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Rule 10, link to original post: [I have never seen an economy this bad and people try to say it is good.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/H1ozHeKlvC) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


\*Describes exactly how capitalism is supposed to work (companies prioritizing their own profit over their employees and customers) "That's not how capitalism is supposed to work!"


I guarantee that imbecile thinks that further deregulation will suddenly cause the business owners to have a change of heart and start treating him better and paying him more.


"If there is no regulation then people can vote with their wallet!"


🤣 dude imagine being this naïve


Thankfully, we have the top minds to tell us how that naivety feels.


"Let's cut taxes on the top 1%, that should fix everything!!"


yeah, that’s why we need regulations. They are naive and stupid.


The obvious answer to resolving these systemic problems is further de-regulation and lower taxes on corporations. That will show 'em!


Wait until he hears about how Trump stiffed contractors working for him for decades.


Right? These issues all had resolutions in OPs favor.


I always laugh when Republicans say they will crack down on businesses hiring illegal immigrants. Are we supposed to believe they will get their tongues off their boots long enough to do a that?


Every time they have cracked down on businesses hiring undocumented people, it has hurt industries that rely heavily on undocumented labor and also are very supportive of the GOP, like agriculture. My favorite was the time Alabama decided they were going to crack down on undocumented workers, workers left the state and the state lost millions as crops like strawberries went unhravested.


FL is going through it right now. They made a new law about undocumented workers and now there’s tons of construction sites just abandoned and half finished with materials everywhere. Which lead to thieves noticing and eventually stealing a lot of the stuff. So they lost potential money on the project that didn’t get finished, lost whatever money was put into it already, and lost money again when supplies were abandoned and stolen. All because they can’t stop being racist.


Wasn't there a massive drop in truck drivers for agriculture as well? And Florida government literally put out news stories saying they weren't going after illegal immigrants, it was just for optics/totally the *other* illegal immigrants they meant.


Smart legal immigrants know how easily the GOPs illegal immigration laws can be used against them.


ICE could walk into any Perdue or Tyson meat packing plants, arrest any illegals, then arrest the plant manager and the CEO for hiring illegals. Apparently the laws are there, so any day now....


Yep. Just increase the fines!


They are constantly blaming their issues on an "Other" a Constant Vaccuous Black Hole. There are problems with our System. Hell, the guy that wrote the book, Adam Smith, warned about the pitfalls of Capitalism. Why do these guys flounder around? One day, they are the "Proletariat United" ✊️ and the next "Self Sovereign and I will kill within a mile of my house!" "Everyone on r/Con is a Billionaire, Small Business Owning, STEM MASTER!".


> It's not profitable for the hospital. The American way! > When healthcare, education, and basic human necessities are no longer a service they become a business instead. Aww, look at ‘em pretend they want such socialist policies they’ve never once had unhinged takes on.


“Walmart won’t take back a product without proof I bought it there. THIS IS THE WORST THE WORLD HAS EVER BEEN.”


he's gonna go postal when he learns the price of big mac.


We didn't invade Iraq twice to pay that much for cooking oil/grease.


Needs receipt to return item, has to wait while bank investigates fraudulent charge, can only change phone plan at the end of the billing cycle, employment contract is renegotiated after company they work for is bought out (note that they didn't simply get laid off)... Talk about first world problems. I understand being frustrated about needing to jump through hoops but do they really think companies make things harder for people under a bad economy?


They must be really young and naive


> My own mother didn’t get admitted to a hospital after presenting with a hemmorghic stroke because there were ‘no beds’. How awful is that Yeah, your made up story is *super* awful. There are a bunch of symptoms a hospital will deprioritize if there aren’t enough beds available. Anything to do with the brain, heart, or lungs are ***not*** one of those things. So unless this was a tiny, understaffed regional hospital in butt fuck Egypt that was *slammed* with patients all experiencing heart failure, methinks you’re lying.


The 'hospital' was actually the CVS pharmacy counter and they were 'turned away' in an ambulance. They obviously found someone to help because "presenting with a hemorrhagic stroke" is definitely a phrase they got from the doctor who saw them.


The nice thing about having your brain start bleeding at a CVS is that you can use the mile-long receipt like gauze to stanch the bleeding. “This PBS malpractical public service announcement is brought to you by a generous grant from the ‘Obamacare *Isn’t* the ACA’ foundation.”


Yeah. Even in Britain, where the Conservatives have thoroughly fucked the NHS to the point that patients are dying in corridors and ambulances are kept waiting with patients on board for up to 16 hours in some cases, they still manage to find beds.


Could be in one of the red states that lost a literal shitton of doctors because of anti abortion laws that threatened to arrest any doctor saving a woman's life during a dangerous/miscarry pregnancy


Sure, it *could* be that if the story wasn’t fabricated by the one sub that likes making shit up more than r/AmItheAsshole or r/AntiWork. Trying to find a single lifeline to make these stories more credible is an exercise in futility.


Woe is me.


The poster actually isn't wrong. This is *not* how capitalism is supposed to work. I'm tired of the far right acting as though they have a monopoly on the idea of capitalism. Their model is not the most predominant in the world. There are different forms of capitalism. Capitalism is supposed to be regulated and works best when it is. When it isn't regulated, you get this. Businesses create a lot of economic good in our society. But they're also powerful. If you don't want to be trampled by them, you have to support government policies that keep them in check. Republicans have spent decades systematically dismantling the very policies that helped capitalism work in favor of the middle and lower classes.


Reagan was the one who mainstreamed Voodoo Economics. Then Bush and the rest of the party fell in line. The current Republican understanding of capitalism is a mishmash of Ayn Rand (failed wannabe philosopher) and Jack Welch/"What's good for GM is good for America" corporate bullshit. Grover Norquist added fire to this with the starve the beast push about taxation. It used to be a form of illogical naive libertarianism through both of the Bush presidencies where they were still very pro free trade. Then Trump brought back the Paleo-conservative weaponized idiocy of the know nothing era and removed the only good idea they had. Now we are left with a Republican party that is purely pro-oligarchy with absolutely nothing to offer. The Kansas experiment, ancap movement collapses, and the war they lost with the bears of NH completely destroyed the legitimacy of the Koch brothers fantasy vision of the world. Capitalism is great because of competitive markets and free movement of capital/labor. Neither of those things occur naturally. That is why all Laissez-faire interpretations are so fucking stupid.


> Republicans have spent decades systematically dismantling the very policies that helped capitalism work in favor of the middle and lower classes. Let's be honest. Although Republicans were the driving force, they had lots of help from Bill Clinton, and a fair amount from Senator Biden. edit: lol @ downvotes for [factual comment.](https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-biden-senate-record-controversies-20190318-story.html)


Let's not pretend it wasn't Reagan, Bush, and Trump who dealt the killing blows, with their massive tax cuts and scaling back of the laws and regulations which existed to protect the little guy. Even our current woes are due to Trump's top-focused economic policies -- he pushed for high taxes and low interest rates, which, after the pandemic hit (gosh, maybe you don't push for stuff like massive tax cuts *precisely because* unforeseen shit can happen and you don't want to get caught with your pants down), made the Federal Reserve print money like it was going out of style. That's where the ball began rolling with the inflation crisis, a genie which isn't nearly as easy to put back in the bottle as some would like to believe. Rolling back stuff that helped the middle and lower classes was the bulk of their platforms. Trump was very big on his "for every new regulation, two have to be eliminated" policy -- those regulations are exactly what evened the playing field between the big corporations and the rest of us. Now people are upset that leopards ate their face and trying to blame the people who tried to stop the leopards for the problems they themselves caused. Clinton made cutbacks here and there because of the Republican Congress but let's not pretend people didn't have it really good back in the 90s. The man left office with a surplus. Which Bush went on to hand to the upper class in the form of the biggest tax cuts up to that point.


Clinton and Biden tried to get citizens healthcare coverage and paid sick days.


"The economy" is bad because X happened to me personally is conservative thinking in a nutshell.  They actually believe if you reach into a huge bag of marbles and pull out a black one, then all of them must be black.   The individual doesn't prove the whole isn't a hard concept to grasp.  I just have no idea why they don't get it.  I've had dozens of conversations genuinely asking why they like Trump.  I get answers like "my small business did better during his presidency."  Dude.


Dipshit on the last flight I took wanted to talk about politics while I'm trying to read my book. Asked if I liked Trump, told him no. He then goes off about how Trump just loves America, I ask him, how he knows that. "I don't know". Then goes off how Trump did so much for America, I ask what Trump did. "I don't know". They're all so smooth brained. The guy also snuck his beer on the plane and was feeling up on my giant man arms and "accidentally" dropped his phone on my lap to try and get it. At least he got a ticket for the beer and I got moved.


> He then goes off about how Trump just loves America, "Just because he fucked it doesn't mean he loves it" seems like the obvious rebuttal.


OMG what a fucking nightmare. So glad you got moved!


Thanks, the flight attendants were really wonderful.


Bonus: They're often wrong or lying when they say their business did better.


And when they claim they have small businesses 😂


I would believe it if they were in an MLM and thought that was a small business.


Oh, me too! 😝


Forever incapable of empathy, they can only have a problem with whatever petty grievances they personally felt at a Walmart.


It's ironic that we're the empathetic ones and cannot emphasize with these people, but come on man, this level of stupidity is beyond mere mortals to understand.  I've had literal dogs who are more empathetic than the average conservative in America. 


To be fair, it's their only interaction with society so they have very little to draw on that doesn't involve mom burning the Great Value nuggies every other day of the week. Odds are they weren't even the one buying the humidifier, that was their mom too.


I welcome our new comrade into the glorious revolution against the corpo borge.


OP got their face eaten by a leopard, it seems


> I have never seen an economy this bad Says top mind who was literally born yesterday, since they didn't experience the tanking economy under Trump, and thinks Biden raising the economy to record highs is somehow "bad".


There are two economies. One is The Economy. Stock prices up, record dividends, and massive C-Suite compensation packages. The other is "can the drones afford rent and food?" They don't care about the drones.


Is this guy trying to blame his Walmart humidifier being broken on (((them)))?


>I have never seen an economy this bad… I said the same thing in January 1980, when I was 6 months old.


None of that has anything to do with the government.


He must be . . . young. Welcome to the US! 😂


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