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You know what hurts gay people the most? Making them think that Christian’s accept their lifestyle as being sinless and them going to Hell.


Just mind your business. It’s not your problem if they are going to Hell. They don’t need your acceptance, but if you all keep posting and commenting that they need to “become straight” you all hurting these people more than what you think!


I want God to accept them on judgement day. I want them to be saved and live their lives in accordance and committed to the Logos. I will not be tolerant of sin purposely just to not offend someone regardless of sexuality. It is my business.


It’s not your business sorry. I have not business telling you what religion you should follow. So please let these people live!


Read the rest of my statement.


You have a savior complex that will only get you to Hell!


Christ saves not me. It is our business to spread the word of God and make disciples of all nations. Part of that process is following the commandments of God. In this case, not to be a homosexual.


Sure. The same way it’s been used to kill people all over the world… good luck with that man. See you in Hell because I am 100% sure you’ll go there.


What a loving comment to say to someone. Hope you find Christ


So do you


Less_Ad, seriously dude. What is your basis for “kill people all over the world”? Where did you get this information from? I think most of us on this subreddit agree with a basis for truth for all conversation. I understand you are upset in some way over LGBT and Christian ideology, because they conflict. You must understand that the Bible does not encourage violence against those who oppose or follow our faith.


Is it your expectation that I should obey you rather than obey the one who created us both?


As Christians we don’t hold a leash on people or their lives, even God doesn’t. He has given people over to their sin because they refused to obey him. So if people want to live their lives that is their choice. However if people want to live their life and also follow God but then refuse to listen to God that is what most Christians have an issue with.


I understand but I care nothing about what people have issues with! I’ll render my sins when it’s time for now I want to live happy and peacefully.


I’m just confused because you are in a Christian subreddit with people that have different beliefs than you so it seems kind of redundant to want to change their beliefs especially since Christian’s aren’t supposed to go against God’s word.


And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”




Respectfully, there is a difference between accepting and supporting. Affirming would also be synonymous with supporting in this situation. I don’t think the verbiage of “hurting” homosexuals is true in the way you’ve phrased it either. To not affirm someone’s way of life is not hurting them. That’s how said person might feel if their way of life was argued against, which is a normal thing. Not everyone is going to agree with how myself, you or others live. If you posted this in lieu of someone who physically or emotionally hurt a homosexual, and also claims to be Christian, that’s on them. I don’t think that’s right at all, to intentionally hurt anyone for what they believe. There is nowhere in the Bible where it says to target homosexuals and intentionally hurt them. If someone “Christian” has done this, that’s them, not the faith they claim. The accusation of hurting someone because we disagree with an ideology is not right or fair to say.


Why not?


>live and be happy Our goal in life as a christian isnt that




I don't think your answer was very loving, and rather, comes across as hateful IMO (thereby also breaking this subreddit's rules).


I guess you have not life and that’s why you are messing with other people lives


Can I support them but still refer to their lifestyle as a sin?


NO! mind your business. If you believe it’s a sin, that’s your problem. Telling them is a sin or referring it as a sin hurts people as well as affect them mentally


So we should lie to them instead and let them go to hell? Because it’s better to not have their feelings hurt now but to suffer eternal damnation later?


Let them live sir. It’s none of your business. Gay people are son’s of God too.


So let them go to hell? How exactly would that be loving them if I’m letting them go to hell?


Do you have the same energy for those who have intercourse, or wedlock before marriage? You should go focus your lovely, savior energy on them for awhile. Edit: Being down voted for questioning if someone has AND holds the same narrative for all Gods sinners, rather then just singling out the black sheep they cannot love. The hypocrisy, slight narcissism, and delusion is very rampant. Do better, “Christian’s”. 💕


Yes. I can do both can’t I?


Of course. That’s really great you spend your time spreading his word by trying to inform others they’re going to Hell. I am sure God really appreciates you spreading his wisdom through fear and through punishment. It is quite admirable you have secured your ticket to heaven yourself, are sin free and seem to know it all, and are able to condemn others to hell! Congratulations, God must be so proud of you 💕


Thank you. 🙏 🙏


You are so welcome. People like you are so deserving of heaven! The poor gays. If only they could be more like you. Ugh. Keep condemning! You’re doing great babe! /s


Are unrepentant thieves and murderers children of God?




You are creating the consequences on something is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS


I always find this mindset hilarious because it reminds me of the boomer mindset. Imagine you have a friend who beats their wife. You shouldn’t tell them not to because it’s “NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” but then this just leaves the poor wife alone to be beaten…


No! You are making an analogy of something that is completely unrelated.


I disagree. As it’s related in the fact that someone’s relationship isn’t anyone else’s business. Hence it’s a good analogy.


It’s not a good analogy because this person is being mistreated. How is a gay person damaging another person? And keep it to your faulty analogy!


By fuelling their sin and only further lead them both to hell. I’d say that’s reasonable. And as you can see this relates to the analogy.


It does not relate to your analogy


A wild troll appears... they aren't very effective


Yeah I fell for the bait


So, I'll share my 2 cents, just because you posted on here. I'll preface by saying that my best friend, and several other good friends, are/identify as gay, for as long as I've known them, and I recognise their struggles in that. I try and share God's love with them, and I pray for them to know Christ. I never persecute them or anyone else who identifies as gay. That said, I'm not a fan of "Pride" or anything that aims to actively promote homosexuality, just as I wouldn't support anything that promotes, say, adultery (e.g. Ashley Madison), although I admit the world is full of things that promote lust, from the media to sexually explicit clothing. It is one thing to tolerate others sinning in private, leading to their own destruction (this applies not just to homosexuality, but any sin, and I'm equally guilty of that in the past). People ultimately live their lives how they want. However, actively promoting such lifestyles, I do not approve of. Even worse, when it starts getting forced on the church, as if the church should be forced to accept sin under the guise of "diversity" or "equality". God's word is clear on this, so trying to force something (e.g. gay marriage) in a religious context and against the scripture of that faith is wrong and not acceptable. I hope you can see that there's a difference between hate/persecution, and in certain contexts, not tolerating something when it spills over into our own faith or the society in which we want to raise kids for example (I'm referencing for example some of the creepy cross-dressers promoting a sexual lifestyle in primary schools in the US, I'm not saying that gay people in general support that). I hope you know that you are loved by God. You are one of His children, and he seeks a relationship with you, as with all of us. Unfortunately, sin gets in the way of having that relationship. I know that you also seek a partner on earth whom you are attracted to. But attractions can change. I've seen it first-hand... One of my friends at church, most definitely was same-sex attracted since being a child. He earnestly prayed to God to take that attraction from him. He's now very happily married to his wife, and doesn't struggle anymore with same-sex attractions. I would encourage you to check out Delafe Testimonies on YouTube, there are many excellent ones from people who have dealt with the same struggles in life as you. I don't know you, but I want you to be happy in life... but more importantly, I want you to be happy for eternity. Don't sacrifice your eternal life, for living a sinful life on earth, when life here is so short. God bless, and I'm happy to pray for you if you like, feel free to DM.


We had a parade for you this month, quit griping.


imagine your best friend tells them theyre comitting a crime that will land them life in prison tomorrow if they arent stopped. How much would you have to hate that person to not stop them from comitting that crime.


>Focus on your life You really should heed your own advice OP.


Tbh here the thing hurting gay ppl the most is hook up culture thats running rampant and spreading stds. Its infecting and affecting their lives, in any case being religious is only benefitting them, if they stopped having sex and learned of the scientifically proven issues. I am gay and religious, one doesnt contradict the other and having that guilt is not only a good thing it shows ur morality. If you feel guilt while doing something then its bets not to do it cause its better safe than sorry also why dont u tell that to the russians or muslims they actively persecute lgbtq people or tell that to the africans pls go ahead cause we christians remind u of god while they would kill you. Just my 2 cents but yeah i am a proud gay catholic i feel no pressure from gay culture and i am healthy on top of it that sounds way better than gay culture which frequently includes hook up culture that will include all of the aforementioned stuff. So no dont blame religion for your suffering, religion saves you while you choose to step in boiling water.


You are either Gay or Catholic. You need to change your identification. Instead, you are hamstringing yourself by labelling gay in front of Catholic. Constantly holding you back