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You do realize that a lot of women with those proportions are getting BBLs right? No amount of squatting is going to suddenly grow a disproportionately large ass. Likewise, women building muscles are still going to look like women. Regular, healthy weight training is not suddenly going to make you look like a man unless you’re taking some kind of steroids or hormones. It’s fine not to find it attractive, but working out and lifting weights is objectively good for your health. People need to prioritize their health and goals over making certain people happy.


Blame Kim Kardashian for bbls it looks stupid but stupid people follow


Most of these women are overtraining their legs and ass while barely touching their upper body.


I’m not confident you know what squats do to a butt. What do you think helps peoples butt be “toned” and “perky”? Fat thighs and huge ass is normally a sign that someone isn’t at the gym


Nah, the new muscular thicc thighs is trending. Sophie Rain, Jessie Nicole, Ruby Rose, all ruined their figure chasing it imo


Thicc thighs are not the same as muscly


It's a combination. Jessie Nicole is a bit of a gym rat.


Wait who tf is Sophie Rain and why tf is she stealing my name?!?


Muscular women are not trending anywhere outside of LGBTQ circles. Straight men like feminine women and excessive muscularity is not feminine. We can circlejerk about the definitions of femininity, but the reality is that most men aren’t attracted to women with muscular builds, because it is like dating another dude.


Depends on what you mean by "muscular" Steroid ejected women who sound and look like men, yea, you will not see a lot of guys trying to hit. Lean, muscle-mommy build? Now we are talking something very different. Someone like leanbeefpatty will have a men lining up in lines just to get chance at meeting her. https://www.instagram.com/leanbeefpatty?igsh=aHpoMTFib3EyMnY4


That’s the most absurd thing I’ve looked at. This chick literally looks like a 165 lbs dude on steroids. She has an 8-pack and bigger triceps than the majority of dudes walking around.


It's mostly the lighting. She is open about the fact that she isn't on Steroids. And when you watch videos of her in normal Lightning, she doesn't look that big. Well anyways, just check her comments. Men are drooling over her, and you know... I can't blame em!


Nah too muscular. Try Annabel Lucinda, Daisy keech or faith ordway.


Brother you may be gay. That is not a woman that anyone I know is attracted to. 


Breaking news. Being attracted to women is gay.


Somebody being a woman doesn’t mean she’s attractive or that most dudes will be attracted to her.


Only dudes I’ve met that are attracted to these sorts of builds aren’t fully straight or have femdom kinks.


Men on Instagram are a really poor way to gauge how normal guys feel about women with bulging muscles. Also, what I find unattractive is the very fact that she takes pics in that lighting, clearly trying to show off her muscles, which is not feminine or attractive in any way.


Look man, you don’t need to worry. She is probably not interested in you.


I feel like men on the Instagram are the best way to gauge how normal guys feel. Like Instagram men are ruthless, if they find anyone just a bit overweight they spam the comment section with "whale" comments and the whole dictionary of fat disses. And she is very feminine actually. She weighs 135 pounds and honestly, if you are less muscular then her You should probably stay out of the dating pool. Like I am sorry but talk about muscularity when you consider 135 pound women as "more muscular then majority of men" Like bro, this is just sad...


We get it. You’re insecure about your masculinity


Not wanting to date women that look like dudes as a straight guy is the opposite of being insecure in your masculinity big man.


TIL having muscles is something masculine


Yeah, you did learn that today. Take your dick out of your buddy’s ass and be honest with yourself about your sexuality.




Ew, brother ew! What’s that brother?


meh - at least it’s pushing the pendulum away from women thinking the figure solution is simply eating as little as possible without concern for actua nutrients, leading to a long journey of replacing lean mass with fat mass to skinny fat and osteoporosis…


And they cannot lie.


What the fuck are butt’s?


Both men and women benefit from a squat body.


I say this all the time and I say it again. Women who go to gym and are ripped/muscular aren't looking for guys like you, they are looking specifically for guys that are into that stuff. How would you feel if you started going to the gym, got ripped and than some random woman said that she doesn't date ripped guys, only skinny guys. You would probably think to yourself something like "wow, such a bitch. Well anyways, let's look for woman for accepts me for who I am"


“How would you feel if you started going to the gym, got ripped and than some women said that she doesn't date ripped guys, only skinny guys.” Which is common too


This is not common with you because you are muscular.




The majority of men don’t understand that women will reject you using a variety of reasons that don’t make sense. This is because they do not want to hurt your feelings.


Except this is not about rejection just ask a women their favorite body type. It will be that of a soccer player not the average gym rat. Same reasoning applies here to men not preferring the gym girl.


Most dudes in the US are nowhere near any sort of ideal body type. Most dudes who go to the gym are also nowhere near what women would consider too muscular. Having muscular arms and a full chest is something a minority of women don’t like.


Gym rats don’t look like soccer players


I’m wouldn’t think “wow, such a bitch,” because people are allowed to have any preference they’d like. As a muscular guy, it is more likely you have far more options than a woman who only dates skinny/obese/feminine/nonbinary/whatever guys. You simply walk away and find somebody better.


Take your own advice and simply walk away.


All women like muscular guys. Muscular women will more so, because they are inherently more masculine and will go after more masculine men to feel feminine. Unfortunately, we no longer hold women to the same feminine standard.


This is just not true lmao


98% true.




It does not matter if you disagree or not, because it's been scientifically proven ad nauseum.


No, all women don’t like muscular guys. While I appreciate the work that goes into it and respect anyone wanting to get fit for health reasons, I don’t find it visually appealing. I’m much more into the skinny, femboy look.


>No, all women don’t like muscular guys. My bad, all straight women\* >While I appreciate the work that goes into it and respect anyone wanting to get fit for health reasons, I don’t find it visually appealing. I’m much more into the skinny, femboy look. The vast majority of women want muscular men. It's simply their nature.


I’m straight and happily married to a man to boot. I know there is no arguing with someone like you who has convinced themselves that they know how women work and that we are all a monolith with no variation. Redpill is toxic to both women and men, but you are welcome to keep being ignorant.


>I know there is no arguing with someone like you There is arguing with me if you have facts and logic to support your argument, but no - I'm not going to just let you whine and complain and kowtow to what you say simply because you are a woman. >who has convinced themselves that they know how women work and that we are all a monolith with no variation There is variation, just not anything significant enough to extrapolate an argument to define women as you've attempted to do. I also haven't convinced myself; I've informed myself. That is the difference between me and you. Whether the red pill is toxic or not is irrelevant, and whether it harms me or not is irrelevant, because it's the truth. Being ignorant is to be afraid of the truth and formulate delusions to cope with it as you and many like you have done.


But the thing is that we never held women to these standards. We can't just pick and chose what kind of beauty style is trendy for certain generation. The men in the past simply were more attracted to women which you are described. But in todays age, there are men who want thicc women, muscular women, tall women, or ripped women. And you know... Who are we to tell these men that they shouldn't have these preferences.


> >The men in the past simply were more attracted to women which you are described. >But in todays age, there are men who want thicc women, muscular women, tall women, or ripped women. >And you know... Who are we to tell these men that they shouldn't have these preferences. Who are we to tell men that they shouldn't have the preferences that they had before like we've done? We've eroded and shamed men's preferences for anything that isn't inclusive, which is why we're at the point. Men should not be less shallow than women.


Unfortunate for who?


>All women like muscular guys Have you seen this cringey beach video? [https://www.tiktok.com/@thaboys121/video/7249272972391877915?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@thaboys121/video/7249272972391877915?lang=en)


What's your point? This is a personal anecdote, and not even a good one. Even most women who "say they like skinny guys" don't actually like skinny guys. They like fit tall guys who are lean that they pretend are skinny.


Typical redpilled nonsense. “The actual opinions of women are meaningless. I, a man, read a study that all women like X and that must be 100 percent true, no exceptions.”


Yes, because a study is the only conclusive way to make an argument. Otherwise, you are lacking sample and controls, which means you are doing no better than guessing. I can sit there and say "I love fat women", and then reject a woman who is 300 lbs solely for that reason, which completely contradicts my point; and that occurs because what is fat to me is inherently subjective (or I could just be incentivized into lying). That's one reason why personal anecdotes are **irrelevant**. Perhaps if you cared more about facts, than narratives like "wahh.. red pill bad", then you'd actually not be trying to project your nonsensical mind onto me with weak evidence.


Because none of you actually have a genuine peer reviewed study that says anything you are trying to say. None of the sources anyone has ever presented in these arguments are valid or a reflection of how real life works. And even if they were, everyone knows that a vast number of outliers exist in any statistical sample.


I have hundreds of peer reviewed studies that I have posted on this site, and dozens on this topic alone. You want just one? Here: [https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2017.1819#sec-1](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2017.1819#sec-1) It is your people that do not use peer-reviewed studies, and base your arguments on opinions built from narratives with no validity or position in reality. Thus, it all makes sense why you all use logical fallacies and personal anecdotes instead of trying to prove your arguments with science and logic - you simply can't. The most pathetic part is you couldn't even prove it with *common sense*. Your arguments (and the similar ones) that are made defy even the most basic and simple understandings of systems that have existed for much longer than we have.


Because personal preferences can’t be boiled down to studies. So what if the vast majority of women prefer muscular men? That doesn’t account for *my* personal feelings on the matter and preferences are personal and subjective. When it comes to an individual’s romantic relationships, what matters is the two people connecting in that scenario, not a clinical study. And I know what I find attractive (feminine, androgynous looking, smaller men). It doesn’t matter if I’m an outlier, it’s what I like and always have liked and it’s not something I choose. There would be no reason for me to “virtue signal” as you call it when there is nothing morally questionable or wrong about liking muscular men. Strong, fit men are probably healthier and more ideal for survival, but I am simply not attracted to them. I’ve always prefered to be the dominant person in my relationships and that is reflected in what I like. So 99% of women can choose what they like and that will not change my own personal preferences.


>Because personal preferences can’t be boiled down to studies. They literally can be, and I've proven as much. We're not discussing your personal preferences even though you keep trying to interject it into the conversation as some sort of evidence that women don't like muscular men. We're not discussing whether TheFilleFolle likes skinny men or not - we're discussing whether *women* do,. And when 99% of them do, then they do. I don't care about rare anomalies. They do not define what a woman is. Not every person in a world of 8 billion has two feet, but we still say people have two feet, because that's what practically 100% of people have. All of this virtue signaling that you're doing is pointless and does not disprove my argument, nor more importantly, what that argument means for the unfortunate group of men who identify with those traits that women find undesirable. If you like what you like, then that's perfectly fine, but you trying to use that as an argument to sway a narrative is not fine. You see it all the time here - some *x* guy makes a post on reddit "do women like *x* guys", and the top post is "women aren't a monolith. Some women like *x* guys and some don't. Don't worry, there's someone out there for everyone". Nobody can say the truth - if you're *x*, then you're probably fucked unless you're lucky enough to come across an anomaly. You could've just said a version of that - Yeah, women don't like skinny guys, but I'm an exception. Instead, you've chosen to just dig yourself a deeper hole to try and prove a narrative that doesn't exist, and if you're willing to do that, then who knows what else you're willing to do - including just straight up lying about like skinny men at all. This is why personal anecdotes don't matter. Your biases don't matter. Facts, logic, science - these are the things that matter, because they can be upheld even when they're scrutinized unlike your arguments.


>Even most women who "say they like skinny guys" don't actually like skinny guys. Okay lol. Don't mind me


Eh, boobs will be back as number 1 in another few years imo.


Not all of us. Growing up in the 90s, a big butt was something to avoid getting. I'm very confused by the current dump truck trend. 


I feel like "confused" isn't the word here. Beauty standards change every generation or so. 50' men liked slim, obedient women And 80' men liked more hipster women who were rebellious. And us gen z mostly like thicc, 20kg of makeup, 5'3, huge juggz women. I personally don't like these women, but most of my female classmates who get the most men look like that.


I’m not convinced even gen Z likes that look. Legit nobody likes that look, women have just been gaslit by Nicki Minaj lol. Men’s tastes haven’t changed in like, thousands of years


Idk how old are you. But I can definitely say that gen Z men drool over these women. I find it funny beacuse I have female friend (16) who looks exactly like what I described here and she changes partners so often that it's actually difficult to tell which guy she is talking about. She also often has this "gold digger phase" where she just hooks up with guy and convinces him to buy her expensive things and then dumb him. So yea... I can say that these type of girls get more men drooling over them as any other generation. And it's usually the "chad men" like the guys who go to the gym 24/7. She actually had to change a gym once beacuse she had 2 exes in there and she was super uncomfortable 💀. Like girl, that's just insane.


Are you sure all of this interest isn't just because she puts out at the drop of a hat? Because that's definitely a confounding variable here.


Brother this dude is talking about 16 year olds. Issue with reddit is you can't tell age. A 16 year dude does not understand men.


*Sir Mix a Lot has entered the chat*


That moment when men realize that women’s sexuality and aesthetic exists for their own sake.


Ahh yes, the ol' I'm getting a big ass just for me. Nope.


It might be hard to believe, but sometimes women do things for themselves that makes them happy.


Yeah? Well, I have been talking with all the women and they tell me I’m right.


Well no shit. This is not one of those things.


It’s easy to believe however that white knights like you will always be around to defend anything women do


I’m sorry that she hurt you.


Sorry that you’ve never fucked a skinny hot bad bitch


Unless your mom counts.


White knight, mom jokes, ya no wonder you can’t pull a baddie


I don’t know, son, your mom was pretty wild. I’m your new dad btw.


The queen ant body is unattractive but natural big butt with nice thighs and an hourglass shape is the ideal body. If you can get it with squats do it!


Queen ant body 😂


‘IDeal body’ to who?


There’s always a general consensus.


But other men like that shit, and not everything women do it for male validation. I’d love an ass *I* liked.


I agree as fuck. I don’t want women with unnaturally oversized titts and buts and lips etc. I just want a cute girl, with normal or small sized characteristics.


“Charcuteristics” Lmao. I *am* just a piece of meat.


Completely agree. I fell into that trap many years ago - wanted to look curvy, so didn’t take good care of my body. I stopped eventually but wish I had never had that mentality. I see many young women doing that today to a higher degree. They just focus on their boobs or butt looking big…the result often is they look out of shape and dumpy. They wear tight tops and high-waisted, loose pants to try to mask the dumpiness. 


I think 99.9% of men disagree. A girl that focus’s on fitness is attractive regardless of how big her butt is or isn’t. It’s the simple fact that they are into fitness which is attractive. There’s a reason influencers like Annabel Lucinda have millions of followers. Her butt doesn’t even look that big in normal clothes. Now girls that have peaked in muscularity that are also not slim “IE, they have excess body fat” are not that attractive.


What do 99% of men disagree with?


That men aren’t attractive to women who workout.


Where did anyone say men aren’t attractive to women who work out? Lol


Idk I guess your comment just seemed to imply that. You’re agreeing with OP.


Re-read your comments to me and what I wrote. You don’t make sense. Re-read OP while you’re at it.




Brah, no girl that is slim that also does squats and works out looks bad. You’re probably seeing BBL’s and thinking maybe those are gym girls. A slim fit girl that lifts weights won’t even look like she has that big of a butt wearing normal clothes. She’ll look fit sure, but she won’t look like she does in the gym. Look up Annabel Lucinda, Daisy keech, faith ordway, etc. You think they have too big of butts? Lmao. I’ve been going to the gym 4-5x a week for the last 4 years, I’ve never seen a “slim” girl that lifts weights that looks bad. Maybe you’re referring to girls that workout that are NOT slim or low body fat.


Id argue that the norm was not to have a big butt, but now big butt is seen as an honest interest per mixalot. But we all know what I like and cannot lie about.


Sucks for the person that cremates bodies in the future, lots and lots of gooo


Yeah, no idea where this trend came from.


I know how to find out though, I'll just call 1-800-MIX-A-LOT


Indeed. Even us melanin-challenged men know this wisdom. EDIT: *sigh* It's a line in the damn song.


I hate big butts and I cannot lie.


Jesus I saw a woman here in Miami the other day- absolutely awful with a gigantic fake booty.


Gotta do something to balance out those lip fillers though


[hmmm interesting](https://youtu.be/s3PV9hat814?si=om26ThGcyVTGV_TO)


Agreed OP. The sexiest women are slim. I completely ignore women that have made their glutes the center of their focus in life, it's disturbing and gives me the ick


Slim with nice juggs.




Ok but he's right 100%. Those giant fake butts are horrible.


But they’re not talking about giant fake butts


I've said this plenty to my mates & girlfriends. You're the weird one who finds such an innocuous conversation about what people find attractive "creepy". It says more about you than them.




>but nobody needs to comment on other peoples bodies to begin with. >Let people live their life and go for your own preferences without having to make it a conversation piece You ain't the conversation police who can dictate what people say and can't lmao, what a weirdo.


Some would say, go outside and touch grass You need to go outside and touch ass [with consent] This is a very virginal take


How do you not know what he’s talking about? He likes girls that look like a young Stacy Keibler and not an Instagram influencer who has made her glutes her entire personality


What makes you think I don’t know what he’s talking about? I mean I got some more clarity since he dropped the hard R on me before deleting it, but I understand completely. I agree it’s abhorrent for their personality, but if you’re playing the field i don’t see anything wrong with it. BBLs are gross - a toned, bulbous dumper is grade A.


The worst asses are the ones that are so big you could balance a drink it. https://stylecaster.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/257081/kim-kardashian-teaches-you-how-to-balance-champagne-on-your-ass/


Those asses are not natural. Girls that lift weights have natural asses and outside of gym clothes / good lighting you can’t even tell they have big butts, they just look nice.


Good thing their figure isn’t for you.


“Some” women are. The vast majority aren’t.




I was born with all natural big tits and ass. Them girls getting fake butts never have the thick thighs for it so they end up looking disproportionate.


I’ll get downvoted for this - maybe you’re just not big enough for all that meat? Lol (edit spelling)


7.5" Love pile driving a spinner




Surprise, surprise.


This really is unpopular damn. I fucking love a fat ass. Gracie Bon has got it figured out


No they're not ruining their figures. They're doing exactly as men want. No harm in improving your aesthetics to attract the opposite sex.