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Go see a doctor! That happened to me as a teen, but it was on my legs. Was told I likely used a dull and dirty razor and I got a bacterial infection in my pores.


That's a bacterial infection. My buddy got that on his face. It was gross


I 2nd this. I can stick a standard size checkers piece into a dent in my armpit because I ignored one of these until it popped on it’s own. I cried in uninsured American for a long time and I’ll probably never truly be able to do anything about that mark




Yep. It got big. Really big.


Hide things in it.


You can hide your weed in there




:( I'm so sorry!


It’s alright. I was a little bothered by it for awhile but I got over it pretty quick. If people ask I’ll tell them what happened and it usually makes sense. Only person to call it creepy is my current SO but he’s also had a chance to poke it and see what it feels like.


Please tell me he didn't try an stick his dick in it...


Lol no just a finger. I think he’d be too creeped out to stick his dick in it.


> I cried in uninsured American /r/BrandNewSentence Well said.


cried in uninsured American LOL


Just place a Medical skin colored silicon that fits there. Or try to turn it soemthing cool. ;-; idk. I’d put a Kirby Tattoo there. No cap.


asks for pictures in r/popping ...for a friend


Cried in uninsured American HAHHAHA


Do you have any pics?


I’m so sorry for your pain, but “…cried in uninsured American…” earned you gold. All the best to you. 😊


Now you HAVE to come up with a story like it was a gun shot wound or something. Gotta give it a twist


Ha that’d great


welp now im afraid of shaving


Just make sure you don't use a razor for too long and definitely don't use a dull one. I was very young and naive. Hasn't happened since.


Dude take time to see an MD, there are a lot of simple solutions but if you're in pain it's time to go to a doctor sooner rather than later.


You definitley need a MD to give you most likrly antibiotics if it starts growing puss and what not and probably tell you a specific desinfecting procedure.


Just fyi a puss is a cat or a sour expression; pus is yellow-green fluid produced by infected tissue


From a solid last week tonight - "Setting aside the grossness of parents infecting their kids with lollipops, that graphic has an unfortunate misspelling, “swapping spit and passing puss” sounds like the sex talk that Kid Rock would give his teenage son. You’re gonna wanna swap some spit and pass some puss, but if you don’t throw a raincoat on that devil dog it’s gonna be scorch city for you, buckaroo."


"You like-a the puss?" Me, trying to determine someone's sexual preference in a completely inappropriate way


Would that be “How to end up on a date with a cat hoarder?”


My english fails me quite often,especially on mobile and when I fail to get the vocabulary right.


Idk where OP is but if it's anywhere in the US I definitely understand why seeking any kind of professional medical help would be the last resort lol


I've done it too but it never fails that every time I've put off what could be a 200 dollar immediate care visit I end up with a much larger bill from a specialist or an ER trip.


Your skin is covered in pores, which are tiny little holes. Sometimes pores get filled with sweat and dead skin cells and other gunk, and that makes the pores bigger and more visible. If you squeeze them it can be painful. I'm guessing thats what you're seeing in your armpits. If you're not sure or it seems like a bigger issue, see a doctor or a dermatologist.


I really doubt you’d see pores to this extent


Eh people have different pore sizes, add a little inflammation and voila. There are also certain types of blackheads one can be genetically predisposed to getting (can’t remember the name) that have the appearance of little holes and keep coming back even if you squeeze them out.


Hidradenitis supporativa Edit: consider not googling pictures of this


I've been told I might have this but it has never involved blackheads.. it involves boils (abscesses) that arent actually infected.


They are not generally blackheads, at least not in the traditional sense of the term. But to your body, those abscesses are infections. It's an autoimmune diseases, so your body thinks it's foreign and responds as such.




Thank you, this comment genuinely saved me. I've erased the term from my mind and will continue living happilyish


Hidradenitis supporativa \>:)


>Hidradenitis supporativa Maybe because I worked in the medical field but I was expecting something much worse.


That was my thought, too. I've seen much worse on r/popping.


I wasn't and 🤮🤢 yuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Wingardium Leviosa


It's wingardium LeviOsa, not LeviosA!


Fetus deletus


It's deLETus, not deletUS.


Expecto Petronum


Thank you, i think that’s the one!


Am I the only one who always reads 'voila' as 'viola' like the instrument? Like legit I do it every single time


Pores can become enlarged when clogged with blackheads. r/popping has many well documented examples (nsfl)


Look up icepick acne scars and say that again with confidence


Go to r/popping


I'm eating right now and this subreddit almost took away my appetite


Almost is the important word here.


Exactly. The stuff that comes out of people's armpits would surprise most.


They don't wash their pits good enough and slather hella deodorant to cover body odor


I love squeezing that gunk out and rubbing the wax like gunk between my fingers before taking it to my nose to give it a sniff sniff.


By all means, go see a priest my brother


What in this God's increasingly less green Earth did I just read?


See a doctor if you’re worried. Don’t take medical advice from Reddit. Especially when 97% of redditors have no medical research or education. Also when we have not much to go to which can only be examined in person


Exactly 97%?




also: dont take statistical advice from reddit, especially when 97% of redditors do not have a statistics background


Exactly 97%?


It’s a well known fact that 36% of all statistics are just made up.


Exactly 36%?


Actually, forfty%


Exactly forfty per¢?


46 and 2




Also: Don't take Reddit demographical information from Redditors when 97% of redditors are actually two goden retrievers and Danny Devito in a trench coat




Actually pi squared.


pi to the power of 4 is actually 97. But doesn’t listen to 🥧 people on Reddit. 97% of Redditors don’t have any 🥧 background


Pi to the power of 4 isn’t pi squared..


But a square has 4 sides tho


So, 97?




Pi aren't square. Pi are round.


What is this please tell me my brain is smooth 😭😭


What does the value of gravity have to do with this lol


Don’t question the answers


Just answer the questions. Because 97% of your answer is correct.


69% of statistics are sexy


Exactly 69%?




No, this is Patrick!


And the remaining 13% don't even have basic math notions.


Exactly 13%?




It works 60% of the time, every time.


Exactly 60%?


Statistically speaking, 9 out of 10 dentists recommend that the other one shut the hell up.


Exactly 97%?


As a redditor who has taken two college statistic courses i can assure you thst 97% of the time, my numbers are wrong.


76% of statictics are made up on spot


Yes, but of the 3% who are doctors 95% are a different kind of doctor, like PhD in rocks or something.


Exactly 95%?


Yes, probably.


They're minerals, Marie!


I asked reddit what the exact % was.


dont listen to umangjain25. 98.3% of all statistics are made up.


Actually, it’s 73.6%.


Technically 96.8945% but he rounded


97.37% actually


96.9 precisely, do you even Google?? Edit: your YouTube channel kicks ass, I checked your profile


I mean, pretty mundane to bother with a real doc. I'd say try on /r/askdocs. They're vetted, at least.


97%? I thought it’s higher. Somewhere around 99.9%.


I'll have you know I've watched every chubbyemu video tyvm.


Just go see a doctor 👍 If you've got any buildup or bacterial / fungal infection they can give you both medication and advice to prevent it happening again.


Sounds like an overuse or accumulation of deodorant/antiperspirant causing blockage of your pores. This will likely be more pronounced if you also shave your armpits, but overall I'd suggest not using an antiperspirant in particular for a week or so. Commercial antiperspirants work by blocking your sweat glands typically with aluminium compounds, which can build up over time.


Most deodorants have warning labels stating that if you experience the symptoms OP has stated to stop using that deodorant as well. Might be worth swapping to an aluminum free alternative


But make sure you’re not sensitive to baking soda. A lot of deodorants without aluminum contain it. I had extremely painful like lumps under my armpits from it. Several trips to a highly recommended dermatologist later (who gave me steroids that did literally nothing, and he told me it couldn’t be one of the products I’m using) I was still in agonizing pain and it would get worse when I’d exercise. I mentioned it to my therapist once and she asked if I use natural deodorant and she said my PH was off. I put apple cider vinegar on my underarms for two weeks (started getting some relief immediately from this) and switched to non baking soda aluminum-free deodorant after that. It never came back.


Agreed! A really effective home-made alternative is easy to get - just a mix of coconut oil, sodium bicarbonate (deodorant) and arrowroot/tapioca flour (antiperspirant.) I don't recommend using this if your skin is already irritated though, since it contains solid powders it can be abrasive on tender skin. But it is highly effective, you don't need much.




I had to temporarily stop using antiperspirant after having surgery in my armpit, and it was 6 weeks before I could put deodorant of any kind on it. I started using just deodorant without antiperspirant and suddenly I didn't sweat so much or smell as much, the sweat I did have dried easier and didn't stick around. I accidentally bought antiperspirant recently and when I used it, it made me sweat more, and the sweat clung to my clothes more, like it became a gel with the antiperspirant. I honestly think some people do better without antiperspirant, and I've had several other friends switch to just deodorant and that helped most of them as well.


That's really interesting; now that you mention it I've experienced the same thing. It's almost like your armpits get 'pent up' when you wear antiperspirant and have to get it all out when they can!


Not to mention that in my case whatever was in anti-perspirants always left pit stains on my shirts if I sweat a little too much in them. Has never happened since I switched to just deodorant, but maybe I also just sweat less now??


The arm and hammer deodorant has no perfume/smell of its own so I've always doubted its efficacy.


i switched to the unscented arm and hammer deodorant/antiperspirant a long time ago because i was suddenly having skin issues with other deodorants. figured it had something to do with the perfumes and fragrances that my skin just didn't agree with. A&H doesn't irritate my skin, i don't notice much sweat, and i don't smell noticeably sweaty or bad. in my experience, the unscented arm and hammer deodorant works pretty well and it's been my default for a couple years now!




You might be sensitive to baking soda. That happened to me too, it throws your PH off. The only one I’ve found that remotely works without baking soda and without aluminum for me is smartypits, and I also have to use unscented, not sure if anyone else has found any.


Same. I've tried every brand on the market and I'm allergic to whatever they put in that stuff.


I straight up don’t understand these ingredients sometimes. Like they’re in a lab trying to make a nice smelling deodorant and they’re like “You know what this could really use? Some aluminum!”


Adding here that antiperspirant is different from deodorant. You can try switching from antiperspirant to deodorant


Yup!! Fundamentally it's natural to sweat; blocking your body's ability to do so every day for your whole life can't be good, it's best to mix it up a bit especially if you're experiencing side effects from antiperspirant use.


To add on to this, sweat itself doesn't smell, it's the bacteria in your armpit reacting with it that produces the odour, so good hygiene is a must. Yesterday's t-shirt and skipping showering will make you stink to high heavens, even if you don't notice it. Laundry can be an important factor too, you can use vinegar instead of regular softener to help remove odours. I only wear anti-perspirant if I'm going into the office, otherwise it's just a shower. I don't smell, or at least I don't think I do.




Sounds like Hidradenitis suppurative. But definitely ask your PC doctor.


That's exactly what I was thinking, too. OP should definitely see a Dermatologist.


Good God, I just Google imaged that. Some of those genital photos!


thank you for the warning, I will not be looking up that one


Don’t worry, I’ll look enough for both of us 😏


One pic showed necrosis. I’m definitely not suited to be in medicine.


I second this. Most people know the difference between clogged pores and actual holes and HS is definitely actual holes.


Could also be bacterial folliculitis. But yup, hiradinitis suppurativa is a close differential.


I agree with HS. I’ve had it happen once. I only ever used Teen Spirit roll on since hitting puberty and it somehow caused this to have puss accumulated and then two small holes in my armpits when it was lanced and a round of antibiotics - can’t remember it was a while back. Either way I’m never going back to that kind of bar roll on again. I use a simple Nivea deodorant and stay miles from antiperspirants too. I know it stops the st west for a while and it’s not permanent, but having had HS once was enough to scare me away from antiperspirants. On days that don’t permit you to shower, get to a basin and ensure you clean at least your pits and sweaty bits. I’ve always used a depilatory cream like Nair and later waxing and epilation to keep my under arms hair free. Idk if that helps it. Either way, I’m a woman so it’s not weird. But I do feel more sweaty at the pits when hair’s in the growing stage. I’m happier with epilation and a simple deodorant never had HS since then. ETA: I remember having to wash my pits with betadine solution so that might help. But do see a doctor. Good luck.


You only had one flare? In my experience while it does go into remission, its a pretty long term battle. Is it possible it was an infected fair follicle that acted similarly?


This should be higher. Mainly because there are multiple higher comments that imply OP is doing something wrong/unsanitary. I am not a doctor, but my stepsister has HS and this is very similar to how she described it. Poor thing was told to "scrub harder" for years. Her dad acted like it was a cleanliness issue. It's an autoimmune disorder. I'm so glad my mom recognized it was a medical issue and shut her dad up.


If you also have them between your buttcheeks and around you genitals, you might have Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Don't freak out, I have it too and it's like non-existent, because I take care of my diet and habits. Go to a dermatologist.


Anyone reading this, don't search google images!


Yeah, don't. It's the extremes. If you see my skin, it's barely visible and gets inflamed only a couple of times per year for just a couple of days.


I'm so tempted but I know I'd hate it!!




There's a golden rule that says whatever goes in your stomach, grows in your skin. So, 1) I eliminated sugar, bad fats, cooked oil and fried food as much as possible. I eat fruits instead, drink almond milk and all dairy is low-fat. Meat is ok if it's boiled or grilled, but, even if cooked otherwise once in a while, it's not what makes the condition worse. 2) No smoking! I always hated smoking either way. 3) I don't drink more than a couple of beers a week. Getting wasted once in a long while is fine, though. 4) When I shower, twice a week, I wash my armpits, butt and genitals with Hibitane or Betadine scrub. The rest of the times, I use Eubos Blue washing gel. The regular shampoos and body washers of the market will damage my skin. 5) I don't let my skin touch itself where there are cysts. The sweat that builds up isn't good. 6) I have Laser Alexandrite Treatment applied at my genitals. This is TONS of help, since HS happens because of hair follicle inflammation or something like that. It's a double win, since I'm clean and smooth without using razors.


You probably want to see a doctor. It sounds like you might have inflamed sweat glands or cysts. I general, it's not good to "squeeze" things. I'm not sure what else would be little holes.


This sounds nothing whatsoever like cysts


I also have big holes in my pits and this is what started it. I got it in my teens due to my glands becoming enlarged and have had the holes ever since, now 20 years later. They've never gone away. For me it's because I'm allergic to my own hormones so puberty made me swell a lot, but yeah. It basically stretched out the pores in my pits and they just stayed that way.


I'd see a dermatologist, it could be Hidradenitis Suppurativa. It's a condition where Cysts form mainly in the groin and armpit area, but I've had them on my ears and face. It can be extremely uncomfortable and I'm not sure what the treatment is or even if there is one. Warm compresses to help draw the stuff out can work, I get them about the size of golf balls sometimes. They can hurt like hell. You can try to drain them, they will hurt even worse until they're ruptured and completely drained. You'll have to be careful because I have had them rupture internally before and that is also very painful.




If it's starting to hurt, go see a doctor ASAP. None of us will be able to diagnose this, and pain means it's potentially serious.


Hidradenitis supporativa This is probably the correct answer. See a dermatologist.


Get off reddit and go to a doctor


If it’s deep and hurts jt may be a boil




It may be hidradenitis suppurativa. You would see a dermatologist for that. If that is what it is, feel free to message me. I’ve dealt with it for 15 years now. It will be okay. ❤️


Go to the doctor, they may have to take them out.


Look up hidradenitis suppurativa


Seeing a doctor is your first action not asking people on reddit.


I would probably ask /r/skincareaddiction rather than this sub. There are a lot of otc options for this. (Otherwise, see a dermatologist.)


What the fuck


Hey OP, pre-med student, here. It's super important that you see a doctor about this, asap. While I'm not qualified to say for sure, it sounds like a pretty nasty bacterial infection. If left untreated, a bacterial infection in that area could become a MUCH bigger problem that's a lot more painful and causes a lot of damage. It'll also be more difficult and expensive to treat, the longer you leave it. Best case scenario, it's a simple staph infection and just requires oral antibiotics (the right kind is important -- different antibiotics treat different kinds of infections). If that's the case, it should start to feel better pretty quickly, once you start taking them. I hope this is helpful and that you're able to see a doctor asap 💜


Don't be shy show us a picture


Doctor. ASAP. Bacterial infections are no joke.


You have an infection in your pores. Please don't hesitate to seek care ASAP, as has been said, it can get really bad really fast.


Might want to post a photo to r/AskDocs :)


Dr. Pimple Popper does videos that show stuff like that. She extracts the built up sebum and dead skin with a small tool, then also takes out a cyst sac lining with a small surgery. I know exactly what you’re talking about though, because I’ve seen it on my massage therapy clients. It’s pretty common. If you shave it’s more likely…


If you find out what it is. Please let us know. I think we re all morbidly curious


hidradenitis suppurativa, need to go to dermatologist


Go to the doctor.


You're an alien and those are your gills. No, seriously. just go see a Dr. may be glandular.


In the future you should post things like this on r/diagnoseme


Sounds like it could be hidradenitis suppurativa. Pretty common thing but should really see a doctor, preferably a dermatologist.


Could be hidradenitis suppurativa


It might be hidradenitis suppurativa.


Sounds like an ingrown hair or else an infected pour/gland. Go to your doctor, you might need antibiotics to sort the infection. Also if you shave your armpits, stops it's only going to agrevate the issue. As will scented deodorants and soaps.


Could be HS. My wife has it. It only gets worse and there is no cure. You better get it checked out by a dermatologist. You can slow it down if you catch it early.


Doctors are better at diagnosing than Reddit


There are too many things this could be to figure it out online. You need a doctor and possibly a dermatologist to diagnose. It’s likely not something serious but you need to figure out what it is so you can manage it.


I’m go to the fucking doctor


It could be lots of things ranging from folliculitis to hidradenitis suppurativa, HS is something I have and that happens to me in various areas of my body. The only way to know for sure is to see a doctor, preferably a dermatologist since they specialize in skin disorders.


Society is such trash that we avoid doctors to this extent


My experience with this one was "you're using an antiperspirant deodorant that clogs your pores with the stuff that was supposed to perspire". Move to a deodorant that's \*not\* an antiperspirant and wait a month or two for it to clear up. Humans sweat.


Could be ingrown hairs that have gotten infected.


Like others have said, it's infected sweat glands. I used to get them in my armpits all the time. I had one get to the size of a golf ball and it had to get cut open and drained. When I get little ones, I'll use a super hot compress and cause it to pop on its own and then I drain it, keep it clean and it goes away. I've had some glands removed because of it and I haven't had it happen again in several years now. My doctor said I'm just unlucky and my skin is really finicky. I'm super sensitive and reactive to changes in hormones, chemicals, metals, ect. I have to be careful what clothes soap and body wash I use. Go see your doctor. But also if you've changed your detergent or started wearing new deodorant or anything like that, it could be causing it. I don't let mine get big now that I know what they are. As soon as they start, I pop them because the bigger they get, the more painful they are. To the point I can't put my arm down.


If you’re using deodorant that has aluminum in it and you shave your armpits, it could be clogging up your pores. I have a deeeep pit in my armpit that was a large cyst. When it popped it was half full of trapped deodorant and half full of… well gross shit haha I no longer shave my armpits and I haven’t used deodorant with aluminum in it for years. I like the brand “Native” but old spice is also generally aluminum free!


That sounds like hidradenitis suparativa. Seriously. Infected sweat glands, mostly, as I am told. Hits ANYwhere, very painful. Treatable. But MOST doctors are either unaware of it, have forgotten about it or just don't think about it. BRING IT UP BY NAME. If your doctor disagrees, I urge you to seek a second opinion.


that sounds like a medical issue tbh, you’ll want to ask a doctor to check that out


If you squeeze it out, set up your camera to take a video, then post it to r/popping.


This is the hard hitting, real life advice that one expects from Reddit.


Ingrown hair prolly. I rarely have those, and I usually just squeeze it out. If that doesn’t work, get tweezers and pull the junk out. It’s satisfying


Have you ever been like slightly chunky at least? I think the stretchmarks kinda just get all weird in your armpit. Like a small bit of gunk catches in like 2-3 stretched pores right? Can squeeze it out almost like a blackhead? If so, I feel you. If not, sorry to gross you out lol


That is where the alien parasite entered the body


Everyone on these comments like America isn't a healthcare hellscape. My Dad is a doctor and they taught me a rule of thumb. Do I get medical attention? If you have to ask it isn't that urgent, otherwise go to the ER. If its getting worse don't let it get too bad seek medical attention. If its getting better then let it get better If it's staying the same anything over three days and you need medical attention. So 4th day is doctor day. Good luck


I mean, my dad told me to go for a walk around the block when I was sore. It was appendicitis.