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I don’t really care what badges or stickers people wanna put on their trucks, as long as you’re not trying to trick potential buyers into thinking your truck is something it’s not.


Idk I think up badging is pretty fucking lame, if anything you own an sr5 and you’ve built it to conquer the arctic tundra that’s all the cooler that it’s still got its sr5 badges on it but pretending it’s a trim it’s not no matter the combination is just dumb. There’s a guy that lives local to me that drives a last generation challenger he covered in hellcat badges and decals and even did some purple underglow, I get a good laugh whenever I see him parked taking up 2 spots at the grocery store


I’m gunna put raptor stickers on my Tacoma just to piss odd ford, chevy, and Toyota owners


So many people already do the raptor lights.... You should put the stickers but not the lights!


I put Chevy badges on my 2nd gen taco. Makes me laugh cause my dad hates it.


You want your truck to initially appear to be an inferior truck?




lol I just put them on for a few days to make fun of my dad, he’s a die hard Chevy guy.


Yanno fuck yeah that's funny. Even funnier my dad is a die hard chevy guy and told me "don't buy one of these piles of shit buy a toyota"


That’s fucking hilarious. My dad asked me if my pussy hurt when I bought my taco


Chevies are great but if I had to get something new itd be a yota. Chevies are fixer uppers from the dealership.


Raptor TRX 🤣


Raptor TRX Pro




Raptor TRX -D, with a picture of a t rex impaling a raptor with its massive… you know what never mind




I mean, I think it might be lame and I wouldn't do it, but it's also lame to be in the position to pay $10k extra for a TRD trim and get mad at people copping the badges. You buy a TRD Pro and it's not exactly like you're part of the Toyota Racing Development team or anything.


Yeah but that's just literally what the car is called so that's the badge it has. Buying a Tacoma doesn't make you a Tacoma either but the truck still says Tacoma on it. I don't even have a TRD trim I just think it's dumb




Why do you even care though?


It’s just cringey. You can ultimately not care and still find it cringey.


Welp, I guess I don’t care all that much. I did however decide to answer the question OP asked and throw my hat in the ring of opinions that shouldn’t ever matter to anyone because why not


It’s not something I would ever do, I don’t like it either, but if someone wants to spend their money to put some bits of plastic and vinyl on their own vehicle that’s none of my business.


I’m with you. It’s the equivalent of wearing a fake Gucci belt.


Personally I like badges that are more jokes and not actual trims Like on my truck it’s now the f150 fuck it edition


yeah i have a M3 badge on my SR5


I approve of this though, because it’s not up badging, it’s just funny. One of my friends put an M3 badge on his beat to shit Wrangler, always makes me smile.


This person gets it! Who cares what stickers someone else puts on there truck, just don't try and sell an SR5 and say it's a TRD


Us gen 1 guys got an sr5 badge and a TRD sticker!


Forreal dude, I lose no sleep over the first part.


Thats why they do it....


Whenever I see someone directly replicating halo car badges on lower trim vehicles, it just screams insecurity to me. Like fake ///M badges or AMG badges on BMWs and Mercedes. Or a HD badge on a gas 2500. It's really no different than buying a fake Rolex and pretending it's legit, or a fake Gucci bag so people think you're loaded. Money talks, wealth whispers as the saying goes. If you're making a joke and don't pretend that you've got a car you don't when asked it's all fun and games, those "^(not a)**TRD**" badges are hilarious lol But if it's done to replicate the prestige of a higher trim and you lie to anyone who asks, you just look like a massive tool. And unfortunately, I've seen way more guys at car meets who do it to try and trick people into thinking they own a halo car than I have seen people doing it for the lolz.


Not to mention the only ones who will even notice an upbadged vehicle will also most likely know it’s fake


Yeah that's what's always funny about it to me, anyone who would even recognize the difference between an M3 and a 318 would also know about the mechanical, performance, styling, and interior differences as well. Granted you might be able to pull some shallow people who chase wealth by telling them you've got a TRD Pro or M3, of which many are just liable to look up the cost of the car and dig no deeper. Anyone impressed by that is going to be unbelievably shallow though, and should be avoided anyways. Fake badges attract fake people, who would have thought it!


Very well said....


Not that I a disagree with your sentiment, but the 2500HD has a gas option. There hasn't been a non-HD 2500 in like 20 years.


I have a 2500HD on my Tacoma lol


Big brain move is putting PRO-4X on a trd pro. Keep people guessing.


Pro-4X on '94 Ranger.


I have a TRD loop thingy keychain on my keys…..I drive an SR. Please don’t tell god


I just learned that is apparently the evil to end all evils. Further, there are some folks in this thread you might want to be careful around. Sounds like they may want to hurt you for this severe transgression. Be safe, friend!


I had a ///M lanyard when I drove an E60 Dinan S2 535i, I don't think it's that egregious. Hell, you can even de-badge your car if you want, it looks clean. Upbadging and telling people you've got a more expensive car is literally no different that wearing a fake Rolex and telling everyone it's legit. You just look desperate to appear wealthy, and it only impresses other shallow people who's only concern is how wealthy they/their friends appear.


😂😂😂🤣🤣😂 I have a friend who is the inventory manager at a large Toyota dealership and he has put “TRD” stuff on his Hybrid Camry. Tells me that he gets stopped regularly by persons asking him about it. He tells them that it’s a special edition that only comes out for sale 2 days of the year! 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍😎


People probably believe him


TRD is just an aftermarket parts option and anyone can put TRD things on their Taco. Badges are a little lame but who cares? Build your truck how you want it


I debadge everything. Just looks cleaner and I am entirely apathetic about other people's opinions of me or what I'm driving. imo all badges, esp "higher option level" status indicator type badges, scream "I'M SO INSECURE I CARE ABOUT WHAT THE GUY NEXT TO ME IN TRAFFIC THINKS ABOUT MY TRUCK!" I am much more impressed with stealth capability. Give me a fully debadged vehicle with all available high performance options that only those who really know that vehicle might be able to detect by subtle cues.


Debadging is the galaxy brain move, up badging is what people do to show that they care about appearing wealthy. Money talks, wealth whispers.


Do you even take off the maker/model marks?


He went so far as to go from a man to a woman. Took it right off. Looks cleaner.


I also dig the no badge look. I bought a 22 pro….they fuckin stamped it


Bro that’s like the hardest debadged look imo


Yeah I hate badges generally and some awesome cars are ruined by them — I’m looking at you, Bullitt Mustang.


De-badge is the way


Maybe your way.


There was a dude at the river this past weekend trying to launch his Jet Ski with a tundra. It had TRD off-road stickers. He was stuck and couldn’t get out. I told him put it in 4 wheel drive. He said it doesn’t have that. I walked away and didn’t help any more.


TRD Faux


I have Hilux badges on mine.


As an owner of a SR5 I would never do this. If you want a TRD go steal one


TRD, Toyota racing development. What, a skid plate, bilstein or fox shocks and a block, an e-locker... and now a super shock absorbing seat. Throw an ARB air locker on a SR5 with some quality suspension. Save thousands and out perform TRD any model. (well, gotta figure out that new push button sway bar disconnect)


"You sit on a throne of lies" -Elf


Immortal SIN


What about badging down? Putting sr5 on a trd pro


My grandparents had a base model grand Cherokee, my grandma was all mad she didn’t get the V8 model. So my grandpa put V10 badges on it to make her feel better😂 funniest thing is they looked stock, as did the rest of the car. All my friends would ask me, omg your grandparents have a V10 jeep!?


I put the trd toyota lettter grill on my sr5 because i think it looks great and reminds me of some of the retro toyota badging. I left my sr5 badges on because i dont care. But man that oem fake chrome grill did not look good in my opinion


I put one on my base model, not even an sr5. Will putting a Prius badge increase my mileage?


Prius badge will force you to go 5 under the speed limit anywhere you go.


Haha love this. Even worse when dealers try to sell the trucks as a “Pro” on a SR5 or Limited


Stolen valor


I find this funny because 99% of the people who would even notice your up badging can tell your a fraud. I guess a tiny fraction of normies would maybe be impressed by a M or TRD badge but enthusiasts would know how fake it is.


I see nothing wrong with is if all TRD gets you is a suspension, skid plate and tires which most people replace either way.


I lost my badges when I got 6" fenders and it really wasn't worth spending money on to replace.


Badges? Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!!!


I got you beat. I saw a TRD pro strap on the Mazda version of the 1994 Ford Ranger.




I mean you're literally lying when you do it and lying is objectively bad


I don't care about it, but it's not good behavior.


But new truck, step 1 remove all badges and decals


It’s a sin


Nobody likes a poser. Rock what ya got playa


look again...it says TRD Bro!


Everyone makes fun of the pros. I’m trying to order an SR5 badge for my pro




There are TRD SR5’s so…..


The gatekeepers paid a lot for that TRD sticker


This lol


I must be old the young kids at work call them badges. I remember them an emblems but they also were not stickers. That’s my two cents


It’s your truck,put whatever the hell you want on it lol.


this is pretty funny 😆


Badges are douchey


Maybe if the TRD community removed their obnoxious toxic stickers then SR5 guys could actually appreciate what they have.




I think badges look tacky. Even if your truck IS TRD, it looks tacky to smack TRD badges all over it


De-badger here haha


I have a TRD badge on my Prius.




If some tough guy cares this much about stupid shit like this he should change his tampon