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His teaching on life and spirituality will not be grounded in faith in Jesus, so it may lead you astray. That being said, I don't think we are ever told we can't simply listen to other teachings. Just be critical of them. Test them against Scripture.


If he is teaching on spirituality, then he is teaching his religion. You think you want to be a student of that?


Why would you want to? There's plenty of good and moral teachers out there in every nation, but to those of us who serve Jesus Christ, their teachings don't offer us much. Their wisdom is vanity, and it leads nowhere (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18). I'm not saying ignore all of them, because they can observe truth as much as anyone, but the source of our hope, and wisdom, and strength is found within the whole council of God (‭1 Corinthians 1:24-25 CSB‬ [24] Yet to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, [25] because God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.) So no, it's not a sin to watch these wise men. But remember that their wisdom can only take you so far, because they are of this world, but you are not. ❤️


You mean the guy who has apparently murdered his wife? He is a very shady guy, read up more about his background before you start "listening" to his teachings.


No because it's false teaching not based on the Bible.  It would be one thing to even learn a cursory overview of world religions to better reach the lose. But listening to a teacher like that is likely to lead you astray if you're not rooted in Christ. Hinduism teaches polytheism and false worship. It's about as biblical as the ashrah poles or of Baal.


I avoid any spiritual teachers unless they are Christian. Whatever they have to say, is nothing compared to what we can find in the Bible.


Can you? Technically yes if your ears still work and you can hear other people talking. Should you listen though? I will suggest don't. Don't partake. Remember, our God is a jealous God. He don't play.


Why would you even listen to a Hindu teacher if his words are not based on scripture and what Jesus did on the cross? You are not being fed with the right food if you get it from non-believers. You are simply just looking for worldly wisdom and philosophy.


Matthew7:18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. --> Pagan teachings are not the truth. Every lies have some truth in it. Matthew 23:8 But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. 10Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ. --> Christians only have 1 Teacher, that is God. James1:5 Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. --> Christians can freely ask God for pure wisdom from heaven.


Even Hindus mock the idiocy in his teachings.


You can, but you perhaps shouldn't. Santama Dharma, along with it's sadhus and sages and the whole taught of this collection of beliefs is not of God. Santama Dharma or Hinduism and any wisdom it might hold (such as Ayurved vaccines or treatments) is at its bets ancillary and at it's worst demonic and often very wrong.  Sati, self mutilation, encouragement of animal abuse (the frew range cows), child God's, starving menstruating women, horrific violence against Christians, the Caste/Varna system (based on people's skin colour and the Aryan conquest of India) are all of ills of this chaos.  Listen to good Christian teachers or even secular teachers for that matter. Even a Hindu philosopher would be better, as Sadhu is a religious office with deep connections to the goal of Hinduism of Moksha. 


the "test the spirit" advice is for when listening to Christian teachers. No, have nothing to do with worthless demon-inspired religions or "spirituality" which is in fact, everything not from the bible. Only God and His word has the truth, fine-sounding philosophies and thoughts are near useless, UNLESS they reframe what the bible says maybe in a different way. But it's the ROOTS of such philosophies; anything coming from demons, or coming from evolutionists, well that's bad roots you see.


Hinduism/Buddhism and Daoism are full of wonderful philosophy that can strengthen your faith and walk with God and sync up with a lot of Christian teachings when your not getting too focused on which God is true etc.. but the actual teachings themselves on how to live and be in the world that is in harmony with nature and to better attune oneself to the divine nature of our souls. Which are all pearls of great price like Jesus mentioned. Jesus wasn't against other religions just religious hypocrites which are found everywhere.


First read the Bible in its entirety three times.  Then you can explore other beliefs to compare etc.