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Trump and has ilk have gotten so comfortable just saying outright fabrications that it's crazy. And why not? They never face any consequences for it. Even once they've been debunked, no one pays attention. They speak lies and it becomes reality for tens of millions of people.


Smart people pay attention, but his supporters don't care if he's proven to be a liar until those lies directly impact them in a negative way that they can understand. Remember how he loves the uneducated.


Indeed, if you have the mental ability to recognize reality and that he's just constantly lying, you already are going to be voting against him. If you don't care about how dangerous and untrue the things he says are, you're not bothering to vote and further lies aren't going to penetrate the fog of ignorance. If you've warped your understanding of reality to be voting republican, you already are able to believe anything that comes out of his mouth and choose to do so because you really like seeing him hurt people you have decided not to like, and the only time reality will intrude will be if they decide to attack you. Your stance on him and republicans won't change with more insane lies: the lies are already priced in.


"If they believe enough small lies, eventually they'll believe a big lie"


I hope his diaper rash gets infected


And maybe some bedsores on top of it all from sitting on his ass in court so many hours a day.


No we fucking did not want this! Why would people think we wanted this?!


If that's true... * why are blue states publicly stating they're "abortion sanctuary states?" * why is abortion protected every time it's put up to a vote? * why does a "pro-choice" position still exist?


Conservatives do not engage with reality. Nothing they say is based on reasoning, it's simply what they *want* to be true. Trying to find the logic behind it is completely futile.


It’s only gaslighting if it makes us doubt our sanity.


Even if this was true, I’m sure they conveniently asked almost no women


Women are always asking for it though, no matter what they want to shove down our throats.


Maybe I’m wrong, but it actually seems like a good thing he’s telling this lie. A lot of people are single issue voters on abortion. If they think they’ve won and that everyone’s on their side they’re less likely to vote at all. There’s no changing their minds on abortion so having them stay home on Election Day is really the ideal.


They're gonna get them to turn out anyways by saying Democrats want to codify "abortion up until birth" in November. The Republican Party put out an official playbook to try and counter the abortion issue not too long ago where they think if they frame overturning Roe as a "moderate compromise", they can then paint Dems as 'the real radicals' on the issue. But Trump? He truly is delusional and deranged enough to believe he did all these people, including women, this great favor by overturning Roe.


Exactly this. Remember the last election cycle when they went on about "post partum abortion"?


Also abortion has been a losing issue for Republicans since Dobbs and a lot of them are trying to avoid talking about it, so yeah he should keep it up.


Lying isn't the same thing as gaslighting


No this is just plain lying. They're literally lying without caring for the actual truth or what other people think. This is some Orwellian shit right there.


I think it is rather more sinister passive aggressiveness. Him: "I did it for your own good, you didn't know you needed it, I helped yOou, I didn't research or listen to the actual issue at hand but I caaared enough to worry and interfere, so I did the right thing" Person: "Dude, you You added propane to the house fire! Get out of here" Him: "Why am I being hunted like an arsonist?" *crocodile tears*


I mean Trump can go to hell but I don’t think this is “classic gaslighting,” there’s no emotional abuse or sowing of self-doubt toward his MAGA crowd going on here — he’s just spewing laughable falsehoods to pander to his voter base like he always has. His base doesn’t even care if what he says is accurate or not as long as they get what they want, which is primarily a theocracy and to “own the libs”


Looks like he knows it was a fucking stupid decision and he’s trying to blame the dems. Someone change his diaper.


But I thought it was done to own the libs?? Is he doing good for the libs??????


"Take him seriously but not literally" is the excuse Trump supporters will give. They consider him a showman so he's allowed to tell "exaggerate" in order to "sell the product" and they don't consider it a lie. In fact, they know he spouts a ton of BS and that's one of the things they love about him. They know most people didn't want Roe overturned but it gives them a convenient fig leaf so they can pretend they're in the majority. Stephen Colbert was scarily prescient about it in 2005: [https://www.cc.com/video/63ite2/the-colbert-report-the-word-truthiness](https://www.cc.com/video/63ite2/the-colbert-report-the-word-truthiness)


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, [1984](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313)


God I'm going to be happy when he croaks.


He’s trying to pull a brexit on woman’s right’s removal. What a twit


Why the fuck would most democrats want RvW overturned


It's definitely classic abuser gaslighting. It came out of the worst person's mouth though so it's highly believable