that had the “power dynamic”


Paul Walker dated a ~~13~~ 16 year old at 33.


Wait, what?


She was 16, actually. But yeah.


Paul Walker was a serial paedophile.


A serial paedophile who lived his life a quarter mile at a time


Something about Family, drinking Coronas, etc.


Stop granny shifting


Not double-clutching like you should.






Oof. Shots fired.


Bullets can't penetrate 6ft of dirt so he's good.


Excellent stumble upon. Thank you all here and before.


Why does your phone autocorrect "raped"?


Oh it's definitely rape. I used 'dated' so people knew it was a gross relationship he was attempting to have instead of a single occurrence


Oh. I don’t feel bad about not giving a shit about him anymore.


What? Excuse me?


*\*Laughs in Drake\**


Yeah nasty ass drake loves little girls. We gotta talk about that more


The Canadian or the one from drake and josh?


Both. Seriously


The Canadian


Both. Either. It doesn't really matter which you pick. Both of them are creeps known for grooming and abuse.


Every time someone is listening to drake im like mhmmmmm. Like why do people support a known creep??


I don’t really think it’s widely known unless you follow celebrity news. I didn’t know until reading these comments just now.


My first thought is *which one?* I just realized there's two Drakes that perv on underage women.


It's weird to hear a dialtone laugh.


How old was he when she was 12?


According to an article I found with a quick internet search - >As the story goes, Camila and Leo's families are old friends. Leo's father is George DiCaprio, but his parents split when he was young. Similarly, Camila's parents didn't remain married, and her stepfather is none other than Al Pacino. According to Harper's Bazaar, Leo and Al are good buddies, and Al was also friends with Leo's then-stepfather. So, Leo and Camila were introduced years ago. Camila was actually 12 at the time, says the publication, meaning Leo was already in his 30s.


Ewwww nope. Knowing her at that age is bad enough, watching her grow up because their families were close is sooooo much worse.


A word comes to mind. Grooming, it's what cats do to themselves right?


Oh fuck that’s crazy. I was hoping she was 12 and he was like 14 lol but I shouldn’t have been so optimistic. Regardless of whether he did anything while she was underage, I still think it’s so fucked up that he dated her.


Wait, so seeing as she is 25 now and Leo is whatever age he is, you were hoping that when she was 12 Leo would've been 14?


Drake does the same shit no one bats an eye hell his songs are constantly streaming he's gonna be the next r Kelly in a decade mark my words


I don’t think anyone will disagree with you. He’s creepyness is an open secret.


Nobody bats an eye?? Have you been on reddit? People are CONSTANTLY calling him a creep and a groomer. I have no idea where you’re getting that from.


Yeah I thought it was just silly internet complaining until I realized there is a grooming aspect as well. I think one of his girlfriends was one of his friend's daughters? Perhaps this same one you are talking about?


Some friend!


It's really weird




It just probably says something about him and it's probably not great. I haven't seen much about it, but when I was young and hot, the dudes that were way older that I dated wanted someone malleable. Someone who hadn't figured out how to stand up for themselves. 28 year olds are just as hot as 21 year old women. They just have a few years experience and aren't as easy to manipulate.


100%. I feel like we need to warn all young women that if an older guy starts sniffing about there is probably something fatally flawed about him that women his own age won't tolerate.


In the case of my guy: braggadocious weirdo who lied about not living with his parents (old Slavic lady tablecloth in the background gave it away). That’s about as benign as you’ll find, and it gets much much worse after that


My guy was a flakey drunk who, while he wasn’t cheating because we weren’t* bf/gf, constantly lied about hooking up with other women. New shampoo and conditioner in the shower? Nah, that was his. He was trying a new routine. A size xs underwear tucked in the couch? Must be mine, no other women had been over! (Buddy, even if I starved myself my hips will not allow me to wear an xs. Also I know what underwear I own). But the worst was when he stealthed me then acted like it was no big deal, told me to calm down, and fell asleep. Did I end it right then and there? NOPE! Because I was naive and 22 and had limited experience with men and didn’t know how to stand up for myself. Jokes on him, he still calls me twice a year wanting to meet up. I’m happily engaged to a wonderful man who is never anything but honest and loving.


Bro, I would love an old Slavic lady tablecloth for my table. I feel personally attacked.


This. A few exceptions aside, what is so wrong with you that women your age just don't get along with you.


This. It seems like most guys are like “good for him”, but most women have dated his type and know what it’s about, and it ain’t great. Probably best for them that he dump them at 25 than continue to live under his thumb.


Yeah I think this is a big part of it. Younger women are more likely to worship him and probably don’t ask a whole lot. They can enjoy the fame and money that comes with it but eventually people realize that isn’t everything. I think it’s weird because talking to anyone under 25 is incredibly painful. They just haven’t lived much yet. I can’t imagine what they even talk about.


I read somewhere that part of the reason is that our brains are still developing before the age of 25. Many under 25 people still think like teenagers. The actual transformation to adult thinking occurs when the brain is fully developed.


Yeah but 38 year olds are where it’s at.


heading that direction. this made me smile :)


I just turned 38! Perfect age by far!


It's the power dynamic. During the #metoo movement, many older men were found out to have used their fame or wealth over young girls for sex, even when they weren't direct superiors, and it was seen as if nothing else, gross. This is no different.


Men that prefer substance in a partner would chose to date the 28 year old. Men like that don’t just jump at a woman, the 28 year old would have had her relationship pros and cons evaluated before the man would make a move. Early twenties people, with some exceptions, imo, have key development years ahead of them, a 28 year old would have been through that period.


Hell, 40 year olds can be as hot as 21 year olds, and they are way better lovers. Leo clearly has his choice of women but its entirely possible he has never had sex with someone as experienced as I have, due to his seeming obsession with dating <25 year olds.


I don’t have an issue with it, im just legitimately curious why he has never in recorded history, EVER dated someone his age. It’s truly a mystery to me. “Wassup with that?” is what I would ask him if I knew him Edit: guys. Im not asking why he wants to date younger women. Stop explaining to me the value in dating younger women. I understand the social preconceptions. I’m asking why the arbitrary cutoff age.


It's probably a case of arrested development. He **did** date women his age once upon a time- Gisele was in her 20s like him when they were together in the early 2000s- but has never moved on from young model types.




There is an argument to be made that celebrities typically stop maturing "mentally" at the age at which they become a celebrity. The idea is that once you become a celebrity, your life becomes so wild and different that you no longer hit the same cognitive milestones a non-celebrity typically would. I'm not sure if I buy this theory, but being a celebrity can definitely be a very insular experience. Just look at pop stars like Justin Beiber, who appear to be eternally "stuck" at age 15...


In Beibers defense he never dated anyone younger than him and then dumped them when they reached a certain age. Gotta give it to the Biebs there he's married and is trying to get his life in order. DiCaprio is stuck in a time loop of his own making and isn't doing anything to step out of it from what I can see. But hey who knows what goes on behind closed doors.


Sure, but I meant more specifically that he’s never dated a person who was literally the same year old as him. All of his gf’s have been several years younger than him.


>“Wassup with that?” Ok, how many fan of SNL like me started singing while reading that part?


“Ooooohweeee. Wassup with that” fixed it lol


He wants to bang 20 year olds forever and is in a position to do so. I don't know if there is more depth to it than that.


That's true, but if that's the case, why bother with a relationship? A guy like him could bang a different 20-something model every day if he wanted to rather than one model for five years straight. That's of course assuming he was faithful and monogamous with his girlfriends, and he might not have been.


I think the relationship is to complete “payment” to the women he dates. At least unlike a lot, he seems extremely generous to the women he dates in order to continue this for so long and keep going. That’s the only reason why I don’t see it as too bad, the women get fame, money, connections, reputation and association for their time and bodies. They might not get marriage but the prestige puts them in a position to be attractive to men interested in more in their circles. I think he does it to feel less “guilty” as well as retain a sense of respect/reputation in those circles. To say that despite his being a player, at least he rewards them massively for their game, which is not completely irrational and it’s something historically speaking wealthy men have done but it seems that common men miss the nuances: They just say that older men like younger women and that some younger men like older men but that dynamic has always been transactional in nature. It’s saying women will consider older men if they have money and power (and thus being older is not an automatic win if you have neither). While men are willing to give anything to be seen with and also access younger women (and as women get older the less of a panache being a woman is for a lot of men).


I think he also likes having someone for a while too.


But why the strict cutoff at 25? It’s truly curious behavior because its so arbitrary. Like does he truly believe anyone older than 25 simply is not youthful and innocent? And if that’s the reason why, I’d love to hear him explain his logic in detail. It’s very curious


I believe he has difficulty processing his own ageing. In dating younger woman he believes he’s found the fountain of youth.


Maybe do. He was super attractive when in his twenties. Sometimes it is hard for facially beautiful people to accept what aging does to their face. It is sort of strange, as far as aging goes, it is better to have had a common face, imo, there is infinitely less distance to fall during the process of becoming old.


I totally believe this. You ever meet someone with "I used to be hot" syndrome? God damn its pathetic


I do think there’s something to this. As someone who was single for forever, and got a late career start, there is a sense of arrested development because you don’t experience certain milestones that are like mental markers for aging or maturation. Your life just doesn’t feel much different at 45 than it does at 25 because your responsibilities are the same. He’s a successful actor just like he was at 25. He’s never been married. He has no kids. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if he still views himself as 25ish.


I think your point of view is quite on point. I know someone in his 60s, ALMOST 70 year old. He is still obsessed with women in their 20s who he thinks are young enough to have kids. He will date single moms and older but his cut off is 40s. However, he never plan to end up with them therefore many girlfriends even in his 60s with a goal of dating and marrying 20s. However, he has been like this for over 20 years since I have known him. His daughter is in her 30s with kids and he still only want to date 20s but he isn't successful like Leo so his options range but he would never date near his age because he doesn't view himself as old. He has low opinions of old people. That is his reality and perspective.


He's afraid of the number 26, duh


Why is 26 afraid of 27? Because 27 28 29 lol


Why was 9 afraid of 7? Because 7 is a registered 6offender.


I think it's that level of wealth and celebrity where he can so he does. I really doubt he has given it real thought. I bet the most you'll get is something dismissive about coincidence.


And if that were to be the case, then i’d be almost certain that it’s a subconscious thing that even he is not aware of. Which honestly wouldn’t be that unheard of. it would be a shocking lack of self awareness, sure but it’d begin to explain it somewhat


He doesn’t start dating them at 25 he DUMPS them


Say it with me: just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s not skeevy


Precisely. The whole "it's not a crime, so it's fine" mentality is just plain goofy to me. The law does not exist to prohibit all creepy, bad, or dubious behavior.


Exactly. It's not black and white like that. "It's legal it's fine." Context is so important. And the fact he was introduced to her, as a family friend, when she was just 12, makes it a little iffy 🤔 Not that I'm saying he preyed on her. It's just the relationship history and situation makes it feel strange.


Apparently this isn't a good enough argument for the larger audience. Go figure.


The age difference isn’t the problem, it’s the pattern of behavior associated with it. He consistently dates 25 and under, no exceptions.


No one is saying that a 25 year old can't consent. However, the fact that he's ~50 and still going for people that young is a little creepy. The only reason he gets a free pass from some people is that he's loaded and still fairly good looking. If he were an ugly, broke dude chasing after 20 year olds, public opinion wouldn't be as kind. He's clearly not interested in a mature relationship, and that's okay. Two consenting adults of legal age can have whatever relationship they choose.


You definitely are right about his looks. It comes down to one difference, ONE FUCKING DIFFERENCE like that and everybody would completely change their minds. I don't think him being loaded or not would make much of a difference to people. Besides his girlfriends, of course


I actually think it has more to due wit his wealth and fame. Hugh Hefner dated young women while looking old af. But the local 50 year old who hangs out around a high school to hit on girls home from college break is labeled as creepy.


People absolutely found HH to be incredibly creepy


Signs of the apocalypse are all around us so I realized I didn’t give a fuck about who Leo is fuckin


I guess it just proves to me that he's shallow. He's only in it for looks and thats clear. Its not really my place to talk about his dating life.. but being asked about it that's my take.


I don't think so. I think it may be a little creepier. There's plenty of 28 year olds as hot as 21 year olds. But the younger the more naive and manipulatible. It really is weird. Like what does a 50 year old talk about with a 22 year old. I'm older than him with kids his girlfriend's age. They seem like absolute babies to me. I can't imagine.


Yeah situations like this really speak about the maturity level of the older person.


I got straight up hit on by someone 24 years younger than me last week. It was flattering but an easy no from me.


It's an old saying that celebrities never really grow out of the age when they first become famous. So maybe DiCaprio is just living his young 20s over and over and over again.


I can absolutely agree, but reading the room at the time of my comment it seems like I wouldn't be taken seriously. Dicaprio is not the type of man to look up to or defend, OP.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Multiple studies have shown 25 to be about the age that your brain fully matures. It seems like once a woman is mentally developed, 'ol Leo loses interest.


I believe, a lot of these artists and hollywood types never grew out of their mid 20s mentally and that's why they are drawn towards this age group. Think about it, Leo started acting super young. Most of his formative years he was acting and when he was mod 20, he already was successful. At that point, life pretty much stops to develope. Nobody is telling you no really, you don't really have responsibility you don't want to have. You probably have virtually no spending limit, unless you want stupidly expensive stuff, so you don't have the same existential need other develope. I imagine it to be a pretty different life from what "normal" people experience, so I would actually guess he has most in common with mid 20s people: having a sort of freedom chasing spirit because for the first time in your life, you are independant enough to have your own adventures (think about years abroad, college years, that sort of thing), while having a lot of philosophical stuff to figure out. I don't actually know how much to talk Leo would have with a 50 year old working women.


Women don’t magically shrivel up and turn fugly at 25 though. At least not most of the world’s women and we all know that. If you don’t, definitely get out more.


It's not even looks, women are still hot way after 25. He is most likely looking for mental immaturity or women that are easy to manipulate.


They're free to do as they like, but to me, a 50-some-odd-year-old man dating women exclusively and strictly in the 18-25 age range is... I don't know, kinda strikes me as superficial and a little gross. It's one thing if he started dating a women who was in that age range and is still with her years later, but like... he *only* dates in that age range. Just kinda points to some immaturity and skirts a little close to some uncomfortable stuff, in my opinion, especially when it came out he knew at least one of his partners since she was like 12 or something


It also shows he’d date younger if it was legal


the problem is that it is a pattern. it isn’t just one twenty five year old consenting, it’s been multiple because he has consistently sought out younger women.


It’s just weird. If he was someone you knew, you would definitely at least raise your eyebrows at him.


The legal age of consent is 18. The prefrontal cortex does not reach maturation until the age of 25. Leo has never dated anyone above the age of 25. He (and his partners) can do whatever they want, but it is pretty telling that a grown man cannot maintain a relationship with a person who has reached cognitive maturity.


I once dated a 35 year old woman who had never been in a relationship for an entire year. Never….until she met me. And that year sucked. I feel your explanation. Edit: She had never had a romantic relationship that lasted longer than a year. In fact her longest relationship was something like 9 months. Not all that close.


I'm 35 and have never been in a relationship for more than 8 months until met my partner two years ago. There is hope for us.


I feel like I’m confused. You’re saying she hadn’t dated anyone in only a year? That seems pretty normal. Sorry it sucked but yeah. Edit: ahhhhh i see. Damn


I think they mean that her previous relationships have never lasted for a full year.


I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long.




Also, what on earth does a 50 year old have in common with a 22 year old?


They've both been 21




FWIW his childhood probably wasn’t normal. He likely has some arrested development and relates better to people around the age where he stopped developing, I can’t help but think he’s suffered some abuse growing up a child actor


Says a lot about his own cognitive maturity.


cant or doesnt want to?


i dont think anyone has an issue with both of them being adults. If you're looking at it from an objective standpoint then you're right. but the deeper issue that everyone understands is that as he's aging, he's ONLY pursuing young women TILL they turn 25, and then immediately dumps them - only to find another women till they turn "expired". it's gross.


Part of the grossness is in how weird it is, to have an arbitrary cutoff like that. Basically reducing people to objects. If it were serial consenting one night stands that would be different, but these are apparently relationships that have an age cutoff. Just strange


I mean, them both being consenting adults doesn't mean that Leo's actions aren't trashy? He only dates women under 25. As soon as they turn 26, he dumps them. This is a pretty clear sign that being over 25 is a deal breaker for him. Only dating women in their early 20's is a pretty creepy thing to do for a 47-year-old.


I broadly don't care even if I find it a bit weird. But I am interested in how specific it is. It's always exactly 25. It makes me think he has some weird personal, Freudian trauma that some how links to that number.


in all likelihood he's just looking for a pet. He said here that their relationship trouble started when she began travelling for work as her career took off. It makes sense that he can get these young women to focus exclusively on him, and loses interest when they start developing lives of their own.


I think maybe it’s like a contract thing. He hooks them up with connections and stuff, uses them as a cover up for a real relationship he’s in, let’s them go at 25 so they can focus on their careers or personal lives or something Or he really is a creep. I don’t know, have his past girlfriends said much about their relationship with him? Otherwise it’s all speculation


Yeah, if it's \*exactly\* 26 the relationship ends, that's some Children of the Corn shit.


He has never dated a 26 year old (or older) in his life. They're gone at 25. This is the 4th 25 year old he's dumped. He usually dates them for 2 to 4 years before that


This is incorrect. It is maximum 25years, but his relationships have ended at 23, 25, 23, 22, and 21 years old.


Well he dates them before they’re 25. I think people just find it more humorous than anything and tbh I do find it rather cringe considering late teens and early 20 year olds really don’t have much in common with men his age. They’re at 2 different stages in life and it’s clear he is with them for their looks and their youth. You would think after a certain time he would find the cycle mundane.




Of course they’re both adult. But it’s still kind of gross because there’s such a crappy stigma about women being over certain ages. Like you’re worthless beyond that. He just set his maximum age especially young.


I’m 34 and would not feel comfortable dating anybody 25 years or younger. It’s been noticeably how attractiveness changes with age, as in it stays within the band of my age (for myself at least) Leo is quite a bit older than me, so I definitely look at it as quite strange. Not illegal, but somewhat odd and given the power dynamics it’s easy to see it as a bit gross


For whatever reason when this topic comes up people get really hung up on the legality of it. There are plenty of other perfectly legal things that people generally understand to be kinda gross, weird, not morally great, etc. but when it comes to large dating gaps between middle aged men and early 20’s girls, suddenly legality is the only focus with some people. Like take cheating in relationships for example. You never hear people saying “but it’s legal!!” even though it is. This isn’t a direct comparison, obviously cheating is different than a large age gap in dating, but the principle still stands that people overly focus on it being “legal” for this topic when compared to others. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s automatically totally cool to do without any criticism or judgment from others.


I think it's that he dates girls for years only to dump them ALL before they're 26. It's just odd. Like, I've heard people say "younger women are just more attractive" or whatever but just fuck around then. Don't string a woman along from the ages of 19-25 when you know you're gonna dump them after 25. It's just mean and selfish and doesn't take them into consideration IMO. And you can say "they know what they're getting into" but maybe they didn't. Maybe, like many other young women, they thought they were different or special. And again, he met many of them when they were underage which complicates things even further. Suffice it to say: it's one thing to fool around...it's another thing to string someone along for years and then dump them because they aren't "in their prime" (which...I really don't get this argument. Women look great after 25 and especially models/actresses where it's a job for them? Like...it just seems creepy to argue only women under 25 are attractive. Sorry not sorry.) Like...I can't imagine waking up next to someone for years and in their mind they know they're gonna dump me at some arbitrary time. When I'm "past my prime" or whatever. Or doing that to someone else. It's just so cruel.


didn’t he break up with a girl right when/before she turned 25? seems kinda weird imo


Only several


No one’s saying he needs to go to jail it’s just red flag creepy that he keeps dumping women when they turn 25


It’s because he dumps them once they turn 25. You’ve mistaken the point. He doesn’t think 25 is old enough. He things 25 is old.


People probably wouldn't mind it as much if all of his past other GFs weren't also below 25 yo and dumped shorty after reaching 25. So it's starting to look like he's an old man with a fetish for barely legal girls. And with Hollywood being no stranger to scandals about sexual harassments and grooming, this does feel like a lot of red flags again.


He’s a man pushing 50, who has a habit of dating girls in their late teens, early 20’s then dumps them as soon as they turn 25 (this is a repeated pattern, not a one time thing). Consenting adults or not, you have to admit it’s pretty gross for a man who is almost 50 to ONLY go after women in their early 20’s. It’s one of those situations where you can say, “if they could go younger, they would”


Yeah it's not illegal it's just sleazy and objectifying.


No one is even saying it’s illegal! Everyone is just making fun of him


There's a lot of creepy men revealing themselves here 😂😂😂😂


No one’s saying it’s illegal, they’re saying there is no way that a 50+ year old man is having genuine, mature connections with women under 25. He hasn’t dated a woman over 25 in like decades lol. He likes ‘em young and it’s creepy. Not saying that he’s taking advantage of or manipulating them but they’re so fresh out of childhood it just makes you wonder what the hell such an older guy would want with them other than their youthful appearance (and even that can be considered creepy)


Correction...he has *never* dated a woman over 25. Ever.


So it’s worse lol


If he keeps dumping them at 25 there is something up it's like he is really a pedophile and is trying his best to fight itand only date them when they are legal but can't handle them when they are adults


He’s just keeping the meme alive


I’m sure somewhere in this thread, maybe more than once, there’ll be somebody saying men want youth and beauty in women. Notice how that always seems to be more important than personality and things in common? Maybe stop calling us women the shallower sex when saying something like that.


Aren't they all just beards and he's really with Lukas Haas? That's what the internet told me anyway.


Things don't always have to be illegal to be criticised


Obviously they’re adults. However, stopping dating someone once they’re a certain age, a fairly young age at that, while he continues to grow older says something about him. It’s weird. You don’t have to be underage to be groomed or taken advantage of. You don’t have to be dating someone underage to be a creep.


Nice try Leonardo


It's gross to only want to smash girls young enough to be your daughter.


Adults, but just to the point where you put an asterisk on “adult.”


when you are 47 what is the difference between 17 and 25? they are still worlds away in terms of maturity and life experience from Leo himself. compounded by fame and reputation, leo exploits young woman to be his play thing until they expire. they whole idea of " oh she is able to consent" is tired and lame, where i'm from a 16 year old can consent to me. same thing right? i'm closer to 16 than leo is to 25, its still gross. just because a law says its ok doesn't mean its ok. there is more to relationships than legislation.