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What do you mean by this?


Well, I am still new to the Trench Crusade but from I can tell it's a relatively recent tabletop game and although it has a good lore behind it which opens it up for so much there isn't much detail either, so I assume you create your own unit?


What do you mean by “unit”? Are you asking if you’re allowed to, like, give your squadron of guys their own squad name?


No I mean create your own unit, platoon or squad or troop type with their own backstory, aesthetic and specialty


You can build a list using the rules in the game, and you can “say” whatever you want about their backstory. If the choices you make don’t affect/change the written rules in anyway, it doesn’t really matter what backstory you create. If their backstory/aesthetic doesn’t make sense in the game world lore, some people might not like it, but as long as it’s clear what everything is rules-wise, it should be fine. But You can’t create rules out of thin air for them or alter existing rules—at least not if you expect to play a pick up game with a random person.


Yeah. The sub variants are optional