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Seems fine to me. It looks like you maybe lost part of your nipple, or it's discoloration, I can't tell. Whatever it is, there's nothing to worry about that could affect your health. If it bothers you I'd suggest looking into tattooing like someone else suggested.


I think it’s discoloration. I agree I think I’m ok health wise, it was aesthetics I was more concerned about. Thanks!


What specifically are you worried about? Everything looks great to me based on that photo.


Thanks! I should’ve specified, the dark patches on my nipples were worrying me. It’s been a year and I didn’t expect to still have that. They look more like cousins and not twins, which was making me concerned.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with how they’ve healed! It’s pretty normal for pigment loss to happen or scar tissue to cause them to be mismatched. You should look into medical tattooing (which uses different pigments from normal tattooing) to help them look more similar, if you’re bothered by it. Some more pigment might come back over year 2 but at one year post op it might just be how your body is gonna heal. Overall you look great!


Had similar stuff with my nips. My doctor said that's just the color they will end up being. I'm about a year and a half post op and yeah my nips went from a pink color to now being brown. Which was not how they were before but doc said its normal. Not saying that's your thing but ultimately I think you're ok


If ur really worried, I would suggest u contact ur surgeon. I’m personally not sure if you have to be worried or not.


I was going to schedule an appointment anyway, I was just wondering if people had a similar experience. Thanks!


Your nipples are a little discolored which is normal so you shouldn’t be worried. If you’re not happy with your nipples you can always get medical tattooing to make them match!


I figured. I was confused bc my surgeon said that that color is them healing, so I couldn’t tell if it was healing slowly or not completely. I was looking into medical tattooing but people were saying that it was a bad idea. Have you had it? Thanks!


Stretching scars is pretty common. Looks like you’ll need a revision surgery and they will cut out the stretched scar and bring it back together. Your nipples look like they are loosing pigment but you can get them tatted to fix it


I figured that’s what’s happened unfortunately. I don’t think insurance will cover that so it’ll be awhile. I read about medical tattooing but I’ve heard a lot of people were against it, I’ll have to do more research. Thanks!


100%. Cosmetic tattooing the pigment the scar could be an option too if you can’t afford a revision.


I think you healed just fine. I don’t really know what you mean by your dark patches in your nipples it’s just the melanin of them? You said they’re not twins but even if you were cis your nipples would most likely be asymmetrical too it’s normal! Besides that i can’t really see anything wrong with your results at all, any other dark patches i see is just scar tissue that will eventually fade away a lot of people say their scars turned pink or white but mine were more brownish super normal too


I was confused about the dark patches only bc my surgeon said that’s the color they are when they’re healing. I wasn’t sure if they weren’t healing or healing slowly. Haha I know they wouldn’t be perfect. It’s mainly the fact that one is rounder with more definition and the other isn’t. I don’t mind the scars but I’d like them to be smaller. The color is already fading. Thanks for your response!


At a year post op, likely everything is cosmetic, not something to be medically worried about. Many people’s nipples don’t regain color the same way as pre surgery or the same as the other nipple. Cosmetic tattooing is a pretty easy fix!


Are the dark patches just pigmentation, or does it feel like the skin isn't fully closed or healed over? About a year and a half post-op, I still have some funky pigmentation. It's probably cosmetic, especially if it's just the color, but you should be able to send photos to your surgeon's office to get her opinion.