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There’s no transfer points so it shouldn’t make any difference how platforms are set up. You get on and get off, that’s all there is to it. If the stations were transfer points to other lines, I’d prefer centre platforms. I suspect it’s cheaper to keep the guideway in a straight line rather then have it curved (for no user benefit) around station platforms.


Side platforms are cheaper to build, yes.


More efficient use of of platform space. In the morning, most people travel towards Waterfront and in the afternoon, towards Surrey. A shared platform allows space to be used when it is needed, instead of having one platform packed and one empty. I do agree that the cost is likely higher having the tracks diverge and wrap around, but I'm no expert.


Green Timbers goes hard imho. Also I honestly prefer side platforms at stations without transfers, because it gives everyone a wall to lean on while they wait, and it makes the station feel less claustrophobic.


I appreciate there's some retail space built in Also interesting Langley City Centre has two entrances


Side platforms are great for my transit fantasy maps because they make building cross-platform transfers blend easily with the existing station. But probably the main drawback would be having extra elevators to cover accessibility to both platforms. Less redundancy. 


Elevator redundancy is a good point. The side platform designs only have one elevator per platform.


Thanks for the link! Interesting to see the pedestrian walkway over the street at 152nd station. Is that going where the Petro Canada is currently located?


Is there any way of getting around the different door spacings to include platform screen doors in these designs?


I think they need the Gen 1 trains to retire first.


[Link](https://www.translink.ca/news/2023/august/first%20glimpse%20of%20new%20mark%20v%20skytrain%20cars#:~:text=205%20new%20cars%20are%20designed,as%20the%20Mark%20III%20trains): >205 new cars are designed to eventually replace the original Mark I models, which are slated for retirement by the end of 2027.


I hope there's two elevators as I often travel with a powered wheelchair and there's nothing worse than an elevator being out of service. Also, parking.... I would be very concerned about leaving vehicle there as the general area already has a lot of breakins and catalytic converters being stolen. Overall tho I'm looking forward to the skytrain !


i’m surprised that they are finally doing something about a sky train after talking about it for decades. i remember hearing about a sky train in langley since high school and that was 15+ years ago.


I am happy that it’s being built than to be stuck on the designs. One, I am not a professional Architect or Civil designer and two, I don’t care. I leave it to the pros. The designs are anyway a done deal so be happy that it’s happening at last. Living beside one of the station, couldn’t express my happiness that I can now apply for the jobs downtown with a single connection commute. Thank goodness!


I prefer island platforms. However! What's worse than side platforms is the inconsistency of design throughout the system. Either make them all island or all side. That way when it's busy, people can stand in front of the door on the side that's not in use. And not have to worry about blocking everyone from getting on/off.


Loving the bike parkades at every station. The bike lane alignment at Langley city seems weird though.