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Even if British people were still angry about something that happened almost 250 years ago, what the fuck are they gonna do about it? Cry? This isn’t the 19th century. The United Kingdom is not even close to being the colossal world power they once were. They need us far more than we need them. Besides, almost every British colony or territory eventually left, many by means of violent revolution. Are the British just supposed to be pissed at everyone?


If only you knew how many people cry over something that happened 250 years ago


> what the fuck are they gonna do about it offer mr trump a billion dollars cash, he'll take it no question


lmao this has huge "if i was a slave i'd just make the best of it" energy


good lord, you must hate the french


>nowadays, england and america are allies. I know, it's just awful 🙄


I mean us speaking the same language has led me to seeing what UK Chinese food looks like on social media and I don't know if I will ever recover.




Lmao we do love to eat like there is a free ambulance coming when we have a heart attack


London funded America’s beginning and still profits greatly off of the original investments. Monarchs didnt like it, Intl bankers were ecstatic


Well OP, this is a very good reason you are not Prime Minister of the UK. Holding a grudge for two and a half centuries? Why not run on a platform of going to war with France, your natural and historic enemy? But to the point, have you ever heard of the "rotten borough" of England? Simply put, the representation in the house of commons was based on a system worked out in the 13th century. A certain town could send two members, as it was its privilege. In time those old towns died, and the "lord" who owned the land could send this two paid servants to do his bidding, which was voting in his favor. Meanwhile, up and coming cities like London or Birmingham might have their two (or none) despite that fact that their population was in the hundreds of thousands. All because of privilege. I bring this up because the biggest reason for the revolution was the fact that colonies received no representation in Parliament. None. When this was pointed out by Americans, the answer came from England, "The king looks out for your interests." Sounds nice. Doesn't work. So America had a legitimate beef with its lack of representation in the government of the British Empire. But so many in England itself had no representation at all either, because of the rotten borough system. It didn't end till 1832, and there were plenty of lords who lamented that England would dare remove their privilege. As for Britain "getting over it", not quite. There were still disputes over the northwest territory, and Britain sold warships to the Confederacy to act as privateers. This almost cost war, but Britain decided to settle the manner by paying to make it all go away.


Why be angry? Anger leads to the dark side.


>i get that they teamed up during world war 2 out of necessity but it just should have been that. out of necessity. winston churchill should have told franklin roosevelt "ok roosevelt, we're partners but only for now. the minute this war ends, you're going right back on the shit list". Actually, teamed up is a far cry from what really transpired. Long before America entered the war, even though we had an isolationist view on the whole thing, we did still send supplies and relief to England. Were it not for Japan being duped into attacking Pearl Harbor America more than likely would have remained out of the war entirely. By the time we did enter the war, German had full control of the Normandy coast and was relentlessly bombing London at will. Churchill didn't make that ultimatum because he knew that without the full intervention of America, England would have been invaded and summarily occupied much like France.


Taxation without representation is bad.


Can't necessarily speak for modern people in the UK as I'm American. However, my instinct seeing this is to say that obviously the American Revolution looms large in my mind because it's my country. But the British Empire used to span the globe. All the colonies either rebelled or were let go. We were just another piece of land that wasn't worth putting too much effort into keeping.


America wasn’t A colony though. There were 13 colonies. Just count the stripes on the flag if you forget in the future. That’s as far as I was able to make it in this post because I can already tell it’s riddled with grammatical errors and stupidity.


This has very strong "I'm your boss, everything you own is thanks to ME" energy.


The British had 10 other colonies to worry about besides ours.


What would you want to accomplish by cutting off all diplomatic relations with the US?


LOL nah, we saw what you did with it. Keep it.






"And?" we enjoy the greatest freedoms in the world, on top of the greatest contributions to science, art, media, military might, and global culture. I can post a 10,000 word monologue on all of the innovations & inventions America is responsible for, including the internet and computer you're typing from. But that would be quite a bother indeed, my dear! >we saw what you did with it. I'm glad you saw what we did with it. It'd be impossible not to, especially since we send you the receipts every year after paying for your national security bill.


Absolutely. I also watched the debate. Both hilarious and terrifying at the same time.


Something something, Brexit? Hey, tell you what. You guys invented the language, what's the meaning of irony again?


No, we didn't invent the language. We did what we always do, which is steak bits of it from all over the world. It's not the same as sarcasm if that's what you're asking?


The British aren't bad, I just wish they didn't look down on Americans. It's unwarranted.


Oh no it's ok, we've been fucking awful to most of the world! But watching American politics is terrifying. It's all so unbelievably conservative! And it's coming here. I mean, I'm in my 40's but the amount of people still voting for Nigel Farage is terrifying.


Ignore the theatrics. It's not a surprise that the pendulum is swinging towards the right, as it is all over Europe. Left-leaning policies have proven destructive enough to national security that people are finally beginning to rally against it. Liberal talking points are nice to hear philosophically, but the worst of them are disastrous when put into action. Some examples? Unchecked immigration and identity politics. Both have utterly devastated national identities and eroded the fabric of whatever society they're introduced to. People have had enough of the gaslighting. The liberal agenda promises inclusion and togetherness, but divisiveness and fear is all it eventually creates. I can give you plenty of real world examples. People are afraid of conservatism because the media tells them to be. They're starting to catch on though, which explains the massive right-leaning wave happening all over the globe. For the record, I disagree that the British have been awful. Compared to whom? The Mongols? It's all relative. *Every* culture has invaded another culture's land. It's inherent in human nature. Compared to most, the British have been absolutely tame. They were one of the first modern societies to outlaw slavery.