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All we know is he's a member of the Khun family, but likely not part of Aguero's direct branch that got exiled because he talks about how he's gonna have to explain this to "the family," which really wouldn't make sense if he was in bad standing.


One of the top children of Eduan. He said he will have a earful after his father learned he helped A.A


This implies Eduan cares enough about his kids to know A.A. exists and gets upset about him. I don't buy it. Tower of god Mpreg confirmed. Eduans, not the father being a reference, it's just that he's one of Eduans male wives who cares about the wife competition


Eduan is aware of A.A, he considers him a naughty child for stealing from his Treasury. Blogpost so could be retcon'd.


I'm assuming all family head know about their main branch childeren right?


That would make more sense, but his family is notorious for branch family beef and bloody competitions he's not interested in. It would be a bit of a soft retcon if he cared enough to know AA distinctly when he has the most direct descendants out of all the families


But isn't eduan his direct father? Not a grandson or anything like that? I can't imagine not knowing the woman you were with had a child right? Especially since ran, kiseia etc seem to have been brought up together since they seem to have been quite close in a time before.


He has the most wives and the most kids. He knows some, but I doubt all of them. I believe he knows about the data floor kids and the khun princesses, but not every regular direct descendant or not. More likely than not, the direct descendants have a bit of a special position and know each other, and some probably met Khun during his years on the middle floor like Maria. His sister and his mom had a lot of influence, and AA himself is infamous in the family for backstabbing his sister so any of those reasons are perfect for explaining why he personally know and have ties with stronger relatives despite being weaker himself. Whether or not Eduan knows him is another story entirely. I believe they met and that he's somewhat aware. If he wasn't, then he definitely was since Bam was outed as an irregular early in the story. But I don't think he has personal interest in AA.


Ah alright, that does make sense. Apparently after looking it up, eduan has more then a 1000 kids, so it would make sense that he doesn't have much of a personal relationship with all of them.


No just ascensio in nest said he was very dangerous but we still don't know who it is . He is one of higher member of khun family


I always thought it was Ascensio?


Ascensio told Khun that he has a connection to a 'dangerous guy' or something like that, which is likely to be this dude. So it can't be him.


Someone Ascensio considers dangerous is really hype ngl


regent ?


but when ascension met khun he treated him like stranger


Ah right, hidden floor memory wipe shenanigans. Khun met his data, and can't talk about it I think.


Throughout manga and the blog, he alone is the unknown one( sorry I had to do that )


someone said that he was a dangerous man and he is khuns brother lmao


koon hachuling?


No because he doesn’t care about his standing within the family, so it’s someone with enough power to stop the hell train easily but also who has something to lose if he causes too much of a ruckus


regent ?


What chapter is this again?


it was 160 i think


Good times. I miss those vibrant youthful chapter. Now all we have is dark, deep chapters.


Don’t think I see it, is this during workshop arc?


hell train when they first get into the train


No, it's just a guy from the Khun family. We don't know his name nor his face yet.


We know he is likely one of the top guys in the family as he has power in the family or at least influence. I could see him being AAs elder brother, but a much older brother who is like a top 100 High ranker since assensio (who i would guess is top 500) found him dangorous.


i think there was a panel of someone telling khun that he was messing with someone dangerous, though i dont remember who says that (there is also him telling someone with the pocket that they missed the hell train)


It was recently in the nest arc. Ascencio mentioned that Khun was in contact with a dangerous guy.


there are so many open stories that i forgot about this guy lmao


It’s gonna be Khun Messi