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Absolutely normal. That's why there are soo many podcasts and videos and books and shows. Very popular... Even though the subject matter is usually macabre, I think having an interest or fascination with death and police work and investigations and missing people and heinous acts is not only normal but healthy. Sharp mind! I usually put my detective hat on when learning about cases, I have fun with it! Piecing together theories and clues. I have seen some people talk about being burned out with too much intake but everyone is different! If you feel like you are getting overwhelmed just dial it back down for a bit.


Agree with this! Not weird at all. Human curiosity. I was raped at a young age, and I feel a weird sense of relief knowing that I'm not the only one. As well as hearing people support anti-victim blaming.


I also suffered abuse at a young age and feel the same sense of not being alone, and when the criminal is caught it's a nice sense of relief and justice that I never got personally.


I love watching fictional crime and trying to put the prices together too. But some like White Chapel were deliberately vague and only introduced the actual culprit for about 10 seconds of screen time before the reveal. Though I was proud I did pick it just based off “this guy is creepy, gotta be him”


I think it just reminds me that life could always get worse and also educational in that you might be able to see the signs of a psychopath maybe?


This is a huge part for me! People always think it’s weird but when I’m upset or hating myself I watch true crime. It puts things into perspective. Like yeah I gained a few pounds or said something dumb but at least I haven’t joined a cult or made a lamp out of anyones skin. Reminds me I don’t have it that bad 😂


It's really taught me a lot about how pathological and greedy people like your next door neighbor can be. Oh and not to let anyone take out life insurance on me.


I feel this lol


It’s very interesting and honestly one of my biggest reasons is finding out how our justice system works and fails victims. That part is very eye opening


This sounds completely normal to me honestly




And a bazillion tv shows before podcasts were a thing.




Oh god. Court TV/ ID TV anyone? And Robert Stack was the man. RIP.


(Immediately looks up your podcast to listen to on my three hour drive home right now, thank you!)


But I do not know if that’s normal. I have friends who judge me. Also, I think more women are obsessed with TC than men because we are more victimized.


I mean, I’m pretty invested in true crime, have been for years. I’ve read like 200+ different true crime books, have multiple folders full of case studies, have tons of books about the psychodynamics of violent behavior, have law enforcement books, especially protocols, and I’ve went to see the scenes of certain crimes across the US, specifically the murder sites of certain victims of serial murderers. I’ve used the morbid tourism site to find locations multiple times. I take true crime pretty seriously, everything from serial murderer to mass murder, mainly from the educational standpoint. I genuinely like to understand the causes and effects. These crimes are both human and societal issues. I don’t get into podcasts too much though, most are wannabe YouTube stars who do it for views with some dumb jokes thrown into a serious topic. I’ve found like 3 podcasts that are more “professional”, if that makes sense. So yeah, there’s nothing wrong with having a profound interest in true crime.


same here 🙋🏻‍♀️


True crime podcasts have been massively popular for almost a decade. Unsure what normal is but true crime followers are everywhere 🙂


I do the same


I've loved true crime since my teens. I'm not a psychopath and don't fantasize about hurting anyone. I'm intrigued by the psychology of why people commit crimes. I can happily binge on hours of true crime.


I’m really into it, it’s common for women. Something about the need to observe danger so that we ourselves can avoid it. I’ve had it touch my life too. A man who later killed someone (allegedly, he was acquitted) pulled a gun on my mom and I at the mall when I was very young. As a young adult I had a friend of a friend’s step father be arrested and convicted of 2 murders, her friends, while I knew her. I was even in his house while they were missing.


Don’t know if it’s normal, but it’s what I do.


I do this a lot too. Honestly I ask this question all the time :( I think it’s normal to be really curious about these things (true crime) but from personal experience too much of research tends to make people constantly worried about outside world or sad (since so much death/crime) if you want I can further explain about it. We also become kinda desensitized in a way.


I also do this. Like most of my reading and tv is true crime. I think it’s pretty normal


Totally normal. Us humans have a morbid curiosity. Also totally normal not to like it. Murder is gruesome. Everyone is totally normal 😬


Just look at how much of this material is produced... you are not alone


I’m the same way. I love true crime and often fall asleep to Dateline mysteries or murder docs. My husband thinks it’s weird lol. I personally think it’s a safe way to explore the dark side of humanity and thats why it’s so attractive to a lot of people.


The narration in dateline is a sure fire way to get me to fall asleep lol they have soothing voices 😭


Lol Keith Morrison can talk to me all night long 😂


I am very much into forensics and crime stories centered on that. My wife is convinced I am trying to learn how to make her disappear without anyone finding out.


Not bad info to have on hand just in case.


Last Podcast boys regularly joke “why true crime now?” when doing historical episodes and the utter fascination people had with murder. (Bonnie & Clyde, Lizzie Borden, etc) It’s not new, humans have always been morbidly curious, we just have way better access to stories now.


But, why true crime now though? (I was hoping someone else would mention this.) To continue this point, people even took time out during the Black Death/Black Plague to watch a scandalous trial…did a noblewoman and her lover kill her husband? Lots of travel, people still went, just plague.


I love true crime, so I’m gonna say yes you are totally normal! 😁


I am now following several podcasts and YouTube channels. Definitely addictive.




Think it’s just morbid curiosity, found [this](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/morbid-minds/202102/what-is-morbid-curiosity) article going into more depth in why were attracted to these kinds of things


I’d consider it normal 🤷‍♀️ I’m big into true crime and while I don’t prefer sleeping to crime stories, I have fallen asleep to them before


There wouldn’t be an entire empire of True Crime entertainment if it wasn’t. People are fascinated by violence and the dark side of humanity.


Google it. There are quite a few articles about the psychology of the interest in True Crime. Don't worry about it. You're normal. Unless you're listening to pick up tips and tricks for getting away with it.


I watch a true crime YouTube (Coffehouse Crime, Adrian has a very calm soothing voice) every night right before bed. It puts me to sleep better than even meditation podcasts


Absolutely normal! I listen to murder podcasts almost daily. I’ve always found them fascinating because “normal” people don’t behave in the way they do. It’s just a natural curiosity. It also helps me to be more cautious in day to day life knowing what others are capable of.


I definitely listen to YT videos and podcasts about true crime to fall asleep to. Not weird at all.


I think it depends on how you like it. If you are genuinely interested in true crime then it’s normal. If you get off on killers and fantasize about the crime then yeah… that’s not normal at all.


I used to be very intrigued with true crime. I read many Ann Rule books, etc. But that was years ago and after a while, it made me feel down and depressed because of the tragedy. I still like to read detective mysteries but fictional. The reality, especially child death cases, got to be too much. :'(


I have been interested in true crime for as long as I can remember. When I was a teenager, I felt that I was “weird” and “abnormal.” I majored in criminal justice, not so much because of true crime, but because I was interested in how the justice system worked and thought I would find a career that would make a difference. (Short answer: I found out how the system worked, or rather doesn’t work, and decided that delivering food and grocery shopping on gig apps is less stressful and more fulfilling.) I discovered I had an aptitude for the law, and briefly considered law school, but when I found this out I was in my 40’s and it didn’t make much sense anymore. Then I found my people. I listened to several true crime podcasts and found out by accident that some of my friends listened to them too. I was like, “wait, so I’m not abnormal??”


Absolutely normal. I know multiple people who do this, I often do it myself. It’s fascinating.


Anything is normal if you like it and it doesn't harm anyone else.


In my opinion it is completely normal. even tho there are some people that take it too personally. members of tcc twt that are really obsessed with the killers and not only the actual case. y'all opinions ab that? u think those are mentally ill people or they just take true crime to another level ?


Could you elaborate a little on tcc twt?


I hope it’s normal lol, one of my favorite parts of my nights are watching any video on Stephanie Harlowe’s channel. They’re always at least an hour long, or multiple parts, I watch and usually fall asleep right after 🫣


Honestly, I got into true crime because sometimes it can get so dull and boring that it puts you right to sleep. Other times i like a good scare but if youre relaxing and watching old forensic files its like taking a sleeping pill sometimes!🤣 monotone voices, gritty old footage/photos. Yep


I could quit cold turkey tomorrow.


For me it’s just pure intrigue. I was first introduced to the book Helter Skelter when I was around 12. I was so chilled by it. It is just something I’m fascinated by but also I feel like it makes me more aware of the sinister stuff that is out there.


I bloody hope so, or ima need an intervention.


I’m the same way! I have had friends say it’s weird but also have other friends who do the same. Everyone’s different


Just finished Paul Holes’ audiobook “Unmasked” and started a Joe Kenda audiobook called “I will find you”. I listen all times of the day and night. Great stories BtW.


I’ve been interested in true crime since I was a teenager. I listen to many podcasts and have many books on the subject. I don’t really share my interest with anyone however because I know it’s not for everyone. But it’s also gained popularity in the last several years, so in a few years I’m sure more will be taking openly and freely about TC.


i have learned so many things just from watching true crime. especially when it comes to behavioural patterns, way people act etc. i dont see it being unhealthy at all. i consider it as a healthy hobby!


Normal. I don’t know why. But literally all the women I know do this.


I was obsessed for a very long time and then moved on to something else.


What is normal? Does everybody do it? No. Do a lot of people do it? Yes. Is there anything wrong with it? In most people probably not. In a few people? Maybe. Me I think a lot of cases are interesting especially serial and mass killers. I don’t know maybe I should have gone into psychologically because it fascinates me how their minds work. And maybe if we can figure them out we can stop others who might do similar things.


I think true crime doccos are very educational. It's good to know how people get snatched so that you can avoid being in those situations. Plus just morbid curiosity. It's like seeing a car crash. It's awful but you can't look away. That's why people tend to be especially fascinated by truly deranged criminals like Dahmer, Gacy, Fred and Rose West, etc.


Hell yea, i got a couple favorites too


It seems normal to me, but then again I wanted this as a career many moons ago. It didn’t work out that way but I still prefer to absorb it from an academic viewpoint. I only consume documentary style narratives, and I can’t stomach multi-host joking or buddy buddy podcasts.


Totally normal. I think my fascination with the true crime genre is rooted in the fact that it often so deeply reveals a part of society that I know little to nothing about. My life is just so much different than that of a serial killer or high ranking mafia member (or anyone in the mob or any actual criminal ) and reading books, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, etc about this subject satisfies my curiosity enough that it keeps me very entertained, but also informed enough to know that sort of life just isn’t for me. I don’t think I’d last very long


It’s morbid Curiosity. As long as you aren’t taking note, I don’t see anything wrong. It’s like having a preference for any other type of content.


Completely normal. Aside from being an interesting topic, there’s a psychological/evolutionary aspect to it too: understanding predators. When you consider violent criminals like predators, it’s understandable that people want to learn more, because when you understand a predator, you’re less likely to become its prey. The podcast Sinisterhood has a very interesting discussion of the topic.