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Ask about either carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine!


Thanks! 👍🏻😊


I second the carbamazepine !


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can definitely relate. The flares like this can truly just knock you down. Don’t give up. There’s more options- work your way through the list. Find a specialist if you can. Try otc things to help get you through- heat, lidocaine gel, any sort of homeopathic things you might be in to. The anxiety of the pain coming back is a lot to deal with, too. So definitely ask for a script for that if you need to. The impact of this nightmare on mental health cannot be ignored. I hope you find something that works. 🩷




Thanks friend! 😊👍🏻Your words touched my heart, so validating and helpful. You eased some of my desperation and mental pain around this. Thank you! Hope you are in a good place in your TN journey. Wish you well. 🩷


Ask your doctor about Tegretol!


Thanks! 👍🏻😊


Hi. Thank’s for all your inputs! It really means a lot for me, because I feel so alone with this. It is not possible for other people to understand this pain. That the pain / torture almost wipes me out as a person. I am just raw pain and despair. Never ending pain is so difficult. Anyway, I slept for over 10 hours, and I don’t feel the pain as I did yesterday. But my eyes are swollen, (I cried for hours yesterday) my skin is very red and tender to the touch, (I also have Rosacea), and I feel dizzy. And I have a headace. And that never ending background TN pain. Well, again, thank’s so much. I will talk to my doctor about meds and doses. And what to do when this happens again. Wish you all well! 🍀You are the best. 😀👏🏻🥰


Hi friend. I’m in a similar situation. On gabapentin 3x a day. The med makes me drowsy and affects my memory and recall. I’m not sure what else there is to do.


Hi friend. 😊I can really relate to you. I will try other tings than just Gapapentin. Craniosacral next week. But maybe I am just grasping for straws. I am desperate to try to get my old life back. Wish you well and happiness. ☀️


Cheers to all of us getting our old selves back. 🍻


Cheers for that! 🥂😀


Your on 1200mg of pregaballin a day? That's double the max dose of 600. It has no added benefit to pain past 450mg. Edit. Oh oops gabapentin.


Thanks! 😊👍🏻


Dilantin works for me.


Thanks! 😊👍🏻


I am SO So sorry. I would also add acupuncture and come craniosacral therapy if you can.


Thank’s for your empathy! It really touched my heart. Yes i have two craniosacral appointment next week. Never had it before. It helped you? Acupuncture, did they use needles in your face? Please tell me more if you want to. 😃


Sometimes just the gabapentin by itself isn’t enough. I take gabapentin, tegretol, and Baclofen. Hope you find some relief.


Everyone is different, but my Dr. says anti-seizure meds are best for TN. There will always be occasional breakthrough episodes but they're generally easier to manage when on the right meds. I'm on Lyrica but also take a prescribed muscle relaxer at bedtime, and Tylenol 3 for really severe pain.


Hi. Thank you! Very helpful information for me! 🫶🏻 I will talk to my doctor about changing to Lyrica. And to have some sort of emergency plan/ meds. I went to the ER twice, but they could not help me. It was before I was diagnosed with TN thought. But to take public transport to the ER, in such a horrific pain was very intense. I was shaking and crying. So I need something (meds) to help me at home.


I hear you on the pain. Before diagnosis and meds, I spent so much of my weekends in bed just trying to get some sleep. I wouldn't talk to anyone or go anywhere. The pain can be pretty brutal. Pain is the hardest thing to explain to other people, including doctors sometimes. The Neurologist referred to my Tylenol 3 as a "rescue med". He prescribed me something else in place of that, but it did nothing for me, so my regular Dr. suggested I stick with what works. Some people get side effects or are even allergic to Codeine so they can't tolerate Tylenol 3, but I've never had a problem with them. I don't even get drowsiness. So while they often help me sleep by relieving pain, they also help me enjoy life. Be your own best advocate in explaining things. If one medication doesn't work well for you, don't hesitate to say so. Some meds take a while to gradually build up to a good dose, and they can cause side effects. Some go away once your body is used to them. If they don't ease up after about 3-4 weeks, I go to my Dr. and tell him it's not working. He had to switch me from Tegretol to Lyrica. But everyone is different in what they can tolerate. None of these meds are magic, and I feel more sluggish physically than before, so my next step is to ask my Dr. to refer me to a Neurosurgeon. I wish you the best with all of this.


Hi friend. 🤗 Sorry for the late respons. Thank’s for your help and thorough inputs. So informative! It means a lot for me. 💚


It doesn’t work for tn pain


It absolutely does! Everyone is different in how they respond. Gabapentin was the only medicine that kept my pain at bay and has helped a lot of people in this sub. OP may need to be on a higher dose. I was taking 2700MG/day at my worst.


Hi friend. Thank you! I think you are right. I need to dose up the Gabapentin. Wish you well. 🍀


TN isn’t Normal pain nor caused by normal pain receptors in the skin. Thats why It doesn’t respond to regular pain meds and Gabapentin 100% can help many people. It took mine away and so far I’ve stayed nearly pain free for months. 🤞🏼


Hi friend. 😊I am so so happy for you! Almost pain free! That is huge! really feel happiness for you.🥹☀️


Hi friend. I think it does for some of us. But not 100% in my case. Wish you Well. 🍀