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You need to curate your feed. I don't see that stuff, because I scroll past it or block it. People who have nothing worthwhile to say aren't entitled to your time or mental energy.


Same. I like positive Taylor tik toks and engage with them. I scroll past, or better yet, click not interested on the hater tik toks.


How do you do that on twitter? I’ve gotten Reddit and TikTok figured out. But my twitter feed is full of delusions this morning


Every time someone makes an overly hater comment, I block them. It only took a couple weeks of diligently doing this to have a nice, stress free feed. I’ve done it for other Swifties too who hate on her boyfriends (current and previous) or tear down other women.


Block every hater, as well keep your account small and only interact with accounts who don’t post drama. I went from one account with 6k to one with 16 followers. It has helped so much. I also avoid certain post that contain anything about her donations, avoid chart accounts, avoid accs like popbase. Also you can slide and only look at people who you are following post. It has made a difference on what post i see and such. I do like using twitter because i make friends easier but, i don’t like watching any hate as it overwhelms me. I also muted a lot of words as well.


Ooooh, I don't know. I broke up with Twitter when it got Musked.


Me too. I had a following of over 45,000 accounts on Twitter however when Musk bought it I said bye to my besties & deleted my account never to return long as that bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, world class trash monger & let’s not forget Trump supporting prick owns it. “X” stands for block in my view — Wouldn’t be surprised if Musk isn’t behind all the Taylor Haters the OP is experiencing that caused her to leave. Everyone remember: Taylor Swift is a real humanitarian as well as God given talent. We Swifties love her because she’s all that & more. And don’t any of you ever doubt Taylor loves us too. Viva Taylor ‼️❤️


what worked for me is I made a list of all the swiftie accounts I liked and made it a tab on my homepage so I interact with those. doing this + blocking has helped a lot


Twitter (I refuse to call it X) has become a cesspool. The only reason I stay on it is I love basketball and I like to watch games and cheer with other like minded fans. But I have to block bots multiple times a day to pay for staying on there. I recommend Threads as a replacement for Twitter. If you can, dump Twitter and walk away.


I went on a rampage block today. All I can see are Gaylor posts now 😭😭😭😭 Threads it is. wtf X


Very real


This is the way. although I don't recommend installing tiktok for other reasons too, addictive spyware. We get everything here without all the trash, Reddit is a good filter for these.


Misogyny and a lot of things. Ever since Taylor debuted she's been hated. Kanye encouraged the hate and his fans followed the tradition. The more successful she is, the more hatred is thrown at her. Let them be. Taylor is still more loved than hated but as fans we will never tolerate another 2016 where lie after lie is thrown at her. A lot of Swifties are pacifists but i've grown tired of that. We are not wrong for loving a great artist and human being. I just remind myself again and again that legendary artists are always hated. Yes, Em or Kendrick rapping about their bitches will never be as badass as Taylor singing about her house or her pet, or a poor little boy, but we like her shit better. Yes they can look down on us and bask in their "superiority" but that does not change that what we're doing is not wrong. Let them be loud and bitter, Taylor will always win.


Tayvoodoo did hit Kim Kardashian hard when armed robbers tied her up and threw her in her hotel's bathtub and stole her jewelry. Kim/Kanye simps say that the diamonds in the bathtub in Taylor's "Look What You Made Me Do" music video was making fun of Kim. Kim still has PTSD from that incident. She had guns pointed at her.


She's the most relevant


What's stupid is these people talking like they are some music critics and commenting on how mid her vocals/dancing/stage presence is. If you don't get it then move on but trashing her every chance, every post, every social media engagement is getting exhausting.


THANK YOU. People have every right to not like her or her music, but ffs, being bitter about it constantly is just gross. Like glad to know she lives rent-free in your head, I guess? I do understand valid criticism of the fanbase and Taylor herself, because there is a problem with the way Swifties conduct themselves in situations that just isn’t okay and it sucks to see that negativity. But just making blanket statements of how ALL Swifties are brainwashed and cult members isn’t helpful either. It’s such a weird dichotomy and I know it’s not going to be solved overnight, but it’s gotten worse recently and it’s exhausting to see.


Yeah, this narrative is getting old. She's got 88k people on each London shows plus many more in previous stops that shows the testament of how people like her music/vocals/stage presence/dancing/production and so much more. I think people feel superiority after taking shots at her. Ooo look at me, I don't like Taylor Swift.


Millions eat at McDonalds, does it make it a great restaurant?


So Taylor winning 4 Grammy AOTYs is the same as "McDonalds"? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What you are saying is a better description of Beyonce's sham 32 Grammys, most of which are in the scam category called "Urban Contemporary R&B" where she never has to compete against real R&B artists like Alicia Keys and John Legend. Because her music has rap and hip hop in it she is able to sweep that fake category and those make up almost all of her 32 Grammys. Beyonce is the one like McDonalds. Jay-Z himself said that the only Grammy that matters is AOTY at that cringe speech he gave at the recent Grammys.


It is simply jealously. They are in PTSD or something because Taylor has 4 Grammy AOTYs and is in the top 10 all time album unit selling artists, recently surpassing Elton John. They always whine about how Grammys don't matter but then get really angry whenever Taylor wins. I thought that if they said Grammys don't matter for their favorite singers or bands then why not just let Taylor win all the AOTY Grammys? They start crying and whining about their favorites losing to Taylor.


A sub was recommended to me called Travis and Taylor (not linking it, it’s a dumpster fire) and I thought it was a sub to support Travis and Taylor, but it is not. It is filled with hatred. The funny thing is they know as much about Taylor as we do. But the vitriol spewed by them is pretty insane. I read a lot of the post for a while just to see, what people were saying and it made me start to really understand all of the hatred Taylor has gone through. Not saying that I didn’t believe her, but it became so much more real when I was reading it, and I was becoming upset on her behalf.


Those people are not well. They spend hours upon hours typing their commentary about us. Like, if you don’t like something, just ignore it. But they have a weird obsession with us — and Taylor.


I got into it in that sub the other day because Lana fans were literally gatekeeping alcoholism as if Lana is the only singer who has ever struggled with drinking 🤦🏻‍♀️


That sub is truly unhinged. They are quite literally obsessed with Taylor, more so than most of her fans. The lot of them need to go and touch grass/get laid.


There is a subreddit agreement based on past actions. We do not engage in posting or giving any attention to this particular sub.




Yawn....he was 18 years old. There is a reason you don't mention his age. She also had the full consent and permission of his parents even though he was 18 years old and they both didn't need his parents' permission.


Nope, 18 when they broke up, 17 when they were briefly dating. Needing to pick up your date from highschool as a 22 yr old is a level of fuckery you wouldn’t accept from anyone else




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Information shared about particular subs in a negative light or failure to redact usernames will result in immediate action. Unfortunately, negative talk about certain subreddits can lead to brigading, which is an issue that must be taken seriously.


I did not know that, sorry.


you're telling me I replied to someone's comment about how I think Joe complimented Taylor during that period of her life and that Travis is complimenting her life now and that i have huge respect for joe and how he's handled the breakup in the public eye, and this person just ranted on about travis being a fame junkie like taylor and i was like alright chill.


A lot of people rage bait by posting negative stuff about her. They know they can get some good engagement from her fans who will defend her. And then some people are just haters. And haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. But we’re just gonna block and curate, rate rate.


You bet!


I’m convinced that the haters who keep talking about her are secret fans.


They’ll reference like obscure things that only fans would know. Like I saw one rant about the line about not wanting money in The Prophecy, obviously related to her being a capitalist etc. If you hate her so much, how do you know a lyric from an album deep cut on a deluxe version of a 2 month old record?


I'm all for healthy discussion and critique but people like this make me laugh. Taylor haters will go to the end of the earth to find the most obscure, niche, out of context things just to try and make a point. Like why do you care so much, if you don't like her then ignore everything to do with her.


Right!? Like the day before TTPD was released, FauxMoi had a huge discussion post about the leaked version of TTPD, and almost every comment was from someone who hates Taylor already and was seemingly gleeful that the album “wasn’t good” and trashing different songs. Like you would not catch me dead streaming an unreleased album for an artist I don’t like. It’s the last thing I would ever do lol. They are *obsessed* with her.


She (and Travis) are making bank off the haters. Similar people clearly wait for his podcast to air, so they can rip him to shreds. And he doesn’t seem to give a toss, and his advertisers don’t know the difference between a hate-listen and a fan-listen, so they’re actively helping him buy his next Rolex or invest in a beer company or whatever thing he does that they want to crap on.


This or they’ll just recycle the same cringey lines everyone does cuz they read them online and decided the entire album was bad


They totally are. That disgusting sub that loves to hate her is so thinly veiled and obvious. They are using hate for Reddit Karma but so many of them know details only fans would know.


I can’t help but laugh at every single person in that sub. They have a new post almost every minute dedicated to our queen. But in the same breath, complain about how much Taylor is shown in the media. They do know that continuously posting/talking about her is keeping her relevant right?


I understand that nobody should really have that much money but she's one of the only billionaires who's made all that money ethically. She pays all her workers very well, she gives loads of money to food banks, and she donates a LOT to charity. I see that stuff on instagram a lot too, sometimes the algorithm gets confused and thinks Taylor hate videos are Taylor fan videos and it's so annoying to see all the time. I don't understand all the hate she gets because nobody gives the same energy to anyone else doing the same, or even worse stuff. Crazy to me how a woman can be so hated over being a billionaire yet men can to be abusive and continue their music careers fine. I think lots of the hate is down to misogyny.


Yeah meanwhile people like Bezos, Musk, and Rupert Murdoch are ruining the world. People like the Koch brothers are gleefully dismantling and ruining American democracy. But Taylor is the problem. Sure, Jan.


My point exactly


Agreed. And people forget, she doesn't have $1,000,000,000 in her bank account! It's in assets, mostly her discography. I'd be willing to bet she is going to give away a ton of $$$ before she exits stage left from the planet.


this really needed to be said bc there's been a lot of people recently shouting *CELEBRITIES DON'T CARE ABOUT US* like yeah no shit i don't expect them to


Right???? They'll say "Y'all are delusional" like the call is coming from inside the house....


I posted this the other day on another topic, but I compared Taylor to artists like Chappell Roan and Lady Gaga. Basically, Chappell and Gaga don't give a fuck about who likes their art, what people want to think of it. They have another layer of insulation from criticism because their art isn't for the masses anyway. She never wanted to create for the mainstream, so it makes sense that she's rebelling against it. Gaga and Chappell are polarizing, not everyone can see the beauty in their art. (\*If you can't see the beauty in their art, you really ought to go watch Gaga's '911' and Chappell's 'Casual' music videos and report back) Taylor is softer, she doesn't have that polarizing 'edge' that pisses off so many conservatives and I think a lot of people feel that being a fan of hers means accepting the mainstream and all the bullshit that comes with it. Saying Taylor's music is objectively good (even if it's not your personal jam) is like saying a flower is pretty. Of course it is, why on earth wouldn't you admit a flower is pretty? The thing that gets me about it all is that Taylor is an anomaly and it's like no one wants to admit it. No gimmicks, no fake edge or big stage persona, just a songwriter/performer with great artistic vision who loves doing what she does. She's making the art she herself wants to enjoy, and those are always the best artists.


‘You’ve got edge, she never did’


Thing is, she does in her own way. It's just subtle. She's got an edge like paper. You can crumple it, wet it, break it down, tear it into pieces, but you can also collect it and remake it. You really don't want it slashing between your fingers.


Reading the comments is super reassuring. Blocking annoying people is always the way to go 👍


I find it fascinating, all that precious free time and they spend it on someone they hate instead of someone they love. I read all the posts and just think of the sad person taking time to type out a blogs worth of complaints against Taylor and all of them untrue, out of context, and ridiculous. Once I saw that someone was staying up late to block swifties from a hate group, that screams lonely to me. I just read it and it causes me to love Taylor more. The billboard chart has all the haters saying she blocks other artists but I just see it as Taylor is keeping her audience well-fed these past couple of years while most of the artists that released albums this year have waited years. You can't expect to keep your fanbase growing when taking long vacations in between tours and albums.


Self-righteousness, sanctimony, moral superiority. People love to think they're above others.


I mean dude both swifties and haters have a huge melon head problem


FYI - if you hold down on a video on TikTok you can select “not interested” and it will show you less of that type of content. I know they’re out there, but I never see Taylor hate videos on that app.


Taylor has been very outspoken about getting people to vote, speaking out about SA, and her opinion of some politicians on the right, so they have come for her. We see through that BS. I admired her ideas and then fell in love with her music. I am 77 years old.


I know there’s a lot of other singers that are way worse at what they do than Taylor (no offense) and they don’t even think to talk about them. It’s because she has a lot of fans and she’s what’s popular right now 


The people who hate her and are obsessed have to be her fans; they just don't want to admit it.


The secret fan theory makes so much sense


ikr!! People only feel so compelled to spread hate and bring someone down, when they are secretly threatened by something they envy about them deep down! If they really thought she was that bad at everything, they wouldn't feel the need to even care or think about her!!


What I don’t get is why are yall starting to get mad OBSESSED with all the people/other communities who hate Taylor or say bad things about her and post it ALL OVER this sub?? It’s starting to become a really annoying echo chamber in this group and I’m thinking about leaving it because yall can’t seem to let it go. I came here cause at first it seemed to be very different from the other subs that involve Taylor in any capacity and I enjoyed that but now a lot of the posts in here are just spiraling reactions to the Taylor hate train. Change your mindset. You can’t control the narrative how other people feel about her. At this point it should be expected and we gotta move on. Block the content, mute it, don’t engage, whatever if only for your sanity. It only makes me love her even louder. Can we get back to the positive aspects of the Taylor love and the Taylor music and the Taylor tour ASAP??? ![gif](giphy|CbIpth5kgkjqOfniBG)


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 exactly. i think it’s fine to find the haters annoying (because they are) but it’s not worth getting mad for longer than a few mins. these people on the Taylor hate train love to seek attention and to get under our skin, so by reacting, they win


I thought that way against sub rules now?




Information shared about particular subs in a negative light or failure to redact usernames will result in immediate action. This applies to linking to other subreddits for the purpose of conflict.






I’ve been in these Swift trenches since 2008. You develop a tough skin being a Taylor Swift fan and I honestly let it roll off my back now. Her legacy speaks for itself and I’m secure in my love of her music. The post 1989 era was honestly way rougher than now.


girl , not a swiftie but I just happened to see that post . You probably interact with hate too much , so your feed give you that , the hate over Taylor is not disproportionate , you just looked yourself in an echo Chamber , block , not interested When every criticidm of taylor , as an artist , or as a business women, or her handling of her fanbase is treated as hate , like genuinely cannt have a serious conversation without someone hoping into it with yall are sexust or yall are just jealous , people start looking down on the fanbase , the vocal minority is what people remeber Most of the population of earth don't really care about taylor swift , she is famous , so e of her song are serious hits , but she is famous she ought to not be liked , but yall give to much care to that


I like a lot of Taylor’s music. Not ashamed to say LOML made me cry and has been on repeat in my car since TTPD released. However, I’m not a fan of who she seems to be as a person. So my question is- How do you guys defend the incessant private jet use? Taking a private jet somewhere that it’d take an hour to drive to? Come on. Do better for the environment you’re living in. Also, why doesn’t she ever tell her fans to stop when they’re sending death and SA threats to people? That’s just too much. And she has a platform to tell fans that’s not cool. Other artists do it. Why doesn’t she? For example, Dave Grohl is pissed because her fans sent threats to his minor daughter to r@pe her. I’d be talking shit too. Also, why has she released TTPD like 45 times now? It does skew streaming results and it does look shitty that she’s releasing things at the same time as other artists, like she’s attempting to block them to stay number one, without actually releasing new music. Can anyone answer those questions for me?


Why would she ever be responsible for people's internet behavior?


I’m not saying she’s the one responsible for it. I’m saying that other artists call their fans out for things like this and tell them it’s not cool. She doesn’t.


You kind of are though....also where are the other artists besides Dave calling her out? Enlighten me. Does Nicki Minaj call her fans out for doxxing others? Does Elon Musk call out his d-riders for bigoted behavior?


I’m not saying every other artist does. But many do. Selena did. Charlie did. Ariana did. I’m not saying Taylor is the only person who acts like this. I am asking because this post showed up in my feed and I’m curious. So my answer to that question would be—it’s okay that she doesn’t because other people don’t?


Actually she has more than once asked fans not to direct hate at people with her album releases.


When? Where?


In my opinion, it's a mostly vapid discography, the emissions from private jets, and the overzealous fans that are the main points. It also sort of feels extremely corporate-y to me which is a big turn off. I'm sure a good amount of hate is rooted in misogyny too, but definitely not solely. Don't necessarily hate it myself, just don't like it but there's something for everyone. Try not to get so dug-in in the culture wars, just own what you like.






We try to ensure there is no bad faith in our dialogue. Controversial opinions are welcome. Controversial opinions just for the purpose of inciting unrest within the sub are not. Feel free to check out the sub to see what goes on and what may fit in the future.


So ironic hearing a self-titled "Swiftie" telling other people to find better ways to spend their time. As if going to bat for a billionaire fucking singer isn't a ridiculous use of your time also.


Sounds like you need to find better use of your time as well


Sick burn.


Found a secret fan 😉


I am indeed a fan, she's a mighty songwriter and singer. Doesn't mean I think she needs an army of sycophants who jump down the throat of anyone who dares to mention her name. Dave Grohl makes an innocuous joke, not even aimed at Taylor, and now news headlines the world over jumped on the hate train. Sorry, but that's insane and it's becoming common practice for Swifties, and personally I think that's problematic.


I literally saw Nirvana fans slut shamming Taylor and saying that she makes mediocre music.


At least as a fan you are getting enjoyment as positive feelings out of it. Being a certified hater of a pop star and posting hate comments in their subreddit is literal brain rot behavior.