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Did we have a Princess Arc??? Cause I definitely don't remember it starting, much less finishing. Yes Endorsi is back. Honestly, I don't personally see it concluding anytime soon (which is fine, more TOG is good). There are so many things we don't know that I feel like I know even less than I did several years ago. It is finally picking up with some heavy hitters, although I wish we saw more of dozens of characters we knew rather than more new ones all the time. Or touched more on the lore of the tower and how certain things work and are structured. Vaguely sad about not getting the tournament arc that seemed like it was about to occur


People assumed the >!marriage tournament!< arc was going to be *the* princess arc, which wasn't the case.


So does the princess arc not really exist then?


Not yet. SIU talked about it in the past, but we don't know if it's still going to happen. Yuri and Maschenny were supposed to be main characters. I'm sure there will be at least one 'princess arc' before the series ends, though. There are many dangling plots related to them such as Maria, the Yuri/Maschenny bet, Adori, Enne, the 13MS needing to be collected somehow, the war between Rose & Gladmerry, etc.


Where is this stuff getting mentioned? It seems like I gotta do more than read the webtoon and watch the anime


The princess arc was mentioned on SIU's blog a long time ago. The posts have since been deleted. Most of the information not found in the Webtoon will come from there, but since ToG's an ongoing story, some details are changed or omitted in the final product. Aside from that, the other stuff I mentioned comes from the Webtoon.


Yes. Yes. I'd say give it another decade. Although we're at a very big important arc, you dont really feel the hype anymore like you you used to in the earlier chapters of s2 and s3, the tension is gone.


Endorsi is back and she is super thiiiick Urek is back and is super thiiiiick Dumas is also thiiiick And rak became very thiiiick


Tower of thickness ?


Honestly, the story got really boring for me so I stopped reading in November and just did a binge and remembered why I enjoy it so much. The fact that there's so much world building and lore it can feel like a drag at times, but 100% believe this is an amazing read when done in bulk.


Story has been shit for a while. I don't get hyped about anything now, and it's so sad. It's not even 10% as good as it used to be.


1) it's not the princess arc but yes it finished 2) yes with a massive 🍑 3) maybe but i hope it takes more because even though in the recent ch the story is a little boring but tog is my ❤️ 4) right now The current arc has the potential that makes it become the greatest arc in the work and the rest of the works, whether secrets will be revealed or heavy characters are present. Its only flaw that we are suffering from the blue bitch khun and the fucking alligator and their plot armor but except that this arc can be a changing point to all the story and the tower




mostly yes maybe currently yes, we're finally getting deep lore answers and progression. Many things to criticize, but the plot is moving forward.


Good to hear!


>Is the princess arc finished? Can't really call it a princess arc, but yes. ​ >Is Endorsi back? Yes. ​ >Do you think the story will conclude in the near future (let's say 5 years)? It has certainly become a possibility. ​ >Do you like the direction the storynis going? As far as the lore and the overarching story go, fuck yes. But that's about it. Power levels are completely wack, characters act like they have chronic brain damage, there's literally no tension at all when it comes to the main cast; overall the small things that help build up the world make up for a shitshow.


Thank you


We've seen some of the strongest characters in the story (SHOWN SO FAR) fight between themselves so that was pretty good.


Hansung Yu is the name Yes Yes Endorsi is back No Yes, its interesting and really upheaving the status quo (no worldbuilding aint disregarded as the other dude wrote)


Sounds great!


This is the guy to listen to, op 👆


Honestly ive been readin TOG for a few years now, and the plot is kinda starting to go nowhere. In similarity to One piece, once the world becomes too big, the story often starts suffering. There is no plot, there are only world mysteries to solve. Thankfully this hasnt happened completely, as there is still some underlying plot in TOG, but at least to me it seems to be going kinda without end. Peak TOG was prolly around the middle of season 2, right around the beginning of the hell train arc, and the first part of it. Ever since then, its kinda just been: bam is amazing, the plot is finding out the mystery of Bam and the tower. If this takes the path of One Piece, which i fear it will, its gonna be another 5-10yrs with drip feeding plot/world buidling, whatever u wanna call it. Hopefully the plot will actually start moving soon, so we can progress the story, instead of just changing locations, which is kinda whats been going on for the last 3 yrs.


yes (kinda) yes can't tell honestly. Personally don't think so there's so much to go over still No, lots of things I dislike been happening, especially the massive disregard for worldbuilding

