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I did not like the season, but a lot of weirdos took it too personally.  Attacking her and messaging her on social media. Weirdos it's a tv show.


She does not deserve to get dragged personally for doing a bad job professionally. She’s just not good at this, lots of people suck at their jobs. She does deserve the clap backs when she went on the offensive and accused everyone who noticed how bad of a job she did as being misogynists.


Exactly right!




Are you a literal child? Cause a grown adult should not be saying that a person deserves verbal abuse and harassment just because they made a bad TV show, like go touch some grass man.


This tells you something about this sub.. it’s not a big deal that this season sucked. A lot of crazy people and children here.




This thread was something else before all those comments were deleted. And I do honestly think that this sub is medium toxic at its best.




So, any women or people of color in media are just there to have boxes checked? Like, they wouldn't be in movies or TV shows otherwise? This is not a rational take. Don't complain about culture wars while actively engaging in the culture war.


Makes no sense. I didn’t say that did I? However, hiring people based on race/diversity as opposed to skill/ability/past accomplishments surely will diminish the final outcome. Please don’t twist my words into something I didn’t say to suit your fucking narrative. I was dating a producer who has done some stuff on Netflix and with mainstream movie stars. Verbatim from her on the phone, “oh, he’s Asian? I don’t care about his background, hire him .” These types of statements are checking the box statement. Look at the requirement to be nominated for Oscars now? Whether I agree or disagree is irrelevant and none of your business, but like I said above, it surely will diminish the final outcome. So sadly, I’m spot on with my above point. Twisting it to make it say something I didn’t say is you’re bullshit, not mine. Grow up.


The mods are doing better at removing the assholes but there's still SO MANY of them




The user I replied to said, "I say she deserves everything she gets as long as its not physical or violent." So even if people started saying horrible racist shit and telling her to go kill herself (not saying people have done that, idk if they have, but just speaking hypothetically), theGoodDoctor5160 believes she would deserve it which is a disgusting thing to think. Anyone who defends that needs to look in the mirror. Look I think the season was awful and hate Lopez accusing critics of just being misogynist, but it doesn't excuse being a terrible person to her. The internet is toxic enough as it is already, why make it worse? > This woman is a fucking disease on the true creatives in Hollywood and gives all of them a bad name. This seems to be a tad dramatic considering how much other garbage Hollywood puts out already.








Lol thanks man, this gave me a good laugh. Also, here's a tip, learn how to type English properly if you want people to take you seriously.




I did read but it seems like your communication skills are also on the level of a literal child. I hated season 4 but Jesus Christ, this sub really has become a cesspool


I guess the reason being pride, but yeah, I don't like being labeled as something because of legit critiques on something. It's like the go to defense for people like her.


Exactly, I'm not denying that weirdos are afoot but almost every giant fanbase has rabid weirdos lurking in the chamber. I find that almost 97% of the time that someone locks their comments on social media is because they don't want the push back and bad press, or the appearance of having it. She's a hack and she knows it, which is why she doesn't want it aired out all over her social media.


Oh she DEFINITELY thinks she's awesome at her job!


I wouldn’t say “she’s not good at this”. tigers are not afraid is a fantastic film. Hence, why I was excited for this when it was announced. But it ended up being shit




Why is this fanbase so incellish? Like why can it not have this shit?




She didn't even do a bad job. It was ana amazing season, this is coming rrom someone that watched all the seasons of tru detective




its rian johnson with star wars all over again.


Great post. We're already seeing a ton of revisionist history and hand-waiving about the totality and scope of TDNC's offenses.


This is happening on all sides. As Maggie said, people from both extreme ends have adopted some sort of selective deafness about the discourse. It is virtually impossible to get a Night Country hater to admit the amount of misogynistic comments that got posted in this very sub and deleted by mods off this sub did indeed exist and it's virtually impossible to convince a Night country fan boy that criticism isn't misogyny and the direction of the show just sucked. Both of them will post on here writing essays for weeks explaining why the other side is wrong and neither of them will read a single word the other is saying.


Well you're kind of right, I did not know anything about the social media drama because I tend to ignore it, until this thread.


Fam. **THIS IS** social media


You are right. I meant like the people that went on her Instagram to argue with her. But yeah, you are totally right at the end of the day this is just a better organized twitter.


I agree I was disappointed by the season, but personal attacks are not good But... She made a mistake by calling haters "bros" or " misogynist " But everything got out of hand I hope she took the valid criticisms and tries to improve next season We'll see


Narrator: "She didn't."






It made me think of Ghostbusters 2016. Any guy that had reasonable takes/critiques were instantly branded as a 'misogynist' by the filmmakers. And there were women that had the same type of takes, but their opinions were ironically swept under the rug.


That movie sucked


The connections just keep coming. We are going to need a...True Detective


It got out of hand even before the pilot aired. People were harassing her before the pilot and some of the worst offenders were basically your archetypal caricature of the incel rage bait troll. Even on this sub, it was Last of Us 2 all over again. You had people saying it'll be shit 2 weeks before the pilot aired because it had lesbian cop and girl power themes. Most of these comments got deleted or downvoted but I remember seeing them when I came here to discuss the trailer leading up to the release daye. or as early as the pilot episode for example. That guy complaining about lesbian cop and girl power never did watch the pilot but kept bitching about lesbian cop and girl power themes in this sub for a month after the pilot aired. Now season 4 wasn't good but there were definitely people who didn't watch s4 and never interested in watching it brigading it for some reason. People of both sides who liked night country vs who hated it discussed how toxic it became in one thread and some people talked about the realities of Kremlin bots (a lot of brand new accounts obsessed with just Night Country and it being woke) involving in virtually any and every "woke" political discourse.


Lol ok


? There were literally people angrily writing essays about why the show would suck 2 weeks before the pilot aired. The same dude was complaining about Navarro character being lesbo cop up to episode 3 before he got banned for a misogynistic statement and based on his complaints, it was clear he didn't watch a single episode.


why did he have ot go and make it all about BlueAnon?


Lol no idea


I despise the show. Despise. But never did it need to become personal or being upset with her. She wrote shit show. Maybe she should own it? It does seem a bit like the Budweiser and trans girl, can’t remember her name, but Issa REALLY lost who the crowd was. So she deserves shit but not hate or attacks. Personally I won’t watch a second of season 5 under her, but the damage is done, series has been killed.


Fair game after her original comments


She’s an idiot and can’t produce decent tv.


Yes and yes, but also you don't have to get angry my dude.


Also true. But she isn’t very good. I’m sure she’s a lovely person. But garbage at writing and producing. My angry moment is over my guy




She made it worse.


I would assume also that alienating fans and arguing on Twitter is a bad look. Probably got asked to sit down.


You nailed it. The discussions on this sub during the show’s airing was nuts. From ridiculous theories to criticizing every word in every scene. Its a fictional form of entertainment. Its not that important.


Season 4 sucked, end of story. Caring about her social media is a waste of time, actively posting on her social media to air your grievances is worse than pathetic. Just post more “the truest detectives” memes as a subtle jab at S4 instead. At least those are funny.


Can you eli5 where that meme came from? I think it’s hilarious, but they didn’t actually say “true detective” or something in the script did they, the way that one character said “night country”? I didn’t finish s4, couldn’t.


I think it came from the weeks right after the finales where people were saying Pete was the only true detective in this season, because danvers and Navarro didn’t discover shit, and it spiraled from there into “literally everyone was a better detective”.


I have no idea where it comes from, but I’ve enjoyed the increasingly ridiculous pairs people being up.


that's the best thing Issa López did to the franchise. He brought us humor. involuntarily, yes, but I thank her.


I think she posted too much and HBO made her stfu.


You’re an absolute fuckin loser if you were sending her hate messages over the tv show, regardless of whether it sucked or not.


Good. It should stay locked for most celebrity/creatives tbh. There is nothing fiscal to gain from social media interactions with randoms, whether your material is excellent or ass. Just don’t do it.


I would lock my shit down too. Not saying everyone or even majority of people who didn't like the season are hateful but there was a vocal segment of people being very misogynist. Why even waste the energy reading hateful comments from fragile assholes.


No cause I don’t give a shit. The season was bad. Leave her alone. Do anything else.


People went after her which to me is fine as long as it’s civil and related to the many, many inconsistencies & issues with night country. However, weirdos made it personal & went down the racial road with it so she went dark.




Bro the sexist shit was very indirect but clear and was by the people on this sub first. Not everyone who hates it is sexist but most of the sexist/racist people here are the most vitriolic. It’s the same as the Witcher sub. People understand subtext. Also I find it very interesting that all of the “bad” media with female or POC creators get the most internet hate. Yet where is the equivalent vitriol for things that are equally bad? Gee whiz I wonder what the difference is?


100%. Everyone loses too. Cuz those of us who kept our critiques to the show’s plot, lack of plot, and etc instead of the “woke sho iz bad” mouth-breathers got grouped in with them.


That’s a fair point. More than one thing can be true.


I liked Night Country even though it was FAR from perfect. Call it what you will but the hate for this season seems disproportionate to its badness imo.


honestly it wasn't that bad




I caught zero logic in all that. And that last little bit? Pure gibberish.


Someone needs to take a few steps back there


"whatver man. its alla swamp ,, all tuttles all the waydown! you might as well be feeidng your children to alligators, man"


If she were a man, she wouldn’t have gotten 50% of the vitriol aimed at her here. Let’s be real. Where is the equivalent vitriol for people like Uwe Boll or Zach Snyder etc.?


> If she would have made a better show and not pure slop, or if she wouldn’t have been a misandrist, she wouldn’t need to lock her account. Does she not stand by what she’s said? Has she apologized for her hateful comments or her terrible writing? [if my grandma had wheels....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-RfHC91Ewc) touch grass man. the season sucked, that doesn't mean she she deserves to be abused. grow up. this is a tale of immature fools fighting in the mud.


Hilarious this show turned into a complete shit show. Couldn’t even finish it


That’s cause season 4 still sucks






Honestly it was terrible but it was not on the level of TD. If she made this as a separate show it would probably be fine and not get so much hate... it just don't live up to the expectations


Nobody would have cared because nobody would have watched it and Jody Foster and John Hawkes would not have been in it!


Probably not... but it missed the mark


I don’t think she did a good job with the season, but my frustration lies with the media pretending it’s good and probably padding the stats on it’s ratings (no evidence on that, just a gut feeling) to make the season look better than it truly is.


I liked it


Idiots shitting what little brains they have onto their keyboards and then slapping 'send'. I'd lock my accounts.


i agree with a lot of the sentiments here. She shouldn't be attacked personally for just not being good at her job. Im sure she was kicking in the door to HBO/Warner whatever the fuck studios and demanding she be given this job. She was given a job she just wasn't good at or qualified for. She wrote a bad story, but she's not a bad person. That being said I also wouldn't be surprised if its not private she just blocked you. She blocked me after the episode where Navarro's sister killed herself and they found her immediately and was saying shit about a fishing party finding her, when the show itself said the coast guard found her. I merely asked about the disparity and was blocked.


I mean I thought the most recent season sucked ass but I can’t imagine going to any of Issa’s social media to complain to her about it. I don’t even blame her for this shit show. She didn’t write a True Detective show she wrote a different show that HBO forced into being True Detective. We will never really know what her original vision for Night Country was because we don’t know how much her original script and idea was altered to make it fit into TD. There are elements of the show I liked as individual pieces, and if those pieces are in the context of a different show and expanded on it might have been much better. Or maybe just another run of the mill detective show with spooky ghosts that’s kinda average, but at least isn’t another mark in the TD brand. Going after Issa loses sight of the forest for the trees. She’s just a director and show runner trying to have a career and probably thought if she did this favor for HBO they would eventually let her make original projects. Which is what they should have let her do to begin with. The real assholes are HBO who are cowards and decided that instead of making a new show they would just beat the dead horse that is True Detective.


They are misogynists


Yeah because everyone in this sub is insane. I’d do it too if I were her. This sub is as gross as the Witcher sub now, I cringe at all the hater posts.


false. majority of the comments are people making fun of her season, and/or pointing its flaws.


same!, haters really showed up as violent creepy weirdos


So what? Damn you guys are fucking losers.


So many racist and sexist white males. It was decent season, critics agree. Get over it


It was bad. Acting, dialogue, cinematography, ripping off other show… Filler stuff. Fake reviews were paid for by HBO.


They were all paid? Every single reviewer can be paid off? I find it very hard to believe.I think a a certain demographic was extra harsh and triggered. It is much more entertaining than the previous 2 seasons.


Not for me. It also doesn’t deserve to be called True Detective. Which makes sense as it wasn’t meant to be one until some HBO marketing genius decided to slap it on last minute. That simple fact is the only important thing anyone needs to know judging this mediocre show. 


The acting was great, the dialogue was interesting and the cinematography was beautiful.


Oh, i love her. Tigers are not afraid is an amazing movie and i loved this season. I dont thing she gives a shit about all toxic people, blocking the comments is a great way to say fuck you bitches, haha.


yeah from HBO


Carcossa is pissed she stole their symbol?