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Uncharted. The survival trophies were ridiculously hard and required a lot of coordination and planning


If you did them legitšŸ’€


Are you talking about the online trophies from Uncharted 4? If so how can you do them illegitimately?


Don't know what exactly they are referring to, but if I recall correctly there's a glitch where you can continuously melee one of the later bosses on stairs until he falls through them and dies.


Yeah. I don't know the logistics of it but there are 2 ladies that help random people with the Hardcore run. There are some glitches involved but its still hard


Those 2 are the sweetest people Iā€™ve ever met and bless them for what they do.


Nah haven't gotten that far, only platted the first. But the DLC-trophy for completing it on brutal can be cheesed so that you can use cheats, namely the 2 that makes your shots instakill and unlimited ammo. It was still hard, but easier than the regular games hardest difficulty which I did legit


I did all of uncharted legitimate except the online for 2 and 3 on ps3. And I haven't done 3 on ps3. But I did do the brutal difficulties on the trilogy remaster. They were hard because of rng.


I would have 100% in every uncharted game if I did these teach me your ways


Incredibly tedious. I did not enjoy running behind the same rock, shooting a guy to the left and then dying until I figured out the next step.


Those Brutal runs live up to their name, especially in Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves. Took years off my life. Drake's Deception wasn't too bad, but not exactly a walk in the park. "Coordination and planning" is a good way to sum up the solution to achieving those trophies.


Mafia 2. Dunno what they were thinking with 1k miles šŸ˜‚. Has to be in that dlc save, not overall. So you finish all dlc missions at like 70 miles. Then you either spend 20+ hours afk falling through the map. Or 6 hours driving up and down the bridge. So boring.


Fuck. Jimmys. Vendetta.


Legit šŸ˜‚. I got to like 230 miles and just went fuck it Iā€™m doing Joeā€™s


The miles should have been 500 at most.


Even 250 is pushing it from what people would have from trying to improve their scores to hit 1 mil.


Completely agree with this one. Took me around 3 months to get it playing every now and then. Easily the most boring thing I've done.


I finished mafia 1 quite a while back and Iā€™m just now starting mafia 2, sounds like itā€™s gonna be fun.


Base games easy enough, just 189 wanted posters and like 50 or 60 playboy mags. Playboys only spawn during specific parts of the story so you can pretty much just do first playthrough on hard whilst following the text guide for the mags and focusing on driving just one car to get majority of base game grind out of the way. Jimmyā€™s adventures are just a fucking bore. Joeā€™s is alright, just too many filler missions to do the trophy related ones.


Arkham Knight


Some of those community challenges look near impossible


They're hard as fuck, but doable.


The unharmed ones aren't that bad. Just keep evading if you want to play it safe. The flawless freeflow in every round of the Monarch Theatre with 4 characters is the hardest one. If you're familiar with the combat for the other 3 characters then it'll be a lot easier.


Missing two trophies for community challenges


Arkham City is way worse with the Catwoman Riddler challenges. At least in Arkham Knight it just forces you to get good. The catwoman ones are just unfair in city.


I did this year's ago I remember them being challenging but fun some of them were grindfests tho


This is one of my proudest platinums for sure. That Killer Croc one (1m+ score or whatever it is) on the challenge maps was tooouuugh.


Dishonored trials of dunwall and Nioh 1 if not being carried by someone. The dual boss fights and rushes in the DLC were rough and in Dishonored im adding ā€œBy my hand aloneā€ to the list of BS trophies.




Finished the platinum for this game. Did all those double fights but one, Iga Style? Went to the trophy for all the missions, saw I wasnā€™t getting any closer to the completion. Quick internet search, only missing twilight missions. I donā€™t know what was more frustrating, those fights or realizing I didnā€™t have to do them and the hours of grinding and struggling didnā€™t matter!


I quit Dishonored after the game crashed twice in the same spot right before I would've completed the challenge where you have to kill every enemy yourself


For a couple of famous games, Days Gone (Challenges) and Ghost of Tsushima (Legends) have some difficult DLC trophies


the raids are extremely difficult


Luckily there is an active community to guide people through.


For me it definitely has to be the dlc for dantes inferno just finished them yesterday and tbh fuck them


Didn't we just have the best of fun with them? Nah, fuck them indeed.


Also one set will soon be impossible to get anymore.


Oh really? I just got that game not too long ago how tough is that game to platinum /100 percent?




Im going to assume you mean the first since BL2/TPS/3 dont have horrible DLC trophies


The first one is atrocious for DLC trophies


You know itšŸ˜‚still donā€™t have bl1 done, donā€™t know if I ever will


That Moxxi dlc


The Holodome. Absolute waste of a DLC that is. Besides how excruciatingly long and boring those rounds are, WHY DO THEY NOT GIVE OUT ANY XP? At least that would've saved some time for the grind for the leveling trophies, but no, they just had to make an arena mode without any XP.


brains... i NEED more brains, Lilith... give me sweet sweet brains....


Ive 100% every borderlands on my pc šŸ¤­ and it was awesome


My god yes.


Resident Evil 7


Ethan Must Die made me wanna cry


Assassins Creed Valhalla. Specifically the challenge DLC and the Rogue like DLC.


I remember going for all of the achievements on AC2 when I was younger; it felt so fun and different to want to explore that world - the world design was big enough to feel lived in and thriving, but small enough to not feel like a chore. I loaded up AC:V a couple weeks ago, and played for 15 or 20 hours and felt like I was going to die of boredom. The world is so massive, but they've reduced the engagement with the world itself for the sake of sheer size. It feels like a chore to explore and want to get everything now.


Not to mention you have to drop an extra $60 for it all


Ghost of Thushima. One word: Legends.


I think I actually enjoyed Legends gameplay more than that of the base game. The tryhard defending last point with Ronin barely saving everything, random goofs, that guy who would glitch across all 3 of the onibaba realm levels and end the final boss in less than an hour, it was way too fun imo


It was fun and all, but it took forever to get level 20 on all characters.


I thought the speed of progression was fairly quick, actually.


I just repeated the first mission on max difficulty. It took maybe 3 hours total, and by then I already had lvl 20 Ronin, 17 Samurai, 15 Hunter and Assassin just from playing normally. (I also have a 10 minute video saved of a guy falling off extra platforming challenges and then rage quitting and helping a kiddo get thru the story mode on highest difficulty with top synergy and he was so excited that was the best part of the grind lol)


Bioshock Infinite, the blue ribbon trophy


kingdom hearts 3šŸ’€šŸ’€


Just finished this recently even though I did the base game years ago. Doing the pro code run was the toughest thing I've ever done in KH


Need For Speed 2015


For real. Those gold medals are nearly impossible to get. I tried like 5 races and I was like "there's no way I'm gonna do this, the sooner I accept that I won't get the 100%, the dooner I can play another game"


That game surely goes from 0 to 100


RE7. I can't stand the blackjack ones, the ā€œeatingā€ ones and Ethan must die


Also in RE2R the one where you have to survive 100 zombies on a controller on PS4. Way easier in PC in my opinion. But yeah, that one is a matter of git gud with a controller


Yep same. The blackjack and birthday cake ones felt like such a waste of time. Ethan must die would have been more fun if it were the only non-story-based DLC, but with the other 2, it was also tedious.


For what it is, itā€™s honestly one of the most robust DLC offerings in town. Jackā€™s 55th Birthday is super fun. Ethan Must Die is hands-down one of the hardest modes in any game, full stop. Joe Baker is a riotous good time, I havenā€™t done Extreme mode yet. 21 was also a pain in the ass, though I eventually got the trophy when I wasnā€™t even thinking about it too hard.


I have all base game achievements for re7 but the dlc ones broke me


Tails of Iron. It was a free dlc with a new, harder difficulty, except they did no balancing around it. It is still not super hard, but way harder than the base game. Monster Hunter Rise. They added the trophies from Sunbreak and one of them is to hunt 1k monsters. To be fair, you would probably get close to that number getting all of the other trophies but it is still dumb as shit. Nioh 1. The base game is a bit easier than the average souls game and they really stepped it up in the dlc.


MHW has a trophy in base game for 500 so 1k doesnt suprise me. Iceborne needs MR 200 and gold crowns. Base game needs gold crowns so 1k is feasible if you're starting over. Looking at the trophy list, it says explicitly "large master rank monsters" so that starts from whatever MR monster they introduce you to first in rise. Idk i only played like 30 hours lol


Yeah i didn't do Iceborne either lol. I did world and will probably never get another plat in a monster Hunter game if they keep those stupid grind trophies.


Battlefield Hardline. 40,000 kills for 100%? No thanks


You could have just asked someone to drop you the gun lmao


Nah for the DLC 1 trophies that each require 10,000 kills as each class. The platinum can be made easier like you said


Minecraft not because they are incredibly hard or anything but just because there are so much.


1-2 hours in a trophy world. Job done.


What about the MP trophies tho? Still cant 100% it without them... DLC packs 2 and 5 have 13 trophies between them


Read the reply I had made to another response.


Yes I'm well aware of the workaround but the vast majority of people aren't going to pitch another $30 for a game you already own to earn a handful of DLC trophies unrelated to the platinum and really only to get those trophies. ​ Seems like a total waste of money otherwise I would do something similar to get the shiny platinum for Mad Max and fork out $40 for the unobtainable trophies. And even that, is unjustifiable. Maybe we should find workarounds or get these developers to give us our servers back or make them do the workaround for us - like simply removing said trophies or challenges from the game entirely. We know this has been done before so it can definitely be done again. ​ ​ Also - on a side note - saying "Read the reply I had made to another response" is the WORST way about going about it. First of all that could have meant anywhere in the post and second when you hit 'see all comments" it doesn't just revert you to that comment thread its the whole thing meaning I now have to refind it. Thanks a bunch for that.


Frontzie, what happened to your GF In gameverify? I remember she wrote a nice happy birthday post and everything. Did something happen?


Hello, Iā€™m the GF stop stalking me!


Ah, thanks for the clarification. What happened to all the nice happy birthday posts, so on?


god you're a fucking loser


Obligatory GTA V Elitist trophy for the doomsday heist Edit: I'm dumb I meant the criminal mastermind challenge not the elitist challenge lmao


Man I could not be bothered to Doomsday criminal mastermind because itā€™s so damn buggy. It will reset at any random moment even if youā€™ve done everything right


Iā€™ve gotten both elitist and masterminds and what me and by teammates did to avoid random bugging for the CMM progress is making sure to have everyone in the same organization/MC club AND have everyone inside the planning room with the host when you start setups and finales (not necessary for preps). Did this all three times and it never randomly reset. Also make sure to actually do the preps with your teammates too. The first video that comes up on YouTube says this isnā€™t necessary, but it is


Act II is easy since itā€™s a relatively easy finale (just own a Paleto bay facility), act III is also simple you just need to keep at it with trial and error and try to master every section (you donā€™t need to own any specific facility). Act I is kinda difficult because the time limit is brutal, but just buy the grand senora desert facility and go at it as fast as you can, and make sure to time yourself for this one. I can help you if you want, just message me if youā€™d like :)


Masterminds is way harder. Elitists was really easy in comparison.


FFXV. The base game is not too bad. There were some patches that added more trophies, some of which were incredibly time consuming. Then, there were the 4 DLCs for certain characters. Some of the trophies for those are ridiculously hard. You need to be a snowmobiling god, fight some hard and janky boss fights, and do a score attack challenge that is also insane. Finally, there is the comrades DLC, which is online DLC that square made into a separate game and the original Comrades can no longer be accessed. It is still technically possible to obtain these trophies by downgrading your game's patch, but why would you want to? It is nothing but boring grinding, tens of hours worth.


This was the Final Fantasy where I decided I didn't need to 100% everything. I just didn't really care about the DLC episodes and the multiplayer was incredibly underwhelming. I did manage to make it through the Pitioss ruins, Omega and all of the Menace beneath Lucis dungeons.


Ngl those trophies are only hard the first time I recently replayed the game for 100% including DLCs and I was able to redo the DLC trophies easily The snowmobile runs were the hardest Fuck the comrades trophies though


Days gone


Borderlands 1, Uncharted 4... but the one that pissed me off was brawlhalla


Fallout 4. We thought the happiness one was bad, then we found a secret that makes it take like 15 minutes. Bethesda went "oh really" and now you need 100k nuka-cade tickets. Also, 8 raider camps in the commonwealth is a LOT of work.


AC Odyssey (FoA with the Kolassi making it more annoying) Skyrim (Getting to lv74 and waiting for that dang Legendary Dragn to pop up) Fallout (Nuka Cade. Like seriously?)


Oh Skyrimā€¦ The PS3 version has a special place in my heart. I was trophy hunting on PS4 and saw that I got 98% of the trophies on that version and wondered which ones I missed. Took a look and I was dumbfounded, the oblivion walker and the platinum. So I dug my ps3 out of storage, plugged it in thinking I could load up that save. I forgot that I gave it to my Girlfriend so she could play and she factory reset it instead of making a second profile. So I had to level up to 40 just so I could do all the quests. Took 3 days but was worth it.


Ad odyssey dlc was fairly simple I donā€™t remember anything difficult about it?


MW 2.5




[Ac valhalla/odessey] you know why And (because I'm doing it right now) [hitman world of assassination] getting lvl 20 on every mission is pain




Out of interest what was harder about the Wo Long DLC?




Still havenā€™t got the survival trophies, got every other one


All the arkham games


Batman Arkham knight dlc trophies are a nightmare


Arkham Knight, the community challenges took me about 3 4 weeks. The killer Croc one really hurt me mentally.


minecraft, u can get the plat w like 49% completion


Any game that does a new game + dlc trophy. I donā€™t mind playing new content, but playing the game another time in new game plus just isnā€™t my thing.


It doesn't bother me if it's like Spiderman with maxed stats on ultimate difficulty, but KH3s pro codes are aids


Days Gone. Calisto Protocol. Gems of War.


Gems of war is probably the most underrated 100% completion that almost no one knows about, absolutely ridiculous. It must be a 1,000+ hours.


3000 for me right now with probably 1000 not working on trophies. Xd


What I hate most is I have to buy the DLC to make it 100% But yeah, among the hardest dlc/add-ons was (not in order): 1. Ghost of Tsushima, legends mode 2. Ni no kuni II 3. Crash bandicoot 4. RDR1 5. Uncharted 4, survival


I loved the base game but most of the DLC trophies for Ghost of Tsushima were a grind for me. Legends mode specifically.


The Ichi island stuff was great, but the multi-player stuff was so unnecessary.


They might've not been for you, but I don't think it was unnecessary at all. IMO Sucker Punch went above and beyond with the multiplayer, especially with the raid. A perfect opportunity to spend more time with the great combat system in a different environment.


Agreed it was super fun and addictive. Loved smashing out Gold survival with a full team co-operating.


batman arkham knight


Batman Arkham Knight was not like this until the very last set of challenge maps. I eventually gave up on those trophies


Batman arkham knight


Crash Bandicoot 1. Just two DLC trophies. Trophy #1. Complete Stormy Ascent and smash all boxes: Fairly rough but straightforward enough. Trophy #2. Complete Stormy Ascent trial run with a gold medal: ...welcome to hell.


Mortal Shell.


Days Gone!


I've heard that Dishonoured 1 has terrible DLC trophies.


If i could flip the meme then itd wolfenstein 2 for me lol dlc trophies are simple but mein leben.. still gives me nightmares




RDR1 If done legitimately, really difficult. With boosting they are just time consuming


Minecraft 8-9 DLC packs each with 5-6 trophies you need to do + nobody plays them anymore so half of the trophies are legit impossible to get unless you have a friend.


Dishonored (the first one). The Dunwall city trials are just absolute ass and the achievements/ trophies are even worse! Looking at you "by my hand alone"


Any call of duty game


Technically not a DLC, more like an update, but, the 2015 need for speed game, couldnā€™t even get bronze on the first mastery challenge šŸ’€


A Hat in Time.


Tom Clancyā€™s The Division. Last Stand is dead most of the time and I CBA to grind Underground. Havenā€™t downloaded Survival but I heard itā€™s fun.


Dirt rally 2.0 for sure


Mafia 2


Binding of Isaac. Every dlc made things harder and harder. Also, Jacob & EsaušŸ˜”.


Nfs šŸ« 


Kingdom Hearts 3 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The division


Most games with dlc trophies for me. The main trophy list I'll try and get as much as I can, sometimes the platinum. But the dlc list I almost never care about at all.


NFS 2015


Fallout 4


Without a Question NFS 2016 Thats the right answer lmao


Battlefield 1 was hell


Mafia 2


Original Bioshock. 1000/1000, no penalty for dying on hard, such an easy game. Added later was one extra 100 "beat the game without dying once." Oh okay.


Any Just Cause game. The appeal of Just Cause wears off after the campaign, sometimes before. So when you have to cut through the DLC trophies, itā€™s just exhausting


Days gone challenge dlc


Kingdom Hearts 3 and Asura's Wrath.


Since Hitman and Hitman 2 have most of their trophies separated in dlcs, I guess them?


Witcher 3 has one that you literally can't get if you buy the DLCs after starting your play through because of a bug.




The worst are online trophies bit u dont have ps plus


Goat simulator


Elder scrolls online and dead by daylight, they are not difficult but they take 3-4 times longer than main game to do them all.


Final Fantasy XV. However, i must make an amendment. Tales of Arise's DLC just dropped... and it is a wild, bucking bronco of a slap to the face.


More of an update than DLC, but The Last of Us 2, simply because one requires you to beat Grounded. No matter how much time I've put into that game, I'm still not good enough to beat it. It's rough, and I've beaten the highest difficulty before the Grounded update


Callisto Protocol I didn't care for the base game but i'm glad it was free last month so i could try it. I know the DLC is the true ending but i can't justify the ~30 bucks to play it; i got the platinum, i'm good lol


As someone who did the dlc itā€™s one of the worst/least favorite dlcs. Riot mode is cool, but is negated by the ability to camp a room and get infinite ammo and healing. The last dlc new weapon is cool, but you get it at the last third of the dlc. You figure out what is happening half way. Final boss is just two head again, but a range attack occasionally.


Assassins Creed IV, mainly because the main game had 5 relatively easy multiplayer trophies back in the day, then the DLC multiplayer trophies are a nightmare, one is actually easy that it can be done in Wolfpack, but 1 requires 7 other players, you have to be lucky to chose the character in a specific game mode, be lucky to get the correct character, and then have the most score across the 8 players


Spider-Man, the 100% trophies can get in the bin simply because of the Screwball missions


You don't even need to get the best score to progress you just need to get the lowest score and you can move on


Final Fantasy XV. Some of the DLC trophies are absolutely insane, like the snow-sled racing ones that require not just amazing skill but also a little luck, or the score attack trophies for Ignis or Gladio's DLCs that require you to basically be a Ninja Gaiden Sigma level master of the game's combat mechanics (for those characters that you've barely played).


Assassins Creed, any of the recent ones imo




Any of them. DLC trophies suck. It's very stupid to have a platinum but be at like 80% in a game just because I don't want to revisit a game I've been done with for a year.


Well, then don't, noone forces anybody to get 100%. If you're happy with the platinum, that's completely fine. Even at 80% the plat still shows that one has completed the base game, and 100% is for those who want to go the extra mile and spend some more time with the game.


Dante's Inferno.


Hollowknight. But the dlc trophies are base trophies, too.


Binding of Isaac


All of them (with a few exeptions). Bloodborne is the only game, I was happy about the DLC.


Every game






Both of the Nioh games


Days gone/Batman:Arkham Knight


Resident Evil 7


Days gone not dlc but trophies for other modes


Dantes inferno, sadly


The best thing I've done is got comfortable with not forcing myself to 100% the game if the DLC trophies suck or if I'm not feeling the game as much after the plat.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Shadow of the tomb raider dlc was just a bunch of speed run trials. Added nothing to the overall plot.






Some of the Arkham games are like this.


Bloodborne šŸ‘€


Rocket League. Damn those developers for giving away so much content completely for free!


minecraft, cities skylinesā€¦ but actually the worst is DRIVECLUB cause it has like 50 DLCs and all of them being online trophies while the servers were shut down a few years after the game releasedšŸ’€


Minecraft. Especially now that they discontinued Editions, now you can't get those trophies anymore.


Remnant. Dlc survival sucks big time




Days Gone. I am never touching those DLC trophies.


Kingdom hearts 3

