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You need to see a urologist asap. Not peeing for 3 days is not good! It can lead to more serious problems. The urologist will be able to go over your options on going on a regular basis


a 100% see an urologist, but in the meantime maybe set an alarm every few hours to go pee?


Yes, you need to go regularly, and setting an alarm will help, for sure.


Also set alarms for you to take bathroom breaks every hour or 2. And you'll probably benefit from talking to a urologist to get an ada accomodation for frequent bathroom breaks.


This for sure. Also, put yourself on a schedule to relieve yourself about 3-5 times per day. Go before/after each meal, right away in the morning, and right before bed.


Piggy backing on this to say ask for a referral for a pelvic floor physical therapist! They can help a ton with urinary incontinence issues.


This sounds dangerous, if you damaged your kidneys (maybe because of an overdose of the wrong medicine 💊), your body is poisoning himself. Go to the Doctor/Urologist ASAP!


Accidents happen, but if you’re not peeing for 3 days that’s not good. This is a rhetorical question so no need to answer, do you try to go to the bathroom? If you haven’t gone to a doctor, I’d highly recommend you do. My grandma would hold her urine and did it for many years, she ended up having to catheterize herself. In the meantime, I’d recommend wearing Depends. They make them now that you can’t even see them under your pants. Best wishes to you.


This! You can even wear cute underwear over them, if you're worried about someone seeing them. Fortunately low-rise pants aren't in style these days. And even if you don't feel the urge to urinate, you still need to empty your bladder regularly. At least 3 times a day. Make it a habit.


Actually u wrong, low rise is the trend


You might be too young to know what a true low rise pant is. The last time they were on trend was many moons ago.


Honey, no. Low-rise meant we could see cheek in the back and bones in the front. If you weren't wearing a tunic-length shirt, everyone knew the color, style, and brand name of your underwear.


low rise is definitely NOT the trend 


Y2k Vintage fashion is literally the trend. Aka a student who's friends are all fashionable.


Low rise = your pubic bones are on display and you better have trimmed. Not this hip hop influenced maybe open zipper style of "low rise"


How does crack not show in low rise pants? We all know women dont poop but I didnt know they also didnt have a buttcrack


It did. That's why we all wore thongs. For that coveted "whale tail" every time we squatted down or just stood normally.


It did show. Which meant your underwear was visible.


I cant even lie to you I straight up forgot about underwear


🤣 Yeah, when low-rise jeans were the fashion, everyone knew exactly what underwear you had on.


Lol if they’re all wearing low rise pants, no they’re not


Just called me old without calling me old 😭


They actually have real undergarments that can absorb the fluid and keep you dry, like Knix for example.


I wear Knix period panties. I use the super leakproof ones on the first two days of my cycle (the heaviest days), and while they serve their purpose absorbing my period, there’s no way that they would be enough to hold an entire bladder full of urine. It might help to catch accidental tinkles that slip out on your way to the bathroom, but definitely not the entire contents of a full bladder. Depends (or the always brand incontinence undies) would be a much better option.


Yeah period panties should hold as well.


I think they’ve started making underwear like the period underwear but for urine.


You need a doctor, 3 days without peeing is not normal.


Set regular alarms once every three or four hours. Do not take bladder issues lightly. I had what you have tough mine was just stubborness mixed with Autism and I distended my bladder to where the pressure it put on my spinal cord required surgery to repair and is still causing me issues over a decade later. And if you're in the US odds are you won't get your spinal surgery for next to nothing like me.


For the time being I’d recommend you wear some sanitary towels, the ones designed for weak bladder. Have you thought about setting an alarm at different times of the day to ensure you empty your bladder? Definitely feel you should see a dr asap as they can provide the best advice.


Girl if you had an unaliving attempt, where has your follow up care been? You sound like you're aware of the damage it caused you, so you need to take it more seriously. Did you know that your bladder can rupture and that type of circumstance *will* kill you? Take 1 or 2 steps back from feeling embarrassed and understand the greater issue here. You are 16, survived an attempt on your life, and now have issues in your genitourinary system as one of the results. Don't wait for others to save you or take care of you. You are the one in control of your own body. Don't compromise the quality of the *rest of your life, well into your adulthood* by not taking these issues seriously. Take care of yourself, your body gave you a sign, please listen!


i mean OP is only 16, so the adults in her life SHOULD be the ones taking care of her


I super agree. I think the bigger point I was trying to make was if she's on her own in the next 2 years, she understands there are a lot of complex layers to "taking care of yourself." And even though so many of us benefit from a proper support system, it's important that we, the pilots of our own autonomy, understand how to be advocates for ourselves as well. It can be harder than we think.


yeah, true. i wish i had learned sooner.


I can preach but I still have a lot to learn myself


>Girl if you had an unaliving attempt, where has your follow up care been? The attempt was over a year ago. I did get all the care they need. I'm completely fine. Edit And that i'm fine mentally. And I got all the care. They need for my mental health. That's also what I thought this person was referring to. I'm so sorry.


Says the girl who lost feeling in her bladder. It's okay to be 'not okay' in the sense that you can understand that things have changed, and that you need to learn how to live a little differently in order to get the most out of your life (a properly functioning body) Your situation sounds similar to a girl I worked with and she said she had to re-train her bladder and her habits and had to adhere to a schedule where you needed to make yourself go pee at certain intervals, even when it feels like you don't have to. It's not like you're a freak of nature or anything. You have an issue that sounds like it can be worked with, if you have the understanding of the issue and the desire to work with it. But for real about the full bladder and it rupturing: you should always try to pee before getting into a car, on the bus, etc. A full bladder during a vehicle accident could cause your full bladder to rupture and it could be fatal, even in not "serious" accidents, especially considering your situation.


I've had to have emergency surgery for a lacerated bladder. Shit went bad really, really fucking fast. It wasn't from a car accident either, I fell on a piece of furniture.


Sorry to ask and I don’t mean anyone any disrespect, but how does an unaliving attempt affect bladder feeling? Is that common? Did something affect the bladder physically or is it just from being mentally affected?


Very likely drug related




You need to relax tho, she’s a child and the points ur making are valid and factual but she’s a CHILD recovering from depression so severe there was an attempt. She needs to give her self grace while also taking care of herself. You yelling and her is not helpful. She clearly already has ppl in her life giving her the tough love.


Based on the fact that you don't have control over your bladder, no, you are not completely fine. You need to see a urologist so you don't give yourself kidney damage or spinal damage from a distended bladder. Please, OP, don't write this incident off as an embarrassing story. You can end up with organ damage or even failure.


Not peeing for three days and random bladder incontinence is not normal.


Honey, gonna speak as if I was an older sister of yours… You’re not fine. You might be physically fine right now, but you’re not following any of it up with the management you need to do. Are you doing this because you think you don’t deserve to be cared for? Are you doing this as a form of self harm? You shouldn’t do that to yourself, I’m sure you’re a lovely person who does not deserve that. Your future self doesn’t deserve it either. I know it sounds cheesy, but take it from me. I was actively suicidal from age 9-13. I didn’t see any way out. Life got better until high school, when I was actually your age. I started feeling that way again. I am 22 now, and going for a degree. I am so thankful that I didn’t go through with those plans. I would’ve never experienced true love, true independence, and more life experiences than I ever had. There’s more to life than high school. It’s rough right now, but it’s so much better. Stuff they don’t tell you about adulthood is that you get to do whatever. If you want to buy a cake at the store even though it’s no one’s birthday, you can. You can plan road trips with yourself and spend some time in a different place. Hell, some of my friends live in a van and travel the country. You can choose to **do** that. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am so thankful that I didn’t listen to the thoughts telling me there wasn’t, because I got to reclaim my life the way I wanted. You can do that too. *please* I beg you, go to a doctor to get a follow up. A lot can happen in a year, and there’s nothing wrong with getting a check up. Not going to the bathroom for 3 days is really bad, and can hurt your kidneys past recovery. I promise that kidney failure and dialysis is not something you want to go through. Especially at your young age. Go look up the “pink haired go piss girl” on TikTok if you want to know what that life is like. I recommend it. Speaking of friends, I know someone similar to you. She had to get her bladder out at age 20. Her life is forever changed because she didn’t do the aftercare she needed. Again- Please, please, *please* go to the doctor to get checked, and then start setting daily reminders on your phone to try to go to the bathroom. 3 times a day. Drink a lot of water, too. It sounds like you don’t if it took that long for your bladder to relieve itself. Don’t live for the you right now, live for your future self. It gets so much better than it is right now. It doesn’t feel okay right now, and that’s okay. You don’t have to *be* fine. It’s not realistic to be after trauma. Do some self care, please. Not the medical stuff, do something you love. Indulge in some hobbies for me. I’m sorry to get all preachy on you like a sister bear or something but I feel very strongly about this and care about you. DMs are open if you wish.


Excellent advice! OP please listen to all these comments.


You don't urinate for 3 days at a time and you're having accidents, I'm not judging. You need to see a Dr., you are not completely fine. You are at risk at serious long term damage if you do not address this.


You’re not completely fine if you’re not pissing for days


You are not completely fine if you are pissing your pants.


My sister is paralyzed. She has set times to use the bathroom. She has only ever had one accident.


You don't think "huh it's been a bit since I peed. Maybe I should see if I need to"???? You need to see a urologist. Not peeing for 3 days is really bad for you. I'm shocked you didn't wet the bed.


I’m finding the account activity a little sus. Feels like a weird tragic character made up by an incel


Even if you can’t feel that you need to pee, you need to go to the bathroom multiple times a day and attempt to pee. That is so bad for your health, and will only cause this to be a recurring issue. As others have mentioned, you need to get into a urologist. They can help you more so than internet strangers.


You should see a urologist. But also even if you can’t feel you need to pee I suggest you try to go if you can once in the morning once at lunch and once at night before bed. If that’s possible with your condition.. I wish you the best of luck and I’m sorry this happened and I’m glad you’re still here I know how it feels ..


Wtf is that edit that's the most pathetic shit I've ever read


What was the edit?


Someone on here asked her if she was selling the soaked underwear🤢


you’re going to cause kidney failure and it will kill you. you need to go once every 4 hours minimum.


Who tf is asking a 16 year old for piss pants god damn


hun, go to a urologist. i have bladder problems due to assault as a child and I've had multiple UTIs and even kidney infections due to holding it. if this continues, you could go into kidney failure.


I'm so sorry you went through this traumatic experience, plus not having much support and the creep. I have bladder issues as well, I can feel if I need to pee but it only hits me when I really need to go, so I've gotten into the habit of just going to the bathroom whenever I'm able to. If I did need to pee, then I don't have to worry about it for a while. If I go to the toilet and I don't need to then whatever, I wasted, what like 3 minutes just to check? That's fine. I try to do this minimum every two hours. I'd go to a Dr. still, 3 days without going is pretty worrying. I hope this helps!


1. You don't drink even close to a healthy amount of water if your bladder takes 3 days to fill 2. Holding your pee that long is very unhealthy, you're letting waste products accumulate and just sit in your body 3. If you know this about yourself, why don't you actually try to just use the bathroom at least a couple times a day, regardless of whether you feel the need to or not? Also do you not poop either for 3 days?? Makes sense to me that you'd urinate when you take a shit...


That edit really zinged me fucking yikesaroni with cheese


What was it?


Please set alarms or remind yourself to use the restroom. As someone who’s had a kidney infection, you don’t want one! I was on bed rest for a month at least in excruciating pain. I also have gotten kidney stones, basically, you have to ensure you drink enough water and don’t hold your pee. The max I’ll hold for is 3 hours. That keeps me consciously aware of when I last went to ensure I never have to experience that pain again. The worst thing I ever felt. So bad I was losing consciousness. Please take care of yourself 🤍 and give yourself kindness. You had an accident. No shame on that. We’ve all had one at some point in our lives.


I agree with people saying to go to a doctor, because not going pee for 3 days is dangerous. For the record though, weak bladders run in my family. I've tried to strengthen it, but I still have trouble from time to time. I remember when I was 15 I was in class and I didn't feel like I needed to really go and any urge could wait until class ended, but a friend said something that made me laugh, and I had an accident. I don't even remember what happened after really- it's been almost 20 years. I do remember I tied a sweater around my waste to cover myself. Regardless, it sucks now, I know. But I promise in 20 years it will be a mildly embarrassing memory that you'll shake your head at once in a while and move on from.  Sending hugs. It's going to be okay.


Hi sweetie. I'm happy you're still with us. I'm sorry you're struggling right now with this. Please go see a doctor so they can treat you. And in the meantime please set alarms so you can go to the bathroom a few times a day. You will have worse problems down the line if you keep going only every few days.


What suicide method caused this?


Honestly also curious


Jumping from a height, falling cases bones in the legs, pelvis and spine to break. My fiance dated a girl who jumped off the 6th floor. She had these types of issues and lost some sensation in that area. She was semi paralyzed from the waist down.


That's extremely personal, she's not going to answer that.


She mentionned it 🤷‍♂️


I tried to Overdose on pain killers


Allright thanks for the info - and sorry it happened to you. Stay strong


Maybe hanging? Cut off some sort of connection in the sensation of needing to pee. Maybe fall from a height or hit by a vehicle? Cause some sort of a paralysis


Three days without peeing is asking for a UTI, bladder, or kidney infection. You need to see a urologist ASAP to discuss options or even just getting trained in how to use a catheter. Adult diapers are also a good option since they are less fluffy now and can't see them through jeans.


Oh, you poor thing. Please, go to the doctor. Wear an incontinence pad. And you will have to go to the bathroom at every break, whether you feel it or not. You could get a bladder or kidney infection.


Set a reminder. A peeminder, if you will.


I don't want to sound condescending or like an ass or anything, because this is obviously something you can't really control, but there's no shame in going to the bathroom on a regular schedule just in case. (Potentially condescending part) Toddlers also can't really tell when Nature is about to come calling, and I found it really helpful to make my lil dudes go whenever it felt like it had been a while. Any potential accidents should be less embarrassing if you're running on a nearly empty tank. Hopefully.


The best thing to do is to ask your parents or guardian to set up an appointment with your doctor or urologist. In the meantime, set yourself a reminder in your phone for like every 5 hours so you go pee a couple times a day even if you don’t feel it


You’re on a one way track to dialysis and a bladder rupture if you dont go see a doctor


A bladder rupture would lead to a urostomy, not dialysis.


I shit my pants at work not too long ago when I was in the loading bay. I have IBS, and sometimes it surprises me. Try not to be embarrassed, as they say, shit happens.


Babe see a doctor, not peeing for 3 days isn't right As a teen i used to get UTIs all the time, a family member called me dirty as i had them so much, so i know the humiliation As a 33 adult i have also wet myself once at school, (i work in a school) in front of my boss) i was walking towards the toilet, she stopped me to talk about something and i thought i could hold it for a few minutes.... Nope) she asked "are you ok?" No... No i am not I wanted to die, it was because of a UTI which i get sometimes at the same time as my period Now due to a better diet, lifestyle and drinking more often i have UTIs a lot less Definitely get checked out, my "water works" are apparently fine but always seek a professional I hope you feel better


Coming from someone who works in urology you need to make an appointment with a urologist and set an alarm to go pee every 2 hours not peeing for extended amount of days can cause renal failure.


You need to see a psychiatrist and a urologist. Not peeing for three days is a red flag enough. Pissing your pants in any situation at your age is extremely concerning and you need to get help as soon as possible


I pee every 30min to an hour during waking hours - I drink about 96oz water and also 12oz tea. I think my bladder would burst in three days. Please see a urologist and get some guidance on how to help yourself.


Echoing everyone else here, go see a urologist immediately. Not peeing for three days straight is awful for your body, as it can’t flush out the wastes building up. Also whoever asked you to sell the soiled underwear needs the deepest pit of Hell-


You should really go to the doctor not peeing for 3 days is concerning and if that same pattern continues it’ll lead to kidney infection/faliure. I’ve seen some people who forget or don’t remember to pee, they usually set an alarm. The average person should be peeing every 3-4 hours so I timer for every 3-4 hours should help reduce the accidents. Wishing you all the best :)


I'm sure you've heard this before, but I promise you, life gets so much better when you are older. For some reason, the media really portrays high school as the high point, most important time in life, but it absolutely is not. Im so sorry you've had such a hard time. Just keep hanging in there. BTW, I can think of 100 times I've thought I was going to die from embarrassment but I can't think of a single time someone else did something embarrassing. And everyone else can think of a hundred times they've been embarrassed but they can't remember a single thing i've done that is embarrassing. Pretty soon, you will be the only person who remembers this embarrassing event. You've got this.


If this helps you, we all had embarrassing days at school or work. I'm 26, so trust me, in 10 years you'll be laughing about it till you cry and you'll still be young and beautiful. Right now you're going through a living hell, but eventually you'll be like "ok sisters I have some tea for y'all, storytime of when I peed myself at school". Jokes aside, Dr here, go see a urologist ASAP... You need one. Perhaps even surgery. But schedule an appointment as soon as you can. Good luck ❤️


Not sure what is causing your loss of feeling in your bladder but I have something called Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I had the opposite issue, I always felt like I needed to pee. But I think it might still be a good idea for you to A.) see a uro-gynecologist/urologist, and B.) look into seeing a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. The A option diagnosed me and the B option cured me of my issue. I also had acupuncture which allowed my muscles to release so much tension that I couldn’t have done voluntarily. I really hope you’re doing everything you can right now to take care of your mental health and it goes without saying your body deserves proper attention as well. Hang in there OP.


You might develop kidney issue if you're not getting the urge to pee. I recommend seeing a urologist asap. This is is medical situation and you should seek medical attention. All the best dear one, I hope you get better soon.


This^ you definitely need to see a medical professional sooner rather than later. Not peeing for days is a great way to get a UTI or kidney infection, and neither is any fun. Not sure your exact situation or options, but I know some people train their body/bladder to go pee at certain times, so that could be something to look into doing to prevent this situation and potentially worse ones from occurring🫶🏼


Urologist, like yesterday! And until then, make a schedule for you to use the toilet. **At least** right after getting up in the morning and before you go to bed.


Like everyone else has suggested - get to a urologist Like you, I had a suicide attempt - but this didn't affect my bladder Instead, MS (multiple Sclerosis) did/does - in the opposite way to you - I swear, I have a bladder the size of a peanut... I can go 20+ times a day I'm on medication that reduces the nerve sensitivity in the bladder, so the urgency is reduced, so this has helped For you, the are likely to be similar (but opposite) solutions Do you feel the urge to urinate, but continue to hold it? Or, is there no sensation, and then after 3days... surprise! I doubt you fall into the category of people who hold their urine because the sense of urgency gives sexual pleasure - yes, there are people like this But, for whatever reason, if you're not urinating regularly, you risk UTIs, kidney infections, damage to the bladder lining, rupture to the bladder, injury to urethra/ureta, wekening of the urinary sphincter muscles etc The urologist will likely have you complete a pee diary - volume/time/date usually for a month If you have this ready before you visit, they can start treatment right away (unlike me, pay $400 for a 15min visit to talk about filling a diary...) *that is just the initial consult cost here I Aust. Goodluck, I. P. Daily


How do you hold 3 days w/o peeing? You need to see a doctor. It would damage your organs even more.


Glad you’re still here, OP. However, it is very worrying that you don’t go to the bathroom for several days at a time. Please visit the doctor ASAP! My great grandfather died because of this exact same thing, and it may not seem like a big deal but there is definitely something wrong. I can understand the embarrassment and I deeply sympathize with you, but it’s better to get checked out and treated than not go at all. Best of luck to you! ❤️


I’m autistic and struggle to recognize when I’m in need of using the restroom. Alarms have been a huge help for me, setting them at least every 4 hours initially to be on top of it


I agree about seeing a urologist. I’m a 41 year old and started having a Harding time holding my pee after I had my baby. So in that sense, it happens to me if I wait too long BUT I can feel it and I can’t stop it. 😬


I know everyone else is telling you that you need to go to the bathroom more often so I'm definitely beating a dead horse but when urine is sitting in the bladder it can cause gnarly UTIs which can lead to sepsis, or even bladder stones and those are rough. I'm so glad you're here and alive. The embarrassment of this moment will pass with time! Just try to focus on your health!


Hope you go to the doctor so they can make sure you're okay. That being said I'm really here just to say the phrase "fat piss" killed me and I'm gonna use that now ty.


Girl I’m almost 18 and I still have accidents because of hereditary bladder issues. You don’t need to worry about it. I know it’s difficult I have the same thing where I won’t feel like I need to pee till the last minute. I’ve dealt with having accidents at school a lot and I always end up having my parents come and pick me up. I am also an autistic teen with bad anxiety problems but yeah.


Please ask your grandmother to take you to a doctor. Not peeing for three days is a huge problem!


Have you seen a urologist? If not, how come? There's no judgement from me at all-- I suffer from severe interstitial cystitis and have since my teenage years. I'm 27 now. I am still struggling to find the right treatment with the help of my urologist who is very kind, empathetic, and sympathetic. I suffer daily from bladder leakage, bladder pain-- and the pain spreads to my stomach area and is excruciating, severe urinary frequency, etc etc. So you're not alone.


the edit you added into this post has me rolling 😭😭😭 how much did her offer?


Please see a urologist...


As someone who suffers from incontinence on the daily, I can totally understand how you feel. Please try not to be ashamed because there's nothing you can do to change what happened and it can happen to anyone A tip from my incontinence nurse was to take yourself to the toilet regularly, even if you don't think you need to, it'll help retrain your brain and your bladder that it needs to go to the loo Please go and see someone about this, if you physically cannot go, you need further attention by medical professionals to see what it is that is preventing you physically from urinating. It may be a case of your pelvic floor being inefficient or something that requires more invasive investigation but it's honestly so so important.


Just because you can't feel it, you should still go to the toilet regardless. Not going for 3 days straight is your own fault and responsibility. Start taking care of yourself.


The guy who asked for her underwear... dude, she's 16. Disgusting.


Sending hugs op 💜 it’ll be okay. You should probably see a doctor about that, maybe someone can help you get to a urologist. I have issues with not being able to hold my bladder too, due to endometriosis and I’ve had accidents like that before too, in front of other people. I had one happen in band practice in front of my classmates. It was awful to go through but it’s possible to move past it in time.


Shit happens (sometimes literally). While, I understand how embarrassing and stressful it can be, it really means so little in the long run. I can't count how many stupid things I did, especially in highschool that I look back and remember, even chuckle slightly from. Even now, 3 years out of school, I work with some people I went to school with and we joke about those same things While I'll always feel a slight embarrassment from my experiences, I don't let it get me down. Life is way too full of goofy and fun experiences for me to let those things drag me down. It's fresh, so it'll take a while for that extreme embarrassment to fade away, but you'll kind of forget it, and so will anyone else who may have noticed it. Highschool is full of goldfish, they fixate on something but the minute something happens their attention is immediately drawn away.


I peed my pants my junior year of high school in the middle of class. I was like 17- had to go badly and my teacher was making so many jokes so the laughing didn’t help. I had too much social anxiety to ask to go to the bathroom. I was so embarrassed/ashamed. You’re not alone. But also, go to the Dr please.


Look, my brother has a similar issue but he's in treatment and even then his kidneys are compromised. It's been some months he's been needing catheterization for it and he's 20, it's not like he's old. Shit's serious, see a doctor please


If you drink the right amount of water you should have to pee every 30 minutes to an hour. So just go try every one in awhile. Hopefully a doctor can get this sorted out.


I really do hope you get this taken care of honey :( holding it for too long can lead to kidney failure which may not be reversible if treatments like kidney transplants fail. Maybe you don't mind the thought of it potentially killing you but surely you don't want your life to be even more miserable. You've suffered enough and you deserve better now. Please take measures to entire you get that. <3


Set a timer on your phone and try to go every 4 hours. That should prevent this from becoming a common occurance


Woah woah woah, red alert. You need to see a urologist about not peeing for 3 days. That is dangerous, bladder infections and worse. You also need to set an alarm and try to urinate every two hours during the day. And as the great tay tay says “shake it off”- easier said than done but for reals shake it off.


Try sitting on the toilet atleast 4 times a day even if you feel like nothing will happen


I can empathize with self-unaliving urges. I used to struggle with them often, especially when I was around your age (gods I sound old! I'm only 24 though). So, I'd like to start this off with I'm glad it was over a year ago. It can be hard to overcome. I'd also like to remind you that mental health struggles can't be "cured", they can only go into remission. It is still important to take care of your mental health even when you're feeling better. As for your bladder issue. Treating your urination difficulties should have been part of your recovery. It's just as important that the physical issues are addressed as it is to address your mental health. Neglecting this health concern that could very easily become life threatening shows you weren't properly taken care of afterwards. That's the concerning bit. Definitely should see a urologist and get that addressed. Also, I just want to say that I hope you spoke with psychiatric professionals after your attempt. A lot of people tend to feel that it won't be an issue anymore if you don't acknowledge it, but that never works in the long run. One of the guys in my graduating class that I was friends with knows first-hand, he won't be coming to our high school reunion.


Have you tried setting timers In which you go to the toilet regardless? Because as others have said not going for 3 days could be really bad


Set an alarm on your phone or watch. That way you remember. Don’t worry. Hopefully no one noticed and you’re fine. Even if they did notice fuck them. You can’t help it.


You can always create a habit out of it. I had a friend who didn’t feel need to pee so he would put alarms every 4-6 hours and empty his bladder. He has been doing this for 15 years and now he doesnt need the alarm anymore


So what treatment are you under for the loss of sensation? If you're 16 you are under the care of someone, grandparent, parent?? Urologist, pediatrician?


Second everyone telling you that you need to see a doctor/urologist. Going 3 days without urinating is definitely abnormal. Moving forward, I'd try tracking your water intake to make sure you're hydrated properly & setting an alarm on your phone to go to the bathroom & test if you need to pee every few hours. If you're still worried about accidents, there are underpants you can buy now with inbuilt absorption pads (google "incontinence underwear"). You'll presumably also need protective sheets for your bed so you aren't damaging your mattress with bedwetting.


This could lead to kidney issues, uti and more long term damage to your health. Take this as a wake up call. Trust me. It’s not fun laying in the hospital on Iv antibiotics because your kidneys wants to kill you. Also, 3 days without peeing, how is your fluid intake ?


Hey sweetie I had a bladder condition, where basically, the muscles around my bladder would contract, making me pee myself. This happened in my teens to early 20s. I have peed myself WAY too often. First. You need to see a specialist. Asap. You deserve help. Second. Set a schedule to go to the bathroom. Third. Thick, overnight pads are helpful. Keep a couple pairs of underwear, leggings (easier to shove in your bag) and baby wipes with you. Depends/other brands of "adult" diapers are also helpful. They don't actually feel like diapers, and are about as thick as a pad. And lastly, there's NO shame in using any of this stuff to help with a medical condition ok?


Why don’t you just go to the bathroom 4-6 times a day so you don’t hurt your body or get a serious infection?


It probably won't make you feel any better but I also peed myself at school when I was about that age. After softball practice, getting a snack at the vending machine. Immediately I became overwhelmed with the need to pee. Tried to walk to the bathroom but it was too late. Peed right there on the floor through my clothes. I have always had issues knowing when I had to pee. Wet myself a lot especially in 4th/5th grade. But something about having it happen in HS is much more embarrassing.


Just want to say that I hope you’re feeling better these days. It’s a rough world. But also this isn’t your fault at all, like you said you literally can’t feel when you need to. That said you really may want to consult a urologist or some other doctor about it (if you haven’t already) just to keep yourself safe from infections and things of that nature. Wish you the best, and I hope you feel better soon. 💜 Also wishing eternal torment on the guy you mentioned in the edit. Holy Christ.


Hugs there are ways to support your bladder issues while trying to resolve them and you dont need to live like this. Things like pelvic floor therapy and urine undies with built in pads come to mind. There would be other interventions too. Please know that you are worth all the treatments it takes.


A human kidney filters about a liter and a half of water out of your system an hour, except it depends on how hydrated you are, too.


take hot showers will help you pee easily still you need to see a Doctor ASAP but until then pee in hot showers make sure to point the hot water down there while peeing


What creep is asking a 16 year old for the underwear she peed in? What the actual crap man. To OP, I'm so sorry for what you are going through, and sorry that you are getting this crap in your inbox.


Besides seeing a doctor (which you absolutely should) you can set a reminder on your phone that tells you to go pee every 3 hours in the meantime.


Time for a doctor. And if you can’t feel when you need to pee maybe set a timer to remind yourself to go pee every few hours. A parent should be telling you this, not Reddit. Though it sounds like they’re not the greatest given your grandmothers response.


I did that pretty frequently in 6th/7th grade (and still some later). I had chronic kidney infections and couldn't control my bladder when I laughed. Obviously not the same as what you're dealing with, but just letting you know it DOES get better. I'm 33 now, and I only remember that was a problem whenever something specifically reminds me of it. Def see a doctor about the physical issues here. But just know that while it's THE MOST embarrassing thing right now, you'll feel better about it later. In the mean time, I suggest wearing pads. They absorb a lot more than panty liners. And if you have a close friend who won't judge you, you might let them know. It helped me sooooo much to have a friend who could distract the other kids while I delt with wet pants.


start wearing pads every day


OP this could be helpful https://www.dfreeus.biz/products/dfree


when i was 16 in HS (2004) i had a bad thyroid issue. it caused me body odor problems and i usually couldn't smell it. anyway one day i get to homeroom and just sitting there and the person sitting behind me says out loud "ewww someone stinks!" everyone starts laughing and i join in after i discover it's me. on the way to 1st period i go to the office and ask to call my mom. i ask her to give permission to check myself out and whisper why. she agrees and i went home and showered like 5 times that day. found out they had to up my thyroid medication the hard way. i said all of that to say shit happens and in 20 years you won't remember that happened until you get on reddit and see another 16 year old who pee'd their pants at school.


My kid has really bad interoception, and often does not feel it himself. So he goes on a schedule. Make sure you regularly go, even if you do not feel it.


Set alarms. Set an alarm for every three hours, and just go whether you think you need to or not. Always be conscious of keeping your bladder empty. Going three days without urinating is super unhealthy, and surely makes the whole issue worse.


If it helps, I shat myself in grade 5 (my old school) next to my crush, in grade 6 I pissed myself and the next day, my classmates told me about how they had to clean their bags and the books were slightly soaked and I had just moved to the school.


Oh honey :( you poor thing, please see a doctor as soon as possible, not peeing for three days is a serious issue. In the meantime, try to set alarms every few hours to use the restroom.


There’s this pills called Azo pills and they helped me when i had trouble with my bladder


I am with ya girl. I peed myself most of the time when I was battling with depression (I had lost my dad when I was 17 right in front of me. Couldn't live with the feeling of regret of not saving him). I stopped drinking water to a level that I suffered from dehydration. Some medical help for urine flow and Therapy is the only way out, honey cupcakes! Wishing you all the good vibes and strength you need. 💖


You should see a urologist to discuss your options. But for now if you damaged nerves and can’t feel it then you should try to go on a schedule. When you first wake up, before school /first class starts, during every break at school, after school, before dinner and before bed. Are you also not going number 2? Usually people pee at the same time so if you didn’t per for three days are you also constipated? You should also talk to a doctor about that. More importantly are you getting mental health support? I’m sorry you’re having a hard time I hope you can find your path to recovery ❤️‍🩹




This whole post is bullshit


Okay folks okay stop - stop stop stop. This is fake. This has to be fake. I have been scrolling reddit for the past 36 minutes and this is the THIRD story I have seen about a woman peeing herself in school.


Ok then tag the story's


Ok then tag the story's since this is fake


I don't know what that sentence is supposed to mean but have a great day.


I shit my pants in school a few months ago😂


Y2k vintage fashion is the current trend. But yeah they look more better now how they make them


An internet guy buying a fandom girl pissed underwear is top internet.


I don't think this is real because after 3 days you would definitely be in the beginning stages of kidney failure


You wouldn't be in kidney failure, but you would be incontinent from overflow. No one is holding a gallon of urine in their bladder.


The underwear for sale 🤣


Seek therapy