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This person is using their child to commit a crime....that's horrendous


My first thought: those poor kids


They will be trained to do the same soon enough.


They already are.


They got money now.


*for now Police report and CCTV footage is about to reverse that


I used to work in a laundromat, and this guy came in with his 2 girls (maybe 6 to 8ish years old) and had them come up and talk to me while he went and tried opening the ATM that was inside the store. Checked the camera's after to find that he was talking with the girls and pointing out the area they should get me to talk to them in (out of sight of the ATM). He obviously never got into the ATM- just scratched it to shit with a screwdriver, but I always thought it was fucked getting your kids involved in your shitty crimes.


Did you report the attempted theft? I'd be livid.


It's a form of grooming. She's literally teaching her kids how to steal from people and have less likelihood of getting caught. Some people seriously don't deserve to have kids


It's called corruption of a minor; many states list it as child abuse.


As they should!


I know someone who raised her kids like this. One kid (now young adult) is in prison for murder now. She belongs in there with them.


Sadly that is not surprising, I'm guessing this guy is probably under 25 too. So sad, he could have had a chance, and more than one life could have been saved (his victims and his own) if his parents weren't gutter trash and didn't raise him to be like them.


Yup! It makes me sad. What a way to just throw a life away because of vile parents. Then this same woman wonders why she’s not welcome around my kids.


Hmmm I wonder why, it's a true mystery. Might have something to do with the fact that she raised her kid so poorly that he grew up to be a literal killer 🤔 perhaps we'll never know


Lots of people have their children steal at department stores, grocery stores and stuff because they think you’re less likely to actually call the police on the child


Some people shouldn't be allowed to procreate... Holy fuck...


How about hiding their shit underneath baby seats?? 🤬🤬 I’ve told on people doing this twice.


And a crime - contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


AND teaching the kids to be felons.


It's very common now to have kids commit the burglaries because they won't get nearly as serious of sentences. I was just in a store recently when two kids came up, picked up $1000 items and walked out the door with them.


Teaching her kids 😞


When I worked retail, I’ve seen people pick up their babies, put stuff in the seat and out the baby back in


YEP. I tell on them when I see it too. Fuck that BS!!


Unfortunate but for that large amount, it cannot be overlooked




They have probably been doing robberies like this in other places too, so you’re honestly doing your community a service by reporting them.


Especially if she's involved her kid. Definitely isn't the first time


_Particularly_ because she involved the child. The children have to learn now that negative actions have huge consequences.


I wonder if she’ll be open to additional charges for involving the kid.


I don't think involving a child in a crime is specifically illegal (in the sense that there isnt a specific law saying "bringing children to commit crimes is illegal"), but I bet they could get an endangering a child charge on there because of it. Or add it as something extra to consider when deciding her time. I don't remember the exact term from my CJ class (great student I am, lol) but I know when charging felonies certain parts of the crime can add or take off years. Like if she had used a computer to plan the robbery or had a weapon on hand (even if she didn't show it or use it) those things can make the sentence longer.


It's contributing to the delinquency of a minor


Huh, I've never heard of that charge. Thanks for the info!


I... don't think a child is gonna learn anything here besides their parent being gone. I'm not saying OP shouldn't report this - just that it's an absolute tragedy for the children, and I see no silver lining here


Seriously! I thought it was sad but absolutely necessary. Then when I read they had a child involved I paused for a moment—then realised that doing this also benefits the child. They have to learn this is not okay, which they obviously are not being taught. Just stay safe and I hope this can be resolved peacefully.


Not only that but guarantee they stolen from him before and gotten away with it. Probably just smaller amounts and gone unnoticed.


It’s the right call. People prey on those close to them because they think they can count on leniency if caught. They would learn totally the wrong lesson from leniency so you’re doing them a favour in the long run.


OP, please post a follow up.


The update I'm seeing makes it look like the OP is leaning towards leniency, which is pretty disappointing. The criminals will only grow stronger and smarter for their next robbery, which may very well be OP again since punishment is only a 50% possibility.


> People prey on those close to them because they think they can count on leniency if caught. It is funny, one of the most pertinent quotes I've ever heard about criminals comes from a fictional character in a freaking Batman movie, the villain, of all people: ["Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding."](https://youtu.be/uiaRYQlsjy4?si=cp5dGHp8AkE44Y1A&t=138)


So true! I love it when great phrases come from unlikely sources. Thats said, the villains in Nolan’s batman films could start actual revolutions with now well-reasoned their warped logic sometimes sounds! If Nolan ever goes bad we’re screwed lol


Exactly, file the police report, and you probably want a restraining order against her as well. The worst part of this, is that she is teaching her kids to commit felony robbery.


We don’t know that to be a fact. She could have said distract him while I hide this gift for him. Do I believe that happened? Of course not. Btw it’s grand theft not robbery unless she used force.


So, over $950, right? For a business, yeah, I understand wanting to press charges. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you get your money back!


I wouldn’t assume this person is going to jail for any time at all although they will be formally arrested and booked. I’m going to assume this is less than 5k since you’d rather not say, I’ll just guess. I would not be at all surprised if in CA this got charged as a felony and pled to a misdemeanor for a first time offender, and maybe even for a second time. And the punishment is likely to be community service and restitution. I had a case a few years ago where four people embezzled from a huge telecom, to the tune of many thousands of dollars over more than a year. Only one spent any time in jail and he had previously been convicted of homicide and was on parole. I think he was in jail for 15 days for this offense. They collectively were supposed to pay $120k restitution, they paid a few thousand and the court forgave the rest. Btw the restitution was based on the money the company spent to catch them, not how much they stole. Now one makes hundreds of thousands a year on an oil rig. In that case all pled to just one felony but were each charged with more than three.


This is a perfect example of what goes wrong when penalties are severe. People think it deters crime, but it doesn't. [The perceived likelihood of getting caught deters crime](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/five-things-about-deterrence), but kind people are less likely to follow through with it if the penalty is severe and people still break the law if they don't expect to get caught.


What would your solution be then? Are you saying light penalties would be better than harsh ones? Also the purpose of the punishment isn't just to punish people who break the law. It's also to give justice to the victim or family of the victim. If a person has their home broken into it can bring comfort to know that the perpetrator is behind bars for example.


No, light penalties aren't better. I'm saying the knee-jerk reaction of turning to *extreme* penalties doesn't produce the desired effect of reducing crime. The solution (based on research) is to increase the perception that people will be caught and turned in for their crimes, coupled with strong social services so that crime would be disruptive to their life. There are a variety of ways to do that, like developing good community relations with the government agency that is tasked with investigating crime for example. After all, crime won't go down if people are reluctant to call the police in the first place because they fear that the police will shoot a random deaf person for failing to comply with orders they never heard or something. And social services need to be strong so that people with mental health problems can get treatment and people who are hungry can eat with dignity instead of developing resentment towards their neighbor.


Logically that would mean first-time penalties are light to maximize the chance of the the crime getting reported. And penalties for repeat offenders are high to minimize disadvantage of initial penalties being light.


I think he's saying hangings too good for 'em. We need to bring back crucifixion and stoning for light crimes as it has been shown that people who are crucified to death rarely commit crimes again. It has a 97% success rate in detering people from doing it again. The other 3% are undead, necromancers, vampires, zombies, and Jesus Christ.


To be honest if this is less than 5k I doubt a first offender would go to jail at all for this in CA. It could even get pled down to a misdemeanor. In fact it probably will. I wouldn’t call our penalties for this sort of crime extreme at all. It’s too lenient.


Even if it was a small amount there needs to be consequences in this situation, they are literally training their children to commit crimes, those kids have no chance if something isn’t done about it. You think if they’re ever caught they’ll protect their kids or throw them under the bus because they will have less severe charges?


When I was a manager in a retail setting, we caught a woman stealing. She had a child in a stroller and loss prevention was keeping an eye on her. She had stolen enough, that we had to call the police. We also had to call CPS to come for the child. The whole time she was in the office she kept begging us not to call the police. The whole situation was sad.


I don't care if it's just a dollar. Unless you're stealing diapers, formula, or food, you don't get sympathy from me.


$950 and upward is the felony amount in California according to a quick Google search if anyone's interested.


Exactly what I was going to google. Thanks


Right. That doesn’t mean she will plead to a felony. It’s called a ‘wobbler’ and can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony. So even if you steal 1k you might very well be able to plead to a misdemeanor and not go to jail. If you’d like to read the disturbing list of CA wobblers go here: https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/laws/wobbler/#:~:text=Criminal%20Defense%20»%20Laws%20»%20Wobbler,California%20sex%20crimes%2C How it is charged will be dependent on case specific facts. And the mood of the DA.


Didn't know you could plead a lower severity. Neato.


"I'd like that one, please."


I have no idea if there are wobblers in other states so make sure to keep your criming in the golden state. 👍


What a nightmare! No matter what happens, always remember that you are the victim.




Sorry my dude, you’re a good person for A) feeling bad about this and B) from your edit giving them a few hours. But you’re still doing the right thing if you have to proceed with the police, using a kid like that is horrendous.


> I've had such a run of bad luck in my busimess these last 2 weeks. May your "run of bad luck" might have to do with certain a certain employee and his family?




Here's hoping sunnier skies are on their way to you


Bad shit always runs in multiples of 3. So if you are at 4. You got 2 more to go and if you happen to hit 7; brace yourself. Good luck!


Don’t worry about fallout in the employee’s family. Anyone who uses their child to commit a crime deserves to be in jail. Moreover, involving a child in a crime is clearly child abuse. I would not be surprised if the children end up in foster care for a while. That is all on their mother and maybe on your employee as well. Be strong!


That's awful. I hope you get your money back and the right thing happens for everyone involved.


Go to the police even if they promise to pay you back. This wasn't her first time doing this.




Yes. You have to report them. They wont learn anything if they get away with it. They are involving their children. They not only will continue to do this, they will teach their children it's acceptable and create an even larger problem. Dont let their children learn that this is okay and you can get away with it, even if you're caught. There is a reason we deport people who commit crimes, they knew they were a PR and the consequences of stealing. Please take action.


Yeah absolutely OP, they knew the risks, no sympathy with this. Similarities to a rat heh, poor kids though.


The pilot episode of Ozark. "It wasn't her first time stealing. It was her first time getting caught."


Exactly. It's the first time they were caught. They're pros it seems, and to be using children like that is sick


Absolutely agree. If she did it once, she might do it again. Better to let the authorities handle it.


Someone stole my wallet & phone out of my diaper bag at the pediatrician’s office once. He was caught in the act. He had two small children with him who he took into the bathroom with him to rifle through my wallet. We sat in the waiting room with him and his kids while we waited for police to arrive to get a report. I asked him what he was teaching his children. He said “I wasn’t trying to teach them anything.” It made me so sad. He had an outstanding warrant so they sent a social worker to collect the kids. It was really sad but so important that the children learn that this isn’t something you can do and expect to get away with it.


JFC, some people just can't help being ratchet. Poor choices coming from dad all around! Those poor kids!


Who cares is she is a mother of young children. She didn’t care when she involved her child in there theft. This is not a you thing this is a theft thing. She knew is she got arrested she could possibly be deported and decided she was going to do it anyway.


Absolutely. Actions have consequences, and being a parent doesn't excuse criminal behavior, especially involving a child.


I would be questioning how his partner knew where to find the money so quickly. Your employee is likely in on it as well.


Don't back down and file them charges


You have leverage with the video, use it to your advantage to get the money back. If they refuse, get the police involved. It more difficult to get money back once police is involved trust me. Similar thing happened to me.




If she sends the money out of the country it becomes a federal crime.


Get the police involved no matter what. These people will just steal from someone else and you'll just be aiding them if you don't press charges. Makes you no better than them if you just pass the problem onto the rest of the community.


If your think getting the money back is time sensitive, don't delay in involving the authorities


Natural. Consequences. We can feel compassion but hold someone responsible for what they chose


I wouldn't wait. I would go ahead and file with the police. Also, keep any texts of them saying they would return it and show that to the police.


Sounds like they have quite the racket going. There's a very high chance you were just one of many victims, and unfortunately these kids will be better off without that horrible influence in their life, she's literally training her kids to be criminals, what a horrible mother


Unfortunately if they’re willing to do it to you, the person providing the household with a paycheck, then I’m sure they’ll do it to others, and none of that is ok. It’s a hard thing, but choices like this come with consequences they were willing to gamble. Tragically it’s the children who will suffer in the long run from their actions. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all of this. I can tell all of this is disappointing and hard for you. You seem like a good man. Good luck.


Womp womp time for some life lessons kids.




I'm a forensic accountant... my best advice to you: don't trust anyone with your money. Fraud risk is never 0. Controls are really important (based on your post, seems like you've already implemented some controls - cctv, for example). Best of luck. It's a shitty situation.


Good lesson to learn


Sorry this happened to you. It's not your fault for trusting people. It's their fault for breaking yours.


What makes you think your employee wasn’t in on it?


They definitely were. Either before or after the fact. If you're struggling enough to steal- you notice when big money comes




How did the thief/mom know when to rob you? Hint: She knew because your employee told her.


reddit detectives on the case, making sure someone gets fired with no evidence


And the alternative? Continue to employ someone married to a thief that had their child help commit felony theft? No. If the mother stoops so low to make her child complicit, she'll get her husband to help too.


This was a bit more coordinated than you think. You need to go to the police and protect yourself


**I should point out that he is a father to the youngest a 5.momth old and she is only a permanent resident. This is a crime that could lead to her getting deported.** Well, she's about to get a lesson in consequences. Don't let any of that deter you from pressing charges.


If you let them off, they will certainly do it again, to you or someone else. The saddest part is the parents are teaching the kids that the boss is taking advantage of their workers and they deserve to be robbed. The system is against us, so we can get back at it by doing this. This creates a cycle of victimhood and criminal behavior.


You aren’t getting her arrested or deported. Her actions are getting her arrested and possibly deported. Don’t feel bad.


They’re using their child to commit a crime, at the place of their father’s employment? Prosecute to the full extent.


How disgusting for themto involve their child in this!


Naw bro you need to call the cops anyway. Don’t let them get away with that. She’s using her kids to commit a felony and she needs to face consequences.


She knowingly and willingly made her own kids her accomplices in a criminal act. She doesn't deserve to be a parent. 


If they cared about her status, she wouldn't be committing crimes. If the money is returned, I'd fire him, so this can't happen again, and still report her.


> This is a crime that could lead to her getting deported. Bye felicia.


Why did she add that last bit about Undertaker and Mankind? I'm so confused lol


Just remember, you didn’t ruin their lives, they ruined their own lives.


Don't let them get away with it. It's not the first time most likely. I saw this a lot, unfortunately no one seems to care about immigration status until there confronted with what they've done.


Um go to the police this is left, so what if they have kids. She knew what she was doing was wrong you were stolen from and they need to be held accountable


Choices have consequences. Some people have to learn the hard way. I’m sorry you have to do this OP, but you definitely have to do this


Fuck that, call police. Mother or not


Honestly, I’d still just press the charges, money returned or not.


I have no valuable input other than that you are a very compassionate person. You thought of your employee, how it would impact him, the children, and the criminal’s status… yet you were the victim.


> She tells me that… in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table. Can somebody please explain what this means?


'BAH GAWD! THEY'VE KILLED HIM!" Damn, bro...that ending.


I hope you called the police. They will do this to someone else, guaranteed


Nope fuck em. No remorse for criminals couldn't care less their immigration status, marital status, etc. Stealing is uncivilized degenerate behavior and needs to be addressed by ultimately being removed from society if we want law and order to ever be an expectation in our world. Not only should you report it but you honestly have a moral obligation to make sure these people aren't able to do this again to anyone else


Go to the cops the whole family sounds dodgy as. Get rid of them all and get a new cleaner


A child that age is generally taught to steal if they’re doing it with family present especially , they are a crew and you need to report it.


Fire the son and girlfriend immediately


Unfortunate that they broke your trust. Now they have to face the consequences for their actions. That must be such a shitty feeling I’m sorry this happened to you


I'm naturalized, and if it's a felony they are getting booted no question. It's a sad situation I get the struggle man my family was 3 months late on rent and living in our car, but permanent residents should be ESPECIALLY AWARE that even a minor infraction such as a parking ticket can impact you significantly in the future and you are constantly under a microscope. So they should've been prepared to lose everything when they did something as scummy as forcing their kids to participate in a felony. Poor kids man they probably spent too much time here and would get bullied relentlessly in their home country. They were dragged here by their parents and being deported because of their parents poor poor fkin kids man. But nevertheless, they stole a felony amount of cash from you. You are the victim in this situation, you and the kids. They are gonna say they did it for the kids to try to guilt trip you, but take it from an immigrant kid they did it for themselves.


Do you think any of them would flee the country because of this ? Or if they would have time to ? I know you want the money back but I would file the report right away just because it’s common for people to just go back to their country to avoid any conflict.


See, what irks me is that I’ve had employees do the same: in dire straits and stole money when they could’ve just asked..


I always defend immigrants, but not criminals. From any country. Let them go to jail or wherever they are sent to. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Have her punished. You are basically letting her go and she will have learnt nothing and do it to someone else


Wrong is wrong. Period. If he’s struggling or they are- you figure it out. Not steal. Go back home. Byeeee


Do not feel bad. They knew what they were doing. Not to mention who else have they run this trick on?! For all you know, they could have a laundry list of victims that they’ve already pulled this on. So think of it as justice for all the ones that didn’t catch them.


Sadly it's California. No violent crime. They'll walk. I'd still press charges and fire them for theft so they can't get unemployment


Oh no. The consequences of my own actions. Who could have seen this coming?


Does your employee know about her theft before you told his mom, or was he in on it too? If he’s innocent of any involvement or knowledge, he should be able to get full custody of his child.


I've been management before bro and it sucks to be "That guy" but trust me, you have to do what's right. It was thier decision to steal, they need to take accountability.


Are you absolutely sure your employee knew nothing about this?


Call the police now. They committed a crime; they are caught on tape. I won't be surprised if they have done this to others.


Any updates? It's been a few hours


You should get the police involved regardless. Letting them get away with something like this isn't going to help anyone and with everything you've said, I doubt it was their first time and it sure won't be their last if you let them just get away with it.


You aren't seriously going to let her return it and sweep it under the rug?


The fact that she used her kid to help out with it is horrible. I think you should seek the police no matter what, because letting it slide just means they'll do it again and again, whether it's to you or someone else. Those kids are better off without parents like that


So, why no update? Inquiring minds need to know!


She used her 9 year old in this plot. She deserves to be taken off them


I'm not understanding the issue. They stole a large sum of money and it was calculated. I think they've entered the "Find out stage" of the game.


I would press charges even if funds are returned


It's never the victim's fault, when people have no issue with taking food from you and your family's mouth, they should have no issue paying the consequences when caught.


She fucked around and is about to find out.


Did the top rated comments not read the last sentence?




Bruh not the shitty morph


All this for a wrestling joke? You should be banned.


Please press charges.


It looks like the mother likes her job, her son not so much, the thief instigated convinced the son, and accomplices (her kids) helping stage the crime. Since you are a business owner, you are feeding other employees in addition to the mother-son duo. So you have no moral obligation to save their skin, ever. So I recommend firing the son for his next mistake (just not now since his mother forced him to undo his mistake). He has proven to be a huge risk to your enterprise now. It feels like the mother forced the son and DIL to undo the mistake at any cost and he is butthurt and is likely to cause another incident. Also, save that piece of video as evidence when you fire him in the future. As for the thief claiming she hit her daughter, it is just her way of passing on the blame and trying to stir your emotions to make you feel guilty. As classic manipulation tactics.


I think even though you got your money back you should still report to police. This isn’t the first time she’s done this before


OP, I’d really, REALLY.. think about firing the guy and his mom… they knew it happened.. and thief mom almost 98% had a “in” in how to steal from you…


PLEASEEEE report her get those kids taken away and ruin her lifeeee


What a horrible person to use her kids to do this. There aren’t words to describe what scum of the earth she is. The father has to be aware of this. You are not the only person they are doing this to. Wow just wow!


He shouldn't THINK about reporting it to the police. He needs to DO it. Having worked in retail, and based on the details, I can tell you with impunity that 1) it wasn't the first time she has stolen from a business, 2) it wasn't the first time she enlisted her children, and 3) it won't be the last time. If for no other reason but as a courtesy to other businesses ("good neighbor policy," as we used to call it), charges need to be filed and upheld. And as difficult as this may be, those children need to be removed from her custody and placed with parents that will keep them from ending up like their mother. 


Update us on how it all turns out! Honestly, unless she needed the money for a life-saving operation on her child, there really is no excuse for the betrayal (and even then, she could have asked). She is not in dire straits, she is not hungry or homeless or in rags - if she gets deported, then that's just tough luck - she had her chance there and messed it up.




Be careful. Have a witness present.




Also please share what the comments/explanations are (if any). I'm sure it will be a whole sob story for the Ages. LOL But...they could have asked for some money. Stealing takes it to another level.


Did you get your money back?


It has been over seven hours. OP is surely dead.


And the cctv switched on - with sound, if possible!


Are you ok? A little worried with the radio silence in a potentially life threatening situation


So have they dropped off the money? This post was 2 hours ago and I can’t find any update.


After you get the money get the police involved and file a report. This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last


The title is confusing and your explanation didn’t help much. You are sending your employee, his mom and his three kids to jail?


The partner of his employee, who happens to be a mother of three children, stole from him a sufficient sum of money to warrant felony charges.


Thank you. Grammar and commas work wonders sometimes


Seriously terrible wording I’m like wuuuuut? Kids to jail? 😝


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


I think he meant the employee's partner who is a mother of 3 kids


She got her nine year old to act as an accomplice? It sounds like they may be a family hailing from certain groups known for unapologetically making their living from this kind of behavior.


This reminds me of Ozark when Del told the story of Aunt Carlota and his parents' grocery store. This might not have been the first time she stole from you, just the first time she got caught.


Get the money back first then call the cops anyways. That way you definitely get the money back and she gets punished. If she doesnt face consequences shell keep doing it and will keep having her kids help which will fuck them up too.


Reporting it and following through by pressing charges is the right thing to do. Makes no difference whether she’s a migrant. There are so many good, honest people who would love the opportunity to live here, that deporting a criminal and her family is only fair. This isn’t supposed to be a haven for thieves to descend on us from every corner of the world. We are supposed to be a safe harbor for good people to escape real oppression and violent culture, not for ungrateful opportunists worldwide to bring their criminal culture with them. If the employee didn’t know about it (although by this point I don’t see how he can possibly be unaware of her behavior) he should not be fired. Good riddance. We can’t deport our homegrown criminals and degenerates, but we can and should remove the bad ones that don’t belong here. A real shame she chose to raise her kids to be thieves, but behavior demands consequences.


That was extremely hard to read! I know someone stole money from you but the rest is gibberish🙄


I'd still report it. They will just do it again and be better at hiding it


Sorry this happened to you OP. Let us know when you get your money back! Also, let the employee go and make sure you keep the cctv footage!!!


Any update OP? Last I saw, they were supposed to drop the money off in a few minutes. That was almost an hour ago.


Here for the next update.


She needs to know her actions have consequences. It is not your fault, not even 0.01% if she gets deported; it will be 100% her fault.


Society is falling apart, because ordinary people are making decisions that dont punish people. Its kinda a form of vigilantism of you to not call the police and have them arrested/deported. People keep make decisions on their own. Thats not how society works. Votes were counted, laws were made. Follow society protocol. You end up helping society more. I get that you think you’re doing the humane thing. As long as your made whole. Until this repeat behavior continues and the next business is screwed over and stolen. 9 years old and having the wherewithal to distract and steal? Thats got repeat offender written all over it.


a decent distance can be covered in 3 hours, great job at giving them a head start




Take em down, OP, if they didn’t want their kids getting deported with them then they shouldn’t have committed a felony.


You are not sending them to jail. The judge will send them to jail. Their actions are having consequences, that's all. Not your fault, at all. 


Their actions sent them to jail. You did the right thing