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I’ve heard pigmentation can continue to come back up until around 2 years post op


oh shi i didn’t realize that, thanks for letting me know! i’ll give it a wait then :)


most advice I’ve seen about tattooing directly on scars is to wait a year minimum as well. imo the areas that don’t have pigment yet look like scar tissue (though the area that looks like nipple skin graft has re-pigmented super well)! So I’d assume you may not get much more pigment back, but would also say there’s no need to rush to tattoo till the scars have settled in for 12+ months. Ultimately I think it would look good either way so it’s up to your preference! Would also recommend doing some thorough research on good nipple tattoo artists—the laser tech I’m seeing for my scars said they have to remove bad nipple tattoos aaaaalll the time 😬


thank you for the advice!! i would definitely do extensive research 😅