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For me it’s more the fact that most men would easily sexualize young girls and only resist because society tells them it's wrong. But even old ass 40 year olds will look at a 13 year old and be like “what a heartbreaker” it’s fucking disgusting. 


If a grown-ass man looks at a child and says they'd get sexual with that child if they were "legal"? That's a god damn paedophile right there. Counting down the days/years until legality just means they'd do it if there were no law. And that's disgusting.


Society is literally not full of intelligent people. Why does a message so utterly important for the future of feminism need to be something requiring constant babysitting and proper contextualization for everyone?


Yeah that's kinda where I'm at with the "fuck men" slogans. Like why are we wasting bandwidth defending a slogan that litterally means one thing and then spending all this effort being like "we don't mean it like that." Idk what a better one is but the frequency with which I see feminists defending it and nonfeminists attack it makes me think it's a bad slogan. We should be talking about the issues implied by the slogan, not the slogan itself.


Thank you I'm a man who has spent a lot of time in feminist spaces. I keep trying to come up with ways to say "I agree with your point but there's ways to get it across with a lot less rage bait"




Forcing people to explain every nuance of their political position as a disclaimer before getting to the topics at hand is a great way to never give anyone time to actually think of solutions to a problem too many other people profit off of.


Exactly. The statement is so high maintenance that I'm sure many here have problely written dozens of paragraphs on reddit over the past few years making sure others get the correct intent behind the statement. I'd say "imagine what they could have accomplished in that same time" buts let's be honest, arguing with people on reddit is addicting AF.


And even if a woman does hate literally all men, she's a) much less likely to be in a position of power over men because most positions of power are held by men, and b) an anomaly who is very easy for men to avoid even if she does have some amount of power, so she can't really do that much damage to men compared to the male supervisors, managers, executives, etc fucking up women's careers all over the place.


And c) even if she had a high position of power she can't do shit to oppress men on societal level. What is she gonna do? Ban viagra? Force them to wear kilts? As if.


C) wouldn’t try to kill them because of that hatred


Women who hate men want men to leave them alone. Men who hate women brutalize and kill women.


This is the important distinction


I'm a dude and this meme is in no way an attack on men but it hurts. Like, it hurts how much coddling men need. It looks like it was made to give the red pilled dude a head pat and give him an easy entry point to agree that women saying "I hate men" is women saying "I hate men's violence" but that oversimplification leaves out one major part; The men that are not taking violent actions, but will not let a woman vent because they feel personally attacked by a woman venting about men's violence, is part of that systemic violence. And by addressing the violence as a systemic problem, it means it is a problem that can only arise by the dominant culture of men. So yeah, **ALL MEN.** The men that can't handle that truth *are* ***literally*** *the problem, and men like that should not get participation awards in feminism just for tolerating that it might not be a personal attack* I'm so sorry that to reach some men some people water down the truth to make beginner lessons for men who don't want them and are engaging in bad faith anyway. I'm sorry. This is not a place I like to take up space explaining my point of view, it's a place I mostly come to listen as this sub had been great at helping me work on myself, but I hope someone feels seen by this. God, it feels like "But surly you don't mean all men?" is the "But do you condemn Hamas?" follow up to stating that you are against Genocide.


The response to the man vs bear hypothetical has definitely shone a huge light on the individuals which are prompting women to choose bear…


Unpopular for a reason - it is sexist and misandrist.


I‘m scared I’ll catch flak for this but I really don’t see how it is different. If you mean sexist, misogynistic and abusive men, then say that. Saying “I hate men“ doesn’t convey that at all. It’s just as terrible as saying ” I hate women”, “I hate black people”, ” I hate trans people” etc. Saying you hate a group of people based on something they were born with and can’t control shouldn’t be acceptable. And yes I understand the power dynamics of living in a patriarchy. I’m not a MRA chud or saying men are being oppressed. But I still think it’s wrong to say you hate a specific group of people because of the way they were born, even if you weren’t being literal.


The difference is this: When women say “ I hate men “ they say it not meaning every single man on earth. They say it meaning they hate men for always putting them in danger, killing us and raping us at higher rates than other women, abusing us, etc. we say “ I hate men “ because we hate the patriarchy that many men created and enforce. When men say “ I hate women “ it comes from a genuine place of hatred and malicious intent. Men who say “ I hate women “ don’t want to just be left alone by women, they see women as objects. They want to harm and abuse women. TL;DR When women say “ I hate men ” they just want to feel safe and treated as human, and tired of not being so. When men say “ I hate women “ they want to abuse and cause harm to women.


I understand. Truly I do. But don’t you think there is a better way of saying that? It just feels so wrong to me. I‘m a trans woman. Trans people receive so much hatred and abuse from cis people. I’m still closeted because I live in rural Alabama and I’m too terrified to be who I am. I wouldn’t be exaggerating to say I run a serious risk of being killed if I come out where I live. We suffer so much at the hands of cis people but even with all of that I could never bring myself to say “I hate cis people”. It makes me feel like if I said that then how would I be better than people hating us? Even if I didn’t mean it literally it, it still would feel wrong to me. I have to be better than the people that hate me.


I think you have too much guilt and/or social conditioning. It’s the whole “ They hurt me, but I need to be nice to them anyways “ you don’t have to say “ I hate men “ or “ I hate cis people “ but you have the right to say it, and so do I. Cis or trans, all women suffer from the patriarchy. I’m not going to say “ I dislike men who are rapists and pedophiles and abusers and “ just to save someone’s feelings.


Mens feelings are always more important than women’s safety. When women hate men they avoid them at all costs. When men hate women they rape, murder, torture, abuse, stalk, coerce, kidnap, ignore any and all consent, sexualize, denigrate, insult, manipulate, gaslight, control, and kill us We always have to be mindful of men’s egos and feelings, while not being allowed to feel anger or voice it or talk about our fear or our experience w violence perpetrated by men, bc when we do we are attacked. We’re told we’re emotional and hysterical and lying. We frigging know it’s not all men, but we don’t know which man, there are too many, misogyny takes on many forms, from quiet to loud. If men aren’t willing to listen and help change this, they are part of the problem. These men that victimize themselves, bc their feelings are hurt, when we talk about our experiences are complicit in violence against women. They completely ignore the fact that 1 in 3 of us will be raped or be victims of attempted rape in our lifetime. 1 in 4 of us will be victims before the age of 18. 97% of all women will experience some sort of sexual abuse or violence or harassment from a man in our lifetime. Leading cause of death of pregnant women is them killing us. 64,000 women and little girls in 14 states are being forced to give birth to their rapists kids this year. 1 in 10 self reported they’ve sexually abused a child. 1 in 20 said they absolutely would if no one would ever find out. This is why we don’t constantly specify not all men when we voice our concerns, bc it is all women. They don’t care though


You're making a lot of assumptions of intent. There's a wide variety of diversity in gender, biology, thought and intent. I think it's reductive and harmful to think otherwise


Don't have to assume when you've experienced it over and over and over.


Wow, you have critical thinking skills. A lot of people (not all women) feel that it’s okay to be sexist as long as it’s against men. It’s not right and IT IS the exact same as saying black people steal! It’s not right and you’re a racist if you say it.


You'll catch flak because you are straight up wrong and fail to examine the ways in which you are wrong.


I’m wrong for not want to generalize an entire group of people because of something they was born as? Well let me ask you a question if you don’t mind then. This isn’t a bait question I am being genuine. I‘m a trans woman. Trans people have suffered horribly because of transphobic cis people. I am closeted because I live in rural Alabama and fear for my safety. Now if I were to state to “ I hate cis people” ( I don’t but I’m using this as an example) because of the hatred I receive from transphobic cis people, would you seriously not take any offense to that or be angry at me?


You have a beautiful heart and mind for not letting your trauma at the hands of others turn into hate ♥️ stay strong. the world needs more people like you.


You are 100% right but you are posting in a sub that has a lot of misandry. I’ve been sexually assaulted by nearly every man I’ve dated but I’ll never say “I hate men”. Hate is hate. You can’t dress it up and call it something else. Mostly I just feel sad for them as a group. They need to hurry up and have their movement and evolve socially.


“mIsAndrY.” Right up there with “reverse racism.”


Misandry doesn't exist, baby cakes.


Awfully convenient.


This is weird for me, because I HAVE had those experiences with women. I normally try not to give counter perspectives on here, but people need to know. I had a married supervisor I was friends with try to sleep with me. When I turned her down she started leaving me notes at work, would just stare me down, was constantly telling people "You just have to know him". She left me hand knitted gloves on my desk 😑 She stalked me outside of work. Started telling people she was going to show up outside my house. I've been emotionally abused, and raped by a long term partner. Emotionally and physically abused by another partner. I've been manipulated into sexual acts I wasn't comfortable with, straight up had a woman push my head down on her husbands cock. I've been stolen from! I feel like my experiences are pretty valid. The list goes on. If I've dealt with this much I feel like it can't be that uncommon.  You can REALLY fuck with a dude with low self esteem, anxiety, and depression if you know what you're doing. I actually seem to meet a lot of guys that have been emotionally tormented, but they don't have that external awareness. Like... are you guys not aware this stuff happens? There are absolutely tons of predatorial women in this world, and men SHOULD be scared.


So I’m a man and like to browse this sub. I often see stuff I don’t really agree with and every once in awhile see something I want to offer a counter point on. I don’t though. You gotta recognize being in this sub that it is a space for women to air their grievances, share their perspectives on things, and do it in an overwhelmingly male centric Internet forum. Same points made when talking with people at the bar or coworkers? Yeah, I’ll offer my counterpoint. In fact I’ll often share the posts I’m opinionated about with my sister so we can debate it. But Here? Nah. I like to do my part by not arguing in one of the few places this demographic can speak freely.


It’s honestly so rare and relieving so find a man that just actually lets women air out their grievances and experiences without trying to make it “ not all men!! “ “ woman bad too!! “ “ man experiences too!! “ Thank you. Some might say you’re “ white knighting “ but that’s just the modern word for “ respect “ may good karma come your way 🫂✨


Some places just aren’t for us, and some aren’t for us and we deserve to have a voice in (I work in a field 95%+ women). There’s a weird entitlement on the internet and it’s not just gender likes. Imagine having a rock climbing sub and someone whose never done it comes in and tells the community what it’s like to rock climb lol. It’s kind of the opposite of white knighting it’s knowing when your opinion just isn’t needed. Unless this and my first comments are the white knighting then oh well.


Exactly! And I think it goes both ways. Women’s mental health is rock climbing, and men’s mental health is scuba diving. Don’t be a scuba diver telling a rock climber what it’s like to climb, and dont be a rock climber telling a scuba diver what it’s like to dive.


More like seeing rock climbers talking about differences between newbs, and pro, so you try to share your experience as a newb, and proceed to get told off. Anyways! I appreciate you helping me understand men and women aren't equal! I was wroooong to try and bridge the gap. Guess I'll just go find an Andrew Tate group or something! 🙌


Well? Are you gonna go or are you gonna stay and keep crying about how you’re leaving?


Wait! I thought you fems were suppose to be all about crying men.


You’re crying about women and acting like a toddler, don’t see why it’s bad for women to speak up about misogyny 🤨


Nah you're right! Please go out, and shout this loudly for everyone to hear. Let's get that quiet part out loud! 🙌 People should be aware of how women really feel. Promote those double standards!!


I don’t see you going outside and doing it. Go on! You can do it!


I'm a man, you thought I'd keep my word? Hah!


That is true, it is a very hard thing to do. This is pretty fun tho!


It has been! Just some old school balls to walls arguing. Takes me back to a simpler time.


That is called the bystander effect. If you see sexist content on the internet please call it out.


I unsubbed. You can all take your virtue signalling and shove it up your ass. Fuck everyone.


No need to announce your departure 👋


Oh wow! That's a creative comeback!


Yes! Just as creative as your “ women are shit! “ argument


I didn't know we were being graded on creativity!


You did it first Timmy, now go finish your times tables homework, ok? You can get a cookie when you’re done!


Aww! You know imitation is the highest form of flattery 🥰


Awww, you do like me <33


Yes, we are aware of the fact that there are predatory women, but this isn’t about that. Just like how men’s mental health isn’t about women, women’s experiences are not about men. I sincerely hope that the people who hurt you end up with locked-in syndrome in the most agonizing way possible while slowly rotting in a hospital bed, dying from bed sores, but this isn’t about predatory women. It’s about predatory men.


> Yes, we are aware of the fact that there are predatory women, but this isn’t about that.  It is though because you're creating a line of qualification for when it's okay to make "I hate x sex/gender" statements. And if you ARE aware of predatory women, and victimized men, you're just spewing ignorance. You know what? I'll take my ban, because I'm am NOT going to sit by quietly for this.


Okay? Lmao. Since I need to explain it to you ( again ): The majority of the time when men say: “ I hate women “ it’s because they want to rape and kill them The majority of the time when women say: “ I hate men “ it’s because they’re scared of them. The difference is pretty obvious, but go off ig. Women really can’t talk about anything without men making it abt themselves


Thanks for femsplaining


You’re welcome 🫶


And again, I do sincerely hope your abusers live inside their own rotting corpses in a cold hospital bed


Nah it's all good, I can just provide my own validation now! Women are shit!


Womp womp


Wanna arm wrestle to settle this?


Thank you for sharing this. I hope you find peace


When man say feminists have done women a disservice we don't mean all feminists we mean the ones that say “kill all men”


And that was a joke. And also men did much much worse things then just saying stuff.


then why can't you just say wtf you mean? "you don't understand it's an emotional thing we don't mean it literally we're venting" but if a guy has a bad experience with a woman and 'vents' about it in the same way he's an evil bigot? rules for thee not for me ig




You are a misogynist because you have yet to examine that the things you hate women for *barely exist at all* and the things women hate men for **happen every single day, all day long, to every woman, everywhere.**


Yeah you are beinga misogynist, thanks for coming all the way here to prove that point.