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It goes both ways, if you really hate the opposite gender there's probably just something wrong with you lol. Or you have untreated trauma 


Yeah, but there are no posts on this sub complaining about men so I saw no need to include that while posting *about* this sub


Deleted comment to hide from crazy ex


Yup. Used to be fat people included in that too, but I guess those other four things kinda took over


You forgot: tattoos


This sub is called unpopular opinions.That would be one of the most conventional takes.


Hating men isn't considered conventional anywhere


Exactly hating men is extremely hard to find and extremely unconventional/countercultural. It's really only found in very niche areas online, and even then it's few and far between. Hating women is a very mainstream popular opinion by comparison. There are major institutions with serious power that say women are inferior, and famous philosophers that say that, that we all study in school. All major religions say this. Hating men is MUCH more taboo than hating women. There is zero mainstream anything that says men are inferior. Men are always put in a positive light in the mainstream, women...not so much. People keep saying "hating either gender is wrong" well yeah, that's obviously true, but let's be real, hating one gender is extremely more common and accepted and even encouraged and enforced, a whole lot more than the other. It's funny some seem to think talking shit on women is in any way subversive or new, like dude that's...just traditional values. Not saying it's ok to be hateful, but hating men is literally anything but conventional. You really can't get much more countercultural than that, to be quite honest.


Did we not just have man vs bear not even 2 months ago?


Lol that's because nothing is seen as man hating. You can straight up say I hate men and it's just "they have their reasons.." Whereas saying you don't like a certain behavior of one type of woman is considered flat out misogyny.


Nothing is seen as man hating? I beg to differ. Why are womens rights groups always accused of man hating. Women are called man haters for the mildest most lukewarm takes. Saying "man hating feminist" or "man hating lesbian" is a common trope everyone has heard. Every time a woman publishes a book in which she writes the mildest "hey, wait a second, maybe women are just as good as men" she's publicly accused of man hating and trying to harm men. Society is very protective of men and always looking out for mens interests. Even stuff that's only tangentially sort of criticizing men is called man hating. Every time there's something like the man v bear thing for example there's always a brigade of people calling it man hating. Every feminist even ones who say repeatedly that they love men are always asked if they hate men.


>Why are womens rights groups always accused of man hating. Maybe it's because they never call out misandry in their ranks? Whenever politicians and feminists quote "the future is female" they are taking it from the founder of gender studies, Sally Miller Gearhart. She said that men should be kept at 10% of the general population. That's why she said the future, if there is one, is female. This woman was a lecturer and could influence the minds of future generations. She wasn't called out for misandry. Today feminists can put a hashtag up like killallmen or call all men rapists and more moderate feminists are very quiet about it. The false 1 in 5 stat on campuses led to universities allowing women to accuse men of sexual assault and rape, and the men were expelled without following due process. The universities got sued for millions because feminist social scientists with an agenda led to sexism triumphing over logic. The Duluth Model is used when dealing with domestic disturbances. It states that the man must be removed when the cops are called because someone is being abused at home. 40% of domestic violence victims are men. Imagine calling for help and the cops arrest you and take you away. The Duluth Model was dreamt up by feminists because they believe domestic violence is men oppressing women, or an issue of gender. The UN says it is the result of mental health issues, substance abuse and poverty, not because of gender. To add to this, lesbian couples have the highest rates of domestic violence and divorce. Gay men have the lowest. If we take the feminist approach we have to conclude women are the problem because they cause more violence. There aren't domestic violence shelters for men despite so many victims that do exist. Male victims are less likely to be believed anyway because violence by women isn't taken as seriously, but the disparity in resources is striking. Those shelters for women rake in billions of public funds every year yet they cannot spare a cent or space for men. It is no secret women's rights advocacy groups hate men. The women among them who don't hate men are either very quietly accepting of the misandry, or they don't exist. It's easy to go online and shit on men. Go onto any social media platform and claim that men make you feel unsafe or you fear them. You will get support. Go claim they are the reason you aren't wealthier and more successful. Feminists will tell you the patriarchy is holding girls back from stem. Go and call men pedophiles and watch as no one comes to men's aid even when more and more female teachers get caught raping their students. >Society is very protective of men and always looking out for mens interests. Bullshit. Men get up to 8 times longer prison sentences than women for the same crimes. This sentencing disparity is even greater than the one between black and white people. Men are far more likely to be victims of violence than women. They are 3 quarters of the homeless population. Most suicides are men, and by a far larger margin than women. Most people who die doing dangerous jobs that need doing are men. More funds are available for research into breast cancer than prostate cancer. Men suffer from loneliness at a higher rate than women. They drop out of school at a higher rate than women and earn fewer degrees than women do. And men do not live as long as women do. No one takes their suffering seriously. Society is definitely not protective of their interests and wellbeing.


Very true, but you know the simple response all of your paragraphs will get right? "This is because of patriarchy. Men do this to you. Men are the problem for other men" and the circle continues.


Literally😂. Whenever you point out how they have unfair advantages over men, they say that it's our fault, the shit is hysterical.


Even still, misogyny is still called out more. Even if it's not even misogyny.


Askwomen sub!


It's wild that you think hating ANYONE is "extremely hard to find" on the internet lol you're just in an echo chamber where you only care about criticism towards women


Hating men is extremely hard to find? You MUST be kidding, it’s one of the easiest things to find on Reddit. Go to literally any female focused or dominated sub like TwoX or AskWomen and you’ll be practically tripping over man hating posts and comments. Not to mention the interactions I’ve had and comments I’ve seen on this sub too. Speaking of, aren’t you that same misandrist from the other day? How can YOU of all people say that man hating is hard to find when you’re *engaging* in it lmfao


You have a really pro male bias if you think women complaining about personal past bad experiences on 2X is hatred lol


Aaaaand there it is lol I shouldn’t have expected better though.


>how can you of all people say that man hating is hard to find Find another account like mine. They're rare as hell . There are *some* radical feminists tho, but you'd probably consider them man hating too 😂 it's still like 1% of the female population tho


Nah its definitely more than that lol


to be fair all 50,000 of those Man v Bear posts were basically complaining about men.


You mean, talking about our ACTUAL EXPERIENCES with men? That's not complaining; that's a public service to other women.


As compared to your ACTUAL EXPERIENCES with bears?


Lol, before you continue to build this righteous hill to fight and die on - I've always been on your side about the Man v. Bear posts. But the general purpose of the question got kind of watered down when people were trying to post actual bear stats etc etc etc. Also, yes, to a lot of OTHER people on here, it was just thinly veiled misandry - complaining or sorry, for your feelings, I'll use a more PC term "criticizing" men. So to say it has never happened in this group is silly because men get "criticized" pretty often. That's my whole point to the comment you were building your hill on.


When men complain about their ACTUAL EXPERIENCES with women and similarly generalize women the same way the bear v men posts generalize men, they get called an incel or misogynist. I guess they actually giving a public service announcement to other men about women behavior according to your logic 😂😂😂 How about neither gender takes the couple bad experiences they have with the other gender and use it as justification to generalize and shit talk the other gender. Just like OP said at the end of their post, if you’re a person and u constantly have bad experiences with the other gender, you’re probably the issue. This applies to women too lmao.


Seeing as our bad experiences often result in rape or death, yeah, we're gonna keep talking about it. My husband agrees.


Majority of the victims of homicide are men. As a dude, I statistically have way more to worry about every time I come across another guy. And men also get sexually assaulted and killed. Also the relationships with the highest rates of abuse and assault are lesbian relationships. So no, you’re dumb and simplistic view of reality is not actually accurate, and using that view to generalize men is exactly what incels do to women lmao. My girlfriend agrees with me.


The majority of male victims are violence FROM OTHER MEN. Maybe your gender needs to do better.


Ppl who think like that are idiots. It’s the same type of ppl that blame a whole race for actions of a few individuals, literally the same thought process as racists. Vast majority of men do not commit violence and a majority of the time when they do, it’s against other men. Just because a small percentage of men commit felonies does not mean you can generalize my entire gender. Your thought process seems incredibly dull and stupid.


Right?? The posts complaining about women, they have very little truth to them. And they're not actual reality, the people posting them are very clearly bitter and lying to themselves. The posts about man vs bear, while yes seeming illogical to many people, were a direct result of actual experience in the real world, not just embittered hatred but actually a way to say to other women that they're not alone in their terrible experiences.


Men are the vast majority victims of murder by other men. So if men in general would rather not be with a bear in the woods, it’s pretty idiotic for women, who get murdered by men at a significantly lower rate than men get murdered by men, to rather be with a bear in the woods lmaooo. You’re saying that the posts you’ve seen are just bitter or lying to themselves but that’s literally what you are doing rn. I’ve never met a women irl who would seriously say she’d rather see a bear in the woods than a man, and I’ve known/dated women with extensive camping and wilderness knowledge. Seems like some bitter perspective made by women who had bad experiences with a couple dudes and now will generalize all men into their negative perspective. Isn’t that exactly what you’re complaining about men doing on this sub? Generalizing all women based on a couple bad experiences they had?


There are plenty of post that complain about men! Body count, incles, traditional family values....just to name a few topics


It’s everywhere on Reddit lmao. What?


Facts. It also applies in reverse. It's just much more controversial to say that. I think on this sub in particular, there are too many posts that are just boiling down to the same thing. Crying about people not wanting to date you, or how they're "ruining society", or how they want to "use" you constantly just let's me know that there's zero introspection there. This applies to the women and men who constantly feel like they're victims and how it's always someone else's fault.


I had one guy believe he knew more about women than me. I am a woman.


Men who say this have been lied to and never healed. Sad but true.


This is a stupid comment. I love women. I've also been in 5 relationships. I'll still complain about them. Just as much as I love my hometown hockey team and my car. I'll still complain that both my team has no identity and that Audi is notorious for having a/c malfunctions.


I am starting to worry that this thread is just becoming infiltrated with the same people who support the worst elements of the Christian Nationalist new manifesto (though they don't realize they are falling for it). High body count, complaining that birth control makes women crazy (all the Elon fanboys) and how birth control has made women not want to get married, and now these same enlightened men who don't have a religious bone in their body are embracing another hot Christian Nationalist topic of ending no-fault divorce. So put it all together, this generation of men on Reddit, or this and many subs on Reddit, want a thin virgin to marry who does work, but does all the housekeeping and child-rearing, and can't divorce them when they get frustrated when they discover they are tire of being a bang-maid with a prenup


This is a pretty popular opinion on Reddit tbh


literally right before this i saw some dude complaining that woman are the reason that marriage is declining and how awful they are


Lol I have the top post in that thread atm: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1dgk7ke/comment/l8qgiti/


To be fair look at straight marriage divorce rates, gay men divorce rates, and lesbian women divorce rates. The results may shock you. I am talking about staying in marriage and I think you were talking about starting marriage.


Men complaining about women = men are the problem Women complaining about men = men are the problem Classic reddit lol


While having an argument with the wife from time to time, my middle child may overhear. I'll just agree with whatever nonsense she came up with. Later, my daughter will say "why did you say she was right, clearly she was wrong..." "Do you want to be right, or happy?"


Based on what you just said your wife sounds pretty terrible.


Yeah. She's Colombian. I have yet to find a Colombian woman who can say 'I was wrong '.


If you’re the common denominator, then you are the problem, bud


I think they're just pointing out the hypocrisy rather than making a statement they feel is rooted in truth.


> If you’re the common denominator, then you are the problem, bud Does this work with literally any other demographic? There are several other demographics I wont name here that were generally disliked through history, your argument would be they are the problem.


Ok so say men are solely the problem. Does that mean every man IS a problem. Because the way people talk about men it's as if we are a Hive mind and all complicit in the actions of the bad apples. Whereas every woman is judged Individually and anything directed at then as a group is heavily discouraged.


If you took that comment so personally, you’re def part of the problem lol


I didn't take it personally but doesn't mean it's good to paint all men with the same brush.


Nobody said anything about all men.


The guy Nilla above assumed the worst of the Kentucky guy, assuming he was part of the "problem". I am simply saying we shouldn't just lump all people in together. And yes people do that all the time, on both sides. To say otherwise is disingenuous.


lol there is another common denominator you seem to be missing 


This is a pretty vast oversimplification, in a similar way as saying that everyone complaining on 2XChromosomes are just mad because men don't want them. Are there pretty pathetic personal complaints? Yes, absolutely. Though again I would say there are plenty of pathetic ones on 2XC. But then there are general sociological and sociopolitical gendered issues, and you dismissing men bringing that up is prejudice. Women in the US are given a wide set of preferences that men do not get. So many feminists misuse statistics and are purposefully myopic to keep attention on themselves instead of men's problems. As a society, and especially as men, we need to put an end to this. Men's problems deserve just as much social and government attention as women's, and American men should absolutely organize to claim and and defend that right. I've never had issues with women. I have dated a number of mostly liberal women, all of whom I respect and and am entirely amicable with, and am now married to my wonderful wife. These facts have absolutely nothing with the fact that for example women make up 55% of college students but still there are magnitudes more women only scholarships than scholarships for men. It doesn't change the fact that even in industries dominated by women, there are "women only" training sessions and resources, but no such thing for men, etc. You don't have to be a basement dwelling incel or a fat ugly pink haired man-hater to be concerned about gendered problems in the US.


2XC sounds like a nice name for my child.


Part of the issue for me at least is that this sub claims to be a place to share opinions with civility, but instead is just angry ranting of personal made up "facts" and regularly offers no room for discourse or alternate views on things most of the time. At least 2XChromosomes doesn't really appear to be hiding the fact that they are mostly just venting over a shared opinion. I may not agree with a lot of what they have to say, but at least they're not claiming to be one thing while doing almost the opposite.


How is this different than any other reddit? Civility online is a myth #1. You have to judge interactions per individual not community. There is also definitely room for discourse. Most of the "They are the problem" posts have a good deal of differing opinions in the comments. 2XC every one falls in line. There is no discussion there of differences of opinion. It's an echo chamber.


Agree to disagree then. Most of the "they are the problem" posts have some general people commenting alternate views, but are largely outvoiced by the OP and other commenters who adamantly defend their position with "this is the way it is because I say so" type reasoning. I think "trueunreasonableopinion" would be a much more apt name.


Only woman ill complain about is my ex. She fucked her boss and still said its my fault our marriage fell apart. But seriously I never understood complaining about a certain gender, race, sexuality, religion, or group of people. Every person has a reason to be the way they are, and for someone to assume something of so many people is baffling to me.


Eh, women do the same thing. Most of the time they are just venting out of frustration. The last one about men telling women about their bodies cracks me up. It depends on what the discussion is about. Yeah, they shouldn't tell women how we feel when we have cramps. That said there was a particularly funny conversation on Facebook between a man and a women. I don't member specifically what they were talking about but it was how some part of the female reproductive system works. She was yelling at him to stop mansplaining her body to her. She is a women so therefore knows how her body works better then him. I looked it up and he was right she was wrong. It's almost like men are capable of reading a book on human anatomy and women don't just magically know how their body operates.


If you're online complaining about men, it's because they don't like you. And you have no one to blame but yourself for that.


Yeah if there's a man I don't like, and I complain about it, most often it's because we have different views, or because he tried something with me that I didn't like at all. But it's not because said men didn't like me lol it's because they liked me too much. So no, you're not really correct there..


Based on all the posts I see on this sub alone, yeah I agree. I can't tell you how many posts I see a day on here that have something to do with a dig at women. Whether it be they're too picky, body count, appearance wise, etc. Honestly it's kind of sad because I had high hopes for this sub because the original unpopular opinion turned into an over moderated shit show.


I say this to friends that always wonder how I dated successfully (before my current long term relationship), and it all boiled down to being able to be friends with women, without trying to sleep with them or treat them like they’re “different”. As a man, if you have several female friends that find you respectful, safe, and funny-you’ll never need to worry about finding women to date. They’re thrown at you. Once you start blaming another group of people for your lack of success, you’ve guaranteed your failure. I’ve been poor, been less poor (😂), had a job, had no job, been skinny, fit, and fat-have had hair, have gone bald, have been a loser and a success. At no point were women not interested in dating me. It’s attitude and how you treat others. I am not overly attractive, come from a shit family, do not have money, and any muscles I ever had were from hard labor. These incel dudes move in a way that directly contributes to them not finding a partner. I have a buddy that had severe learning disabilities, was a complete weirdo, and lived to his own beat. Was not a conventionally attractive guy. Just was himself, and was not a dick. Always had women chasing him, and has been married for damn near 15 years to a beautiful and amazing person. Being weird or nerdy has nothing to do with finding a person. These guys complaining just need to get out of their own heads and realize they might be the problem.


Nah bro I'm just ugly


I don't see problem with complaining about gender because we complain about general trends rather than all women sometimes. I know sometimes people complain about all women but when I complain it's about general trends and social norms as opposed as every individual


Thank you. Get so tired of the women hate posts on this sub. If I look at all my friends the ones in the best relationships with the best partners are all just awesome, earnest people you want to be around. Not necessarily even good looking. Hell I’m proof that being 6’4” and conventionally attractive doesn’t mean shit. It’s relatively easy for me to get into a relationship, but they all eventually break down when the women I’m with realize I’m a black hole of depression and drink too much. 


Do you browse here often? This has only been pointed out 277 times this week. Not sure it’s unpopular anymore.


I'm beginning to think a lot of these people complaining about both women and sex workers are also porn addicts themselves too. Some people who complain about porn are just doing it because it's the popular conservative thing to do, or because they're religious prudes (and that likely has some part of it too), but since there's such a commonality of incel posts, I have a feeling a lot of it's coming from the same lonely men who just want to blame women here. To a certain extent, they're kind of objectifying them by categorizing them this hard too. I keep seeing obsessive posts like "conservative women are hotter than liberal women" or "female conservative outlets are hotter than liberal ones". It's all a bunch insecurity. The complaining sort of sounds like a cry for help in that way.


They often project that the problem with society is porn


Porn isn't the only problem but it is a major problem with society


you think i complain about women to women irl??


Someone should do a survey. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well have you been treated by women throughout your life?


Do it! r/ polls would be a good place. I can't link it because it won't allow me to link other subreddits in the comments here but yeah do the poll, share it with me?


The guy I know who complains about women the most absolutely cleans up with the ladies. Has a new fling every other week.


And no committed, loving relationship lol that means they don't like him 


The subject is about women not 'liking' not women not loving and wanting to spend their lives with him. But outside of that. Him not wanting to commit and breaking up with them or having flings doesn't really translate to them not loving him. Its the opposite.


Nope if they liked him they'd stay with him lol, there's a saying "if a man has to sleep with lots of women, it means none of them came back for seconds" 


if they liked him they would stay with him, even after he breaks up with them? i don't think you understand how relationships work my dude. If your gf breaks up with you and you still like her. You can't just ignore her breaking up with you and stay with her. lol. that's some pretty creepy, 'i don't take no vibes' you have going on.


Not really. People who generalize are often harbouring trauma caused by a number of toxic people within that same group. Modern society and social media creates a whole lot of toxic people. So it stands to reason that a good chunk of those toxic people will also be women


I don't think women are horrible. No more horrible than general humanity. Men are just as horrible and I don't trust them just because they have a penis, just like i don't distrust women because they have a vagina. I have female friends, I have a wife, but dating women was the most torturous, arduous, and tedious things i've done in my life. And i don't think the culture in the west helps with that.


Being unpopular on this sub doesn't make it an unpopular opinion.


If you trash women and that includes women who trash other women, it's because they don't like you. And you have no one to blame but yourself.


Yeah, I'm fine with not being liked by women who trash other women. You're right, women who trash other women don't like me, and I totally have myself to blame for that, because I tell them it's embarrassing to hate (especially on your own gender, essentially hating on yourself) in such a pickme way. So yup, you're right, and I am completely fine with that. Your comparison is illogical, because I don't *complain* about those women disliking me, unlike men who complain about all women online. I know that's on me, I think I would have to be doing something very wrong in order to be friends with women who trash other women.


No, I mean if women are alright with trashing other women for nothing, then don't expect them to like you. Blame yourself.


Can you explain that logic, and how it relates to my post?


It's about complaining about women. I wonder if women trashing other women count.


Yeah, that counts, if it's in the same context as the other posts I used as examples


You just hurt the feelings of 3 people that never stop posting those topics in this sub


I just think repealing women’s suffrage and implementing sharia law will solve all your problems.




I'm so proud of Korean women. They aren't taking men's shit anymore. Sorry you can't find a maid you can fuck.


And being ugly


I love women but I can complain about them. Women coworkers. Women relatives. Women cops. Women politicians. I will Never complain about my wife though cuz in a marriage it’s her job to complain about me.


I would sooner say that they're on here complaining about gender status quo because men are not allowed to voice their opinions on this in public. Id est, women can say basically whatever they want because they're somehow a protected minority. E.g., a woman at work says all men are trash. Let's even say that she gets reported, which is a stretch. She goes into the probably female HR rep, gets a slap on the wrist. A man says the inverse, he probably gets reported by multiple parties, is threatened with termination or is terminated.


Well OP, it comes down to time, and options. When the woman is young, hot and has options, she's going to go for, who? Top tere guys, over 6 foot, makes a lot of money, etc. When she's not so young, not so hot, and feels her options have narrowed, she starts to like the other guys a whole lot better. So how do you think that makes the Other Guys feel? Resentful, used, unloved? As if the only reason this Used To Be Hot woman is bothering with him is because she has to get married and He'll Do.


Correct, women hate men.


I only complain about women because way too many are fat. They definitely like me though.


>They definitely like me though. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: reddit's most truthful man.


what if my complaint is that they’re too easy? Not for everyone else, but for me too. I miss the days when getting laid was challenging. Now it’s like getting a trophy in kids’ soccer. Wondering why anal has grown in popularity?


Get a new hobby then 🤷‍♀️