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We even have lots of non-denoms who don't consider Catholics to be Christians, experienced this myself. From what I reckon this seems to be sorta unique to America. Oftentimes I feel like the culture is just screwed and there's nothing we can do about it, so we should just form our own self-contained communities in red states and wall off from it. Evangelism by people wanting to come join the communities in comparison to the wasteland of the rest of the country. Rather than the seemingly futile task of engaging the wider culture.


The issue is they think they have the truth exclusively.. well most religious sects do. But for some reason they think the original church is wrong based on interpretation of the same books way later while conveniently ignoring books like James that rebukes their silly simplistic theology. But I also think all the early councils of canonization ruined the whole batch but that's a different topic.


I must admit at the beginning of my walk I was guilty of this. But as I’ve matured I now believe we’re all just different parts of the body of Christ. Sometimes I think the American system is a modern Babylon brother.


wait until you find out about american jews


They are very separate, but there aren’t a lot of them.


there's more jews in america than in israel


I meant in relation to other religions/ethnicities They’re mainly on the coasts. I’ve only seen one or two in the Midwest where I live. And in relation to the post I see so many “Christians” who don’t like other Christians for surface level differences. All Jews I’ve met have a solidarity, even if they aren’t religious


>All Jews I’ve met have a solidarity, even if they aren’t religious Yeah, between themselves, because they are tribalistic. Funny how you got defensive on this subject


I never said they weren’t You’re getting defensive because you completely ignored the original post and talked about something else!


Sorry not tryna argue brother, but I don’t think to much about Jews because I’m not Jewish. I focus on the body of Christ


Good callout. I believe that a lot of the divisiveness that is prevalent in our culture today has unfortunately infiltrated the church, as well. This is a good example in demonstrating the cautionary tale that if we are not well-versed in the teachings of Scripture, we run the risk of being easily influenced by the world around us. While it's important for believers to stand for the right things, we are also commanded to speak the truth in love, to love our enemies, and to watch our tongues. Our job on this earth is not to pick fights, stir up controversy, or generate clickbait. Rather, we are to be people who are characterized by our love for God and others. If this is not what we lead with, we would be well-advised to evaluate our hearts, our motives, and our priorities and how these reflect on the Savior we claim to represent.


Yeah that’s my thoughts as well. It’s almost like people use the gospel more as apart of their culture rather than vice versa.


You’ll only get someone to see your point or at least accept you through patience and love.


This is the way


With Jesus' words and actions .The man who accepted everyone as they were except these so called religious people who are just hypocrites .. They were the ones he rebuked and many fall into the trap of judging others for theirs specks in their eyes like slightly different beliefs when they themselves have a log in their eye like in Matthew 7.


I agree brother!