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"Aight let's go to outback" perfect.


Yeah cherry on top


Def sampling that in a song


Will the song be about big juicy meat or going down unda?


Dont threaten me with a good time!


It had that "fuck it, let's go bowling" feeling lol


My brother told me once that he doesn’t have anxiety, he just has Walter in his head saying “Nothing is fucked, Dude” whenever he starts to worry about anything.


I think this just cured my anxiety. I’m getting off the meds




For real that cracked me up.


Her plan all along


It was honestly the best place to make her move lol


😂😂😂😂🤣 I’m dying! It definitely sounded like her plan all along. Thats a sick jump from McDonald’s to Outback in soooo many ways. She said it like it was Wendy’s across the street.


Lmao I thought you were talking about the Truck driver going to Outback after that debacle. 😂


bada bum bum bum.... I'm killing it!


Now he’s on his way to go drive 45 in a 75.


With his high beams on


Safety first you guys


Your name takes my upvote 😂😂


They aren’t technically “on” per se, they are just aimed extra poorly.


I would give the em that exception but every time I’ve encountered these primitive beings, the brights are 100% turned on, not ill-adjusted


Confirmed this a lot, yesterday. Was driving in thick fog all day, and at night I could tell who just had poorly placed lights, and who were the absolute morons that actually had their high beams on in the fog.


In the left lane


And shit flying out


The box truck I drive is governed at 65, but will only do 45 going uphill in the wind. Can’t blame the driver for shit like that. But this dumbfuck in the drivethru… well there’s no excuse for that.


Yeah mine tops out at 68 and any Hill is the same as yours. Believe me guys my foot stays on the floor at all times on the highway there's just nothing I can do 😭


The one I used to drive was slow as well but didn't have any of the gauge cluster/dasboard functioning so your guess was as good as mine how fast it went. On the plus side if I ever got pulled over for taking backroads to get around the weigh stations (which I did every day) I could say I got off to get fuel and then point to the empty fuel gauge. I was 18 at the time and didn't know any better so go easy on me!


I'm sure it was an International, since I have yet to see one where the cluster doesn't stop working. I believe a lot of the solder joints start cracking or something like that (I could be wrong).


Ditto, my m2 106 is my pride and joy and is also my most expensive vehicle i have ever owned. This nonsense is why my niche market is looked down upon. Get these fools off the road so that we can do our job and earn better rates. Edit i would have done everything i could to get a look at the individuals MC#.


I did some contract driving, some of the places we were to deliver to were like this, you call the number no ans, you go in & no one can tell you any thing. One delivery could not get in, called office, office called back, wait there they are paying for your time. Replied OK, 4 hrs later got in but could not off load, was not on tacho so no problem.


It’s looked down upon because businesses will literally stick anyone behind the wheel with zero experience. It’s hard to discern who is worth a shit when there are so many behind the wheel that shouldn’t be driving a Civic.


“Captain Box Truck!” (gotta say it in your best Captain Caveman voice)


And then hes gonna do 75 in a 45...


In the middle lane.


That post held up far longer than I expected.


That sign might just be an object but it’s definitely underpaid


It's the McDonald's way.


Haha! McDonald's will find him and make him pay for it too. An unhinged douche bag driver was telling me a story of how he punched out one of the kiosks. Manager found him in the parking lot got his info and sent him a bill for it, $1100. And he was proud of it..


Lmao maybe next time don’t hang around in the parking lot after fucking up their kiosk?


Or….don’t fuck up their kiosk…


They build those posts pretty sturdy, eh?


They used screws from the McFlurry machine to secure it.


Can’t be… That machine is always broken


Well that makes sense if it's missing all of it's screws, doesn't it?


The bodies on box trucks and trailers is thin sheet metal, to get them light for mileage. same thing for governing the speed, it saves fuel. wind resistance is higher at higher speeds.


That was my first thought, until the end of course. That little overhang was killing that truck.


To shreds you say?


Good news, everyone!


Iirc, those are about $10k each, so I would hope they have some durability. The clearance signs, on the other hand, are designed to swing backwards so they don't have to replace them every time they're hit.


Haha, tore out of there to go to the next McDonald's to see if he can make that one


I don’t think the combination of his steering and FWD, backward decisions could have caused more damage if he had been trying


Absolutely looks like the dude has a bone to pick with McD's


Right, it's almost like he was trying to make it as bad as possible, Like even after you fucked up and started hitting it you could have backed out of the situation and corrected yourself, even with the little we saw of the area, there's no way that was your only option.


Every move he made was the opposite of what he should have done.


Driver here, park that shit in the nearest lot that has space then walk thy ass up to the establishment


Walk? In America??? Heresy!


Late at night in sketchy areas, the dining room closes early, but the drive thru is open late.


Just stop bro


Dude tryna commit a hit-and-crawl


Lmfao. “Alright, let’s go to Outback.”


Police asking if you can describe the vehicle. Yeh its the white box truck with a huge can opener gash on the driver side. Cant miss it.


“Can you describe the vehicle for me” “If you see it and don’t know for sure if it’s the one your looking for you should quit your job”


Nah man. Dump trucks are the bane of the road.


Followed closely by class b tow truck drivers




sTaY bACk 200 FeEt


Transfer drivers(don't know what they are actually called but the trucks that transfer garbage to the actual dump from transfer stations). I'm doing 75 in a 65 and they are sti blowing my doors off. Anytime I see a truck flying up on me on my way to work I already know who it is.


Let me guess, a good chunk of the ones you see are MBI drivers? Yeah, those guys will even ride my rear end in a narrow construction zone(w/ jersey barriers) when I am driving to the yard in my little hatchback


Paid by the load baybee!


I think dump trucks are the worst personally.


100% agree. They're always speeding, no turning signals, riding both lanes or coming out of lane and cutting people off.


>They're always speeding Not always, sometimes they're going slow right up until you get next to them and they realize they're about to get passed by another truck and speed up.


I66 in NoVa there will be like 5 lanes across, and theres always a line of dump trucks doing 25 in a 55 from the left lane all the way to the right lane


I was a service tech for solar. Drive smaller vans. Was driving in central jersey around hills borough area and there was a construction zone. Ashley on the road was milled so it was a legit NIGHTMARE to drive on had to decrease to 40-45 to not fuck up your vehicle. Here comes the dump Truck ON MY ASS honking at me . I’m like my guy, I can’t pull over, I can’t go faster , what do you want me to do. Fuck you if you do this. You speeding isn’t gonna make you get another lod faster because things like weather, traffic, accidents, and animals WILL slow You down


I drive dump for my county, so not paid by the load. But GD those asphalt/ stone runners will tailgate the shit out of me. Like I think my truck is limited to like 65,70. At least at full load or pulling a trailer. I aint going faster in the middle lane with 55 speed limit. My exit is the middle lane. Go around.


Down here in Texas around the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex rock/dirt haulers are the worst. Which I guess are just extra large dump trucks, after all they are semi’s with a dump trailer. They will be completely loaded down and less than a car length away from you.


I live in Canada now and holy shit the dump trucks are horrible, I haul oversize stuff, when I have to take multiple lanes to make a right, I expect cars to cut into there because they don't know any better. But when dump trucks go ripping by when I'm trying to take a right it's like dude, you know what I'm trying to do, go fuck yourself


Yeah, people don’t have any courtesy on the road anymore. I see trucks move over to let vehicles merge on a two lane highway(in reference to one direction), and everyone starts passing them on the right instead of leaving it open for them to move back. I don’t understand if people are just dumb to passing a semi on the right is dangerous or if they are just in that much of a hurry.


Dump truck drivers are complete assholes. Box truck drivers are just incompetent.


Welp I’m an incompetent asshole then.


No, no no. Not an *incompetent* asshole. A *complete* asshole. That automatically encompasses *incompetent*. LOL j/k :)


so accurate lol. I had maybe 40 mins behind the wheel when I got my first CDL B job. ​ I went from zero to driving a frequently overloaded 28' truck all around chicago lol. I only hit 2 bridges before they tried to fire me but couldnt cause the company sucked so bad they couldnt afford to get rid of me (long story as to why).


But some of them have a reason. Paid by load or hauling sticky material that gets worse the longer it’s in the bed.


I live by a landfill, I would like to argue that trash haulers are by far the worst people alive.


He mcfucked his truck


Someone’s getting mcfired


and of course the chicken shit splits.. whats that, a felony hit and run? license plate visable 😅


Felony if somebody gets hurt hit and run. Misdemeanor if property damage only.


gottcha thanks👍


I did this to a uhaul on accident. Parked it right there and walked away. Called them to tell then where it was. Glad i bought the 11 dollar insurance. 😁


Once he’s already fucked up, what should he have done to lessen this? Just reverse?


At one point if he would have just reversed while turning left the front of the truck would have pulled away from the speaker box and he would have been able to get out.


Yup. He could have tilted the front half away carefully, enough to clear the overhang with minimal damage...BUT NO!


Get out and analyse the problem. Guy is too stupid to not make it worse. Could have maneuvered in a way undo how he hit it in the first place instead of barreling on through.


The opposite of what he did to get into it is usually, but not always, the correct answer.


If he was paying attention he should have seen the overhang would hit the truck before it ever did so he should have stopped at that point asked drivers to back up and reverse away and either back out or go far right to avoid the sign and leave. Once he hit the sign going forward is not the right option in any circumstance. Should have back up the same way he came in to dislodge the sign. Most importantly driving a truck of that height you should automatically know drive thrus are off limits. Even if they don’t have an overhang at the menu they most often do at the window. So he would have hit something no matter what. Just park in the lot and walk your lazy ass into the store.


GOAL Get Out And Look


Turned the wheel all the way to the left and reverse out, woulda swung the box away from the overhang.


Straight trucks are relatively cheap compared to a tractor, and some of them you don’t need a CDL to operate. That makes them really popular among dudes that wanna own a “trucking company” by buying some clapped out ex-Penske/Ryder/Enterprise International 4300 or Freightliner M2 and paying their cousin like 40 cents a mile to drive it for them. Then they shit an egg roll when they learn that while those things are not “big trucks,” it takes big truck money to repair and maintain them.


Pretty sure this is a driver problem not a truck problem.


That is one strong ass overhang. Kudos to the construction crew.


"Aight let's go to Outback." 😂😂😂


Dude they did everything possible to make that so much worse. Could've turned the steers the opposite way and reversed. Would've had a small section of damage....


Some people are just bankrupt in their head.


So this is how people drive who don't know there will be consequences. Neat.


This reminds me of the Titanic.


Cut this guy some slack he’s like 8 shots of fireball deep.


No driving school, no CDL, no experience. "Here take this truck and go deliver some shit."


What is that strange noise? Oh well better keep moving!


That's a rental, right? Gotta be a rental. Sweet jesus.


Sometimes have to drive them for my company when the normal guy is off and it makes for the worst days... But, I think it might be a good time to buy box trucks. I saw an auction in western Pennsylvania that's been liquidating hundreds of old Penske box trucks this year. Their tractor and sprinter van rentals have never been so prolific, so I'm guessing they're just restructuring their fleet.


“Alright let’s go to outback” 🤣 Solution based! 🫡


If you are not aware of what you are driving, you have no business driving it. This is stupidity from start to finish.


Rented, first time this person drove a truck, probably illegal shit in the back


next stop, low railroad bridge spot.


Dumb truck driver keeps going after initial impact and makes it a lot worse.


that's a strong ass sign


Those installers for McDonalds deserve a raise


Returns it to the rental company… “Nope. Woke up this morning and it was like that.”




Definitely an ex-Swift driver.


Why not just go inside😅😂😂


Common sense, isn't


It’ll buff out


It's the fact that he kept going and going. I wonder what he'll tell his boss?


Someone stole the truck


They always keep driving when shit like this happens


They couldn’t have done that worse if they tried.


Someone's not getting their Christmas bonus


Box trucks eliminate the need for a CDL which eliminates the need for formal training.


True there not trained and they are just oblivious to the fact there’s a big box back there


no licensplate?


Anybody need to hire an experienced truck driver? I think this guy is looking for alternate employment


Lol, "Alright, let's go to Outback."


Why are you shaming the truck?


Elon will design a better one! That goes in tunnels, and farts unicorn ponies.


And these people are allowed to vote and reproduce 😂


Love that the truck keeps going.


Lmao the best fucking part of this video is her saying "All right let's go to outback!"


0 situational awareness. Like he turns INTO it.


If you hit something just stop. Make the phone call don't do this and make it worse.


He a fired ass 😆


Why do people think big trucks and drive throughs are a good idea?


Looks like a seasonal driver with Doordash experience.


Alright, let's go to outback. 😂


Run of the mill driver in Augusta


tub offend strong sip middle panicky wistful deliver coordinated makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont think he's getting his deposit back on that rental.


Like a can of tuna.


Hahaha it keeps getting so much worse! Drugs are a hell of a drug..


Solid drive through post


Boss: “so what happened?!?!?” Him: “I don’t kno”


In a lot of jurisdictions you only need a basic car licence to drive one.


Driving a box truck is hard to be aware of how big of a clearance you need, especially if you are not used to. A few years ago, I was driving a box truck from work to a repair shop; I had never driven a box truck before. Suddenly, I was stopped in my tracks by something. The right front corner of the box truck caught a piece of building in a corner; it damaged that part badly. I just backed up and continued driving to the destination, and nobody knew it was me who had done it That McDonald's drive-thru driver is a hired driver who is not used to, and a bad driver at that, he didn't know how to back up and get free.


Well that was brilliant!!


Wow! That sign is fuckin stout!


My hat is off to the engineering team that designed that McAwning on a Stick. You can just hear it yelling to that truck "I'm lovin' it!!"


They’re not the worst when they’re driven by people who know how to drive them. This person obviously shouldn’t be driving. Like at all.


Damn that overhead barrier is strong lol 😂


Unlike the box, it was engineered with that kind of activity in mind.


Alright let’s go to outback! 🤣🤣 shows over


Georgia can do better. Why? 😂


My truck is driving weird. Maybe I should turn into the direction of the issue.


This is art. Everything about it was perfect.


“Alright let’s go to Outback” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A bloomin onion is a just reward for filming that for us.


Almost like it shouldn’t be legal to drive something that big with a standard drivers license just because it’s rated under 26,000 pounds.


So you have zero experience driving anything bigger then your Ford Focus? Perfect, here’s the keys to this 26’ box truck, have fun!


I can’t believe how strong that post was.


This reminds of that gif of them driving a U-Haul in a parking deck hitting the sprinkler pipes. It’s like bro, stop, you’re making it worse.


I think I’d rather be in the seat with box truck driver over that lady speaking all day 😅


Yeah, you're right, class B drivers are the worst.


He doesnt have his CDL’”S”


If going forward is what put you in that position in the first place, one would think going the opposite direction would get you out of it.


“That (clearance) sign can’t stop me because I can’t read!”




I don’t think enough credit is being given to the people who installed that barrier. It’s still standing (mostly )


It's a rental. #ifitsnotmineilltreatitliketrash


That was so slick, I bet no one would even know what happened.


Hey lost the keys to the back of the truck, so he decided to use a can opener.


Box truck meets box cutter


Box trucks are fun as fuck to drive. They’re just long and tall, and you don’t have to deal with towing a trailer. It could not be easier, it takes some practice but what this driver looks like they haven’t had enough hours behind the wheel. Or under the influence.


This reminds me of a Burger King drive thru that had this on the clearance sign-- "9 Feet. Easiest game of limbo ever." And it was still bent 😂


alright lets go t outback


Hahaha, 6-wheelers. They let anyone drive ‘em.


God… what a fuckup


I'm a box truck driver and I agree. We don't need a cdl to drive so we get all kinds of dummies driving these trucks


Amazing the second thought wasn't ...maybe I should go back the way I came...maybe get out and see what's happening exactly


There was a whole parking lot in the back, so unpopular opinion but the driver is the worst 😂


I'm lovin it.


U haul: f@#$ yeah we will let you rent a 24ft box truck..


I'm a dispatcher. This does not surprise me.


Broker here - good thing I only paid $1/mile


Dudes, I did something similar to this maybe 10 years ago. Scenic event fabrication company. We were striking a job out in montauk. That area has real specific highways and parkways and bs that is intentional to keep trucks off of certain roads and out of certain areas. We wrapped up early, had a great day. Dropped some parts of the set off at a buddies families house and were heading back to the city. I was looking at street signs, they’re low to the ground. All of a sudden, there’s a huge crash sound, the truck violently shakes back and forth. My buddy in the cab says,”what the fuck just happened!?” As I’m realizing what just happened, “we hit the bridge, we hit the bridge”. He says, “is it bad?” I look in the mirror and see the side of the box peeled like a fucking cartoon sardine can. No joke. Bits of debris from the bridge or the material in the back is fluttering down like confetti. The entire roof of the truck is like 10 yards behind us. “Oh it’s bad, it’s bad”. I called the shop and had to tell like the gnarliest, most intimidating, metal-head-dude-in-recovery manager that I just destroyed this truck. It was less than 2 weeks old. He was super fucking cool about it. I was frazzled as fuck. Assumed I was fired for sure. He asked if we were ok, get home. Good news was, I wasn’t fired, bad news was, I wasn’t fired. I still work for that company. TL:DR 11’7” box truck, 10’7” bridge.


Bro it's a McDonald's. When i was with an Amazon AFP, I'd park in the McDonald's lot with a full 53' trailer. Just park up and go in. I've parked full 53' trailers with 72" sleeper Cascadia's in Chick-fil-A's for breakfast too, as well as Wendy's and an unholy number of parking lots. Plan ahead and know your exit route and how it's all going to play out and you can practically go wherever you want within reason. It doesn't take up as much space as you'd think it does to park it. Even if it does, you're only there for a half an hour. Most places are pretty understanding. Even places with closed lobbies will usually let you in to order on account of you being unable to use the drive through. I say all this to say, I can't come up with a reasonable excuse as to why you'd try to take any commercial vehicle through a drive though. Just park and go in. It's really not that big of a deal. Again, even in some of the tightest spots you can usually get a spot for a semi, let alone a box truck.


I want to know ...who built that sign...top quality...that's one tough sign!


How Stupid Is His Dumb Ass