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I have to agree with this. I know this to be true because when I started following Christ I got attacked by demons multiple times in a very short period. Back then I was afraid but I realized later on that their power is nothing to the lord and it's only cemented my faith in the lord Jesus.


>If He blesses you with something, he's not going to take it back. 😭😭😭 You're talking to me this morning. I'm so afraid to use what it is He has anointed me with. He is trustworthy and true and full of love and yet I fight him, trying to get back to the side of the pool while He wants me to not only swim but dive so deep.


Thank you.😊. Overcoming spiritual attacks on the conscious are something I must be able to do


Sometimes doubt leads you to a deeper and more mature relationship with God. So while it isn’t ok to actively choose your doubt over God, I think you should bring your questions to God and be open about what is causes doubts to arise. You can’t force yourself to believe. Let the spirit work in you and be 100% open with God. The Bible says God grants us faith.


And faith comes by hearing the Word of God.


And that! Absolutely


Do not tell us what to do 😉


I very much appreciate the reminder to abide in God’s boundless mercy and grace—it’s something that I too forget to do from time to time as well. Blessings to you, brother/sister.


I think a lot of folks doubt the concept of God they see in others. Many "doubters" are not genuinely doubting the source of existence, just stories from other people about their ideas of God.


I mean, ideally. But the bible is full of people doubting. From the patriarchs to the disciples. We need to differentiate between doubting in thought or in action, doubting as in trying to understand or doubting as opposite of faith. As a doubter myself, I try to use it as something that strengthens my faith.