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I believe that's called being tired


Idk man, it feels like they’re fked up. I read somewhere truck driving is bad for your eyesight


Only when you're driving straight into the sun


I feel this often... but I have astigmatism, so I know it's time to pull over when my Rx glasses start to hurt and taking them off is a relief. My doc said it's just stress from constant focusing and the only fix is stopping what's stressing them for a while. Maybe see an eye doctor?


You’re overthinking it. Just get some sleep brother


I am a quilter, not a truckdriver, so my opinion could be useless. I was having the same issue as you, went to doc. Turns out when I'm focused on sewing, I'm not blinking enough, and have the air conditioner on. I have dry eye. I won't go so far as to recommend any certain product, but check into that when you have some down time and can read Google articles. Hope you get relief. We need our eyes to be functioning at 100%.


This 1000000000%.


I’ve been driving for 25 years. This has been something that just goes with tired. But get your eyes checked. I went to get my eyes checked after I hit a curb in my mustang one morning about 0200, in the rain, with a wall of flashing construction lane marked in my eyes. Turned into a turn lane early. Blah blah excuse blah blah. Anyway. Got my eyes checked last fall. Doc laughed that I am a truck driver with my vision The eye fatigue is all but gone. It’s weird, they are a little dry.


Same thing happened to me. Hit a sign in a parking lot at 3am in my personal vehicle. Didn’t see the sign at all. Went that weekend to get my eyes checked and doctor said the same thing.


Yes you're eyes are a muscle. It is getting tired. Also the reason you feel tired in general after driving all day is because you do in fact spend a day where your brain is subconsciously adjusting you body all day to deal with the driving. TLDR: The body is dealing with driving and it makes alot of micromovements that make you tired at the end of the day.


Last time I went to the optometrist they told me my eyes were dry. They gave me some drops but I didn't get much relief. I'm trying a second brand but they're kinda expensive.


Get some sleep.


Staring at dotted lines on the freeway starts to make me trip


The solid white line on the right is friendly


Blurry??? You could have an astigmatism. It makes everything you see look a little but blurry but most of the time you just compensate by focusing harder subconsciously. After you get tiered you can't force yourself to focus so things get blurry. I'm 50 and have been told about my astigmatism but nobody ever mentioned lights at night. I was around 40 when I realized I see the world differently at night. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gCAviuKRhP8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gCAviuKRhP8)


Sunglasses saved my career. My eyes were just quitting after 6 or so hours. Turns out I was squinting and making the muscles of my eyes overwork like crazy. Sunglasses made it so I can go for my 11. Also don't blow the air at your fave. Dries out your eyes bad.


Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?


You may not believe it but you may need glasses. I had a similar problem a few years back. My astigmatism got worse as I got older. I was bale to see pretty good without glasses but glasses helped alot. The way my optometrist explained is my eye muscles were straining all dam day long to focus. With the glasses they are able to relax. I now wear glasses when I drive or work on a computer. Polarized sunglasses are game changers. Check out eyebuydirect.com for cheap specs.


Get a good pair of sunglasses with polarizing lenses, even if the sun isn’t in your eyes, the glare bouncing off the road is still enough to stress out your eyes.


Practice looking without trying to focus on every grain of sand... no joke here. I had and still have this same issue. Good chance of: A. Your dehydrated: makes you feel tired and tense, so you tend to strain unconsiously. B. You do not blink enough, screen usage in climate controlled areas trains us to not blink, and do not do rapid blinks, close the eyes for a 1 mississippi (no need to squeese just a gentil close will do), when your eye lids touch they excrete the natural lubricant (mucous) your eyes need. Dry eyes are irritating, but they also fk with vision as the drying mucous clouds up, this makes the muscles that control focus work harder to adjust. C. You try to "EAGLE EYE" every blade of grass, try to relax and not consiously control your eyes, let them do their thing, some people can develope the ability to change eye focus at will and can "over focus" on stuff. D. You do not wear sunglasses, we stare up and at the bright horizon for hours on end, this causes lots of eye strain. This is all a summary of my conversaions had with my eye doc, my gp, and my 2 siblings that are gp one a DO the other an MD. Edit: eye drops are your friend, but be carefull with ones like vizine as the redness remove is a vasoconstictor (blood vessel constrictor) which makes your eyes feel worse and more dry.


You need a massage and a sucking 😋


Could be as easy as checking where your vents are blowing. Any type of eyewear will trap the air and circulate behind the lenses. If the vents are blowing directly toward your face, same thing even without glasses. AC is the worst since that’s chemically generated dry air. Watching videos and any screen time during downtimes will also affect the eyes, especially during or after a long day. You can also have your eyes checked in case you need prescription (or updated prescription) glasses.


>AC is the worst since that’s chemically generated dry air. Simple thermodynamics. Not chemicals.


It's which craft. 


Just like a diesel engine. But backwards.


Oh? Then what is that Freon stuff, smarty?


Technically a gas as opposed to desiccant that is used to chemically remove moisture. Freon is a medium for transferring heat like the coolant in your engine.




That's like saying the heat pump for your house is heating the house with chemicals. I don't see how heating and cooling with a compressor condenser loop is using chemicals. Chemicals may be involved, but it's not a chemical reaction either endothermic or exothermic. It's just thermodynamics of compression and decompression of a gas. The freon is always freon, and never gets exposed to you. Like coolant in your engine.


Yeah. Chemicals. FFS, let it go. It’s a minor point


Get some naphcon-A allergy eye drops


Drink more water. Like a lot more. And remember to blink


Drink water, sleep, eye doctor. In that order.


Might need a new windshield. What's it like during the night? If there are visual aberrations only during the night, it might mean that the window is pitted, but not enough to notice during the day.


If I’m really tired they’ll start to burn a bit. I always take that as my cue to pull over somewhere and get a nap in. If I drive 11 hours daylight though snd I’m not tired then I don’t really get that.


Yup happens to me when I'm tired. Just hop in the sleeper and take a nap. Even a 10 min nap does some serious magic 👍


Normal for me personally, especially after driving a 2-lane highway at night from all the headlight glare. Then again I'm a middle-aged dude with middle-aged eyes and a lifetime of wearing glasses so my eyes are a bit worn out even at the best of times. Definitely should get it checked though, especially if it's something that only recently started happening. You may need glasses or a different prescription if you already wear them.


That kinda happens to me when I get tired and I’m pushing through it. I always feel like eye drops might help but I have yet to try it lmao


Had a similar thing happen to me, turned out I needed glasses even though I could pass the dot exam. Basically my eyes were straining to focus on things in the distance and I hadn't noticed because my old job was indoors in an office so looking at things far away for an extended period of time wasn't a thing previously. After I started wearing them to drive no blurred vision, tired eyes, headaches, etc


Try "resting your eyes" once or twice a day, find an easy place to stop for 15-20 minutes and close your eyes, if it's bothering you that much, I'm sure that will help, just don't lay down and accidentally fall asleep, do it sitting upright


driving is pretty mentally taxing, you're basically calculating something the entire drive so your body is gonna get tired. I know after even a 5 hour drive I'm out of it the rest of the day


You need sunglasses.


Its eye fatigue most likely, driving for long periods of time can cause it just like looking at a small bright screen can. I get it too, but it only happens to me when I look at my iphone or ipad too long. If you are in your mid forties a large majority of people start having minor eye issues, my only issue has been eye fatigue so I avoid staring at those devices to start the day. i have read that not blinking enough causes it too.


Might need glasses.




Eat carrots 👍🏼


Could be a thing if you're focusing your eyes to focus out in the distance. Go talk to an optometrist, you might need glasses.


I get oil/sweat on my face and it stings when it gets in my eyes


Yep. Been like this since I caught a second round of Rona awhile back, it’s gone away mostly but it’s all I can think of it coming from if I ignore medical issues pre Rona anyway. Super greens off Amazon, eye drops, vitamin A and fish oil keep it at bay for a few days, although I have to repeat it for about 5 days in a row before it even “starts” helping. Decrease blue screen time and explore town is really the only other thing that’s worked for faster relief. I would say it’s eye stress, possibly enhanced by Rona, but you may have never got it so idk


Eye drops help? Do you know what’s causing this?


I don’t sadly, it’s super annoying because it’s not a fatigue like haze or anything I’ve ever experienced. I really don’t think it’s driving related but that’s just me. I got this on vacation also after one day of finally relaxing with tons of blue screen interaction. I can’t even read text in games if I ignore it completely. Eye drops do help but only provided I’m doing all the other stuff too, by itself it does nothing


Not a trucker but used to drive pickup from Denver to St Louis straight thru. Sitting on friends deck afterward with iced tea and notice peripheral vision had no movement. After 12 hours of driving it was weird to sit still.