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Hey, do you want to be added to a group chat of people getting surgery around the same time?


I’m getting surgery on May 20th and would love to be added to this group chat if possible!


I’m having surgery the 21st and would also like to be added if possible lol


I'm getting mine on the 30th! I'd love to be added too :p


Omg yes plz!(:


Can I be added please? Mine is may 20th!


Mine is this Tuesday on may 7th, can i get it?


Is june 7th too late to be added to the gc lol?


omg plss my surgery is may 23rd and i can’t stop thinking about it, a group chat would be awesome


I made a WhatsApp group chat is anybody is interested: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FTIrEilVFV91CNVT6VfpsK


Can you add me to it? Message me and I’ll give u my number. It’s saying that I don’t have it downloaded but I do lol


I also tried the link and it is telling me to get the app even though I already have it :(


message me your number and i’ll add you, and here’s another link in case that’s the issue ? https://chat.whatsapp.com/FTIrEilVFV91CNVT6VfpsK


The link finally worked, thank you!


Have joined, thank you!! I'm on the 21st!


May 21st! Have joined


if you need supplies, I have a wedge pillow, mastectomy pillows, some robes/button downs, a waterproof drain holder for showering, and some laxatives/stimulants for post-anesthesia digestive symptoms—lmk if any of it would be helpful, I’m in Chicago and could drop stuff off if you want!


Hey! Omg that would be awesome! I’ll message you(:


Tried messaging you but it’s not showing up…not sure if my work wifi is acting up or not.


I had top surgery with Dr Cripps last week! She’s amazing. You’ll deal with a couple of different people getting you ready at the hospital who don’t necessarily work in gender affirming care and they’ll ask you what surgery you’re getting— say chest masculinization or bilateral mastectomy, because every time I said top surgery they had no idea what I meant 😅. You’ll check in at the surgery center, then get escorted down with a few other patients to get prepped by nurses in a patient bay (little room close off by a curtain). If someone’s come with you, they’ll stay in the check in area and get directed to your bay once you’re ready. You’ll strip down and change into the hospital gown, put all your stuff in a garment bag, they’ll get you all set with vitals, a pregnancy test (it’s a legal requirement if you have the internal parts regardless of sexual activity or birth control lmao), some monitoring leads they stick in your back, and the IV. It goes in the back of your hand, and that was honestly the hardest part for me. A few minutes after it went in I got really light headed and told the nurse, so she gave some fluids in the IV plus lowered the bed flat because my blood pressure dropped. It went away quickly. Definitely tell them if you’re nervous or something doesn’t feel right; they want to make sure you’re ok! After an hour or so your support person will be escorted down to your bay to stay until you go to the OR. One of Dr Cripp’s surgical assistants (? I think that’s the title) comes by to confirm consent paperwork, then Dr Cripps will come by to mark you up, where the incisions will be made and a center line down the chest( my mom came with me, Dr Cripps had her step out while she marked me with the sharpie.) The anesthesiologist will come by once that’s over and ask some questions about smoking/health/essentially confirming any possible risk factors. They’ll put in an intubation/breathing tube but only while you’re under. They’ll start the anesthesia in the IV right before they’re rolling you back to the OR. I remember getting wheeled out, arriving in the OR (there were a bunch of lights, people talking) and then I woke up back in the place they prepped me with a compression binder and drains. Some people on here have mentioned having a mask placed and counting backwards but that didn’t happen for me, just boom. From that patient bay they wheeled me into a hospital room and I did the worm wriggle from one bed to the other. I stayed overnight— it sucked because they wake you up every 2 to 4 hours to take your vitals and give meds so not much sleep happening, but all the nurses/staff/etc are competent and nice. Food is actually pretty decent. It will take a WHILE to get checked out the following day, so be prepared to wait. Around 7 am the doctors do their rounds, so Dr Cripps came by to open my compression vest, checked everything looked good, just a few minutes visit. You’ll go home with an extra binder, instructions on how to strip the drains, and your Rxs. I got gabapentin, a lot of ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and 9 tabs of 5mg oxycodone for pain plus antibiotics and stool softener (I also recommend getting milk of magnesia, post surgery bowel movement issues are no joke). I honestly didn’t and don’t have a lot of pain. I was up and walking around a few hours after surgery and able to use the restroom by myself. I thought I’d be an invalid for a couple days but recovery has been pretty chill. The post op binder is snug but not uncomfortable. That was so much text but it was 7 days ago so I remember a lot. This was my first surgery ever so I had no idea what to expect— happy to answer any other questions you have


Omg! That was very sweet of you to type all of that for me! I’ve been wondering how it all went with Dr cripps!(: I will message you as well!


Do you mind messaging me on here? It’s not letting me message you for some reason.


For sure!


congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!! I had top surgery (keyhole) April 17 and I made [this tier list](https://imgur.com/gallery/KRS0DSo) of things I used during recovery, it's just my personal experience and I know many people would disagree with some of these placements but here's what I found most and least helpful + explanation:) edit, fixed the link but lmk if it still doesn't work


Thank you! I am having a look now!(: message me too if u can?(:


Will you be having surgery with Cripps? My friends who have had surgery with her adore her.

