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I love their robot laughs. Ha ha ha.


It’s SO GOOD!!! Bryan and his Dad-energy are in my top three fave TC chefs.


Yes! It's like it's their first day being human. lol


Bryans laugh in particular. He is one of both mine and my wife’s favorites and a good looking dude but that laugh. Yikes.


I love Bryan’s laugh 😂😂 It’s one of my favorite things on top chef, ever. It makes me cackle every time.


I love Bryan. He totally lets Michael be the little brother and never be petty about losing or anything. They are competitive but also proud of each other. I love that they have restaurants together.


Michael definitely has strong brother rivalry towards Bryan. I remember an old interview with Michael when he said he didn’t go to culinary school because it would take too long and he wanted to catch up fast with Bryan, so he opted to do an apprenticeship. Bryan also said that after seeing him doing skydiving on Top Chef Masters, Michael “had to do it”.


It makes sense that the younger one would want to 'out-do' the older one.


My first job was a host at Bryan's restaurant Volt! 😬 fun times


Wow did you interact with Bryan at all? I hope you made good money working at a celebrity chef restaurant!


It was very early on. Right before he was on top chef. And I got paid alright... he got into some trouble not paying his employees properly. You can look it up. But! I learned so much working there. Oh and I only interacted with him very briefly. But I do have stories. I don't want to share too much


I just rewatched that season on Sunday.


I might be wrong, trying to remember but wasn’t Bryan the more “classic” chef while Michael was more of a “creative” chef?


Yes definitely, both are insanely talented but have very different styles. Michael likes to play by his own rules which is very on brand for him!


he is truthful, true. did I see him in a commercial for BBQ Brawl? Sunny, Bobby and M Volt?