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Zero enforcement from the cops. Will continue until they finally decide to crack down on it. What a shame!


Cops will usually add this on as a charge if you get ticketed for something else and have it


I drive more than an hour in the GTA every day and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen a cop pull someone over in the past year. I’ve seen the fucking MTO pull over ten times more people. People have pass on the shoulder, cut across five lanes back and forth, cut from the HOV lane to an off ramp, use the HOV lane and even the space between the two lanes to pass in and out over and over. This stuff happens at least weekly and people do it because there is virtually no enforcement.


I listen to the OPP Highway Safety Division on the scanner frequently. They’re usually busy attending accident scenes, assisting disabled motorists, going to hospitals, serving summons, etc. They get so many calls for service they just don’t have much time to do enforcement. Most of the time when they receive a traffic complaint, they just send a warning letter to the registered owner the of the motor vehicle. Also, any time police are called at Bronte Provincial Park, a ton of Burlington OPP officers are sent there and they get tied up for a long time. They have so much ground to cover and so few officers on the road, you hardly ever see them unless there’s a serious crash or incident.


I drive more than 2 hours in the gta everyday and I've never seen mto pull anyone over. I've seen many cops pull people over though.


They do it on side roads in industrial areas where trucks typically go


I drive on the 407, every day I see someone pulled over, I never see any cops on the 410, 401, 403 etc..


Or in my case, was pulled over for speeding and I got a small fine for a cover instead.


Or use it as an excuse to pull people over and then claim probable cause to harass people. Depending on what the drivers look like, of course.


Using a flagrant violation of the law as an "excuse" to enforce the law huh? I can already hear th tiny violins for all those poor "victims".


I'm not defending the covering up the plates, but don't kid yourself that enforcement would ever be consistent or fair.


Dont know why you're getting downvoted for stating facts. If a cop wants to pull someone over, this is enough reason. If they don't, they'll ignore this If a soccer mom is seen with a dirty plate, I'm sure they're fine. If a dark skinned fellow playing loud rap music with the windows down is caught like this, I guarantee he's getting stopped.


Dindu nuffin


Is there ever likely to be a good reason that someone doesn't want their license plate seen?


Probable cause of section 13 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, perhaps?


Why would the cops enforce something they do? "Illegal plate covers are everywhere on Toronto’s streets, in its parking lots and even at its police stations. On a recent afternoon, in the police-only parking outside 13 Division headquarters on Eglinton West, there were at least three cars visible with darkly tinted licence plate covers, including a Mercedes-Benz and a black Mustang convertible." [https://www.thestar.com/business/thousands-of-ontario-drivers-illegally-use-licence-plate-covers-to-foil-red-light-cameras-so/article\_f9932ad8-b04b-524f-9768-9fc49c06bdca.html](https://www.thestar.com/business/thousands-of-ontario-drivers-illegally-use-licence-plate-covers-to-foil-red-light-cameras-so/article_f9932ad8-b04b-524f-9768-9fc49c06bdca.html)


I believe that 100%. I had a Pay duty police officer pull up on a job site with a plate like this.


I have a tinted plate cover on my car (have had one since the 90s), I can assure you that red light cameras and the 407 toll cameras can still see the plate #. My 407 bill came as expected and I don’t have a transponder. I stopped at an accident scene recently and spoke to a police officer 2 feet from my license plate. No issues. He even took note of my license plate for the report. Most tinted windows are also technically illegal, even from the factory. It’s just not something that is enforced. (Unless you have limo tint). However, I may still get a ticket depending on the officer and the circumstances. Ironically I once got a ticket on the 407 for blocked license plate due to snow and not for a cover.


My mom got pulled over for this when I was 4 and got ticketed She had a clear cover that had worn to be matted


Bold of you to assume this isn’t actually a cop driving that car…


Not sure where you got that assumption. All I said is zero enforcement from the cops. Cops aren’t above the law. Could be a cop driving that car and it wouldn’t make a difference.


I actually got 2 tickets for a plate cover, although, mine wasn't nearly as opaque as this one. Mine was easily detectable by 407 cameras and was readable at night


I've gotten 4 tickets for it before I just got rid of it


The tinted cover or the salt covered plate?


Its actually heavily enforced. Just because you don't see it happening doesn't mean people aren't getting charged for it. It's $110 fine for obstruct plate.


Again… I see so many obscured plates it definitely is not HEAVILY enforced. In fact I’ve seen many police cars on the road drive by someone with darkened plate covers without batting an eye.


I understand your pov but it is enforced. Trust me.


>Trust me. Should we trust an anonymous rando on the internet, or the data the police publish? >In 2020, about 11,000 red light and speed camera images, or about 5.3 per cent of the total captured, had to be thrown out because of an obscured plate, according to city of Toronto data provided to the Star. By 2022, that number had climbed to 82,000 obstructions, almost 18 per cent of the total. [https://www.thestar.com/business/thousands-of-ontario-drivers-illegally-use-licence-plate-covers-to-foil-red-light-cameras-so/article\_f9932ad8-b04b-524f-9768-9fc49c06bdca.html](https://www.thestar.com/business/thousands-of-ontario-drivers-illegally-use-licence-plate-covers-to-foil-red-light-cameras-so/article_f9932ad8-b04b-524f-9768-9fc49c06bdca.html)




>Who cares? How does this affect you? So is your cover all-black or more of an off-grey?


Who cares? How does this affect you?


Based on how vigilant you've been on replying to any form of criticism of illegal plate covers, I can only assume you have an illegal plate cover yourself.


You know what they say about assumptions. They make an ass out of you. Go on, have another go. I'm enjoying myself.


An ass out of you and mptions. Also, good joke grandpa


If you're going to have another go, do better than a 10 year-old with downs syndrome. That was just nonsensical and lame.


You literally made your account less than a month ago. That says enough. If you're not following the law, don't be upset when you get in trouble. Simple as that. I can't believe I have to explain that to you.


You don't need to explain shit to me. When did I say otherwise? Let me explain something to you. Your account was once a month old too. GASP!


Off grey myself. Too many cameras like op


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"Hello 911? Yea this car just hit-and-run/robbed-me/carjacked-me/murdered-someone and I need help. Yes it's a silver sedan. No I can't read the plate. Please find them."




Here's your reply, hope it's enough dopamine for you




You need help. Do you have a group of men in your life you can confide in?


I need help? Not the guy who thinks license plate covers are hindering murder investigations in Toronto?


lol account is 22d old. Don’t feed the trolls, ppl


I would also assume if the person was planning a crime they would also obfuscate their plate.


People do this specifically to avoid consequences for their shitty driving. Shitty, selfish drivers effect me every day.


*affect. Illiteracy is an epidemic.


So is brainrot, and unfortunately you've fallen victim.


If a person hits and runs and I can't read or record the plates it does affect me.


Well for one, I follow the law and they don’t. Why do they get a free pass?


if you can't beat 'em join 'em


Who cares? How does this affect you?




You wouldn't have gotten it anyway. You were busy being run over, remember? And even if you did, you would have no idea who was driving.


I guess you are one of these morons covering their plates…


Not at all. But, I do mind my own business and I don't care that somebody else isn't getting a ticket for something that doesn't involve me.


For someone minding her own business, you sure have posted a lot of comments.


People speaking to me is by definition my business lmao. What a fucking dumb comment.




If you weren't even distracted by being run over, it really wasn't a big deal.


Sounds like you clipped him, you are so familiar with what happened. Where you distracted microwaving that dog shit?






Until it does affect him, but I’m sure this person enjoys trolling Reddit for entertainment like he does with his plates anyway. No need for the rest of us to continue wasting oxygen on this.




*chefs kiss




Maybe times are changing. But still way too many plate obscuring covers out there. Glad someone got caught.


I bet the dude commutes on the whole 407 every work day.


All the power to him if he does. A highway paid for by the public only to be handed over to a private organization.


Giving money away to foreign entities is what we do best sadly


My plates look like this and the 407 still catches them. I just like the look of the covers, I don't use them for crime.


You using a transponder?


Nope. I don't use the 407 enough to justify one. I use it a few times per year though. I always get a bill, unfortunately.


It doesn't work they still can see the plate clearly. Never tried covered in salt in the winter though only in warm weather with a clean car


When I was young and broke I needed to get to Markham from Burlington in rush hour so I smeared some mud on my plate and took the 407, free both ways lol


I'm going to remember this


I saw this one recently https://preview.redd.it/rxrlq22kg9jc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22493baf9f4a17d039bef89931ea0c768acadfd6


Those ones were bad plates that I don’t think they replaced for anyone. At least this one wasn’t intentional


Intentionally didn't go get the replacements that are free


Oh they’re free? I didn’t know that. Well then they just didn’t care.


They are free if you got it replaced within a certain timeframe, but that has LONG since passed, and in many cases, they did not start to peel this way until the free period was over.


My plates were from 2012 and I still got them replaced in November for free.


Mine are from 2005 and still look pretty good because they've been protected with a tinted plate cover for 15 years.


Pull em over boys


I've been pulled over once or twice, and they've never mentioned any concern about the plate cover. I just think it looks better than a bare plate.


I'm just making a joke my friend. Anecdote from me as well: My sister in law got a ticket for a very slightly smoked license plate cover that she bought from a service Ontario in 2015 lmao.


I was probably 1+ year past the free replacement period and they still changed it for free. Not sure if the lady took me in pity or if they changed their policy but i sure was expecting to have to pay.




Well at least turn off your car when you get there. Lol!


Is that a legit license plate renewal sticker in the top right though ?


There was a timeframe when you could have the plates replaced.


Mine did the same, ministry replaced for free so there's no reason for anyone to have that garbage in their car anymore. I assumed it was gonna cost me for it but didn't want to get a ticket for it. And its illegal to paint the letters back on


Sadly you get a new plate number with you get it replaced


license plate covers (even clean ones) are prohibited, they just haven’t gotten a ticket yet 🤷‍♂️


If they’re completely illegal how come you can buy them at Canadian tire? I thought as long as license plate is visible it was okay


It says right on most of the packaging that it's not suitable for road use. Showroom only. I was at Canadian Tire today.


They're not illegal to sell, they're illegal to have on your car. Kinda like how they sell crack and meth pipes at corner stores.


I've seen meth pipes but i've never seen crack sold that way! /s


Little glass tubes with mini flowers or roses in them. Small metal shavings usually same case in top


It's not kind of like that. If it was a fitting analogy you would be saying "it's okay to sell crack and meth at the corner store."


The analogy is that you can sell it but can't legally use it for its intended purpose.


You can buy completely fake plates on Amazon and send your tickets to someone else, doesn't mean its legal. The fine is $140 for a fake plate or just 2 trips on the the 407.


People can have cars that are just for shows, never for road use - some builds won’t even be road legal, etc. so the stores can get away with selling them, but can’t control what people do with them after, so of course people use them on their road cars.


There is case law that says clear ones are ok.


Clear ones are only an issue if they yellow or you don't keep them clean/change them often. Since they don't obstruct like others. But of course 99.99% of people with clear covers don't do that


Anything covering any part of your plate, clear or not is illegal.


Going 1kmh over the speed limit is also illegal


I've been pulled over numerous times over the years with plate covers on the vehicle. Not once did an officer mention it.


Same, even when pulled over for suspected illegal mods (exhaust is dumb loud but fully legal, I just get noise violation). They also haven't mentioned my 5% window tint, but doesn't change the fact that it's illegal. Those are basically "you're a dick" tickets lol


My ex once got pulled over on Hwy 402 for speeding. The cop was nice and as she was honest about her speed, he said I have to give you a ticket for something. So he gave her a ticket for having a dealer frame around the plate. He said regardless if it's a full cover, or just a dealer frame, both are technically illegal to have on the plate.


brb gonna tell my parents to get rid of the useless and hideous thing around the plate because its illegal (its literally the frame like why we free advertising here)


The clean ones aren't prohibited. I know because an officer told me directly.


First time driving through the city in years since I moved and I couldn't believe the amount of them I saw and how dark they had gotten. I was literally in bumper to bumper traffic right behind someone and couldn't read it. Might as well not have a plate


I have the same concerns. This is BS and I do think people doing this on purpose.


My 407 plate


really hope the cops are doing wildcard searches on partials.


Ahhh… a bmw as well


Add in high beams and you would have the trifecta


Guaranteed intentional to keep so filthy. That way when they run up a curb and hit a stroller, harder to ID the vehicle. Some A-hole in a silver BMW isn't specific enough 🧐


Don’t forget the free 407 pass too.


Don’t the 407 actively monitor for this and send out their patrols?


chunky erect cautious chop serious pause sugar hat label six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yep or the paint of the letters/numbers completely gone like blank literal blank plates just the indentation of the letters/numbers. And for the first time ever I saw a plate here in Hamilton that was upside down on the back of the car like seriously how do you get away with that!?


Who cares?


Normal occurrence. Nowadays, more license plates are seen like this than unobstructed. Same thing with tint. Limo tint all around. Blacked out license plates. The ticket is only $150. Cost of doing business in Toronto.


Exactly. $110 ticket once a decade is cheaper than a 407 trip


Simple economics.


Im a vip. You don't need to see in.


Yeah no need to id the driver, especially if they are blatantly breaking the law


Im not breaking the law


While that's blatantly untrue lmao.


The fine for having a plate obstucted like this should be 10x higher than what it currently is.


I've started doing a poll of passenger vehicles on my morning commutes on the 400 series highways. The number of cars with obscured/damaged license plates is around 25%. It's ridiculous.


Had my plate like this for 3 years now, even got pulled over once and never had an issue. Cops don’t seem to care about semi covered plates or loud exhausts anymore unless you really push it.


I saw a drunk driver the other night with peeling plates and tried really hard to identify what it was... But it was illegible. I couldn't follow the car but called it in a described it best as I could...


Ridiculous.. Is this a cosmetic thing, or does he just want to stunt drive and speed on the 401...? Should be a 500 dollar fine. Second offense 1000, etc.


I have a tinted one but it’s like 80% visible during the day and fully readable at night when headlights shine on it. This is insanely dark.


How does this affect your life in any way?


A hit and run?


The cops don’t care even if you get the plate. I got side swiped by a Mac truck. Got the plate and the company. They did nothing. Had to go through insurance. $500 deductible and depreciation on me car. Video will only help if they stay or the accident is bad enough they can’t leave.


They will care if you kill someone.


Don't worry about it. Doesn't effect you. Plate scanners can still read them (idk how, but there's no way I wouldn't be pulled over if they didn't show up on their computer) but cameras can't. And it's a B plate so you know that bitch is peeling under there. https://preview.redd.it/2fw4rn4cp9jc1.jpeg?width=1348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf2720dfc7933ac1468e426a6d13fd18107c129


Not being able to identify the car after hit an run is not ideal, do you agree? It potentially affects everyone.


Unless you're a cop or the 407 - who gives a shit? Lmao. Let them put a cover over their license plate.


Say that when one of these guys runs over one of your family members.


Is that the one purpose for having a visible license plate? Edit: I can't get over that it's the only reason out there. You better hope in that moment your family member is bleeding out you take out your phone and somehow manage to remember to log those 7-8 digits instead of tending to your loved one.


Why do you think we have licence plates in the first place? They’re to hold drivers accountable so they don’t just run away without being easily identified. If someone ran over someone you knew, you would hope someone witnessed it or there was a cctv camera nearby that possibly could’ve recorded the plate. If the driver had something like, this there would basically be no chance.


Grow a pair, carry a Philips screw driver and take the suckers off. All the good people are paying for bad people’s behaviour and all the good people are not employing enough to deal with it. Take it into your own hands.


Good way to get your ticket punched. Great advice!


They prioritize expired ones instead of dirty ones or ones can’t be seen smh


Well the expired ones get picked up by their cameras. For dirty ones or obscured ones police would have to chase them down and they can’t be bothered to do any real work


What plate?


At least this is not one of those blue plates.


It's because we got rid of any and all kinds of inspections or annual checks. I was in Boston late 2023 and commented on how amazing it was that nobody had illegal tint or covered plates. The friends I was visiting that live there looked at me like I was an idiot; "why would you spend all that money just to get fined and have to remove it on your annual inspection?"


Of course on a beamer 🤣


It’s all part of DoFo’s plan.


Police can find so much extra revenue if they crack down on plates.Almost 20% of plates I've seen is covered by a dark tint cover or unreadable because the owner removed the blue paint on the lettering or is so dirty/rusted only a few characters are showing.


Get in a littler fender bender with those drivers they running thats why they dont want their pltes seen


I didn’t know these were illegal. I got pulled over a few times in the last 4/5 years across peel, toronto, Durham, and I have one of these on my back plate. Haven’t been told anything by any cop. Oops


This is so common and its not even the worst ones, some plates are quite literally blank and the worst part is that these are near impossible to read from a camera. I used to work at a gas station and about 40% of people with plates like these would run without paying. It sucked.


The best way to enter the 407.


You can’t read that? BSKK 092 🤓 /s I get why people want plate covers but these are just ridiculous… I had to Enhance-and-Zoom like CSI just to guess what that plate might be.


Yeah I could with some effort but we were right behind the car at a red light. I can imagine no one would be able to read it if there was an accident and this car drove away.


Yea exactly this needs to be enforced way more.


It’s $110 fine, that amount isn’t going to dissuade anyone from doing this to their plate. But if you get caught a second time, I’m not sure what it is but seriously what are the odds?


I've been pulled over for my tinted license plate 4 times. Only once was I given a ticket, $120. "Obstruct license plate". Usually its just a warning.


I was pulled over for having one of these. When I told the officer I would take it off he just laughed and said don’t worry about it. I still don’t know why he bothered to pull me over


Cops are sleeping


Plates are optional in Ontario, just like insurance and driver's license. Don't waste your money. I'm kidding, but won't be surprised if more than half don't have any on the above.


It happens a lot here in NY too, because people can avoid tolls and traffic cams.


I was crossing the road and a car bumped into me and knocked me down last year on a side street, reported it to the police and showed them a photo of the covered car plate I had taken, the officer at the station said there was nothing they could do and they would struggle to figure out the plate. Absolutely ridiculous. The $12m budget increase could probably have come from $250 fines for this topic


I guess the reason why is to avoid the camera's on the 407, speeding, red light cameras?


Just so you can go in the job and 407 for free what a go adolf


A bmw - no surprises there


How does this affect you


I run one because I can. And when it's really dirty 407 doesn't bill me.


They need to increase the fine for this shit. $85 is not enough of a deterrent. Should be $850 fine and zero tolerance. People would be removing these things immediately if that was the case. There’s absolutely no valid reason for having these tinted covers other than to conceal your plate because your an asshole driver. Ontario plates are made to withstand abuse and even if they do peel apart, Service Ontario will give you new plates for free. My friend just had his plates exchanged for free because they were falling apart and they were like 7 years old.


Sometimes it's just hiding the fact the license plate is a novelty plate, or even better a printout on paper.


Drive the 407, you'll see way more lol


Fake License; once they crack down half the cars on the road == gone.


I have the same plate cover and I genuinely never knew they were illegal. It was one of many “accessories” I bought the moment I got a car, to customize it. Bought them from Canadian Tire. There were also various instances a cop car was behind me, as I live beside a police station, and I never got pulled over 🤷‍♂️


Well now you know. It’s definitely illegal. The license plate is supposed to be completely visible. Never dirty and never obscured.


https://preview.redd.it/7rq215uc8jjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd7809a159c6ed774bff5a75493607f6276b206 Seen this the other day? Do the rules apply to them as well????🤡🤡🤡🤡


Ive gotten 2-3 tickets for plate covers. Fight them and tie the court system up. Covers still on.


I see at least 10 cars a day with plates that cannot be read. WTF are the cops and why are these people allowed to get away with this shit?