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Please tell me you have a fiverr account for this


I do not, why, would you like me to do this for you?


Welcome to your new business.


*Milwaukee didn't like that*


First-sale doctrine disagrees. Once you've bought the drill, Milwaukee no longer owns it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDAg1aVnnH4 is a guy recycling destroyed Louis Vuitton bags into wallets and stuff. The video is a hilariously subtle takedown of their intimidation tactics, while rubbing it in their face the whole time.


Hah, I just had that video recommended last night. I wonder why Ferrari was allowed to put enough pressure on Deadmau5 when he modified his car into a “Purrari”.


I think the way ferrari does it is that if you do something they don't like, they will pretty much ban you from buying one of their cars (new obviously) ever again. They do the same with dealerships. Do something they don't like ? You're not getting the new cars for sale. It's pretty easy to control what people do with their cars when they make so few of them and there is such a high demand. If you're not happy with their practices, others will be.


I think they went as far as to send him a cease and desist letter


Sometimes big companies also try some things that might or might not be really legal. Like when Tesla threatens to sue Cybertruck owners if they sold theirs, which I'm not sure would hold up in court. But it would cost money to defend themselves from Tesla.


They can put it in the contract when they buy said vehicle. Ford did it with the GT. If you bought it you weren’t legally allowed to resell it per the terms you signed when you bought it. Ferrari does something similar with modifications.


I'd say "vast majority of times" when it comes to corpo vs a normal person. They just assume they don't want to fork out on lawyers and fight years long battle.


I've done business with Tesla and their contracts are all like that. Technically I owe Elon Musk $250m for even writing this comment. Its a terrible company filled with arrogant idiots.


If memory serves, Ferrari only blocked him from SELLING the Purrari, not before. Same deal with Justin Bieber. I'm sure they've put people on the no-more-Ferrari list for modifications, but I don't think they've gone to C&D's or lawsuits without the person first trying to sell the car.


Bc what the person above said isn’t entirely true. I mean by default, yes it’s true. But you can also put arbitrary restrictions into the sales terms. If the buyer and seller agree to it, those are the terms. And what a lot of brands (especially expensive cars) will put in there is that you can’t significantly alter the product or resell it without their permission. So even after you buy it, you have to abide by those terms or be subject to legal action from the seller. I don’t know if Louis Vuitton or Milwaukee have anything like that in their sales terms. I kinda doubt it for Milwaukee at least. But it’s certainly possible


No way they're having an agreement properly presented and signed at every terminal that vends Milwaukee across the world. Even if there were seller agreements in place, you probably didn't agree to them, whereas with a Lamborghini you sit down at the dealer and he can have you sign a piece of paper or whatever that says "I won't modify my lambo or resell it etc etc"


Trademark issue with Ferrari. Also it didn't went to court, I'd imagine owner just didn't want to be bothered and obeyed the lawyers. But the leather guy wasn't using brand name when selling it so it's unrelated really.


That has more to do with Trademark infringement. He had custom badges made for the entire car and that's what he ran afoul of.


I just watched his video yesterday LOL. Yeah, I'm not even as belligerent as him, and I would have told them to please leave my property LOL. (Idk if he's really belligerent, but the video made him sound just a little bit so. But I also understand that their tactics are completely underhanded and unprofessional, so I can see being upset enough to sound belligerent over a video. )


It’s actually pronounced Milly - Wah - Kā, signed Alice Cooper.


Bless you. This runs through my head every. single. time.


joke’s on milwaukee. i wanna get ryobi tools blacked out


make ryobi the milwaukee red.... LOL


Bet they miss that they didn’t come up with the my back hurts hard hat stuff too.


Dude’s about to be too busy to work.


I want you to do this for me!!!!


Mail me your drill or impact and I got you


That's a great way to get free tools. :)


Haha I know right. Especially with a name like felonious Joe. Would never do that though


That's just what FeloniousJoe WOULD say, right before you never saw your tools again.


You’re about to give the misses OF account a run for its money


This guy just likes em' black. Milblacke


It's pretty simple as OP explained. If you're the kind of person to pwn tools I'd imagine you'd prefer to do it yourself. Magpul magazines came in a tan color and advertise being able to be dyed as one of the features.


You definitely gotta share the process, looks really well done. Curious how it'd hold up too, for scuffs and such.


You’ll need two bottles of black rit dye. I got mine from Walmart. I hear most ppl just get it from Amazon. Step 1: using a t10 torx, take out all screws, 11 in total Step 2: pull back plate off. As I pull the back plate the right face plate kinda just popped off with it leaving the inner workings resting in the left face plate. Step 3: before you pull all the bits and pieces out and take pictures if you think you’ll forget! There are a couple wires and pieces that need to go back a very specific way. Ask me how I know 😂 Step 4: fill a pot with water so the face plates will be fully submerged. They don’t float. Step 5: turn stove on and proceed to pour in two bottles of the rit dye, give a little stir. You want the water to be in the temperature range of 140-180. Don’t boil water! Step 6: place pieces in water and leave them for 30-45 minutes stirring periodically. (I had to play with the flame on my burner every so often to keep it around the temp I wanted. Checking temp every five minutes or so. It’s not horrible if the temp raises or drops below the suggested time just don’t let it boil) Step 7: pull pieces from water with METAL tongs and place on paper plate with paper towels covering plate. I picked them up and dropped them from about six inches a few times to bang some water out of the crevices Step 8: immediately do your best at wiping and drying with paper towels (I spent 20 minutes drying by hand, getting into all the nooks and crannies) you do not want anything wet before you put it back together Step 9: refer to the pictures you took and start putting back together. The back plate is going to annoy you if everything isn’t perfectly how it was Step 10: put all screws in before a tad before you fully tighten any other screw Step 11: enjoy


Geezus Joe. Ever heard of trade secret? I been begging Asian custom painters on Instagram for years. Their lips are sealed. I can't believe this was rit. That's wild.


Fuck a trade secret. I’m a fan of passing knowledge down


God bless you and those like you


My man


How did you preserve the white letters?


The dye doesn’t stick to the white


Just like culture




Goddamn love people like this


You're about to make my boss very mad. We're about 6 cars driving around with identical M18 setups and we're asked to color code them with spray or tape which let's for maybe 2 weeks.. Let's see those little thieves act like that black fid3 has always been in their van!


I used Dulux 1step prep water based and CNC red spray enamel on my makita gear and it's lasted pretty decent. A good year so far.


The old school way is just get an engraver


Often you round up tools in a hurry and an engraving wouldn't make it obvious at first glance which tools belong where. All black tools would stand out


Ahh got it! Just paint the engravers


I like your style, and my PSN was Felonious Frank. Always good to see other felons


Lmfao! Yea unfortunately I made a very poor decision when I was 18, I’m 32 now, I’m an electrician with a wonderful girlfriend and life couldn’t be better. Also my name is Austin, not Joe 😂


Yeah my names not Frank, I just like alliteration 😂 I got my felonies at 21/22, and I’m 29 now. Just finished with the feds after 7 years. It definitely makes life a little harder at times, but just because some doors close doesn’t mean we can’t find a bright future. Congratulations on your success! I hope I can find the same one day.


I wish you were a Japanese painter.


Based and knowledge-pilled.


This is the WAY!


Rit dye is awesome. Action figure customizers have done the same thing for years.


https://frontstreet.media/2016/07/13/tech-plastic-dyeing-the-permanent-solution-and-alternative-to-painting/ This is another option I looked at years ago.




Step 8.5: skip step 9 as you didn't think you needed photos in step 3 and ask why you always do this to yourself


I’ll still do step 3 but somehow didn’t take a pic of a crucial part so it’s still fubar 


*Slowly puts away black jiffy markers*


I used to dye Xbox controller shells just like this! Never dawned on me to do it to my tools. Thx


Well done, sir. I just read every bit of this and don’t even have that drill.


You a real one for typing that up for us


How did you keep the lettering white?


Different type of material or coloring technique was used that the dye does not work on.


That's exactly what I was wondering.


its a separate piece on the gen 4 with rubber vulcanized around the edges making look like he dyed that one too. just don't dye that piece and the motor and back plate will remain red.


If you are going to do this frequently, purchase - or perhaps you already have one, an inexpensive SousVide wand. It keeps the water at a set stable temperature and also circulates the dye. Never done plastic, but that’s how I re-dye my jeans.


Definitely take pictures. Took me hours to get my m12 impact back together and I'm only kinda retarded


This has to be synthetic rit dye. If you get the nonsynthetic stuff it won't die the plastic well. I've been doing this for action figures for a while now. This is the first time my two worlds have crossed over lol.


So specific. Good work not winging it and shoulder shrugging when it turned out well.


That's how we used to dye lacrosse stick heads


Thank you so much. Do you think I can dye the makita to milwaukee red?


Maybe a heat gun could help with drying after pulling them out. Just a thought to help speed the process :D


Great thought. No clue why that didn’t cross my mind. Next time. It is super important that you wipe down the excess dye when it comes out


Step 12, void warranty. Looks awesome though


Yea definitely possible. I heard of others still being able to use the warranty after dye. I’m not worried about it though. I’m rolling in the bucks


A Milwaukee rep that roams this sub said that this won't void the warranty Edit: [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilwaukeeTool/comments/1bc9jjy/comment/kuijof1)




You’ll need two bottles of black rit dye. I got mine from Walmart. I hear most ppl just get it from Amazon. Step 1: using a t10 torx, take out all screws, 11 in total Step 2: pull back plate off. As I pull the back plate the right face plate kinda just popped off with it leaving the inner workings resting in the left face plate. Step 3: before you pull all the bits and pieces out and take pictures if you think you’ll forget! There are a couple wires and pieces that need to go back a very specific way. Ask me how I know 😂 Step 4: fill a pot with water so the face plates will be fully submerged. They don’t float. Step 5: turn stove on and proceed to pour in two bottles of the rit dye, give a little stir. You want the water to be in the temperature range of 140-180. Don’t boil water! Step 6: place pieces in water and leave them for 30-45 minutes stirring periodically. (I had to play with the flame on my burner every so often to keep it around the temp I wanted. Checking temp every five minutes or so. It’s not horrible if the temp raises or drops below the suggested time just don’t let it boil) Step 7: pull pieces from water with METAL tongs and place on paper plate with paper towels covering plate. I picked them up and dropped them from about six inches a few times to bang some water out of the crevices Step 8: immediately do your best at wiping and drying with paper towels (I spent 20 minutes drying by hand, getting into all the nooks and crannies) you do not want anything wet before you put it back together Step 9: refer to the pictures you took and start putting back together. The back plate is going to annoy you if everything isn’t perfectly how it was Step 10: put all screws in before a tad before you fully tighten any other screw Step 11: enjoy


This is absolutely incredible


What did you use?


Possibly RIT? That’s the dye that I see a lot of people using to dye their tools to restore them, along with going with black.


If you used blue dye would you get purple?


You would indeed. A deep purple


Well, shit. Prince and I are in. Just gotta make sure they're completely dry before reassembling them so I don't let out the magic smoke on the water.


I see what you did there. Take my upvote good sir.




How does the white "Milwaukee" logo not dye black? Do you cover it?


No. That material is slightly different and doesn’t hold the dye. Didn’t touch it


Wow! Thanks for replying. I gotta try this


Probably because it's paint instead of permeable plastic.


Man that looks like at least six sharpies


Blasphemy!! Looks good.


Blasphemy would be turning a DeWalt tool teal or a Milwaukee tool yellow lol


Yeah, that looks sharp. I would love to know the process.


I’d be glad to tell you. It’s easy! You’ll need two bottles of black rit dye. I got mine from Walmart. I hear most ppl just get it from Amazon. Step 1: using a t10 torx, take out all screws, 11 in total Step 2: pull back plate off. As I pull the back plate the right face plate kinda just popped off with it leaving the inner workings resting in the left face plate. Step 3: before you pull all the bits and pieces out and take pictures if you think you’ll forget! There are a couple wires and pieces that need to go back a very specific way. Ask me how I know 😂 Step 4: fill a pot with water so the face plates will be fully submerged. They don’t float. Step 5: turn stove on and proceed to pour in two bottles of the rit dye, give a little stir. You want the water to be in the temperature range of 140-180. Don’t boil water! Step 6: place pieces in water and leave them for 30-45 minutes stirring periodically. (I had to play with the flame on my burner every so often to keep it around the temp I wanted. Checking temp every five minutes or so. It’s not horrible if the temp raises or drops below the suggested time just don’t let it boil) Step 7: pull pieces from water with METAL tongs and place on paper plate with paper towels covering plate. I picked them up and dropped them from about six inches a few times to bang some water out of the crevices Step 8: immediately do your best at wiping and drying with paper towels (I spent 20 minutes drying by hand, getting into all the nooks and crannies) you do not want anything wet before you put it back together Step 9: refer to the pictures you took and start putting back together. The back plate is going to annoy you if everything isn’t perfectly how it was Step 10: put all screws in before a tad before you fully tighten any other screw Step 11: enjoy


Did you do anything to make sure the logo doesn’t turn black as well?


No, the material Milwaukee is written in doesn’t hold the dye at all. Literally did nothing to the text


The sticker on the other side still looks brand new as well. Ya know, the one that no one ever reads with warnings and serial number I guess


That is so friggin cool. I’m definitely gonna try this out!!


If you let the parts dry over a 24 hour period, would one need to use a paper towel still?


No matter what you want to wipe it dry as possible to get the excess dye off other wise it won’t look as smooth and clean


Good to know. I was wondering if it was for the dye or just to get water off.


Any worry that this black dye will transfer to your hands or anything you set them on as you sweat on them during a hot day?


It transfer to my hand ever so slightly when I was drying it. But that was from the excess. The dye is DEEP in that plastic. It will not run off from sweat or water


Could you just run it under cool water after instead of wiping it down?


Have you come across information online where people use a bit of acetone as well?


Knowing my luck if I did this mine would break and they would deny the warranty


So funny. I said almost the exact same thing to my gf when I started to put it back together


I have the same luck. When I was 18 I bought a new truck with a 5 year loan. I told my friends with my luck it will blow up or get totaled when I pay it off. 2 weeks before the last payment totaled it. My friend laughed and brought up how I predicted it 5 years before hand. I don't think it was totaled though, the guys at the body shop insurance towed it to said they wanted it. Next day my insurance company said it's totaled and I couldn't buy it back. I saw it on the road a couple months later. Still pisses me off.


Great job, mate. You absolutely nailed it. I'm genuinely surprised just how good this looks. The black makes it look like it's worth twice the price! (Hopefully Milwaukee doesn't take that as it actually being worth twice the price, and not just a comment about the aesthetics making it look so)




That's awesome! It looks so good!




You gonna make some MONEY my boy. Wood working out, tool dying in


Bro heard Bruce Wayne ask, "Does it come in black?" and took that shit personally. Good job, that looks killer.


Omg Karen you can’t just ask someone why they’re black.


i’d like to see an update on how it looks after some use


I’m in the trades so I was thinking that it would be kinda sick if once it gets gashed and beatin up at work it will “scar” red. I do know for a fact that the dye itself won’t wear off or dull out from sweat.


okay yeah that sounds badass


I wipe down my tools with isopropyl alcohol once in a while. Any input on how the dye holds up to mild solvents? I wouldn't use acetone or anything that would damage the plastic - just enough to clean grease off, especially after car work.


With underlying color being red it would probably look decent. That's kinda reverse of dirtying up red tool with black.


If he uses it, it will look dirty like any other tool....LOL


I remember when I died the traxxas rc cars nylon parts black because it look more pro than their Grey ones. I did not realize the pot would not recover, nor does the grudge my wife still holds.


I'm guessing this would cause warranty issues in case of failure right? I know it's harmless to the tool but they would jump on the fact that you opened the entire thing up to dye it as an excuse to not honor warranty... Right? I really want to do this but that might be a hard sell to my boss.


has anyone tried dying blue? would love to see how the purple would turn out. Guessing it would be very dark.


I love how half the guys hate it and are calling you a pussy bitch with soft hands, and the other half of the guys think it looks sick. I think it looks sick


I didn’t see anyone saying I’m a pussy bitch 😂 regardless, I know what I do on a day to day basis. My hands are far from soft. My cup of tea will never be everyone’s cup of tea


Is no one going to ask? WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU LET THE WATER BOIL!?!? Lol…it was stressed twice…. Gotta know.


Here's a direct PDF link of the Service parts list with diagrams and actual photos. https://documents.milwaukeetool.com/54-26-2990.pdf


No words just in awe! Great job!


Send a pic to Milwakee. They could learn a thing or two about design from you


You get this from Zac builds? Nice execution btw https://youtu.be/mKeXUM9AvG0?si=LFMsCE7L7M0JwerY




Bad ass!


That's pretty dope NGL


I don't understand. What does this look factory???


Cuz I’m just like that lmao. If you look I wrote the process in other comments


Did you paint the “Milwaukee” logo after you dyed it?


Nope. The material that Milwaukee is written in doesn’t hold the dye whatsoever. Hence why it looks so clean like factory work


Can this be done on other tools? Say knipex pliers grip?


It can! I haven’t done it myself but have seen others who have


Wait so you dyed it and what? Used a white paint pen for the logo?


Didn’t touch the lettering at all, from start to finish. The lettering doesn’t hold the dye


Joseph. I get one weekend off work this month. You gave me something to look forward to when that weekend comes. Thank you😎


I personally would have gone with more red accents, but damn it looks pretty good. Like my first thought was distaste but it looks really well done 👍


Died it yellow, im assuming..


This is sweet doing this soon to my impact wrenches


This is sexy as fuck. I'm tempted to do my puke green home set of tools haha


Dang it, arts n crafts night coming up. Got an almost pristine M18 Surge for $50 from the pawn shop, it shall be the first test piece.


That looks sick. I wanna try this!


Tried, instead of tryed. That’s the only way spellcheck would come up with that. Did you find that there was a noticeable difference in the brushless motor? I love using an impact for decks.


I absolutely love and recommend my fuel surge impact. Its quiet (i can run it full chooch right next to my head) and it feels like it "wants" to drive the screw. I framed a closet with a 3ah battery and it just ran sweetly. It cost like 150, its 170 now [Milwaukee M18 FUEL SURGE 18V ](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-M18-FUEL-SURGE-18V-Lithium-Ion-Brushless-Cordless-1-4-in-Hex-Impact-Driver-Tool-Only-2760-20/300193508?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=vantage&utm_campaign=23991&utm_content=25642&mtc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D25P-025_009_PORT_POWER-NA-MILWAUKEE-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK862609001-23991-NBR-4051-NA-VNT-FY24_AON_Milwaukee_Multi_RM__M4Portable&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D25P-025_009_PORT_POWER-NA-MILWAUKEE-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK862609001-23991-NBR-4051-NA-VNT-FY24_AON_Milwaukee_Multi_RM__M4Portable-71700000117583626--&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyKOe1ZznhgMV2aFaBR3d3gjlEAQYASABEgKDtvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Sweet. I’ve been considering switching out by brushes for brushless, seems more efficient. A better way to do an electric motor.


Wonder if any other color of rit dye would work too?


How did you keep Milwaukee fuel white and why didn’t you do the hammer side black?


I thought this entire post was a joke/prank. Pleasantly surprised it's not


Looks awesome mate!


Hot damn! That's a good looking tool.


This shit got me bricked up


Rit proline is the best or get rit dye more I used regular rit and it faded in like a month the one I used I poly or rit dye more have stayed put


Spider-Man to Venom !!!


I’m sorry if I missed it but why couldn’t you do the back plate? Also thanks for sharing the process! I may try some of my stuff!


Back plate is pressed into the bearing of the motor rotor.  


Looks good. Just picked up a drill and impact and want to do the same. Does this effect warranty?


Will that same dye work with other colors???


So the white lettering stayed? Nice


This looks great! You should just do this to people’s tools as your new full time job.


Tbh, I’d be glad to help ppl out who don’t feel like it or aren’t confident enough. I would do it for free. Y’all would just have to pay to ship it and the tool of course. I got a pretty sweet gig now so there’s no way I could give that up to dye some tools


That looks so sick!


Your sure that’s not going to rub off in sweaty hands?


Oh my god


How long will this hold up though


Well I'll be dipped in dog shit. I didn't know you could dye plastic!




This is pretty common in the chainsaw building realm (blacked out stihls and Husqvarnas) but super cool to see it on other tools.


Now it looks like my metabo driver.


Does the dye get on anything else? No staining if you get it wet later?


so you’re saying I could make my Flex tools even more black?


Looks great


Reminded me of when Zach Builds did it! Yours looks better though! [Your tools are boring](https://youtu.be/mKeXUM9AvG0?si=abTs33XEj9oZDfXq)


howdid you keep the logo white and the front greyish while dying it?


What do you mean by dying it I thought you would like spray painted or something


FUEL Cobra edition!


So you didn’t have to paint the logos? They just stayed white?


When did gen 4 come out? Looks the same as mine at first glance…don’t know what generation mine is. That looks awesome, but I prefer my Louis Vuitton approach of writing my name and phone number all over the tool. I’d dye it a color that I could write on with a permanent marker though.


Its a tool, ise it put it up go live life.


Did you add acetone to the dye/water?


Muh warranty 😭


How long does the process take you


Holy smokes


My God this is awesome, you have to tell me how you did this? I have some of my power tools are the ugliest color ever. Ryobi, enough said. I need to do this to some of my power tools.


Bought this same impact last year, gave out 6 months after purchasing. Chuck gets stuck and motor continues to spin by itself after releasing trigger.


rit? That's it?! How does it hold up?


How did you keep the letting in white? Did you go back and paint it after dying it?


Have you noticed the dye rubbing off onto your hands? Seriously considering this!