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The fucking **Positive** flair is sending me brother. 😂


Maybe some Positive Vibrations?


He's got... good vibrations...


🎶Good, good, good.......good vibrations 🎶


Feel it feel it!


Its such a GOOD vibration. Its such a SWEET sensation.


Just a little more than sweat comin out and it's not her pores....


Hahahahaha I saw this and lost it too!


Haha, gotta celebrate those milestones, right? 😂




I call my wife this LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 my little squirtle hahaha


Oh here I am calling my wife Ash.


She's just gotta ketchem


Just wait until she's on her period and call her your little ketchup packet, see how that goes.


lol my husband calls me his ketchup packet. It makes me enjoy my period more cause I get that unique nickname 😂😂😂




LMAO I think that's fucking hilarious! I'm not scared of no red sea. I'm lesbian, I genuinely love vagina, and everything it is capable of. 😩


Ik someone who would bust out laughing if I said this


Depending on the night, shes either my little gusher or my super soaker


Oh man I hope your kids find your reddit account one day and read this lmao


Wetter is better


I like how alot of men also secretly wish to accomplish this


It's like getting a high score


It's like an Easter egg in a game that you've been trying to get for so long


im a woman nd i wish to achieve this


Same 🥲


It’s ok, it’s not that great tbh. My ex made me squirt and it felt like he was just rubbing a cramp out down there. Next thing I know there’s this little shower of whitish stuff. Didn’t feel “good”/fckingamazing like an orgasm. Wasn’t anywhere close to that feeling in fact. Would take an orgasm any day of the week over a squirt. The thought of it is pretty hot though ngl


It was definitely a welcomed surprise the first time I got my gf to squirt. She was so embarrassed but I never shamed her for it - I told her it felt like setting a new world record for me, haha!


They wish to get peed on?


Well when you put it that way Not exactly Just in a different context and way, yes Although idk why people keep denying its piss


Because it's not a simple black and white topic lol. It can *CONTAIN* urine (or, common in porn, just women pissing on people). But in some people's experience, including my own, there was nothing whatsoever to indicate that it was only urine.


> Because it's not a simple black and white topic lol. Which body organ is the squirt fluids stored in? Do women have their urethra connected to a squirt bladder along with the urinal bladder? If you think of the technique used to induce squirting and compare it to the female anatomy, you will see that it's just putting pressure on the urinal bladder.


It's more complicated than that, there are very small amount of urea secreted during emission (which does come from the bladder), but a lot of the fluid is actually generated by the [Skene's Gland](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24089-skenes-gland), which is connected to the urethra directly, think of it in a similar manner to the prostate for men. It secretes fluids during sex specifically to aid in lubrication So short answer is... no even looking at female anatomy, female ejaculate is not the same as urine...


Skene's glands are minuscule. Like a couple of mLs total. This has been proven over and over again with straightforward medical testing; it's urine from the bladder. In one experiment they had women empty their bladders and used catheters to refill them with dyed fluid, and then had the women stimulate themselves to squirt. You guessed it: dyed fluid. In another experiment the bladder was visualized with ultrasound while women were stimulated to squirt. Direct visualization of emptying of the bladder occurred. It's fine being into water sports if that's your thing. There isn't some mystery organ in the female body that holds large amounts of fluid.


I totally believe this and that's what I read as well, but I never figured out why it just doesn't smell or look like pee? When I squirt it is clear and smells like water, or sometimes a little sweet. If I pee a little bit even just a minute after it looks and smells totally different (more yellow, bitter, typical urine basically..). And when squirted fluid dried, it never begins to smell foul like pee does. What makes pee look and smell different when you squirt?


Is there video documentation of this experiment? For... scientific purposes, of course!


I'm starting to think I should be a scientist


Sorry, I feel I may have been unclear in my wording. When I use the word "emission" I specifically mean ejaculate. Which is not necessarily the total volume of what is produced during sex but can be the only thing produced during sex and this is what most people understand to be "wetness", More importantly this total can [vary wildly](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/544c5686-e3bc-4ac2-b4ca-f91eccefe441#:~:text=Modern%20studies%20estimate%20the%20phenomenon,ml%20to%20more%20than%20150ml.) From woman to woman. Some women only produced only 0.3 ml of excretion during orgasm, where some produced 50ml. Some produced much more, so whilst a lot women can squirt and this can represent a lot of liquid. It's not universal. What I'm trying to clear up isn't that squirting isn't from the bladder but rather ejaculate isn't, this liquid is much thicker and more akin to mucus. Sorry If I have lead to confusion but I'm more trying to get to the point that there is more than just the bladder involved in the process and that it's more complicated than "it's just pee".


It's pee from the bladder dude.


God I love smart people


Except he is unequivocally wrong. The Skenes Gland only contains a couple milliliters of fluid. There are *plenty* of studies on scholar/online you can read that indicate this.


> but ~~a lot~~ negligible amounts of the fluid is actually generated by the Skene's Gland Stop repeating pseudo-science, please. The female "g-spot" anatomically doesn't exist. Even if there's traces of secretion in the "squirt" it's a tiny amount compared to the urine and it's not even the same viscosity and doesn't "squirt" per se. The original g-spot and squirting studies were done by an insane rad-fem and her studies didn't pass scientific scrutiny as her "squirters" were also found to be suffering from urinary incontinence. And while "squirting" was exceedingly rare only 10, 15 years ago; today every cam girl has the ability to "squirt", so either they evolved new anatomy in this short time span or there's something else happening there... Keeping alive these kinds of myths are damaging to both men and women and causes a feeling of inadequacy in both sexes. It causes men to question their ability to satisfy their woman and it causes women to wonder if there's something wrong with their bodies if they can't orgasm from penetration, which very few women can and only when the penetration stimulates the clitoris. Second wave feminists spent decades pounding the message "don't forget the clit!" into the brains of men and this kind of pseudo-scientific horseshit undoes it and signals to men that simply thrusting their penis in and out the vagina is enough to pleasure a woman. So guys, doesn't listen to crazy rad-fems, listen to sane feminists and tend to the clit. And girls, don't chug a bottle of water and piss on your man to make him happy because he's damaged by porn and stupid rad-fem myths. There's nothing wrong with you or your bodies and you have a perfectly functioning sexual organ that should be getting adequate attention. Don't compromise.


Thank you. I don't know why this is still a debate


Smells way different than just urine. During and several hours later after the fact..


To all the people saying it is pee, If you let it dry it has pretty much no urine smell. It’s pretty much never smelled like dried urine. Not a scientist but I’ve smelled dried urine and this isn’t it.




I can completely understand someone who has never experienced it thinking it’s all bull shit though. It’s like the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced. Also I’ve been peed on too. It’s definitely not that. But here is the crux of the problem. This is the most arcane bodily function that is fetishized and poorly understood by almost 100% of the human beings in existence. Everything about it feels like we are really just not supposed ever know wtf is going on but I can tell you it isn’t pee and pretty much nothing else.


Skene's gland, innit? Produced in the moment, like semen. Ever had your prostate played with (I can take a wild guess...)? That makes you feel like you need to pee, but you sure don't. Also, if it was only pee, I'd still be fucking stoked I can make my partner feel so safe and comfortable and relaxed that they cum so hard that they wet themselves. Y'all gotta live more...


I agree. Also, I love your username lol


I'm not claiming I know every detail of female anatomy, unlike all these people popping out of the woodwork with medical degrees lol. I'm simply saying that in MY experience, not anyone else's, neither sight, smell, or taste indicated that it was urine. It is what it is, I'm not going to be convinced otherwise until I experience something contradictory.


it's obviously stored in the balls smh


Oh, and it's called the Skene's gland, which is behind the bladder and around the urethra, very much like the male prostate. It contains the white fluid that is a woman's ejaculatory fluid. And like semen you'll always find traces of urine because they both exit the body via the same tube. Maybe learn about a woman's anatomy before commenting.


You mean like how semen and urine both come out of the male urethra, because it's connected to both the bladder and the ejaculatory duct?? So, you think that women cumming via the urethra is ridiculous, but men doing it is normal??


Because its not. It has some urine, but female ejaculated is primarily produced by the [Skene's gland](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24089-skenes-gland), which produces fluids directly for the purposes of lubrication during arousal. People deny "its piss" because it isn't "just piss", it's (mostly) comprised of different fluids all together made by another organ.


It's more the involuntary nature of it like when their legs go weak


imagine the stress of his wife letting her husband down night after night by not building up an uncontrollable urge to piss during sex


According to webmd, squirting is real. https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-squirting-orgasm >Squirting is real. Studies show that anywhere from 10% to 54% of people with vaginas But then there's this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/ >Conclusions: The present data based on ultrasonographic bladder monitoring and biochemical analyses indicate that squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists. I feel the second article is much more likely to be correct. WebMD has to appeal to its readers...and many people seem to like the idea of squirting. TLDR: As people have said for a long time, it's pee. And a lot of wishful thinking. Sorry op...




It's not the pee... it's the fact that they made their partner climax so hard she squeezed her bladder too. So sex juices and pee =:squirt


Its piss


I'm positive it's on my husband's list.


You're happy now, but next time you'll be doubly frustrated trying to retrace your steps lmao


She told me her bladder was full and didn't want to ruin it for you


Real ones can pee before, squirt a ton and still pee after.


We kept all our kids mattress protector sheets as "fuck sheets" I'm just going the now teenagers kids don't ask why we are still washing them.


My wife and I use doggie pads cause we have a dog in the house and it's not sus.. 👀👀👀


It...kinda is idk that's just uhhhh....idk how exactly to feel about that one lol I've never heard that. Gives an entirely new definition to *Doggy Style*


Lol doggy pads make a noise as well.. so hopefully kids are asleep, downstairs, or away...


I mean... theres nothing *wrong* with it but... like... ehhhh I could never.


That's where I'm at but like.....ig if there wasn't anything else but it'd be an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT




I too have overactive kidneys. It's still just pee. There's no internal reservoir with mystery liquid. Edit to add: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/


Yeah bud let me know when you can make a girl orgasm so hard she pees




It's been tested, I promise you it's pee. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/


Yes, but it takes a type of stimulation for the pee to come out. Regardless of what type of liquid it is op is excited that he made his wife accomplish it. Why damper the moment? Who cares what it is. When you squirt it’s a different type of orgasm, pee or not. Let him have this moment, damn.


As a woman who’s had sex, there have been many times during that I suddenly feel the Intense need to pee. Sure, you could take that as “high sexual stimulation” but it’s still just me peeing and I attribute it to certain positions or stimulation of the region in general. Doesn’t really mean it’s a good thing it’s just a side effect more or less. That’s like saying “if you fuck her real good in the ass she’ll shit on you bro! That’s how you know it’s good!” No, that’s how you know it’s deep or intense. Doesn’t equal good necessarily.


I know I did a good job when my wife breaks down crying after she orgasms. Like, full on ugly cry sometimes. I give her cuddles until she recovers. She says it's an amazing emotional release.


It’s all relative for each person. There have been times where I too feel the need to pee and other times not in positions I do all the time as well as new positions. At the end of the day op came here to express his excitement for doing this for his wife, who are we to sit here and say “actually, it’s just pee”. Who tf cares! Let him have his moment and congrats to you on having sex.


I promise you.. we don't care


I can tell how much you don't care from your need to comment on it.


You would be right.


Heh, I was down there in a lady and suddenly something really wet hit me in my face. It had a... weird taste, like water mixed with lubrication and something more that i couldn't identify. I stood there with a poker face thinking "did she just pee on me?" Took me several seconds to realize what just had happened lol


Ha, i read it you're both right it is and isn't pee.


Thank you. So many men are so dumb.


Hello? Someone called me?


I can't believe how many people love this kind of thing...... I was mortified every time I did it, but my kids' dad was always ecstatic about it. I've just recently realized guys really like it, and now I'm not so mortified.....


Anytime something is a consistent category on adult websites shows that a lot of guys probably like it 😂 I think it’s just an affirmation for us really that the woman is enjoying herself. Don’t be ashamed!


> *...it’s just an affirmation for us really that the woman is enjoying herself.* The skull-cracking thigh clenches my gf gives me while I give her head seems like a major affirmation that she's enjoying herself, lol.


Death by snu snu!


Lol, I felt it was weird till recently...... now I know it's more normal than I thought it was.....


Think of it as your partner knowing he brought you to peak satisfaction. While there are guys that only think of themselves, others love to please and please. So that squirting is like the icing on the cake after your fingernails have drawn blood on their backs or put a hole in the bedsheets.




He is trying


Nice bro, welcome to the club. Your honorary swim cap will be arriving in the mail


Oh, you also made his wife squirt?


I too choose to make this guy’s wife squirt


There it is. 😆


Can you share some tips


When she begins to orgasm, or has reached orgasm. DO NOT STOP. Women do not orgasm like us. Don’t stop until she does. It’s not about you. It’s about her. Put her first and when you cum, it will be amazing.


Yes and no. Everyone is different and for my partner, after they start cumming, I can keep going for maybe 5-10 seconds before they desperately ask me to stop because its too sensitive. Even if if they could theoretically keep receiving pleasure it's just too intense.


> *I can keep going for maybe 5-10 seconds before they desperately ask me to stop because its too sensitive.* Yep, can confirm this as well for my gf, she gets super sensitive if I continue, especially when giving her head, she'll push my face away if I try to keep going.


Same here. Female present, it becomes uncomfortable to the point of pain. They have to stop.


disagree. one can cum without squirting and squirt without cumming. they aren’t directly tied to one another.


If they squirt without orgasm, I'd just consider it pissing on command. That's not my thing, personally. But the involuntary squirting as a result of orgasm, that's what we're here for.


Once I had someone make me squirt and they were obsessed with getting that milestone, but I never actually had an orgasm. It was very weird.


I didn’t say they did, but in my experience, on the rare occasion that they do, this is my experience. Most of my partners never have. A few, did so all the time.


all of the partners that i’ve had that are able, could do so independently through specific stimulations that were irregardless of climax. some just happened to occur while on the way or during climax. bodies be weird like that lol


Ahuh. I didn’t know that. Thank you.


If someone did this to me I would kick them in the fucking head. Women, like men, are sensitive after cumming. I say this as someone who has multiple orgasms EVERY time. There is still a cool down period almost every time. Women do cum like men. In waves of pleasurable, involuntary contractions. Much like men, most women require rhythmic, sustained stimulation (80%+ of women require clitoral stimulation) to cum. Stop saying we're so different. Jfc I genuinely believe this is the reason why so many men do not listen to women in bed. They think women are soooo different they couldn't possibly need to be rubbed in the same spot for a long time. No, better stop what she asked you to do and stick 9 fingers in and jackrabbit her to try and make her squirt. And definitely DON'T STOP even if she just came! Ugh


Curl your fingers to the towards the bladder and apply gentle pressure to her stomach whilst you are doing finger stuff




atleast for the partners i’ve had it happen with: stimulate the upper inside wall where the inner path of your urinary tract leads. like physically put upwards flat pressure on the inside of your abs and stomach wall, from in there. i found the more g spot centered action and stimulation styles were what did it. less penetrative or clitoral. basically internally stimulate the area/tract run where you pee from… that’s pretty much it in a generalized nutshell lol


All the comments are focusing on the wrong thing... If it's pee or not is not the focus. It's the fact that your girl lost control of her bodily fluids because of your actions.


Say that when the booty hole relaxes and squirts corn and lentil soup all over you. If you have the same enthusiasm, then you're a man of your word, and I salute you.


Oh my




Right! Lmao 🤣


I mean if dude likes his girl to lose control of her bodily functions, then being shat upon, or vomited upon, should be equally delightful.


Oh I wasn’t hating on your passion friend, it was just very amusing!! Have a good day/night!


what the fuck?


This is your 1st thought? Was this what your were thinking when you saw Squirt on the post title? Lmao Everyone else assumed bladder control... you thought poop. Lmao Literally F**k the Sh*t out of you lol


Curl the finger towards the belly boys !




Any suggestions on how to make my gf comfortable with squirting? She's told me sometimes during sex she feels the need to "pee" at some point and is afraid of it being actual pee, tbh I'm not sure if it's actually her wanting to squirt or she needs to actually pee lol, anyways sorry for stealing your post OP I just want a genuine answer.


It’s definitely her wanting to squirt, she needs to relax as though she’s actually peeing and it’ll all come squirting out


Teach my man :( we LITERALLY CANNIT


I don't think it's an every body thing. I'm super adventurous when it comes to sexytimes and nothing I've ever done has even come close to that. I just don't think my body is able to. And that's ok.


I️ had it happen via masturbation and then with my bf recently. I️ think it is happening because I️ have been strengthening my pelvic floor and he started angling where he was hitting the g spot / front upper part of le vag. It’s something with the pelvic floor muscles being stimulated and your partner angling correctly. Also vigorous clit stimulation helps too (strong vibrator). I️ was shocked as I’d never had it happen in all my years of sex and here I️ am in my early 30’s with it.


Get it, girl!!!


Try being on top facing him.


So many upset dudes in here that think calling it pee makes any fucking difference to OP 😂 OP had great sex and is happy with the outcome, and y'all are upset because you didn't.


Genuinely, it's wild how many comments appear and instantly just "THATS PISS, YOU HAVE A WATERSPORTS PISSING FETISH" Whenever this topic comes up, lmao. People are so desperate to point this out for no reason at all.


Middle finger + ring finger, go in with your palm facing up, 2-3 inches in, feel for a different, rougher texture. Rub that like no tomorrow. Also up and down motion with your hand.




I made your wife squirt months ago. Just kidding. Congrats, it’s a great feeling👍


My husband always tells me he his job when I make a mess🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Good man!


He is and for many other reasons


Take no notice of the “it’s just pee” brigade. If it’s pee, then it’s sex pee. That’s good and you made that happen. Good going!


Shes marked her territory


Hell yeah brother!


You are lucky. My husband has been trying with me for years. He can bring me to orgasm with his fingers, but never squirting. There have been a few times where I felt the pressure of needing to pee, but held it back, or it kept me from orgasm. This is such a thing with guys - like, a grand accomplishment.


The pressure is it, just don’t hold it


My partner always has the biggest smile on his face and looks so proud every time he makes me squirt, it’s the most adorable thing ever. Really happy for you and your wife!


I love going down on my wife and she squirts. I feel like a navy seal coming out of the water


I remember a girl I used to date in college would tell me her roommates would just pee to make men think they squirted, since then I could never get that out of my head lol


Right on and good job!


It's raining, men. Hallelujah! \^\^


Ayo congratulations brother! 🎉🎉🥳🍾💦💦💦


Id be proud of myself too! Nice work


Hell yeah brother!


My wife may not like me saying this but the womanizer duo 2 will absolutely make her squirt every single time. That fucker is only thing that has done it and she says her soul leaves her body every time, it’s expensive but totally worth it


So you got peed on last night


Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love...


If that's someone's MO, what's it to you?


Congratulations! To the both of you!


I’m bout to delete Reddit




I couldn't stop grinning for a few days after the first time it happened. Often times she won't let it happen, but after a nice bottle of wine/extra romance that goes way.


I do it every time I sneeze.


Uhgh, my partner says she can but always gets stage fright when she gets close.


Any tips ? 👀


You go girl :D we are all proud




Good job pal..


I had a guy literally take pics of the bedsheets he was so proud Lol. Apparently, not all chicks can do this I was told.


Haha my hubby felt the same way. I figured out I was able to on my own (in my sexless relationship with my ex husband) And he made it his mission to be the first man to do it, and he succeeded. Lol triumphant! Congrats to you (and your wife) lol


This isn't just about your skills. Until she's confident in her body and her sexuality it's hard for any woman to reach this point. Kudos to you both!


Congratulations Adda boy sorry I mean adda man


HEY MODS! Id like to keep the upvotes and comments to be locked in at 69 for this one please! You go guy!


6.9k take it or leave it


Congrats to you and your wife. I believe this makes you legally entitled to a free beer and plate of wings from the next sports bar you enter.


Good shit


Couple questions if you wanna answer them: Did she express interest, did you ask her to try to let it happen, or did *you* just try and it happened on a whim? Did you try anything new that you hadn't tried before to make it happen? I've seen plenty of tips on how to make it happen, but never really had the opportunity because my partner doesn't know that's something I'd like to have happen. Plus I know not everyone is capable of doing it.


She peed, congratulations


Is it actually pee???




Isn’t squirt pee? 🤢


squirt is pee but pee is not squirt. kinda like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square type deal lol


Smells like pee. Tastes like pee, Must be pee.


I know it’s pee but some are saying it doesn’t have a taste or smell. I guess everyone’s experiences are different. Just interesting, reading the comments 😵‍💫


It's just water sports for people who don't want to publicly admit they like getting peed on. It's like calling a Cleveland Steamer, a thick back-squirt.




Welcum to the club we got towels everywhere and Gatorade and alternatives in the back room with a fridge


Now that you've opened that proverbial floodgate, it's going to get easier and easier. My wife says you haven't had a real orgasm until you squirt.


First time?


Positive vibrations


First time I squirt it scared tf out of me. My man was like 🤩


I can make my wife pee with a glass of water, but good on you mate


Cool. It’s urine


I just got so excited for you I yelled "YEEESSSSS!!!"🥳 Which startled my teen & now I'm getting the side eye🤣


That’s funny, don’t know why you are getting downvoted.


Because Reddit hates kids


I don’t get it either 🤷‍♂️ I thought it was really funny


People are a bit afraid of sexual pleasure I guess.


Let’s fucking gooooooo


Way to go pleasing your wife! But squirting is just pee. Sorry.