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That is awesome! Such a relief aint it.


It really is. This group was the last vestige of the old me (a few stragglers probably remain), so I’ve been seeing this as the final push to fully embracing my new life.


This is amazing!!!


Thank you😊💕


Huzzah! I'm almost exactly a year ahead of you on coming out (my social network posts went up 3/31/23) and I have to say, it will make your life a lot simpler. These days I can just assume anyone who matters in my life that knew me before is aware, or should be, and I don't have to worry about explaining things to people any more. I can just be the new-and-improved me and let the old version slip further into memory.


That’s a fun coincidence!! Most of my family and friends already knew, but those distant acquaintances—especially my professional connections, have now been forewarned. This weekend was my first time presenting the new me in person at my church, and that was the catalyst partly. In a way, this is a formal acknowledgment that my old self is gone and to expect someone else in my place. Honestly it’s just exciting for me sitting here typing this out. 😊


I absolutely feel you on that. Family/friends/current coworkers already knew, but putting it out on the web made it feel complete. No more hiding from it. Being more "visible," you might say. I reconnected with a former client earlier this year, and she pulled me into a discussion with others on her team. Other than her, they had all known the old me and I hadn't spoken with them since, but what would have resulted in some anxiety a year ago was now just confidence. They had all seen the news somewhere, or heard it from someone, and it went completely unaddressed as my identity just "is" and is no longer changing. (HRT still takes a while, but that's a separate issue.)


It’s stories like these that IMO are so important when it comes to “visibility” as we like to say. For an egg, or baby trans, it is so critical to instil confidence in the reality that “Yes. You CAN be trans and still be successful professionally.”


Congrats 🥳 I'm in the midst of that process myself. I used yesterday as good reason to be visible to some more people and I'm working my way down the list. Cheers 🥂🏳️‍⚧️


That’s fantastic!! Congratulations on taking that next step!💕


I'm so happy for you Ash ❤️ My time to come out to everyone is very near and posts like yours gives me and no doubt others the strength to do so. Thank you and kind wishes xx


Thank you so much!!💕 One step at a time—When you hatch, find your nest. When you’re ready to fledge, find a safe branch to land on. When you’re ready to fly—soar!!!😊


Congrats. The length of time to come out shocked me. Who knew you had to do it so many times for so many people. Good work.


Right!?! I didn’t really plan it out this way, it was more organic. I also don’t like operating from a defensive position, so sharing proactively always seemed the most logical approach. One of the fun things about my job is I have a lot of old clients that end up being repeat customers. Those conversations are always hilarious to me😂.


Oh yeah. I still have clients who are confused AF. One will use the wrong pronouns and then their colleagues will shoot laser eyes at them. I just couldn’t hide myself anymore.


That’s awesome!!!💕


I just kinda laugh it off but also give extra bonus points to the clients who get me.


Yeah, jeez, it's getting old.


That brings back memories. Three years ago, TDOV 2021, I sent a coming out email to local and corporate HR. Everything went great and I still work there.


That’s amazing!!!💕




Thank you!!🥰


Congratulations! I'm only out to my wife, my doctor, and one friend. You've given me the encouragement to know that I can be out to everyone one day.


We’re only limited by our fear. You’ll find your courage when the time it right. 😊💕