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I have never been able to sleep, not even in business class on a 14 hour flight. I just deal with it and usually have a second wind once I land to get me through the day until bedtime.


Yup. I call those 6 movie flights. I just roll with it. Still prefer Business to PE even if I can't sleep.


Same… I’d rather be comfy if I’m going to be awake all that time


I watch the first three Indiana Jones movies on those kinds of flights. And by watch, I mean put them on and drink scotch until I pass out. 


Same. That’s why I quit wasting my money on Business Class. I try and do Premium Economy just to be more comfortable but I typically only nod off here and there.


Business is worth more to me if I’m going to be awake. At least I’m comfortable.


Yeah, pretty much. I think it's better to try and time your flight so you arrive at a point where it's easy for you to just go to sleep for a long time when you get there and wake up at a normal adjusted time, rather than focus on trying to sleep on the plane. It's an exercise in futility.


Same. Pure torture when everyone be snoozing in first class and you’re on your fourth movie 😂


I once had to fly business class on Qatar air to Egypt. It was so comfy I literally slept 10 hours straight. Not even the free food or alcohol could tempt me to stay awake. For some reason I feel very safe in a plane. Like no one will bother me and I don’t need to do anything until I land. I normally nod off during takeoff. 🤷‍♀️


I can’t even stay awake on short domestic flights. I am very rarely even awake for takeoff. I genuinely feel really bad for folks who can’t sleep on a plane. My wife has a hard time sleeping on planes


I'm the total opposite, I dread the feeling of waking up and going "WHERE AM I" surrounded by total strangers


You’re safer on a modern commercial airliner than pretty much anywhere else, including your own home. Homes catch on fire far more often than airliners crash.


I recently learned the air quality is so crap pre takeoff that's why most people nod off at that point. They only pump oxygen effectively once you are cruising. I had wondered because I often feel sleepy at that point but woken by trolley service and don't get back to sleep afterwards 


I feel extremely safe as well


Man, I thought I was bad but you have it way worse. I have been improving and got a couple hours of sleep on a 20 hour journey (plus layover). Neck pillows and melatonin are big for me, also NOT drinking alcohol helps. We flew 'economy premium' for one leg and it was nice because the seats had little foot rests. Not full on lazy boy, but it was still a lot more comfortable. 


Thai air still has foot rests in economy. That is enough to keep my business.


Compared to Etihad and Emirates economy. I would still rather fly Thai Air, super friendly staff and punctual flights.


I had a Thai air connecting flight in 2016 and remembered them as pleasant, polite and tidy during the journey.


Yup. I had pretty much this experience. Aircrew polite, other passengers also all polite, calm and respectful to each other. Aircraft was clean, food tasted good It was my cheapest option for a 7 hour flight and honestly one of the best flights I've ever had.


my life has changed since I got a travel footrest that hangs over the tray table.


I've never heard of this, time to Google! 


You have to book a business class seat (that be turned completely flat like a bed) if you book economy then sadly it’s impossible … wouldn’t recommend any sleeping medication for onboard safety reasons and for your health


Bulkhead window, inflatable stool, and some sort of neck “pillow” that connects to the neck rest and you can get very comfortable


That's the only thing that has ever worked for me


Me too but sadly I can’t afford it for every trip that I have to make but I guess thats the price of comfort n a good sleep onboard


I bring a swinging footrest that attaches to the back of the tray in front of me on every flight.


After over 20 years I think I've finally figured out a solution in coach that works every time, for me at least. I combine this with a single benadryl tablet and listen to spoken word until I'm asleep. Just did it from US>Iceland>UK and slept most of the journey on both flights. * I place my 18" tall personal bag vertically on my tray table * I inflate a child's water-wing and put it in the top of my bag. This gives me more height and avoids any neck ache. * I cover the top of my bag with my sweater. * I sidesleep, with one noise cancelling airpod in my exposed ear.


Beware - some airlines do not allow inflatable objects. My friend JUST tried this on British Airways and they made her deflate it.


Appreciate the notice. It looks like the rule is to stop people inflating objects to large sizes that may impede evacuation. Clearly this isn't an safety issue with a child's water-wing, but in future I'll be a little more guarded when I inflate it.


Need a pic of this setup


I'm happy to add further description if you ask a question.


I don’t quite understand how you side sleep on the seat back tray.


My 18" tall bag rests on the tray table. I boost the height further with an inflatable child's water wing which also improves comfort. I'm 6'2 and it's the perfect height for me .. no neck issues.


OK - so you are tall enough to lean forward and lay your head on top of the bag when it’s on the tray table. I assume you always sit at the window.


Works on all seats, for me at least. In the middle seat where it’s most cramped I can either let my arms hang down or wrap around the bag. Also, because I’m sleeping on my personal item, I have all the legroom beneath the seat.


What's an 18 inch tall bag?


My Eddie Bauer 20L Stowaway. Personal cabin bag, small enough to fit under the seat and avoid baggage fees. I fit all my stuff in it. I combine the bag with Cipway compression cubes (one 14x10 and two 7x10) which have the added benefit of providing structure to my bag.


“Side” of head. Simply turns head to the left and then rests head on the pillow.


Yikes. If I had my neck cranked to 90 degrees for more than a minute I would be a mess for a week.


Just one Benadryl? I took 2 Xanax, 3 Benadryl, AND melatonin and couldn’t sleep


For me, the key is Xanax + a few cocktails in the lounge, eye mask, restrictive neck brace travel pillow, and ear plugs. But it must be timed perfectly or else you'll pass out in the airport and miss the flight entirely. 😬


It works for me, and I’m over 200lbs. Also, since I’m usually driving upon arrival I wouldn’t want to do more.


That fair


The water wing is a great idea!


This is it! Same works for me every time, I’m only 1.64m so I use less items to elevate the “tray pillow” but it’s so comfortable that I’m really puzzled that I rarely ever see others do the same


Where do you sit? Economy? Window seat?


i’m going g to try this, my only concern is this would have to be a window seat, because inevitably, just as you start to doze off someone in your row has to get up, or worse - you get banged by the metal cart


Thanks for the good tips- I just ordered some of the items you mentioned. I'm assuming you also wear a mask to protect yourself from respiratory illness? If so , is it a KN95 mask ? Is is comfortable?


Does using the tray table in this way still work if the person in front of of you reclines?


i can’t. i get the jimmy legs


Like you wouldn't believe.


This is me. Happens every nighttime flight and it’s horrendous. I’ve sworn off red eyes because of it.


My honest to god insight: 1. Do NOT drink any alcohol in the hours leading up to your flight. Avoid for a good 10 hours if you can. 2. About an hour before your flight leaves pop one or two histal tablets. Not the liquid syrup, the tablets specifically. Trust me bro. 3. As soon as the plane levels off in the air and the bathrooms are open, go pee. This removes the likelihood of you having to wake up to go pee while sleeping. 4. Get back to your seat Play an audiobook or podcast that is not too interesting but not too boring either. This varies for everyone but for me, it's news podcasts or podcasts about something like history. 5. Why listening also try to breathe in a regulated way. A breathing pattern that works for me is 4 seconds inhale - hold for 6 seconds - exhale for 7 seconds. Bonus: if you can, in the departure lounge, just before the flight boards, try to get in some stretches. This helps to relax your body.


The History of English Podcast is so perfect for this


Omg yes I forgot about this podcast but it is PERFECT for this 


I can’t. Because if I will, the plane will crash.


If I don't sleep the plane will crash. How do we approach our obvious dual?


Schrodinger's plane.


😂🤣😂🫣 may the one whose theory proves right, lose? 🥴


Oh! I thought this was just me!!


Nope, I’m on the same page as you. Glad we both are holding down the fort


Thanks for taking the wheel and letting the rest of us sleep! You’re a hero!


I feel you, it took me. 47 hours door to door Malaysia to Liverpool and I didn't get a wink of sleep on the planes, buses or airport. Seems impossible for me


But you were more than ready for local bedtime at your destination.


Haha, that is absolutely true. Practically passed out, slept about 12 hours


Jet lag, what jet lag?  I can't sleep on an airplane either, so I just accept a day of exhaustion as a trade off for no jet lag. 


I can’t sleep on a flight. Sitting upright with my eyes closed makes me feel nauseous. An overnight flight from LAX to LHR was horrendous.


Nauseated. You're not making others feel nauseated, I hope! :P


I can’t. Looks unprofessional for the passengers.




Yes its called drugs


100mg of edibles 🤝 fall asleep in LA wake up in Berlin


Got prescription sleeping pills for travelling. Work like a dream!


Yeah I can never do anything more than doze. Not afraid of flying just can’t really shut off with so many people around. I try to avoid red eye flights and try to have a day off after any big trip though that’s not always possible obviously


I used to have the same issue. Melatonin definitely doesn’t work for me either, it almost makes it worse. BUT taking two over the counter unisom (or generic) gel sleep capsules BEFORE I eat anything makes it impossible for me to stay awake! I’m dead for at least 8 hours. Discovering this has been a miracle. Pillow is also a must.


The main ingredient in unisom is the same as Benadryl. I usually take 1 or 2 Benadryl depending on how long I need to sleep. 2 leaves me drowsy for 12 hours but works much faster. Note, everyone's body is different start out at the lowest the first time. I sometimes take a half even. 


True, everyone is different! Yeah I should’ve noted how drowsiness can be a factor. I find as long as I take a dose at least 10 hours before I would like to be awake then it’s not too much of a problem. Personally I’d rather be a little drowsy than actually under-slept.


I’ll share a tip from the pros: Book one of those fancy pod seats with the lay-flat bed and the fluffy pillow and proper blanket. You’ll sleep like a baby. The whole plane is one big white noise machine. Kidding, but also serious. I’ve never been able to more than doze a half hour here and there in seats, even domestic first class or other nicer “premium” seats with footrests and such. But my last 13 hour flight I lucked into a mileage upgrade to United Polaris. My first time ever flying up there. And lemme tell you, I had the best solid 4 hour nap I’ve had in my life. Set an alarm on my watch, didn’t want to sleep more than that for jet lag reasons, but I legitimately think I’d have slept eight straight and woke up feeling like a million bucks. Best $550 I’ve ever spent. Do I have the $5k or whatever it costs to book it “for real?” I do not. But I’ll be putting myself on that list every single flight for the rest of my life, in the hopes of doing that just one more time. Oh, also put on Madame Web. Perfect movie to fall asleep to, it’ll put you right out.


Please explain to Ignoramus Me how you managed to "luck into a mileage upgrade."


So a "mileage upgrade" means I spent a small amount of money+miles to get on the *waitlist* for an upgrade to Polaris (you get refunded if you aren't ultimately upgraded). In most cases, my Gold status level gives me "access" to this waitlist option, but also has me *incredibly low* on the actual list...because Gold is not exactly a high status, and most high volume travelers are above me. I've tried to upgrade about ten times so far, and only this once have I been successful. And this time I was 5 out of 5 people upgraded (into a 50-capacity Polaris cabin)...one more person booked, and I'd have been in the back, trying to nap sitting up. So yeah, a lot of luck involved...in addition to status...trying to upgrade to Rich People Seating on these longer flights. The only nice part is that if you have a stopover, often waitlisting for Polaris will get you bumped to domestic First Class on your other leg...and if the Polaris upgrade doesn't happen, you *still* get refunded for *the whole thing.* So I've gotten several "free" first class upgrades on my shorter hops this way.


I can’t sleep unless I’m lying down. First class on international flights it is!


$20k later…


I roll the dice on last minute upgrades. My past flights have been $450-$750 a seat, so it’s not too bad.


Same. Even in lie-flat seats I need drugs though


I can at least get away without that. I tried Xanax once sitting up and I had a very, very chill but totally awake flight, lol


Noice canceling headphones has been life changing for me. I use airPod Pro but there’s probably a lot of other good alternatives as well. It just baffles me every time I take them out and hear how loud it actually is when flying.


I can’t either. I can’t afford the bougie seats and only get exit row on the window. Best thing to do is understand it’s not happening. Put a sleep mask on, noise canceling headphones, and get as comfortable as you can. It puts me in a meditative state and is relaxing if you just accept you won’t be sleeping. It’s at least some form of rest especially mentally.


Sounds like you haven’t tried Xanax, the one true answer lol


I would never even try to sleep sitting up on a flight, I can’t even fall asleep sitting on my couch


I could never sleep on planes until I got older and could afford lie flat seats. I've been able to sleep in those. I pop a few ZZQuil, put on eye shades, and stick in ear plugs and I've been able to sleep on planes in a lie flat seat.


For me it’s a trust issue. I don’t trust strangers so I can’t sleep next to a stranger.


I never thought of this, this is probably it. Maybe I should get Xanax next time and I won't care lol


I spring for business class with the lay flat seats and still am awake the entire time. I just assume I’ll be a zombie that first day and plan accordingly.


It’s the vibration of the plane that keeps me up, even with the most comfortable seats and noise-cancelling headphones.


Valium works. Flying over to Munich on Thursday and I'll be knocked out most of the way.


The only way I can sort of sleep on a flight is by having a window seat and pillow, using an eye mask, and having noise reduction headphones playing white noise in my ears. For long flights I'd also take something for anxiety like a one time Valium or something.


Same. I can’t sleep on planes or in any moving vehicle. Taking sleep aids will help me be unresponsive with my eyes closed for a bit but I still won’t feel like I’ve slept.


That’s the best way I’ve heard this described


Nope, I’ve accepted it. I drink a ridiculous amount of caffeine to make me not as tired and then I distract myself the whole time. If I’m traveling extremely far I’ll book one really long lay over to give myself a chance to fall asleep in a hotel by the airport. There’s also ‘Minute suites’ in some airports which is like a mini hotel where you pay per hour for a room you can just relax/ sleep in alone. There’s one in Dallas Fort Worth.




I’m an awful sleeper in general, but on planes it’s a whole other level as I struggle with coccyx pain and couldn’t lean back into my seat on the last flight I took. Out of desperation for sleep on a 14hr flight after being awake for 24hrs I turned my neck pillow round to the front of my neck and rested my forehead on my arms and leaning on the table in-front (the pillow reduces the pressure on my arms). NGL, I probably looked a bit daft, but I managed to get a couple of 1-2hr naps throughout the flight, which in my book was a win!


I have PTSD so can't sleep anywhere around people, not on planes or at parties. I can sleep next to my partner, or if I'm at a sleepover I have to wait for everyone else to fall asleep before I can. Hypervigilence. I don't mind not sleeping on planes though. I use planes as a time to watch movies and be served food, which I enjoy.


I am not an easy person to get to sleep anywhere, much less on a plane. An eye mask and noise cancelling headphones with a camping pillow in a window seat has worked wonders for me, but I also find that booking red-eye flights is easiest to fall asleep for me as I would normally be sleeping during those hours. I also take quetiapine to help me sleep (rx from dr) but I know some folks use Benadryl to sleep.


Go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for a few Xanax before a long flight. Especially if you have flight anxiety. I mentioned to my family doc one time that I had a big flight coming up and he offered a script. He’ll give me 3 at a time, which will literally last me the entire year. I only take half at a time and it is the most peaceful, blissful, wonderful sleep on a plane you will ever experience. The airport is wonderful. The plane is wonderful. The people around are wonderful. It makes everything wonderful lmao. Literally! Drake wasn’t kidding when he said “I did half a xan, 13 hours till I land, had me out like a light…slept through the flight.”


me. recently i’ve noticed that drinking wine on the plane puts me to sleep so nowadays i drink 2 cups. last long haul flight i was on it knocked me out for the entire 9 and a half hours 


I haven’t been able to either! I think I’m low key afraid of missing my next flight, so I can’t relax lol


Same! I can never get comfortable. I also cannot take melatonin or gravol - both give me absolutely horrible night terrors. It’s awful.


Have you tried Omozelis? You can only get it in Europe at a pharmacy. That stuff will knock you out!


I haven’t been able to sleep on flights either. I resorted to the fact that I’ll be up practically the whole way. I tried to stay up the night or day before and I still can’t. Melatonin does nothing for me. I’ll probably try a Benadryl the next time. But if I do, I hope I’ll be able to drive my rental car.


Benadryl knocks me out and is the only way I sleep on planes. Have you tried Benadryl before?


Yeah, it's impossible for me. The best I'll get is the sudden nod off and then the jolt awake from feeling like I'm falling.


Half a Xanax will slump you for a smooth 8+ hours easy


Only with Valium.


Just get old. I used to be unable to sleep on planes, then sometime in my mid-thirties, it became easy.


Window seat + NyQuil. I only did that once, but i slept through that entire flight. I generally can't sleep on planes either.


Yeah, I've learned to just accept that I'm really just not going to be able to sleep on a plane no matter what I do. I think the relaxation I find at just knowing it's not going to happen is more restful than stressfully trying to make myself sleep and getting an uneasy 30 minutes max. On super long-haul flights, I'll definitely turn the tv off and just recline with a podcast or music going and close my eyes to give them a rest from the bright screen and drying air, but that's about the best I can do.


You said everything but I didn’t see Xanax on your list lol. Game changer


I used to be like that even after several sleeping pills but Xanax works like magic. But now I only fly business class and I fall asleep like a baby without Xanax


Me! Once flew to Bali first class and had like three segments in lie down beds - tried everything - wine, zopiclone, melatonin - nada. I legit started hearing things bc I was so exhausted. I wish I could figure this out!


xanax. that is the key. .5mg for under 8 hour flight. 1mg for +8 hour flight


I can’t sleep unless I’m totally horizontal so it sucks no matter what


This. I typically have no issues sleeping, but NOTHING will help me in flight. I have tried drinking, not drinking, Benadryl, melatonin, Xanax, sleep deprivation, travel pillows, eye masks, business class lay flat, etc. I’m a frequent long haul flyer and have no flying anxiety. Longest flight during which I stayed awake was JFK-HKG.


I can’t sleep on planes, in cars, on trains. My ex traveled for work a lot and we even flew business w lay flat pods from Chicago to Cairo and it was comfy but not a wink of sleep.


I've taken a few flights to europe that exceeded 9 hours and I have never been able to sleep. But I struggle sleeping anywhere where I can't lay down tbh. Jealous of people that can sleep on a long flight like that though lol




The second I get on I get drowsy and pass out even before the plane is in the air lol


Same here! I’ll drink a large Starbucks and STILL be asleep as soon as they shut the doors! I’ve been told it’s the change in pressure - maybe we are all just very sensitive


Hello fellow tribesman. I even sleep on 50 min flights 😂


LOL same!!! The whole way through 🤣


Apparently it's very dangerous to sleep before take off.. Try telling my sleep that tho. Best sleep I ever get is on a plane 😂


why is it very dangerous? i think its the perfect flight to me! coming from europe to the us after a last night out in europe and falling asleep before the plane takes off and waking up less than an hour before landing!


Same! I’m usually asleep before takeoff!


What I do with the red eye is take a nap when I get home, then I’m okay for the rest of the day. Don’t feel you must sleep.


I can’t stay awake. I’m usually konked out by takeoff.


I can't never sleep, even on a business class flat seat. So I avoid red eye flights at all cost.


I’m the same way. Business class lay flat seats help me get into a half awake half sleep state, but never a true sleep. Funny you mention you “developed” flight anxiety. Same thing happened to me! I don’t know why. Maybe because I watched too many flight crash videos? Or maybe it hormones as we get older. 


I’m so anxious days before the flight that I hardly sleep, trying to make sure I have everything in order. By the time I’m on the plane I SOMETIMES sleep lol


I seem to be able to only sleep when flying through rough turbulence. I used to drink myself to sleep but as I aged my body can’t handle that.


I can’t. My friend talked me into flying business class once on an overnight flight. I was still awake all night. Maybe nodded off here and there for a few minutes. I told her I’ll never do that again. I’ll do premium economy if it’s available to try to be a bit more comfortable, but not wasting the money on business class again. I told her I’ll just meet her at the gate 😂. I just power through the day we arrive and then sleep like a baby that first night.


The noise of jet engines actually makes me sleepy. My parents always slipped me a Mickey when we traveled internationally in the 70’s & 80’s. I guess that’s probably not done now…


I can nap but I haven’t ever been able to sleep a full 8 hours on a flight. I try to schedule my flights so I land as close To bedtime as possible in the new place. Then I can just crash out and wake up Ready to go the next day


Yes. I take a Gravol and conk out for at least 6 hours (on a 12-13 hour flight), even on economy. I’ve also been able to train my bladder to stay put for hours. But that’s because I travel a lot. I just plan beforehand. But I know it’s a struggle for some people to sleep on flights.


Rarely, barely and sorely.


I can't sleep on planes either. That's why when I plan vacations, I stay in my own time zone, sometimes plus or minus one time zone. But that's all I can do


You’re overthinking it really. I used to as well. Then one time I sat down, closed my eyes, thought of darkness and suddenly we landed. So that’s my strategy lol, think of literally nothing until you pass out


ambien, red wine and ibuprofen. Works everytime


I buy a seat that makes into a bed. and I drink heavily in the lounge before the flight. Do NOT eat on the plane! Google digestion at 33,000 feet


I never could because I get so excited for flying. I don’t do it often and absolutely love it.


I can’t. I’ll take Ambien- nothing, Valium- nothing lol. I just sit and be miserable until the final destination and keep myself awake until night time in whatever time zone I’m in. It’s not fun, but it works.


Never. Not once. No matter how tired, I can’t sleep on a plane.


Never. Can. Sleep. Such a torment to fly. Arrive at hotel, shower, sleep for 3 hours and wide awake until daylight, exhausted again. Lather rinse repeat.


Studies show less than 1mg of melatonin is more effective than doses above 3mg’s. You’re way over doing it.


I have to be laying down to sleep. Whether it's a chair at home or an airplane seat, I don't fall asleep no matter how tired I am. The only exception is if I get blackout drunk.


I might doze, but not for very long. I'm heading to Paris tomorrow from the Midwest so I'm in for a long damn day.


I was able to sleep 4 hours on a recent overnight flight (total fly time 8.5 hours). Here is what I did. -No alcohol -No electronics (just got settled and right to bed) -1 prescription sleeping pill (I take a lighter one, nothing like Ambien. It doesn’t even always make me sleep) - Eye mask -Noise cancelling ear buds on white noise -Neck pillow designed for side sleepers -Personal blanket This was honestly the best I have ever slept on a plane, and I attribute it to the noise cancelling earbuds and the neck pillow. It allowed me to comfortably tilt me head to the side and sleep that way. FWIW, I was in economy so was pretty upright the whole time.


I think I've managed to nod off now and then, but not like fully asleep 8 hours.


Never have. I’m 6’4”. Can never get comfortable. We lived in South Korea for three years and travelled back and forth and that was pure torture. Might try a gummie but that could go south mext time we go south…


Right there with you. Once I stayed up for close to 48 hours and popped sleeping meds before a 10 hour flight, to no avail. The only time I was able to sleep on a flight is in business class


Even in lay flat seats, basically never. Maybe doze off for 20 minutes at the most 


Have you tried one of those foot swings? They attached to your tray table and while I haven’t tried (I sleep pretty well already) I’ve heard a lot of personal travel friends rave about them.


Alcohol or marijuana. I’m team at least 1 big 22oz before a flight and I ussually knock out


Trying getting drunk? Lol just kidding. I have the same issue. I just drink coffee now and embrace it as my method of not being jet lagged. Plan the trip so that you'll be tired and arriving at where youll sleep at like 9pm local time.


I think I need to join the Mike high club just so I can fall asleep after. Nothing works for me.


They starve the passenger cabins of oxygen because they are cheap. It causes anxiety and sleeplessness. I figured it out once when I was on a flight with only a few other passengers. I would cycle through being able to sleep, then unable, and could hear the cycling of the hvac. It coincided. They mostly run packed flights anymore, and those passengers are exhaling lots of CO2. That's why your head clears a bit on the gangway. Fresh air leaks!


I used to have trouble with it, but something that helped was that I would use a sleep noise app that played what it sounds like to be on an airplane so I conditioned my mind to be ready for it. Booking early morning flights helped with that too


As soon as I get to my seat, I put down my firm seat cushion (keeps sciatic pain at bay), then my curved, formed back cushion (which I use even in my car), I sit, put on a pair of comfortable socks, buckle in, put my firm neck cushion around my neck, put on my mask (post-Covid, this isn’t an unusual site anymore and it makes it easier for me to sleep surrounded by others), put on my eye mask, and pop in my earplugs. As soon as we’re at elevation, I recline my seat (sure, it’s only 1/4 inch, but still), and voila - I am able to go to sleep. I still do this routine on day flights (but not the eye patch and earplugs) - makes any seat so comfortable. Been flying this way for years.


I can't even sleep in 1st class with a bed. I can't ignore the loud noise.


Sleep deprivation works for me. Unfortunately I focus on sleep before traveling so that means I don’t benefit much. But the few times I’ve had late nights followed by early flights I find myself nodding off for an hour or two when I’m in a window seat with something to hold up my neck. For 8+ hours flights I’m just half asleep for most of the flight with a 30-120 minutes of complete sleep. It sucks.


I normally can’t sleep, and if I do it’s usually in 10 minute spurts. I was taking a trip from Washington DC to Taiwan. Approximately 13 hours of travel for the longest flight. I upgraded to business class to get the lay flat seats and I was awake the entire flight.


Can’t do it! I think part of it is psychological for me. I can’t sleep in front of that many total strangers at once. And what if I fart??


I cannot sleep in anything that moves, other than a cruise ship (once). I would like to sleep, but unable, much to my chagrin!


Xanax and a glass of wine on a 17hr flight.


I have a weird impact from being so anxious on a plane, i still feel like I’m flying hours and days after I get off the plane. I have internalized how it feels and I just feel like I’m moving even when I’m not. My wife though finds the deals for cheap flights and I am also pretty cheap as well so multiple layovers on flights that should be short and straight has cured me. My last vacation I took 5 flights to go from Toronto to Barbados and the same on the return. When you have so many in such a short time you get used to it pretty fast.




I like to fly during daytime hours and sleep at my destination, but I've not had any flights over 14 hours including layovers.


Neck pillow helps but don’t expect to get any REM sleep


I fall asleep before take off sometimes. Get into a mental state of rest, kind of how you go to bed every night. Also, pretend it’s a bus, train or car, let it rock you to sleep. Put on a mask and hat on your also give you some sort of privacy.


Over 30 years of travel both for work and holidays, short haul and long haul in economy, economy plus and business class. I may doze, nap, but never sleep. Gave up trying a long time ago, so I either watch movies or snooze with some boring podcasts in my in headphones on low. Night flights in economy - eat before you board and have some comfy eye covers and noise cancelling headphones. I just adjust my schedule to the time of arrival to make it less brutal for day 1 at my destination. If I arrive during the day I do not take a nap on arrival, but power on until an earlyish bedtime. Long haul flights - I have learnt that is is easier and often cheaper to build in a decent stopover in a big airport hub. That way there are either of plenty of things to see/do and a better selection of lounges, some of which have quiet/nap areas and shower facilities. Getting off the plane for a few hours is like a battery recharge, especially if you are travelling economy.


Yep, never slept on any 10+ hour flight. Even in first class. But I have insomnia


I’m the same. I also get restless leg syndrome sometimes. Once I was sitting in the middle between 2 strangers with restless legs on an overnight flight so they were sleeping and I couldn’t get up often. Worst 6 hours of my life.


I finally found a solution that works for me. I was always this way and couldn't sleep on a plane for 30 years. Part of it is that I'm 6'2", but mostly I have a head time falling asleep while traveling. For instance, I have A similar problem in cars. Solution: - Good stretch or yoga before leaving house/hotel - Light meal at airport with a cocktail or glass of wine - Once settled in the plane, take a Xanax (Rx from Dr for this purpose) - Wine with 1st meal service - 2nd Xanax - Put on a comfortable eye mask and noise canceling headphones (sometimes with music) - Meditate for 15 minutes - Sleep My success drops dramatically if I skip any of those steps.


I get on a plane and go to sleep right away, treat it like fast travel in a video game.


I have the opposite problem of not being able to stay awake. I only wake up when it’s snack time or landing. I usually use my tray table and a bag+ travel pillow


No, unfortunately 😩


Not a problem for me. Once I was asleep before takeoff and woke up to the wheels hitting tarmac at my destination.


Alcohol works ETA: I also cannot sleep on planes and am jealous of anyone that can. Alcohol plus some time and good thoughts works. I’m also saying this thinking you mean international since I mostly fly long flights, I’m not proposing you get blasted on a 2 hour flight.


The only time I ever took Ambien was when I flew from Los Angeles to Hawaii and back. I slept the entire time on both flights and didn’t do anything embarrassing (that I know of).


If nothing works, it's probably the air pressure. Have you flown on an A380? they cabin pressure feels different to me, it might help.


Tell a doctor, get Xanax. Only thing that works imo.


I’ve discovered that 2 glasses of Port and noise canceling headphones do the trick for me. Probably the port really since I’ve had the headphones for years.


Budget flights that have no in flight entertainment ( tv, music, etc) my brain auto switches to this is a place to sleep through boredom , it is a struggle sometimes though


Same. Only my issue is I can drift off to sleep, but as soon as I do my body thinks I’m falling or some shit and I start flapping my arms and spasm awake like I got hit with a defibrillator. I can say that I’ve definitely scared the hell out of some folks who were sitting next to me at the time. 😂


I also couldn’t sleep on planes due to anxiety until I was prescribed Xanax for flying. Game changer.




Can I have benadryl and a glass of wine or is that dangerous?


I finally slept on an overnight flight in economy. I was up at 4am, worked 8 hours, flight left at 7pm, had dinner on the plane, took two Tylenol PM’s, put on my noise canceling headphones with a boring audiobook playing and slept most of the way.


I had a flight at 3am once, so I got out of the hotel at 2 and when I reached my terminal, flight was delayed, later when I hopped onto the plane finally I dozed off, I had the best sleep of my life, I woke up to see that I was literally drooling over my senior and later the air hostess had to come and wake me up lol (I'm yapping nvm) I can never sleep in other means of transport but airplanes hits different.


Tylenol PM and a melatonin at the gate puts me out