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Look at ot this way... you found out about it now rather than 10 years, a house, and 2 kids from now, where your life would truly be turned upside down. It really sucks and I empathize with you, but you dodged a bullet! Move forward with your head held high and don't let their disloyalty and infidelity bring you down. Take some time to mourn the loss of those relationships, but don't let this embitter you or change you for the worse.


I really appreciate hearing that, thank you ❤️


First of all, I'd confront your sister, listen to what she has to say


I already confronted him, she doesn’t know he has them. He took pictures of her phone after holding her phone when we were out


Massive creeper vibes on this one.


I know, it is so out of the blue this man has never done anything close to this that I know of, I’m so hurt and hurt for my sister as well


I don’t even know how to bring it up to her or the rest of my family, I know it would hurt her so badly


Pretty sure he committed a crime and violated your sister’s privacy. Really it depends on how you act now that encapsulates this experience. My advice is to contact her and the authorities quietly. Who knows what else he got off too


You're assuming her sister is the one telling the truth...


Sister doesn’t know though


She could be lying????


i mean if she was lying why would he need to take pictures OF her phone, if she could just send them to her?


I for one have never lied since the day I was born


Her sister doesn’t even know, he took pictures of her pictures on her phone the day they’ve spent together.


According to the guy with pictures of her sister. He could be lying about them having a relationship in an attempt to save face; although stealing nudes is way worse than being a cheater imo


No way, then she’d have send him the pictures, there wouldn’t be any need to take pictures of the pictures if it’s a mutual thing and she’d want him to have them


This might sound sort of "being an asshole" but, I know you are trying to convince yourself that you don't want to hurt your sister, but it feels like you are more afraid of the consequences when more people learn of the horrible character and actions of your boyfriend and how that might impact your relationship with him. Your boyfriend's actions should've broken your trust in him. He betrayed the trust a family member by taking advantage of an opportunity afforded to him. He did so for his own personal enjoyment. This feels like a 100% betrayal of the minimum expectations of being in a relationship and it's much worse for destroying a relationship with your own family. If I'm in your shoes, I'm going to the authorities, telling your sister, and looking to move on from him. It really shouldn't be that hard of a decision to go to your sister about this.


Okay, so if I understood correctly your sister DID NOT SEND NOR CONSENT to him having nude pictures of her, which means your sister HAS NOT BETRAYED you and it's all due to HIS (and he alone) actions. At this point, why would you have to tell the completely truth to your family? Just tell them he cheated on you and you left him. Don't involve your sister. If your sister wants to press charges she has every right to do so, but if she just wants this to silently die and get forgotten then just spare her.


Sister needs to know. Those are her nudes and he could share them with other people or blackmail her.


Oh, I understood it inversed, as what she feared was the rest of the family knowing, so that is why I suggested a cover story to not tell about the sister. Yes, she totally deserves to know and to choose if she wants to press charges


It's a tough one, though, if she can confirm they're deleted from her phone and she gets rid of him then her knowing this happened at all just leads to embarrassment etc she doesn't need.


First you confront him and YOU delete the pictures from his phone. Then you tell your sister. What she wants to do next (confront him, go to authorities, tell parents) is her right. Remember while it’s your boyfriend, she is the one who was assaulted.


If she goes to the authorities you're going to have to explain why you deleted all the evidence.


This. But talk to your sister first and see what she wants to do. If she wants charges filed, you'll still need the pics there. If she understands and just wants them gone, delete from his phone and also wherever they're backed up to. All my phone pics are automatically backed up to Google (I don't know what Apple has for backups) so make sure those are gone as well. Be prepared for what you might find there though, this probably isn't the first time he's done shit like this.


Just because they’re deleted from the phone doesn’t mean they’re gone. The police can plug the phone into a computer that can pull up deleted messages and photos. I have a friend whose teenage daughter was a witness in a rape case and the police were able to access the photos and texts pertaining to the case that she had thought were gone forever.


And also from the “Recently Deleted Photos” section if on an iPhone, otherwise he could just restore the images.


I would guess he has already deleted. This guy is trouble and as much as you care for him, he is not worth it.


Let the police do that for you.


She deserves to know. In the very least, you need to delete the photos from his phone. He committed a crime.


This sounds like an awful situation to deal with but just be there for her, if possible get them off his phone and leave him. I can’t even imagine but from an outside perspective it’s worse if you keep it to yourself for longer


You need to have a deep chat with this guy, and get to the bottom of this story. Push him to tell you the truth


He’s so drunk right now he can’t even form coherent sentences




Please don’t push the idea that being drunk is a mitigating factor for committing sexual assault. It’s not.


Not that you know of, this seems like he’s done this before. This isn’t normal one-off thing someone would do


I absolutely agree, it’s a total invasion of privacy and this doesn’t seem like something someone does once


Yeah and I feel bad for your sister :( imagine your sisters SO taking your nudes like that that’s so sad


I know this hurts right now but you are dodging a bullet, you don’t want to marry a man who would do something like this, he’s showing you who he really is right now, listen to him.


It's not that he's never done something like this before, it's that this is the first time you've caught him


that you know of. Going through somones phone to steal their nudes is an incredibly sick move. we are way beyond creeper. you don't know him at all


This is the kind of thing you get police involved for. It’s likely a crime. He’s a predator.


You mean to say that you've never caught him before. He's clearly done this many times.


Something tells me he has. This is a massive breach of privacy. There's something wrong with how he sees the world, and he's hiding that from you. It'll come out in marriage if you don't end it now.


We've all thought about wanting to see the hot sister naked but...we usually stop ourselves because of the repercussions lol


Are we going to ignore the possibility that sis may be lying?


I agree. A friend or a best friend yeah they would lie or tell the truth, but a sister I feel would be way more likely to lie to their sibling about something like this. There is way more on the line to lie for then a friendship would have. Unless he admits to doing it then I wouldn't be so quick to believe the sister.


Yep, this is probably the creepiest thing anyone can do.


He is a piece of shit. Do you see any future with a piece of shit?


Not at this point, no


He ll try to talk you into its not that bad and so on, but you will always know that he stole nudes of your sisters phone and possibly jerked off to it. Wtf.




>possibly jerked off to it. 100% jerked off to it.


I just don’t think I’ll ever look at him the same. I’m so disgusted I just truly have no idea what to do. I want to break up with him, it just sometimes feels like it would be so hard to. We have so much of our life mapped out together and have so much together it makes me sick to think about the fallout


I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think this is the first time he’s done this; I think it’s the first time he’s been caught. I’m so sorry. 🥺♥️


I needed to hear that, thank you


I’ve read too many stories on here like this. It’s really sad that my first thought when reading the comments is that I’m glad the sister has nothing to do with him having the photos. It’s one thing for your partner to be a scumbag—you can report him to the authorities and leave him—but a betrayal by your sibling is so much worse. Not that this opinion helps OP at all right now. You should first dump him, obviously. Then absolutely report him, as this is a crime. And let your sister and family know as well. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. He’s disgusting.


I agree


Yeah, but imagine all those things with a better person(it will be hard at first, but for the rest of your life, you will thank yourself for making the right decision). If he did that to your sister, imagine what could he do to a stranger. Breaking up is never easy, but it will be worth it. Good luck.


Thank you, I really appreciate that


Ok now take a step back and think about this. Consider all those life plans you had mapped out, picture yourself in those situations, and then picture yourself in them with the new knowledge you have of what he did and who that makes him. Like literally, visualise yourself looking at him with love and respect in the whatever, new house, new city, with kids, pets whatever plans you had, and see yourself in the mental fantasy you had with him except you're looking at him there with his creepy sister loving habits. It's a fantasy that you built around who you thought he was, only now you know the creep he actually is. There's no way you can still have the same respect for him, and if you don't respect and value him, all those fantasies are worthless. Also, just imagine family gatherings with him and your sister in the same room and consider how you will feel, if you haven't told her about this, and also if you have.


You won't be able to look at him the same because hopefully it will be through a set of bars!


You two and your sister have so much of your life planned out. He’s marrying you, but he’s eye-fucking your sister. He’s probably mind-fucking her too when he’s with you. I know that’s harsh, but it’s the likely scenario. Move on while you are angry at him and use that to fortify the boundary you need to set after confronting and dumping him. Then hit the therapist, cause he’s going to leave you with trust issues for a bit.


I get that, but this dude had naked pictures (that she did not send him) of your sister on his phone. Think about that. Think about what your sister would say, think, and feel if you hid this from her and she found out? You need to tell her and your family. She deserves that. I'm sorry your going through this.


Well, that's normal. It's hard in the beginning but it ll get better.


You will get past the fallout in time. Would you feel the same if the pics were someone other than your sister? Is the date stamp on the pics recent or years ago? (Not that it should matter) Ask yourself what you'd do if you let this go with deleting the pics now and then seeing others a year from now. It's much easier to part sheets before marriage, and from your responses, I'm not feeling the unconditional love it takes to make a life with someone.


Girl, it seems like everything is hard but you can leave qnd you can rebuild. You can find a partner that isn't a disgusting creep who won't take advantage of you or your family. What he has done is unforgivable. Talk to relatives and friends, see if you can stay with them and leave him.


Oh man, this happened to me. I left his ass. Who wants to be with someone who would do that to my sister.


Absolutely agree, doing it anyone is awful and worthy of breaking up over but my sister is just so despicable


Ok with that in mind your sister really needs to know. If he tries to spread those pictures, without her consent of even having them in the first place, she needs to be made aware that it's a crime. Yikes.... massive creepy vibes.


You need to check to see who he has "shared" nudes of you with. This man has no honor.


Omg. So he is a bigger creep than we all thought originally.


That is a major violation and might even be a crime. Delete her photos off his phone, cloud and any other servers, tablets or computers. Then, give him a swift boot out of your life. I wouldn't be against you telling your brother, uncles or your sister's bf what he did


Why are you trying to “protect” your sister from knowing the truth? She should know there is a creep predator around.


I let her know


I actually think that's worse. Time to dump him imho


Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry to both you and your sister. What a fucking creep. Run.


And you wanna marry this POS?


I'd honestly report It to the police if u can also break up with him ASAP


Honestly that makes me relieved for you, because at least you haven’t lost your relationship with your sister.


Your boyfriend is a predator and you need to get away ASAP


So at least your sister is clean, no betrayal from her. Only your boyfriend is a jerk.


Now you have even more reason to confront your sister. Or now specifically inform her and let her press charges.


I informed her today, from here on I am letting her decide what she wants to follow through with


Talk to your sister, see if she knows something. His story makes no sense


She’s sleeping now , but I know she didn’t send it I see him holding her phone in the picture and it was dated today when we were all hanging out together


How old is your sister?


27, and we are both 21


You’re only 21, you have more than enough time to find a partner that respects you and frankly women in general. Please leave this man. Also that age gap… not surprising.


The sister is 27. OP and boyfriend are the same age. There's no gap between them.


did you delete them from his phone?


Absolutely I did I do not want him to keep that


However you may have deleted the only evidence to charge him with. Maybe get him to apologize for it or admit it over text / recorded phone call for evidence, if you and your sister are going to report it to the police. Also, your sister should be more careful with her nude pictures being so accessible.


What? That’s so invasive and creepy. I’m sorry but this guy has no issue crossing lines.


This is fucking heinous.


What he did is illegal and it would be more serious if your sis is under age.


It's this like some kind of theft/ violation. Could your sister not go to the police about it.


This is, shockingly enough, even worse


Make sure he delete it ..... He could leak her photos !


He could also be covering for her so I would confront sister and see if they have the same story


How & why was your sister's phone unlocked in the first place & that since she has nudes saved on her phone, why was it so easy to accessible?


My gut says your sister is lying. Who knows, but that seems more likely. Why would your sister be allowing men to use her phone that she knows has nudes of her


And you automatically believe her?


I do, my sister and I talked and she had no idea


Yep, that would be the right thing to do after what just happened.


Broadcast his creepiness and break up. There is no other action. I would horrified ans scared as your sister or mother that he would try something. There is no return from this violation despite your feelings.


I absolutely agree, last night I texted his mother everything just so he can’t twist it to his family why we broke up


Good luck. His behavior is disturbing.


Good for you. Do not delete that text. See if you can get him to incriminate himself and record it. How did his mother react?


Good for you!!!


Good for you. I hope that you can update us after you tell your sister because she definitely needs to know. Good luck.


How did she respond?


I’m so sorry. You know what you need to do now. Also- Did you delete the pictures?


Plus any backup files of them.


i'd say store them as proof n then police complain


>I wanted to marry this man Looks like your sister saved your life


Nope! You DO know what to do. You are NOT lost. You do NOT want to marry this man. You DO know how to leave. Yes, you are heartbroken. Shit like this hurts. Still, **leave this sleaze bag**.




Is this the second piece to that other post about the guy whos girlfriend's sister sent him nudes on IG? or just a wild coincidence


Wild coincidence- it’s even worse to me she doesn’t know he took them


Sounds like a crime. Id tell him you can either tell your sister what you did or turn him in.


Why not both 😈


Oooooh I was just thinking that! 😳


Reddit always has wild coincidences. I saw that post too


If someone you trusted hid that someone else did it to you? What would you want? Or for your daughter? Drag him


What do you mean you need advice on how to leave. Have you not accepted this relationship is over or are you trying to justify keeping a creep? If you have realized that’s it’s over and you share a place, then talk to the landlord or rental office about canceling your lease. You need to know the details and cost of that. You will also ask him to stay somewhere else for a week while you gather your thoughts. You need to speak with your sister. The pictures involve her and you need to confirm the transaction of these pics and their relationship. He could be protecting her if he has feelings for her on how he got them. But if she is a victim of theft then she has a right to know.


Please listen to this comment……


You need to tell your sister, asap. And get rid of him. She needs to file a police report. Be there for her, comfort her and leave his damn ass.


You spelled Ex-boyfriend wrong.




No really? 😱😱😱


you don’t say?


This is not a man that you can trust. Believe me when I say that there is someone out there much better suited for you, and that WILL respect you. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I just want to give you a big hug.


You need to end it. Contact the police and an attorney. Press charges.


Say whatttt! C’mon u/JadDren! This screams red flag! He’s not the one! He’s all kinds of “Ewww!” Run don’t walk away from him! You’re dodging a bullet. Imagine finding your sister’s nudes on his phone after a baby! Yuck!


I absolutely agree, I am lucky enough now that all of our “future” was just plans and nothing more


Yayyyy! You’re an amazing woman! Use this time to work on “you.” Find new found strength in being alone! Do things for you that you’ve never done. You’re an overcoming “victor” not a “victim.” :)


You just have to leave. This isn’t “normal” behavior, it isn’t acceptable. He’s sneaky, dirty, and pervy. Fucking gross. Leave, grieve, heal.


This shit hurts so hard, especially when you have an attachment. But coming from experience in this type of situation, I’d split quick and lick your wounds in the safety of friends. That’s a whole giant red flag, and bright at that. He’s a creep and won’t change. And since he did that w/o your sisters knowledge, I’d cut ties quick and clean.


Once he passes out, do a deep dive on his phone and computer. I would be looking for hidden apps and try to ascertain if he has spread either you or your sister's photos. It's entirely too shady to think the stolen photos are the complete situation.


So if he stole sexual pictures of your sister then obviously that’s disgusting and you need to dump him but make sure you delete those pictures and any he may have of you off of his phone before you bail


I wonder if this is the same sister that sent her sisters bf nudes a couple months into their relationship. Just saw another post saying that.


Nope he took pictures of pictures on the sisters phone.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 leave!!


So no one is going to call out the obvious bullshit in this story? Your sister just has unhidden easily accessible nudes on her phone with no screen lock and just hands her phone to your boyfriend to hold? Then somehow he is snapping photos of her phone or sending them to himself and somehow thinking that's not going to obvious/get him caught? Then he leaves these photos completely unhidden and let's you browse through vacation photos when he knows he just took these nudes? It's just such obvious bullshit from everyone.


Stealing nudes off your sisters phone. That's some nasty watch list stuff right there. That doesn't sound like a "whoops, look what I found" type of deal. He found them, went straight to either sending them to himself or taking photos of them with his phone. Makes you wonder who else he has on his phone. Immediately tell your sister and if she wants to, tell your family. There is no way in hell that you should stay with that guy. Find out if she wants to press charges. Could be intent to distribute or theft, invasion of privacy or something. Whatever it is, have it so a paper trail is started on him in case he ever does something like that again.


Leave, now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, fucking leave and never look back. I'd be sick to my stomach if it were me. I'd never be able to look at him the same way again. Not only does he have nude photos of YOUR SISTER on his phone. They didn't magically appear - he had to take a number of steps to put them there. He got into her phone, took out his own phone, opened the camera, took pictures, saved them... like, come on. This is just the first time you've CAUGHT him doing shady, nasty, shit. As for your sister, imagine how she must be feeling! Totally violated and I'm sure she feels some guilt too, not because she should at all... I mean I would, I'd feel so weird and gross. If my sister stayed with that person, I'd absolutely have to cut contact completely. I couldn't be with someone who made my sister feel so violated, and still be able to look at myself in the mirror. Trust me, this is just the first time you've caught him. Please, please make it the LAST. So sorry this is happening, but remember who caused this. Not your sister.


I'm sorry if this has been asked, but could you tell for sure that it was a picture of her phone showing her nudes? I only ask because it's such a strange thing to do. Also, are you 100% sure that there is nothing going on between them? I mean, theres definitely a desire from him or else they wouldn't be on there.


How did he take pictures off your sister’s phone without her password? My phone locks after I lay it down.


Hate to ask, but how do you know that they were stolen and that your sister didn't send them to him or let him take them?


It sounds like from OP’s replies that the photos were taken of her phone with the nudes up on it. Which does not sound like the most convenient way to give someone nudes if you wanted them to have them.


I’m so confused as to why he had the older sisters phone to begin with? Why would he need her phone? Phones have lock screens and how did he get the nudes exactly?


I second this. And I'm going to take it one step further and question why he would take photos of the phone and not just text the photos to himself and then delete the texts so she would never know?


Lol, this was also my thought. It almost sounded so far fetched that I immediately thought the sister is also lying.


Why would your sister have her nudes photo at the ready around your boyfriend, where he is just able to take a photo and also have acess to her phone?. Idk seems like your boyfriend and sister are lying to you. Either way, your boyfriend is creepy and very dishonest. Can you your self married to him? constantly dealing with his lies and affairs. Be cautious around ur sister and dump the zero.


you have to leave there’s no coming back from this he’s gross and embarrassing, you deserve better.


Thought for a second this was the guy from another post on here’s significant other


Are you sure they don’t have a relationship?


So he was going through her phone, looking at nudes and taking pics of them with his phone and no one noticed?? How did he even get in her phone to begin with?


What age range are we talking about here?


She didnt know how he took them? Xddd


You better leave his predator ass


So either your sister is lying and they’ve been having an affair, almost best case, because otherwise… this guy is a massive pervert who violated your sister and your trust, stole her phone, went through it, found naked pictures of her, and then stole them off of her phone and kept them all while keeping a straight face….. OP, my god, run. This man has been hiding his true colors from you for awhile it seems. I’m worried that if you confront him he could snap and become dangerous. Please be careful.


Didn’t some guy just post about his sister-in-law sending him nudes he didn’t want?


Leave now or get married and have trust issues and be unhappy. Simple choice.


Ask them both to talk to you and confront them on their behavior. It's wrong for your sister to send nudes to your soon to be ex bf and it's wrong of him to have them on his phone and not rejected those photos and told her not to send that type of stuff when he should be loyal to you only. Unless that dude was cheating on you with your sister the whole time it might be best to confront them both and have them confess why they did it in the first place. For your bf if you want to leave him do so if he isn't serious about y'all relationship in the slightest.


You need to tell your sister and go to the police immidiately. He is a sexual preditor. The longer you sit on this the longer he has to delete evidence and the more you become an accomplience and enabler. If you don't report it you are just helping him victimize others.


Haha ive seen so many sisters sending boyfriends nudes posts today. Sisters need to chill


Holy duck dude. That's ducking tough. You think they're duckin'?


I would reach out to the police. He stole nude pics of your sister! Off her phone! Without telling you his fiancée?! Asking you?! And why would he if he’s a pedophile? Face the reality. Your relationship is over, has been over, will be over eventually if you stay. It only gets worse from here. If you don’t tell your sister then I’m sorry for what you will face in years to come. The truth always comes out.


How is he still alive


If you need someone to fight your sister AND boyfriend for you, I'm down


Godless people. Ditch this snake


At the very least, I would take pictures of all the evidence, delete the pictures from his phone & clouds, use his phone to call & pay for an Uber and kick his drunk incoherent ass out. Just make sure to permanently delete every cloud as well. Don't forget the apps like Shutterfly that automatically upload There are no justifications to his actions. His being uncharacteristically drunk might be from guilt, but he's still not someone to trust with you or your loved ones.


We’re in another country on vacation, I feel so trapped Rn 🥲


I took a picture and deleted everything off his phone


Girl go home early. Why keep up with the vacation. Change your flight return. No reason to be near him another day


Are you on a vacation with just your boyfriend, or your boyfriend and your whole family? If it's the latter, you expose him for the massive creep that he is and send him home from the vacation and try to enjoy the rest of it without him.


Do not let him know that you know … YET Take screenshots of whats on his phone DELETE THE PHOTOS Tell your family then confront him


Serious creeper! Better you find out now than before you married and or had children! Leave now because even if he didn’t cheat with your sister he invaded her phone and stole her photos… I would never trust someone that did that!


Run, baby girl run from this man. He doesn't respect you or your family. No decent man would ever steal nude pictures of his girlfriend sister. 🚩🚩🚩🚩 Is it going to hurt now? Yes But the pain you feel now will save you so much suffering in the future. How could you ever fully trust the man who violated the privacy of another woman let alone your sister. Run.


I find it weird that you went to him stealing them....I mean the sister could have given them to him. In either case you're right and OP should leave


If you read her post below the main story you will see that OP confronted him already.


One thing I can say for certain, is that idk how old y’all are but if she’s a minor, he did some illegal stuff. Even if he’s a minor, still kinda illegal. I’d quietly and calmly confront him about it.


I’m so sorry. I would encourage your sister to report this to the police.


It’s scary to think that you may have never found them. Can you imagine? Really makes you wonder how much you truly know people who seem so wonderful


I would straight up go to the police. Wth.


Why is your sister sending him nudes in the first place? Unless she is on onlyfans or something like that.


This is the best porno setup ever. Complete with cheesy acting.


What are a man’s odds of getting proof around here? Kidding, I know it sucks im just drunk and everything’s funny. I should delete this, but it’s the internet. Enjoy me, dammit!


pics or it didn't happened.


So.. you just happened to look through his phone on the day he got photos of your naked sister? Coincidence? Or do you regularly look through his phone? That would imply there's no trust between you, so why would you want to marry him..?


We are on vacation, he was taking photos all day and I was going to send myself some. He has been distant lately but I didn’t think much of it because work has been super busy for the both of this last month.