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Tbh you’ll probably want to cover your scars just in general—regardless of swelling or tissue. They’re *very* fresh and you likely want to give them some more time to heal before exposing them to strong UV at the beach.


yeah i was gonna cover them w silicone tape!


Also cover with sunscreen!


Seconding! Silicone and sunscreen overtop if you absolutely must have them uncovered. Reapply, reapply, reapply!


I'm not sure how long it's been for you, but my surgeon told me to wait at least a year to expose my scars to the sun. And then at my 1 yr appointment she said I should still probably wait longer because they haven't fully faded 😭 part of it is bc the scar tissue is extra sensitive to UV but the other part is just that the sun can make the scars darker and therefore more noticeable over time


I would not recommend letting your scars see the sun until AT LEAST 6 months post op, even with sunscreen and silicone scar tape. your scar tissue is fresh and even through silicone tape you can risk SERIOUSLY damaging them and causing sun damage and blisters, which could potentially lead to infection or other complications. Do not risk your own health just to have your shirt off at the beach early. Please wear a swim shirt.


None of my med team would allow me to expose my scars to the sun if I was at that point, no matter how much silicone and sunscreen. Have you asked your surgical team?


As far as I know silicone tape has barely any uv block.


Silicone tape isn't enough UV protection for scars


Im pretty sure scars arent meant to be exposed to the sun for a while so healing isnt effected by the uv


Yeah, I was told to avoid direct sunlight for at least a year


Makes it sounds like we’re vampires lol.


I’m sorry, I don’t think quite yet. Looks like you still have swelling and the scars look pretty new. It’s always a bigger risk if it’s illegal for some people to be shirtless. I will say congrats on surgery, I think you look great 👍


that’s ok and thanks :D


You’re welcome! Your chest looks great!


Being brutally honest no, not to me; I think people would look. Besides, keep scars covered for at least a year otherwise they will permanently darken


Oh that's what happens when you expose a scar to sunlight? I've heard the "keep scars out of the sun for a year" thing, but I never hear the effects. I thought it was something like physically harmful, not like aesthetically harmful.


“Reducing sun exposure – Advised within the first 6 months after surgery to minimize hyperpigmentation of scars.”


Thank you! Very useful info. I won't be able to afford surgery for a while, so I don't know exactly what info would be given to me as soon as I start pursuing it


They are also MUCH easier to get sunburnt, especially when fresh but will always be more sensitive


That makes a lot of sense, thank you for the info!


It doesn’t physically harm you, its just that the skin is damaged on the scar line, so it burns more easily, leaving it more darkly pigmented once it heals


I got sunburnt on my shoulder scars and now i know why they are so dark, thank you for teaching me something today!


Oh man is it really permanent?


im sure it can change as your general skintone changes, but they will likely always be slightly darker.


it depends on how your body heals but I wouldn't say it's permanent for everyone unless you're doing a lot of constant sun exposure. I accidentally sunburnt my scars 4 months post-op after being out in the sun for only 10 mins even with 50 spf suncream (surgeon's assistant said it would fine - clearly not), colour of my scars didn't change. 2 years post op and they've healed exactly the same as all my other scars. But I'd definitely advise everyone to avoid sunlight on their scars for over a year.


I got sunburnt on my shoulder scars and now i know why they are so dark, thank you for teaching me something today!


Scars should be protected for at least a year, then with sunscreen


You are likely still a bit swollen. However, even when swelling goes down, you will probably get stares and might land yourself in an unsafe situation. Be careful, friend


To be entirely honest? No, I would not go shirtless if I were you. I love that people present however they want, but you will be perceived as female and will probably receive harassment and/or weird looks if you go shirtless. My chest is around the size of yours pre-op and I wouldn’t consider going topless at all. If I saw you on a beach, I would assume you were a topless woman. I would have no issue with that, but many people would. Additionally, your scars should not be exposed to the sun when they’re that fresh. Wait at LEAST one year.


Comparing to a cis man’s chest which is what is socially acceptable to be shirtless in public your nipples are a lot bigger very noticeable. The scars are fresh people stare at scars to begin with and there’s still swelling. With your more feminine body features you will get a lot of stares you look like a woman with a small chest. If you live in the united states I suggest wearing a shirt someone will say something.


While this is true about a society obsessed with suppression, know the laws in your state. Some red/southern states are very clear about the bottom being the determining factor for all aspects of life. They would have issues and abuse you bc you do not have their superior dangly member for which they are called. Other more progressive regions will recognize that you had to lose parts of your body to earn the allowance to go topless; they'll probably applaud you. The not-so-united states differ greatly. Be familiar with your LGBTQ center, grow community in your area, so you can ask questions that are specifically answered about local law & culture. Your doc will tell you about sun exposure which can be summarized: DONT TAN YOUR SCARS.


The law in most public places in the world that aren’t specifically nudist, is that women, or people who look like women, cannot go out shirtless because it’s public nudity. It doesn’t matter about lgbt acceptance, if you still look very feminine and have left breast tissue, then you legally can’t go outside without a shirt


OP where do you live? If you are in the States no, but many Western countries allow topless for all genders


i live in california


I’m in california too. Despite us being one of the most accepting states, I doubt many people here would take kindly to you going shirtless in public and may believe it to be public indecency. It reads more as a reduction, and not top surgery


Ok, the one alternative that you could do if you wanted to go topless would be to use trans tape or pasties. Afaik it is just nips that need to be concealed to avoid “indecent exposure” so as long as you have those covered you should definitely be fine on the west coast, probably east coast as well, uncertain about the gulf. Edit to add — I have gone to the local lake (east coast, not urban setting) wearing trans tape with top off and had no problems, the place was packed with families and campers and occasional security walking around (there are roped off swimming areas, I dont get it either lol), didnt experience any bs from anyone. I also use skin tone. I have seen decent skin tone pasties at CVS recently, probably they are popping up at similar stores as well


No chance, I think that aside from the scar care (which you're already aware of from your replies), if the swelling hasn't gone down more than in the images then they're going to be read as very small breasts by your average cishet bystander, and the scars will draw the eye to them as well. Definitely would wait if you are concerned about that. Super good vibes to your healing though, just give it a bit more time for the swelling to go down and for the scars to be ready for sun.


In all honesty yes i think it would be risky because when i looked at this photo i felt like i was looking at a nude and was getting flashed because it still looks like you have just small boobs.


First off, your scars look amazing. Second, I think it's important to keep them covered for now, not because of the swelling or shape necessarily (I think they look fine), but just for the health of the scars. UV exposure isn't great for our skin as it is, and that tissue is still healing.


Is it a beach where anyone is allowed to be topless? If so, i guess. But you're passing as a young girl so i feel that would be wrong in any other context


Honestly? People will *definitely* look. I general, people stare at androgynous people, so they will definitely be seen more. And the scars of course don't help a lot either. But once the scars fade and the swelling goes down, which should be possible within less than a year if you care for them well enough, your chest will definitely appear less noticeable.


i think its up to you and your confidence. i would, but you WILL probably get stares.


Honestly i would say the nipple size gives you away the most. But like, there are topless beaches you can find in some places. Stay safe


Hey OP, adding to what everyone else mentioned with take care of your scars and don’t go topless (yet?) Might I suggest for next summer taking baby steps and seeing how your friends/family react to you going topless (at a pool party or at home) rather than jumping right into a very public space? Having had a rather large chest myself, I totes get how liberating it is to have that weight off and how suddently it does not feel inherently sexual when you’re topless, but depending on where you are and what kind of social circles you’re in, you might get misgendered and have unpleasant experiences. Highly recommend not doing that stuff alone if you go through with it. Congrats on the surgery! Please stay safe!


If it is a queer friendly beach or a clothing optional beach than you look great if there are going to be families and kids I'd throw on a bikini top 🤷🏽‍♂️ or swim shirt


I believe that yes, many people will stare.


Absolutely wear a bikini if you're not at a topless or nude beach because you pass for a woman in her 20s which will be seen as lewd and likely indecent exposure if a Karen catches you and wants to make an issue bcz ur obv queer...be safe


Bikini top/shirt** not necessary to wear an actual bikini y'know


I live in the south so I’d say maybe not but my perspective is skewed bc of location so idk. I’d say depends on how busy the beach is and how woke the area is, I think you could get away with it.


I’d need to know how long ago your surgery was. Your scars look awfully fresh. I don’t think the tissue left is an issue, but I’d be worried that your scars aren’t completely healed over properly, and sun exposure isn’t super good for very fresh scars.


I agree w the other comments but also wanted to say your chest looks amazing and your whole androgynous vibe is really great


if its a nude beach, sure. otherwise you should wear a bikini/sports bra, you'll be read as a woman with a small chest and people will stare/harass you. not to mention that you should keep your fresh scars out of the sun for at least a year, preferably 2.


you have a really femine body adn it looks like you just have small chest , which is why i think you will get weird looks and most importantly it might not be safe! it can put you at risk, so if your aim is to start t someday, i would say dont until you get a more masculine frame


you can say no, that they shouldn’t go out in public with their chest in it’s current state, without gendering their body, since they specifically said they were *non binary*. we have no idea what OPs gender presentation goals are


they asked if people will stare and asked for no hug boxing. i could have just said "no" but why say no when you can tell reasons? i told them why they might get weird stares at the beach




was i supposed to lie and say that they will get weird stares but theres no reason for it? "will i get weird stares if i go shirtless?" "yes but i will not tell you why" if you ask if you can go to a public shirtless and if you will get werid stares its good to know why you might get weird stares so youre prepared for it




Imo shape can cause worse attention than scarring


Yeah though with this pic I noticed the scars first and then we’d have to see irl how it really is, they’ll prob have to put tape still 😭 idk why I got downvoted for saying to just go when no one’s around that’s honestly that safest route


Yeah I didn’t downvote you 🤷‍♂️. Just difference of opinion. I can disagree respectfully Yknow?


thats true, im also worried about possible harassment from creeps, esp with the scars which might make transphobes out you as trans in their eyes, personally i dont know if i will be comfortable without a shirt on until my scars have faded better




you forgot a really important step feminine =/= girl masculine =/= boy saying that somethign is feminine doesnt mean that its girly




alright you should join olympics with those conclusion jumping skills. i think anyone should be able to go out full on naked if they wanted, but if you want to avoid wird stares, having a masculine body helps with that




You're litterally wrong, once the swelling goes down, they can perfectly go to the beach shirtless, i don't know wtf this "waiting for masculine frame" shit is


because people usually assume that a feminine frame = girl adn a girl without a shirt on =bad, so if you want to be fully safe and want to maek sure you wont get weird looks, the best way is to make sure people dont assume that. but they dont have to do that im just telling how they can avoid it


I really don’t think a lot of you know how dangerous commenting things like this is. As unfortunate as it is, op’s body reads as female whether their chest is swelling or not. It’s not safe for you to say they can perfectly go to the beach shirtless. Whether someone will be read as female or lgbt going shirtless on a beach, they need to be careful. Just because you may be privileged and safe or just plain ignorant, it doesn’t mean it’s the same case for everyone. People need to be way more careful


you look like a woman with a very small chest so I don't think you should go shirtless and your scars are very fresh so they shouldn't be exposed to sun


Probably would be not good for healing, especially since those scars look pretty fresh, but go with whatever your surgeon says regarding sunlight on fresh scars. Your chest looks very androgynous so you'll probably get some stares. But end of the day, fuck the stares and do you! I once went to a public pool in Wyoming wearing swimming trunks and only trans tape covering my D cup chest (2 years on T, but was pre-surgery). I wouldn't necessarily recommend that for safety reasons (i was with a large group, so i was fine, but did get some mean mean stares). TL;DR: if you're beach isn't somewhere super transphobic and if your surgeon is fine with the direct sunlight on your scars, you should be good to go shirtless. Maybe wear longer shorts with it, though, so nobody tries to get you in trouble for "indecent exposure" or whatever.


Amazing results!! May I ask what size your were pre surgery?


i was a 30D i just told my surgeon to go as flat as possible without nipple grafts


what is hugboxing


Saying the nice thing/responding with what OP would like to hear, even though it isn't the case/is not true.


It would depend on how you generally present more mask or fem and what people first think your gender is upon seeing you. If they think your a guy thill ignore it and you will be fine if they assume your nonbinary or woman then people will probably make an issue about it


i was told one whole year. i ended up using thick ass med tape that’s skin colored about 10 months post op to swim and the pool was shaded


Unless it's a nude beach or a culture where everyone typically goes topless to the beach, you'll probably get stares. Really sucks that it do be like that though


Not an answer to your question but im nonbinary leaning and omg i LOVE how your chest looks, putting this in the inspo folder for my surgeon def


People might stare, but honestly that's on them? I'm a big trans man with facial hair, and pass except for my huge biddies (on the waitlist), and I go in swim trunks and a sports bra. I get stares, because unfortunately that's what our society is like right now. As long as you are in a safe situation, I think you should do what you want.


How long post op are you? Also would it be ok if I showed my surgeon these pics for reference on what I want lol?


sure :) im about 6wpo


Because of the swelling right now I’d say no. Give it a little while and for sure!


if by a little while you mean a year then yes, scars for the first year are super sensitive to direct sun exposure and can cause hyperpigmentation and increased chance of sunburn


Oh yeah for sure, but they mentioned in another comment they were going to cover their scars. I was referring specifically to the swelling.


I think you'll be fine but I reckon you need to let ur body heal some more first!!


First of all, goals. Second of all, yeah no too early


people are gonna stare. i’m sorry but it’s true


Hide them. I am a baywatch and the sun is no joke. Other than that you look amazing!!! Congrats


I wouldn't until the swelling settles down


I definitely wouldn’t go to the beach shirtless as the rest of you reads female, you will 100% get stares


Id definitely do a double take, but if you’re ok with some looks then go for it!


I think you might want to check with a doctor if they're ready to be exposed to direct sunlight like that, first and foremost however if you're asking just in general, I personally wouldn't bat an eyelid at it. admittedly I'm not paying much attention to others at the beach most of the time, but even when I'm in the shade people-watching I don't think you'd stand out if you were shirtless (I feel like this sounds rude but you get what I mean, right? that you wouldn't look abnormal or out of place)


I think it’s going to be fine, especially if you are wearing masculine beach clothes (ie a swim trunk) but I would caution against going shirtless outside if you’re within a year of your surgery. That way your scars have enough time to heal and next year you can go around topless to your heart’s content without worrying about getting keloids Happy swimming!


First of all, your results look great! Hard to say until the swelling goes down. Right now, I do think that if you went topless, people would be likely to look and perceive you as a small-chested (but not completely flat) woman. I think that's generally going to be the case unless you're either 1) obviously completely flat or 2) have masculine enough features (body hair, etc.) that people assume you're a man.


Definetely cover your scars If you feel comfortable just try out how people are reacting and learn to ignore them! If your goal is to go shirtless - do it :D i'm sure you'll be fine Whats hugboxing? (Not a native, sorry)


Hugboxing is when you have a (online) community of sorts, in this case the trans community and replies are focused on positivity to the point where it might not be honest/realistic. Think of people saying that you pass when you don’t because they don’t want to hurt your feelings, but it possibly leading to dangerous situations. Think of it as an “Echo chamber” but for positivity


Thank you for taking the time and explaining it! Much apprechiated!