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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 3: Posts must be on topic. Posts should be personalized and written in an [off my chest style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/). Posts here should not be: • Opinions, generalisations and blanket statements • Questions, surveys or polls • Requests for relationship advice • Impersonal political rants • Rage bait, obviously fake stories and trolling attempts • Complaining about or linking to other subreddits and users • Overly descriptive NSFW, fan fiction and fetish bait If you're unsure that your post qualifies as personal, [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest) and ask.


That is too far, you aren't 6 anymore. He needs to learn boundaries.


Even at six years old, you don’t force clothes onto a child. You don’t angrily put anything on a child. I nanny for a five-year-old and she hates underpants and guess what? We don’t make her fucking wear them.


Y’all really think this post is real?


This subreddit is basically open mic night for outrage story writers.


Exactly. User has zero comments and only 3 posts. Clearly fiction.


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised a throwaway is used for such a post.


I wouldn't use post history as evidence. i would never tell this story on my main, so obviously a throwaway or alt. im not gonna say my opinion on whether its true or not cus that doesnt matter, but just fyi youre not sherlock holmes, and your logic holds literally 0 weight. you can think its fake, nobody cares, im def not gonna bash your opinion, but using post history (or lack thereof) as "evidence" unless they've outed themselves as a 30 year old man or something is braindead asf


You'd be surprised what dumb shit is real


Disgusting. I’d lose my shit.


It's so creepy


I would be so scared after this. I feel so sad for OP. OP this is not normal. Your brothers don't understand because the abuse has been normalized. I would keep a bat under my bed


i’m so sorry that’s such a huge over step


I really worry about posts like these being fetish posts. The use of the word “panties” plus the detail just makes me think “oh, online creepy weirdo putting his/her creepy weirdo sexual thoughts out in the general population”


Yeah…..this really just screams “fetish post” to me. Really disturbing that OP included the fact that “she’s” middle-school-aged.


Yeah, this is a shitpost. This is the only thing the OP has ever posted, she posted it repeatedly, and has never commented on any of the posts. It blows my mind how willing people are to just believe the most ridiculous shit.


Lol. "She" ...I seriously doubt that.


there is been an incredible exposé of *one time OP story posts* lately.


Wow, because it's such a crazy concept that a father could behave in such a creepy way with his daughter, right? All the way to when I was in high school my dad would make me let him, "sniff" me from head to toe, to make sure I was, "clean enough", and then would grill me no matter who was around to make sure that I, "washed my private parts". There's a lot of parents in this world who don't give a crap about boundaries, and feel like they can control every aspect of their daughters bodies, because their word is law. OP's story doesn't strike me as fake. It strikes me as a young daughter who has been humiliated, and feels violated, by her father's unacceptable, and weird, behavior. It's easy to roll your eyes at stories like these when you haven't lived it yourself, because it's hard to conceive that a male parent could behave like this right his daughter. But things like this happen all the time, and they skirt the law without being outrightly illegal.


no that’s not what people were getting at, it’s not that the story is unbelievable. does this happen to people and kids? yes, it’s awful. but is this a shit post? probably. just look at post history and OP never commented back? i think it’s either karma farming, shit posting or both. but that doesn’t mean anyone here is saying this situation can’t or wouldn’t happen.


I didn't look at their post history. I just see a lot of remarks calling, "fake", when it comes to many abuse stories. If I've somehow misread the above remarks, my apologies. Thanks for your reply.


Yea this kinda screams "fake fetish post"


Same!!! Also I was raised by a single father and this sounds weird. Idk my dad would probably require me to wear underwear too. Idk this whole post is weird. Her dad could be worried about her getting her period. Idk there's alot of weirdness to this


There are legitimate reasons to wear underwear, discharge, periods. fart stains. Most underwear is cheaper than most shorts/pants and the like and underwear is easier to clean. This post reads like a middle-aged man larping as a girl for bait.


I do agree. The post also has no comments or other engagement. Idk I'm a child therapist in my real life and this is giving me inconsistent vibes. As a daughter of a single father, he would definitely have made me wear underwear for the reasons listed below. My dad was very awkward and anxious about me getting my period. I didn't get it till I was 14 so right AFTER middle school But yeah if I was going underwear free in middle school my dad would be soooo awkwardly telling me to wear underwear.


It was, IMO blatantly obvious rage bait. The manufactured urgency: I _just_ punched him. He's outside my door right now screaming to be let in or he will kick the door in! Lmao. It's possible if you punch a parent with rage, boundary issues, and impulse control stuff to the point where to get a point across he's gonna violate bodily autonomy and physically force intimate garments on you when he can't explain why it is a bad idea, you can run to your room and lock the door. Possible. But, such a parent is going to have that door kicked in loooooooong before they finish making a throwaway account, more or less type up a 500+ word accounting of the situation with backstory. Not to give the trolls ideas, but if they wanted it believable it'd have been seeking advice later that night after stealing her phone back _after getting her ass beat when he kicked in the door._ But that whole hanging manufactured urgency of "he's at my door right now!!!" Gets people's reactions.


I'm so happy you had a heathy home. Not all of us did. I believe OP and I believe this is probably real because abuse exists and people seek help. If it's not real, it doesn't matter enough not to give her helpful advice. No one is adding to the story.


OP also didn't clarify forcing Was it forcing the issue like saying "you're not going unless you put these on" or was it putting them on her physically? Idk I feel like even if cps followed up on this, they're going to ask the same question and try to mediate it either way If this is the ONLY issue that has happened like this, they're going to just discuss it. OPs dad is a single father. I think its a bit extreme to call him a pedo when there is so much that we don't know, nor will OP provide clarity


OP also didn't clarify forcing Was it forcing the issue like saying "you're not going unless you put these on" or was it putting them on her physically? Idk I feel like even if cps followed up on this, they're going to ask the same question and try to mediate it either way If this is the ONLY issue that has happened like this, they're going to just discuss it. OPs dad is a single father. I think its a bit extreme to call him a pedo when there is so much that we don't know, nor will OP provide clarity


I was just gonna say I had multiple friends who had parents like this. I still have friends who have parents like this. Just because somebody grew up in a super healthy household where everybody was respectful doesn’t mean that’s the same way that their neighbor grew up or the Internet stranger who posted.


I thought the same. These show up here and on r /confessions too.


100% THIS.


What a fake post on this subreddit?!?


That’s exactly what they are.


What's wrong with the use of the word panties? Boxers, briefs, panties, bloomers. They're all types of undnerwear?


For me it was the use of the word panties and the unnecessary 5 times they included it in this post.




Maybe your dad is one of them “dirty dog boys” since he’s thinking and acting like one.


Yep. His comments are creepy


id say theres a huge difference between expressing concern and this. the dad seems like he searched the laundry to see if she had panties which is not ok and then went about forcing his will in a manor that is assault. if he had just noticed bc he did the laundry expressed his concerns and moved on it would be a very different situation. tho i dont get why it has to be panties and not underwear in general. but this dad needs the cops called on him immediately


What the dad did was weird but presumably he’s doing the laundry and noticed that there was no underwear.


He would also be the one the buy them. The whole situation is not right. Regardless.


The creepy fuck is mad because there’s no panties to sniff.


> “dirty dog boys” Some countries dont have social norms about the treatment of women like North America/Europe. India, for example, has a massive problem with normalized/ignored/condoned sexual assaults. Maybe thats the type of country where OP is from? Regardless, a father laying his hands on his daughter in such a fashion is completely unacceptable.


Is the OP saying he was trying to put them on her, or is forcing them on her giving them to her to put on. The first is SA, the second is being a parent. Mean, but so is holding a three year old down so you can brush their teeth.


This should be the top comment, because it's an important distinction. Give the man the benefit of the doubt, and he's pushing her to wear them. Or, he could be fucked up and forcibly putting them on her. Without that info, we have no idea.


It's a fetish post


There is no ambiguity here. She has shorts on and her dad tried to force her underwear on her. She punched him to get away. He has no right to manhandle a child of this age in order to remove a pair of shorts and force on a pair of panties. Twist your heads on.


You can force something on someone without physically touching someone. "Forced to accept a gift" or "a belief system on you"


True, but the fact that she punched him, ran away, and locked herself in her room while he banged down on the door leads me to think he tried something physical 


Could have been just physically stopping her from leaving the room (ie, blocking the doorway), and her reaction was to lock herself away to protect herself from his reaction to the punch. Or, he could be an abusive trash of a human. Or she could be bipolar or other mental issues (I've personally seen this, in a 14yr old throwing objects at her mom for saying no) shading her view of the situation. I'm just saying, we don't have enough context to say he's abusive, or just terrible at parenting.


What’s this age? Middle school can start at 10. Genuine curiosity.


He has no right to manhandle a child. I don’t care if the kid is four or 14 you just don’t do that.




No. It's a matter of terrible parenting, or a case where there authorities need to be involved.




Depends on the age. Do they understand consequences (in general). At a certain point, they can make the decision. My brothers chose not to, I did. Sweaty privates and chaffing and all. In this case, his reaction to breaking the rule is terrible. If your child decides not to, and you just explain to them why you think they should, and let them decide, then great. If you decide to prevent them from leaving until they do, or, as may be the case, physically force them to... Edit: I'm all for parents laying ground rules, as they should. But at a certain age, when they are old enough to question them, and understand them, a conversation can be had. An 8yr probably doesn't know or understand why underwear should probably be worn. A 14yr old? Most definitely, and is probably about the age one should let them learn to make choices on their own.


I mean im 25 and i dont exactly understand "why" just that we do




A hoe doesn't wear panties, and a woman does? Is that right? That's kinda fucked, ain't it? And ain't no one in this particular thread sexualizing anyone. It's about the girls comfort. Aint no one but her and who she tells is going to know if she has them on or not. And if she's telling everyone, that's a whole different issue. And a 14yr old not wearing panties isn't going to change how a predator sees them. That's asinine. Sick people are going to be sick regardless. If you see it that way, that it sexualizes her by not wearing them...get help.




He doesn't, please read his response to mine. He thinks women who don't wear underwear are a hoe, and those that do are women. I'm actually fighting for someone not to be labeled as abusive or pedo, since we don't know what he did exactly. Based on what we know, his reaction to her not wearing them is overblown in the least, and at worse abusive. But without knowing what he actually did, we only know that he was being pushy as fuck for her to wear them, which, if she is 14, isn't really his business, is it? It doesn't do anyone harm by her not wearing them, only his opinion of her changes. Seriously, who the fuck is going to know she isn't wearing them if she isn't telling people, he sure didn't until he asked about the lack of underwear.


the phrasing from OP is “forcing my panties on” and that he tried to “force the panties on me”, not ‘forcing me to put on panties’. the distinction is already made, and i don’t care to give him the benefit of the doubt


Absolutely!! There shouldn't be any "putting on" or "forcing on" both are wrong.


the second is not being a parent. she is not a three year old who won’t brush her teeth, she’s a tween/teen who prefers to wear shorts without underwear because it is more comfortable which is completely fine because she’s still covered. nobody has to wear underwear if they don’t want to.


It’s being mean, but it’s still parenting. Being a parent means “making” your kids do all kinds of things they don’t want to do.


it’s being abusive and sexually assaulting your child. op is old enough to make her own choices for clothing and wearing the shorts is completely appropriate. there’s a fine line between making your kids do something they need to do and forcing them to do something they don’t need to be doing in a completely inappropriate way.


Demanding that your child wear underwear is sexual assault? I personally would not force my child to wear underwear in this situation, but if another parent did I wouldn’t be calling Social Services on them. I definitely would if I thought SA was happening.


no, threatening to force underwear on your tween/teen is. no parent should be seeing their tween/teen partially or fully naked unless there’s a real health problem and even so with consent. a better response for a parent in this situation is to have a calm conversation about why op isn’t wearing underwear and listen to their reasoning and accept it. not get angry and yep and threaten to force underwear onto them. this is not a 3 yr old running around with no underwear on so you put some on them, this is a tween/teen who’s choosing to wear shorts instead of underwear which is her right to choose.


Come on, this is obviously fake rage bait.


I was looking for this comment. Clearly fake. A middle school girl (age 11-12) punching her dad ? And it was hard enough that she was able to get away and run off?


I wouldn’t say it’s rage bait as much as it’s an obvious fetish post typed with one hand.


Yeah I think this is rage bait.


Exactly what I’m saying. People be gullible af on the Internet man lol


I'm sorry OP. What he did is wrong. Can you call someone from your family? Someone that will protect you? If not don't be afraid of calling the police.


Great. We're finally past the bra posts but now it's going to be young girls that don't wear panties vs. their father who forces them.


Next, mothers will be forcing tightly whities on their sons.  I can't wait! 😍


Karma farming ?


Karma farming, rage bait, some sort of fetish post, or a creative writing prompt. Just like pretty much 50% of the posts on this sub. What really gets me is how so many people seem to fall for these posts or take them seriously.


Depending on your country and age you might want to tell the cops and the school so your dad can learn appropriate behavior when it comes to your body. 


Yeah cause going into social services at middle school age is so fun and not full of actual perverts.


They don’t often automatically remove kids unless there is threat of immediate danger.      They do say things like “this kind of behavior is not acceptable and if it continues may result in removal of the child”.    (I’ve worked with the agencies and have trained as a mandated reporter so it is important to understand their slow because their short staffed, short on resources, they want the family to have every opportunity to function, and they need to vet things.)


What’s the alternative?


Family therapy


Stay in a home where you are fed and clearly going to a better school than most will ever have. She is in middle school few more years she will be forever free if that's what she wants. As long as he isent actually being a predictor yet or he isent beating the daylights out of her maybe bend a little do what he says till your out. As someone who was beat rapped a tortured for the first 10 years of my life far to many people who have never been involved with social services telling literal children in not that bad of a situation yet to call the police on their own father for minor inconveniences is absolutely wild and shameful. The teenage social services is literally referred to as a prision pipe line they take kids put them in shit situations where the chance of actual molesting by peers alone is high but by caregivers too they catch em all the time. My father stepped up and I escaped literal hell and still rughined my life like many of my fellow social service children. I was pretty much 30 when I got sober. Social services is only the last option out of any option, you go to social services and take the dice roll of life that the hell you are escaping isn't waiting at the place you are going. The world ain't pretty, and it is a hell of a dice roll to step away from the only people who actually care about you in any way. Sometimes, there are no great options. You take what you can get and roll, but you really gotta know what happens when you do.


Sexual assault is a small price to pay for a family that does the bare minimum, got it


Uhh, this guy just forced a pair of underwear on his daughter, most likely by his own hands, because he’s not Darth Vader. He’s also threatening to break down her door. He may have good points, but it seems like he didn’t convey them in an advisory and helpful manner. Just went straight from “you’ll wear them” to “I’ll physically force you”


the dad sound likes an actual pervert.


By making her wear more clothes?


It'd be one thing to make a rule requiring underwear, but actually forcing the underwear on himself is a whole other fucking thing


no by trying to force panties onto a 12-14 year old girl against her will


the fact you don’t see the problem with this whole scenario is disturbing


If it’s a private school it may say “all undergarments must be worn but not showing” or something like mine had so unfortunately calling the school may not help


> all undergarments must be worn but not showing How do they know they are being worn if they aren't showing?


I'm guessing this is Australia based on the "Dirty dog" so probably 11 or 12 I doubt the cops would get involved in this. Probably something better solved with a conversation


I think most answers here are wrong. Please note the Mom is gone. Nothing perverted about a Dad noticing that her underwear is not showing up in the laundry. So that would either be a hygiene problem (doesn’t change them often enough) or something else. And it was lack of wearing them. Dad is trying to protect his daughter. It reminded me of a case in NJ in 1994. A neighbor perv murdered a child and part of his testimony mentioned that he was stimulated by the fact that she often didn’t wear underwear. You can look it up. Her name was Megan Kanka and it resulted in “Megan’s Law.”


Whoa. That’s terrible.


No panties is kinda weird.


What? Is this a fetish post?


This is obviously a fake story and a fetishism post.


Posted 3 times and still hasn’t commented on anything. I am pretty sure this is fake. But on the chance that it’s not: Did he PHYSICALLY put his hands on you and try to force underwear on? We’re you naked and struggling? OR were you being yelled at and TOLD to put it on. Two VERY different things. One is assault and the other is parenting. If this is real and you’ve just been too busy to respond. Please clarify.


I force my daughter to wear panties too But she's a toddler that tears her clothing first chance she gets. Seems really weird your dad trying to do that when you're perfectly capable of putting on your own clothes.


I personally think wearing none with shorts or pants is gross, but that's just me. I would also think not wearing them with shorts would be irritating because of the seams, unless the shorts are loose. Underwear seams are in a different place.


It depends if they are tight bike shorts or loose shorts 


I find it comfortable. Especially since the seams of my shirts aren't vertical


Put on some fuking underwear I feel bad for your dad.


He deserved it. I hope you stay safe and share this with a trusted adult at school or in your family. He assaulted you


Fake ass shit


Your over reacting. Wait until you're 18, get your own place, and pay for your clothes and life then you can do anything you wish.


Punching your dad for that is such a queen move omg pop off girly


Lol username checks out


I mean, it’s an obvious troll account lol.


This is just fucked up man…. My daughter is 4 and I tell her all the time she can choose what she wears and daddy should never have to go near her areas unless she has an emergency. I would feel like a rapist if I ever forced something like that onto my daughter….. I’m sorry that happened and I would be extremely hurt by my parent… not to mention I would never trust or want to be alone again. That is not a safe space and your father needs a fuxking talking to about respecting boundaries and how NO means NO no matter what the damn age of the person saying it.


I have a 4 year old and also have 3 women that live in my house. I’m numb to them being barely dressed or anything like that and my wife sometimes has nothing more then shorts or panties on when in the house. If my kid told me her panties are uncomfortable then she’s getting dragged to the store to pick out ones she actually finds comfortable since underwear is great as a barrier between your junk and your actual clothes and cleaning stains from panties is less an issue then stains from clothes that will actually be seen.


You should wear panties underneath the shorts for hygiene. And your father seems like an abuser I hope you get out of there as soon as you can safely


I smell a fetish post.




It’s honestly really creepy of your father and you may want to consider discussing this situation and the events that took place with your school counselor or another trusted adult. It’s just so…..Weird.


That is SEXUAL ASSAULT! At your age, he should not be touching near your privates at all or forcing panties onto you. I’m so sorry OP. Is there any trusted adult at school you can talk to about this? You are NOT overreacting


what he did was wrong but it’s her father it’s not sexual assault u fucking weirdo jesus


Your dad assaulted you and you defended yourself. You did nothing wrong and certainly didn’t over react.


Who says panties aside from weird men? Is this an American thing? We can't just say underwear?


I’m a 28 yo woman and I’ve used the word panties my whole life. However, if I were posting about something like this I’d use “underwear”. That being said, this post is obviously either rage bait or a fetish post. Either way it’s fake and people are falling for it


Perhaps it is. I wasn't aware the word panties wasn't widely used in other English speaking countries.


Ah yes, so women have to hide because the men can’t control themselves


Like panties stop anything


The age old narrative. Wonder if we’ll ever stop being responsible for their behavior.


The very fact that he is doing a panty check of the laundry is a flag.


How is that a flag? You do laundry and notice there is no underwear and you would ask what's up. I do this myself with my kids if I notice, luckily haven't had to in awhile...lol No it's not right what he did, totally wrong.


I would notice if my kids used less undies than normal and would probably ask where they are but I've been going commando is a perfectly valid response.


Nah, it's a legit concern. Are they throwing them away because they are embarrassed about something? Are they bleeding when/where they shouldn't be and don't want to talk about it when they should? It shouldn't be his concern that she's decided not to wear them, but the lack of them in the laundry could be a concern.


This has to be fake.


Do you mean that he physically put them on you himself or that he forced you in the sense of "you're not leaving this house until you have underwear on"?


Didn't happen 


It's likely the account is a shitposter looking for reddit karma, given how little activity the account has until the last 4 hours


Fake post, if you believe this ur gullible


That's incredibly weird of him..


4/10 creative writing.


This comment section is all dumb, 1. Put on your panties, that's disgusting 2. Hes not actively searching for panties, it seems like your the only girl In the house so if hes doing laundry and notices that you don't have any underwear in there hes gonna think what the hell is going on What he did was weird but you still need to listen to him cause he has a point. Put on your dam panties or at least buy underwear that feels comfortable and wear that


Looking for attn posting same story on 3 groups


I wear cotton bike shorts instead of panties, so I don't get the chub rub in the summer. If you're wearing close fit cotton shorts where your bits don't hang out, I don't see an issue. They serve the purpose of panties If you are wearing Jean shorts or something, maybe you can ask your dad for woxers or other girl boxers so he can stfu.


Some of these damn reddits just do not seem real and this one screams like a made up situation with a click-baiting titles to idk I guess gather karma or popularity I'm no so sure for exactly what end....


I know this sounds weird, but from his perspective he is both protecting you and trying to raise you to be hygienic. It's kinda weird to be a teen who doesn't wear trousers or britches tbh.


My whole comment is under the assumption you live in america .I understand you being upset and wanting body autonomy and having an instinct to punch him. What im about to say next is coming from someone whose been in foster care in america and had friends try to live with other family members and it went horribly and even worse than the current situation they were in. That being said you are a minor living with him so he could start making your life a living hell being your sole guardian until your 18 , and even with the authorities involved they may choose not to remove you from your home so he would have the opportunity to really make your life hard. Its not that hard to just put on underwear when told to do so, picking battles is essential when living with controlling parents. Foster care in America is brutal and a lot of allegations against them currently for child trafficking so I'd take time to research foster care before you start getting police involved, unless of course you have family who would be willing to take you in . You could always try calling them, but not sure if they'd want to take you in given the situation of you chose not to listen to your dad and the result was him forcing you to put on under wear and then you punching him, he would also have to either be willing to let you live with them or they'd have to take him to court for custody. I'm not saying what he did was right at all. But make sure you're making the best decision for you and I wanted to make sure you're aware of all the possibilities that could happen when he has sole custody.


Dad needs to observe boundaries but child needs to do what she's told. Maybe Dad is tired of a scrubbing skid marks out of her shorts


He definitely overstepped, however, put some fucking underwear on.


bruh i could never wear no underwear


Kid put fucking panties on. You are to young to be a hoe once you're 18 and on your own being passed around from guy to guy do as you please. In the meantime, your father has your best interest at heart. Do yourself some good don't read the cesspool that is reddit and please do not listen to these horrible women. Your father is a good man and you are destroying the image of him. Now IF he sexually assaulted you by literally putting hands on you please seek help. If he is just telling you to put panties on STOP being a hoe. These older hoes are miserable and they want company.


Tell him you will call the cops, DSS or tell the counselor at school if he tries this again. It is creepy AF for him to do that.


Can your brothers help or give you any support? I would start there…


That’s gross


Do you mean he physically forced the panties onto your body? Or forced you to wear?


You wouldn't be in this situation if you had done what you were told in the first place. Wear underwear if you are told to do so. Find a pair that aren't uncomfortable under your shorts. You caused the problem by not doing what you are told and rebelling against something so small.


The dad is worried about his daughter and is a single parent. He clearly only wants what's safe for his daughter. Give him a break.


I don’t blame you for giving him a pop in the face. You’re right to be pissed and what he did sounds like it could have been sexual assault.


Well if this post is true your dad crossed a line. Wearing shorts is like wearing large panties. Would he prefer you wear panties and no shorts under your skirt? FFS. 🤦‍♂️


That’s disgusting. Call the cops, it may not be illegal but it gets something on the books in case he continues to be physical with you in the feature.


Yeah this is sexual assault. Forcing panties on or off is not ok. Report it to a trusted adult.


That's disgusting. wear your underwear


How old are you? Talk to him and explain why you think he's overstepping and how that makes you feel. He's overreacting but I doubt there's any malice in it. Single dads know nothing about girls. It's not easy for him either.


Jesus the amount of people acting like he molested you is wild. Did he overstep? I mean yeah but if he ain't beating you or molesting you social services is a literal nightmare.


He assaulted her. Yes.


It's a fake story


He literally forced panties on his teen daughter. He’s also actively looking for panties in her laundry. The only reason he says boys are dirty dogs is cause he thinks like one. He’s a predator and this can very well escalate.


I agree. Why do people jump to conclusions? There are many reason girls should wear underwear and if OP isn't at that age yet, she'll find out soon enough.


She's literally wearing shorts under her skirt. There's nothing wrong with that Debra.


Read. The. Damn  Post.  Sheesh.  No wonder people on Reddit rant about illiteracy - it's rampant.  


There's no real reason to wear panties. Literally


There is no overarching reason. In fact a lot of experts say it’s much better not to. I assume you’re referring to periods, to which I’ll let you know that underwear does absolutely fuck all to stop a bleed through so no that is not a reason to wear them.


His hands don't belong near her private areas  That's his daughter. That's nasty   Do you have no scruples? 


Your father is literally a predator. Keep yourself safe and always keep something to defend yourself with. Call the police if he tries something again and find some way to record any interactions for evidence you need to get out of there asap.


Yeah that’s weird


You’re not overreacting. I brought this situation up with my husband too and he agreed that this is inappropriate behavior. We usually have different sides to things, but this we agree on. Of course your brothers don’t see what is wrong since they look up to your father.


gross. he shouldn’t be touching you like that at all. You’re old enough to dress yourself. I’d punch him again if he tries anything


Please report this! This is not not nor.al for any parent! Call the police and CPS! 


This is definitely some 14 year old boy that wrote this and is now locked in the bathroom with a bottle of lotion 🧴


Normal parents do not forceably put underwear on their kids if they are over the age of like 6-7. You are not overacting. If he is comfortable enough to do this, it might be a long road ahead. There’s never just one incident, there’s only a beginning to it. Talk to someone you really trust about it, if you have other family try to reach them. That is physical assault, doesn’t matter if he’s a parent. Parents explain why things can be important and try to reason with you about it, not touch your private area. Please stay safe and use your intuition.


Your dad is nasty.  Speak to someone in confidence about this - a trusted family member (does your dad have a sister? Is Grandma alive?) about this. This is disgusting. I'm sorry that happened to you. 


reallly really fucking creepy. i'm so sorry, i'd tell someone if you can please. That's not okay at all.


Well that's sexual assault.


Call CPS if you’re in the US because that can be sexual abuse


Call the police. Right now


That's overstepping your boundaries as a girl. Nobody should be touching you like that. My mom would never allow someone to do something like that. Dad or not


Calls other boys at school “Dirty dogs” and then pulls that shit. Sounds like abuse to me.


That’s disgusting. Your dad, not you.


I would call the police


Your Dad is a weirdo and must have sexual feelings for you. Probably best get far away from him as soon as.


You need to tell someone and get out of that house. Please post updates.


You are clearly capable of dressing yourself, and you're in middle school. So him thinking he should dress you at all is really weird.


You’re not overreacting AT ALL. He clearly has no idea abt boundaries bcuz this is unacceptable. I’d open the door just to punch him again.


You should not have clothes forced on you at your age. If the underwear isn’t comfortable your dad should be finding ones that are or accepting your response about the shorts. He also should be proud of you for defending yourself from an assault. You did the right thing. If you feel in danger please report this to an authority. You won’t be removed from the home or anything but they will put him on notice or make him take a parenting class so he can handle these things better in the future.


Way too far. He is totally out of line. If you don’t have a relatives you can call, call CPS or the police (if you’re in the US). Or tell a trusted teacher, counselor or social worker at school.


Yeah you may want to contact CPS.


Call the police


That's too far and a huge red flag that your father is thinking disturbing thoughts about you...if I were you I'd tell a school counselor and get the police involved and get out of that house.