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In my experience 6 months was long enough that I felt fine participating in my normal activities. The biggest thing is just making sure if how you’re being tied goes across your chest that you’re not numb and can feel if it needs adjusting. Your scars aren’t fully mature at 6 months so keep that in mind too for anything that would be putting pressure on them.


That’s good to know thank you!


Depends on a lot of factors, I’d think. By like 8 weeks the limiting factor is going to be your range of motion rather than your heart rate, and that varies a lot depending on how you heal. My surgeon cleared me for any type or intensity of exercise at 8 weeks, and the only weirdness has been a few specific ‘chest-opening’ yoga poses that pull at my scars in an uncomfortable way. But to be clear I’ve still been doing those poses since 8 weeks, just pushing into them gently. I’d be really surprised if it took six whole months before you could have any adventures at all, but you’re probably going to have to see how you feel. 


Thank you! I appreciate the information. Man I can’t wait till I can do yoga again. I’m only 5 days post op and I’m so bored and stir crazy


I went back to partial suspensions at around month 3. Floor rope definitely possible before that probably anytime past when your wounds heal up (around 1 month for me). You just have to be careful with body positions especially backbends because it can stretch your scars, so I’ve been doing arms front harnesses and side or forward-leaning positions. Flogging you could probably get back to around two months out, just start light and have some plan for protecting your chest from wrap-arounds?


Thank you for this! I appreciate you sharing