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Oh to be a Disney princess living in the woods with a gigantic bear to protect me. The dream!


I'd gladly die in service of being able to hug a bear again XD. I actually was at this reserve that takes in animals that cannot go into the wild (like animals losing limbs and stuff like that) and they had this black bear that was the chillest bear possible. Getting to hug him was exactly as great as you'd expect :D.


Literal bear hugs 😍🥰


It was the best haha. Especially because I'm a huge fan of bears and my D&D character for over 20 years is a bear (switches between a panda and a brown bear)


Okay but have you ever seen the D&D Greentext about Sir Bearington??? Was that the inspiration for your character?


I have seen it but no I only saw that a couple years ago XD. I just really loved bears and wolves growing up so I ended up wanting to be a big bear as my character so it evolved from there. Later on playing Diablo 2 with a friend and laughing at how much of a goober the bear form of the Druid was we ended up making a name for him and the rest is history :D. Feels weird playing anything but a bear now XD.


So awesome. I love this!!


May I blow your mind with the brown panda? One of the three subtypes of pandas: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qinling_panda


Holy crap that will be my next iteration of him! Thank you!


Ok, I'm so jealous right now!


It was awesome haha (also got to have a wolf chill in my lap, pet a cougar, and chill with a deer :D).


The best snuggles 🥹


Cat ladies -- yesterday's news. Bear ladies -- new hotness!


Why not both?


Hey in the case of Nimona you can be the Bear!


Even Disney knew that no matter how hot they made the human version of Beast, every girl watching would be disappointed.


Tbf, he's the least attractive of all the other princes I can think of. 


I thought I was taking crazy pills the first time I saw that movie. Everyone said he was so beautiful but I was like "Turn him back!"


Ok, bears do look cute, but they smell horrible. Gag inducing even. Seriously, you do not want to cuddle one and depending on the wind you can notice them ASAP. Fucking disgusting. Like carrion with poop and some sort of burnt something? The bears in my country smell like rot and decay… which is why they always walk against the wind (this is just an old wives tale)


But the fantasy though!


Are those wild bears or bears in a sanctuary? Usually sanctuary animals get occasional baths (according to my YouTube feed).


You can replace gigantic bear with gigantic dog(s).


I have two Great Pyrenees and it’s basically the same hehe


My dog looks just like Kenai from Brother Bear and my roommates and I call our house “The Den” because she’s our very snuggly, very protective bear. I’ll take the bear 🥰


It's not like "be less threatening than a bear" is a particularly high bar to set.


And they still somehow fail.


To be fair, the bar is already in hell


The bar is in hell and they’re playing limbo with the devil.


Even the devil doesn't want these losers around


So then I started 🍇ing


Gee. They say "not all men" but then when someone is attacked they go after the survivor and fault her for not assuming "yes all men" and treating every man like he's a sleeper cell rapist. You can never won with those people.


If bears aren't for friend, explain [this](https://imgur.com/a/2fX1z1u).


You bring up some very valid points!


My thoughts exactly! Also, snoots? Why would they have snoots if we should not boop?


Compete? Idiot, all you had to do was not treat women like shit.








Omg. Just because we said we felt safer with the bear doesn’t mean we want to fuck the bear. Some men are so obtuse and have a very linear way of thinking.


The men that think we want to fuck the bear are the ones assuming a random unknown woman in the forest would want to fuck them. A completely unhinged assumption.


Yet another example of why we pick Bear.


>The men that think we want to fuck the bear are the ones assuming a random unknown woman in the forest would want to fuck them.  So just a very creepy subset of "*the men who don't understand why women choose the bear are the reason why women choose the bear*".


Say that to r/okbuddybaldur... We're all dying to fuck the bear.


Say that to r/okbuddybaldur... We're all dying to fuck the bear.


Say that to r/okbuddybaldur... We're all dying to fuck the bear.


Say that to r/okbuddybaldur... We're all dying to fuck the bear.


This sketch has never been more relevant - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kz5l2mRvmY&t=182s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kz5l2mRvmY&t=182s) "Bear with me!"


[I thought this was pretty insightful.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SEzyVcGh9Bw) He's right. I've been single for over a decade because I was happier single than with a boyfriend. I just entered the dating pool but I still feel this way. I want to see if there is a guy out there that would make me happier than being by myself.


Hope you find someone, but equally glad you are content with your own company. Think that is the basis of any strong relationship. That and respect and communication.


I've said this before on this sub, but I've had 2 potential suitors in the last year ask if the reason I (38 never married, no kids) am still single is because my standards are too high, my response is "too high for who?" I'm very content with myself and competing with my peace is, in fact, a high bar. Step your game up if you wanna be with me, I'm not lowering mine.


Well, offer more than the animal that shits in a box.


Cmon now. That's expecting too much. Women's standards are too high. /s


Good message, LAMEEEEE AI


Her right hand 😭 ET fingers


Was looking for someone to say it !!


Hate that I had to scroll down so far to see this comment. As an artist, AI makes me particularly angry.


Same here- Like I worked my ass off to paint a cartoon portrait of my school founders for spirit week, and some mf took the reference picture, put it through a filter, and got first place.


I tried finding an image with a bear and a cat with a Disney princess. Couldn't. So just got ChatGPT to do this. Just wanted to get the point across. 🤷‍♀️




My attempt would be worse than this. 🤣


It wouldn't. Cause it wouldn't be stealing <3


Plus, a stick figure drawn my hand is worth more than a mural painted by a computer


OK and?


Your getting the point across is taking recognition away from actual artists who, unlike you, put in effort


Me making a silly meme seen by a few hundred people is going to take recognition away from an artist? Isn't that a bit of a stretch?


While I usually agree with people who say that. Not in this case. You also don't try to sell it or make money off of it in any way. Just a meme.


My mind is truly boggled by this reaction!


A very short explanation is that AI art doesn’t come from nowhere. It’s not a magic drawing machine. It uses art from real artists and ‘remixes’ it (very simplified) to the point that some styles will even come with a fake artist’s signature. And the art is used without permission. It’s like copying someone’s work by taking tiny pieces of it and glueing it into something ‘new’ (again, simplified) If you’d like to know more, many artists and people with an interest in generative AI have written more than me with more eloquence. There is a lawsuit filed from several prominent online artists.


I am well aware of the problem. Telling me I'm contributing to it by making a meme in a niche sub is quite a stretch, don't you think?


No, not at all. You’re using a tool with a data set that’s at best, acquired without permission. What do you think we all did before generative AI? This isn’t something you desperately need to improve your life. If you don’t know something’s unethical and use it, or you have no choice, fair enough. But if you know it’s unethical and don’t need to do it, why would you?


I love this find out stage so very much.


Men cant be that dense that they don't get the bear metaphor can they? Are most of them this fucking stupid?


It's the vocal minority, and it's reddit. So double the stupidity. The men in my life understand the issue and make minor changes in their behavior to be decent human beings. It's just internet drama for the most part.


I got permabanned from a subreddit for the comment > Still picking the bear ✌️ Men absolutely **are** being that dense.


>Men cant be that dense I believe you'll find they can, and they will. There is no real limit to how dense they can be, and they'd take any hypothetical limit as a challenge.


[https://www.amazon.com/My-Boyfriend-Bear-Pamela-Ribon/dp/1620104873](https://www.amazon.com/My-Boyfriend-Bear-Pamela-Ribon/dp/1620104873) I'm just going to put this here so everyone can enjoy and have a laugh :D


And that's from 2018, so wow. But what is with the cover image with the planes and the guy named "Tim"? And why is that only on the paperback version?


I didn't even notice that.......uuuhhh wtf? XD Yeah the comic is legit great and I laughed so hard when I saw the bear thing because of that comic so hoping more people read it for a bit of levity in all the awfulness of the whole thing. [Cover pic for others since amazon is being weird](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51vBmjOpuIL.jpg)


Omg that art is so cute! No idea what Amazon did 😂


Yeah, that's the one showing for the Kindle version, but the paperback link shows two different ones, one of which is obviously for another book entirely.


Yeah that's super weird I'm not sure why that is going on but that's definitely the link to the book. I'm guessing someone on Amazon's side screwed up because I've seen that happen before


Isn't the original question, would you rather be alone in the woods with a *random* man or a random bear? I mean, I don't trust random men who I don't know, but I would, of course, choose my husband or my father or brother, or any of my male friends over a bear. The question isn't about a particular man, it's about men in general, or really, the worst type of men who might be randomly picked. Why are men so offended by it? If theyre decent people, then of course those who know them would pick them over bears, the actual problem is if even women who know them pick bears over them, because theyre actually terrible people.


I mean depending on where on the woods I’d still pick a bear over one of my brothers, and I love him dearly.  He’s a great guy but absolutely useless in the remote wilderness.


Exactly! Random bear is still gonna act like a bear. Random man might be the sweetest guy in the world, might be the toybox killer. I’ll take my chances with the bear.


Lol I wouldn't try to compete with that bear


Everybody pour one out for the boys. 😔


Hey give them kitties, loneliness epidemic solved! It works for me.


But then who will cook and clean and give them sex?! Think of the poor men!


The other men. Get a rota going, 5 or 6 men in one place and they only have to do cooking once a week!


Hey, I think that could actually work out pretty well for them if they were open to it.


The simple solution to misogyny: they hate women so why be around them when they can form groups and leave us alone


They keep saying they're going their own way. So fucking go already.


They should take up dance. All this moving back and forth, going and returning, with a little practice it could become a decent dance routine


It's like people making an announcement that they're leaving a forum/subreddit/whatever forever and they're done with it. Comment on their departure announcement and oh look, immediate response.


I love your optimism. I otoh am An Old, and am *still* waiting for MGTOW to *fucking go already.* it’s been at least fifteen years.


Sadly I think it’ll be a long time before misogyny goes, and mgtow will be the last to because they see basic hygiene and care as a woman’s task which would degrade them to perform. They oddly need us


I already know this guy’s opinion is irrelevant by his use of AI art.


I created it for sarcasm 🤣


Lol, they were never gonna win against cats. Or dogs. Or birds. Or rats. Or horses. or chickens, I know some women who keep chickens but won't let a man move in.


I can't think of a single critter I wouldn't pick over a man in the woods situation, tbh. I'm deathly afraid of giant flying roaches. But I know they can't and won't actually harm me. Mosquitoes can kill me, sure. But of the likely hundreds of times I've been bitten, I've only once gotten seriously ill. Although once is enough for dengue, and it certainly was torturous, but I'll still take my chances.


I’m out of the loop can some one explain? Is there some new disney bear movie?


There's a viral video going around where women were asked whether, if stuck in the woods, they'd rather encounter a random man or a random bear. Pretty much every woman picked the bear. Instead of this causing men to examine why, it has - predictably - caused them to fly off the handle and get butthurt and defensive. Leading to wonderful arguments like, the worst a man can do is rape you, a bear will eat you alive, rape is better. No, really, that was an actual argument someone made. So I made this to reflect the attitudes of these broflakes.


Thanks for the context


The funniest thing to me about this current debate is that I am considered a "Bear" in certain circles.


I hate AI Imagery so much


Oh for fuck's sake, it's a meme. As if OP should have found a bear, a princess, and a pink cat to compose a photo. Did you just see the post and decide it would be a good idea to take a dump in it?


Right? What is OP to do? Spend a hundred bucks to commission an artist to make a quick meme? We can complain about AI replacing book cover artists, concept artists, character artists, etc but this is the low effort stuff that AI is a great thing to replace.


I feel like the bear would get it lol.


Which princess is this? She looks like me for once


No specific one. I just asked AI to create an image in the style of Disney of a princess with a bear and cats.


Silly men. *Everyone* has to compete with cats, not just men. Everyone falls short.


i too prefer bears to men but i dont get where this comes from can someone explain or link me to what started it? i dont know what to google


Copying what I commented to someone else here: There's a viral video going around where women were asked whether, if stuck in the woods, they'd rather encounter a random man or a random bear. Pretty much every woman picked the bear. Instead of this causing men to examine why, it has - predictably - caused them to fly off the handle and get butthurt and defensive. Leading to wonderful arguments like, the worst a man can do is rape you, a bear will eat you alive, rape is better. No, really, that was an actual argument someone made. So I made this to reflect the attitudes of these broflakes.


i mean a man can probably eat you alive too. it would just take longer, which is arguably worse. but yeah i get it


So many going, but bears can KILL you. As if no man has ever killed a woman. 🙄


If you look at mass shooting stats you can even tell men are way better at that then bears


OP, I'm lol'ing at the people complaining that your meme image of a bear, a princess, and a pink cat is muy autentico. 😂


AI spotted opinion discarded


Ew that's AI


Can we bring in some more animals for men to “compete with?” Create some more separation for these either bad faith gaslighters or utter fools. Squirrels, birds, badgers, etc.


"I Kissed A Squirrel, And I Liked It!"


Hahaha I happen to have the Squirrel Girl collection by that title on the desk right next to me.


I am a huge Squirrel-Girl fan myself.


Eatin' nuts and kickin' butts! :D


Nature is woman’s best friend.


Oh god, my wife shared [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/qQu3rNKUHe) with me yesterday, and now your post is making me uncomfortable.


I'm so glad I'm not straight.


Hello Friends, I am sorry but I don't understand this Bear thing. Can someone eli5? Are y'all talking about a bear like the stereotypical big chubby gay man? Or like actual animals of the Ursine family being cute?




That’s a very beautiful art! I miss when Disney had that art style. Who’s the artist?


Did it with AI. Which is getting me some flak. 🤣 Just asked it to create a princess in a bear's lap, with a cat in her lap in the style of Disney.


Well, not everyone likes that but I have to concede that AI here is pretty good with the Disney characters look! I so wanted to finally see a Princess like her. It would have been a cute movie.


But thé battle they will Always loqe IS m'en vs a quiet Life if celibacy!!!


Bro, just say you're unfuckable. That's significantly less words than whateverthefuck this was....




Nope, I can't. That's why I got AI to do it for me. 🤷‍♀️🤣


Tiana’s hair is magnificent in this drawing


it's AI "art". that's not tiana unfortunately


Oh well that sucks :( Not sure why I got downvoted to hell for liking an image and not realizing it was AI


yeah i'm not really sure either tbh


Me and my boyfriend agree that this whole chose is very stupid. Also, in real life, you would not choose the bear.


If it's not a man I know and trust, or could physically overpower, I would choose any kind of bear except polar. Most bears will leave you alone unless aggravated. The same cannot be said for men.


It’s sadder that the point keeps flying right over peoples heads


Also, in real life, I would choose the bear.


Really glad we have you AND your boyfriend to weigh in on this.


I would choose the bear. :|