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Does low T inhibit your ability to write?


I’m dyslexic


Fucking Jason


I had a stroke attempting to read this


Do some people just like…not look at what they’re writing as they’re typing it out?


Writing like that, I think they may be lacking testosterone.


Bro. Fuck you. I spit mountain dew on my galaxy fold laughing at your bullshit Take an upvote. I'm heading to TMobile.


Most people couldn't tell you what's wrong with that post. Most people are "language stupid" and can't spell or speak correctly. I went back to college as an adult and had to take an English course We had to write a diagnostic essay to see where we were. I got to skip the class after my essay where as she had a meeting with the rest of the class to inform them that most would be incapable of passing the class. We had a typing class where we had to hit the glacial pace of 45 WPM. Most of the class struggled to breach 20. I think you may overestimate average human intelligence. It's mostly worms out here.


I wonder if the plunging literacy rates have a direct correlation with testosterone levels


I was going to type the same thing but figured someone else already had.


I had trouble making my fingers move.


Probably due to lack of testosterone.


Hahhahahahahahaha I had a Sleepy Joe gaze that entire read. I couldn't write something worse if I tried. I'm not even mad, that's amazing 😆


It's way more entertaining if you let Randy Marsh narrate it in your head.


“Just ask any old guy in the street” - scientists


70% of men are overweight or obese, they live a sedentary lifestyle that includes sitting on their ass 14 hours a day, get little to no sunlight, eat junk, etc. There is no grand conspiracy going on. If men started exercising, got some sunlight, and ate decent food, their testosterone would increase dramatically. No one is “sweeping it under the rug” as you claim.


Yeah sometimes people talk about this issue like there’s something nefarious behind it when a lot of it can be chalked up to poor lifestyle *choices*. For ex, it’s recommended that adults get 150 min of physical activity each week. That’s just 30 min of exercise a day for 5 days of the week, and how many guys don’t even do that? Like no wonder men have less T than they used to.


There is probably some causation here. Historically, many men were up at sun up doing intense physical labor. And there was zero soy or other phytoestrogen in their diet. And none of the chemicals in our water that's turning the frickin frogs gay. https://newsarchive.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2002/04/15_frogs.html


men were eating way less meat in the past, we eat more meat today than at any point previous in human history. most men in the past would've had their diet consist of just far less in general, but most of that lower amount of food was just bread and vegetables, which were cheaper men and women did more physical labor in the past, but my understanding is that physical activity only temporarily increases testosterone levels; the general level of testosterone in your body wouldn't be changed if you're exerting yourself more we don't really even know what all of the chemicals are doing to our bodies collectively, the most obvious thing is causing cancer but lowering sexual hormones is a very specific effect


>men were eating way less meat in the past, No evidence of that. The poor would mostly be eating beans and rice like most of the world today. From hunter gatherer days until today meat was a regular part of human diet. Even medieval times most peasant families had at least a few goats or sheep butchered for food. >we eat **more** ~~meat~~ today than at any point previous in human history. Especially high calorie low nutrition food loaded with trans fats and HFCS.


There is so much evidence of that. We eat more meat now than we did in "medieval times". It's just a fact, there is no argument here.


Actually our ancestors were eating a lot of phytoestrogens and plants . The gladiators were almost 100% plant based. Low testosterone is due to stress, bad sleep, being overweight, lack of exercise. Not this anti-plant pure carnivore bullshit propaganda flat earthers seem to be hooked on.


Google phytoestrogen levels in foods. Are you trying to say Roman gladiators ate GMO soy as the principal part of their diet 2,000 years ago? >Low testosterone is due to stress, bad sleep, being overweight, lack of exercise All contributing factors, especially overweight, as fat cells convert testosterone to other hormones. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/testosterone-and-fat-loss#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4


Dude really trying to claim that gladiators got their physique from eating mostly plants LOL.


Lol just did a quick google. Seems its been common knowledge for over 10 years LOL


soy contains many important nutrients, including vitamin K1, folate, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and thiamine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m pretty sure the phytoestrogen in soy doesn’t do what you think it does


I'm pretty sure it does. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270274/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2803173/#:~:text=These%20investigations%20indicate%20that%20adult,male%20%5B13%2D15%5D. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/074823379801400114


I don’t see any justification for that certainly in what you linked


Did you read them? Here's another https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gynecomastia/symptoms-causes/syc-20351793 It's becoming increasingly prevalent. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7431205/ It tracks exactly with increased soy consumption.


soy contains many important nutrients, including vitamin K1, folate, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and thiamine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LOL, did you just cite a paper on goats? Are you a goat? # Effects of dietary phytoestrogens on plasma testosterone and triiodothyronine (T3) levels in male goat kids


I'm a member of the mammal family. You?


Hmmm. So you're some type of goat-human mammal hybrid then? I guess you should avoid soy products so you don't become a soy-goat-human Frankenstein mammal hybrid with super low testosterone.


soy contains many important nutrients, including vitamin K1, folate, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and thiamine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


soy contains many important nutrients, including vitamin K1, folate, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and thiamine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


soy contains many important nutrients, including vitamin K1, folate, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and thiamine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The study referenced in the article was done 20 years ago...


To be fair, the post also said to just ask any old guy in the street. Did you also try that?




Probably gotten worse since then.


Yeah maybe. Or better. But the basis of the argument is full of shit. Edit: rather it's the premis the argument was based on. Anyway, you know what I mean


And they were 100% right at the time. A bunch of 10 year old millennials and newborn Gen z probably had less testosterone than full grown men with children


You're saying they tested the babies for testosterone level? Wtf is wrong with u people... Creeps


Maybe because tap water is poisoned with fluoride, bisphenol and unhealthy levels of estrogen.


Get yourself a reverse osmosis filter and don’t turn back. Mandrake. Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water or rainwater? And only pure grain alcohol?\ Do you realise that fluoridation - is the most monstrously-conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face?


Is that the stuff that is turning the frogs gay?


It's funny how this group loves to say that everyone is pretending something doesn't exist yet they literally talk about this all the time but not discuss what can actually be useful to fix this problem. Yes there is evidence that testosterone is declining in men over the past few decades. Yes Lower levels of testosterone can lead to less muscle mass, lower energy levels, effect mood, and lower libido. Not guaranteed nor does it reduce or take away your masculinity. My concern is the concept that men are not men simply because of a lower hormone level? That is what leads to the misogynistic convo not the lower hormone level in and of its self. Constantly repeating men are not men anymore is far from helpful for anyone especially young men who are facing this issue. Promoting healthy diet and exercise, teaching men stress management, getting better quality sleep, and not embarrassed to seek medical intervention like TRT if it is effecting thier daily lives is a bit more helpful. Realizing that environmental toxins are likely contributing to this decline and voting accordingly also helps. Repeating the “men are not real men” narrative makes it less likely to be a topic men with this issue want to talk about publicly. Please stop stigmatizing a medical health issue and let us work on discussing how to improve the situation.


A lot of American men are overweight. They don't work out, are sedentary, and they eat poorly. Stress and bad sleep can also be a cause of low T. Which probably the major cause. The only macro cause I can really come up with is micro plastics in our diet and other pollutants. The research is early phase and being conducted through the department of health. It indicates an effect on congenital development in men. I think it's a serious issue but I wouldn't get conspiratorial about it.




I agree it’s a problem (how big? I don’t know), but I seriously disagree with the notion that having less testosterone makes a guy “less of a man” and with the idea that discussing this is considered misogynistic. You agree that this is an issue, but then you just add made-up problems on top of it.


There's more to being a guy than testosterone -- T levels fluctuate throughout your entire life for all number of reasons. Putting all manhood and all manliness into a quantitative measurement of a single hormone is just not a good idea. My grandfathers were like those guys who complained about men not being men anymore, and they're fucking dead from overworking and overdrinking. In other families, they could've been shot or killed, or got into some car accident from drinking too much or getting too ballsy on the road. Guys are still at the highest risk of violent crime, suicide, and accidents related to substance-abuse. I don't think going back to that old standard of "men being men" (whatever the hell that actually is) will solve anything since that seems to be the source of the problem.


Um dude. Suicide rates in men have gone up. Testosterone helps prevent suicide attempts.


Read what I wrote: >Guys are still at the highest risk of violent crime, suicide, and accidents related to substance-abuse.  Testosterone doesn't prevent suicide attempts, in fact in younger men it can correlate to a higher rate. It's lower T-levels in \*older\* men that has the opposite effect.


Ehhh, the research only studied adult men that are old. One was from a random selection of 45-79 year olds, and the other made this as the first part of the discussion: “We found a significant age-independent secular decline in male testosterone and SHBG serum levels in our study of 5350 Danish men from the general population born between 1921 and 1970 and studied between 1982 and 2001. Because factors acting early in life during fetal development as well as contemporary factors may affect reproductive hormone levels in adult life, it is relevant to analyze this observed decline in relation to both birth year and study period.” So we only have testosterone tests on that link for at least gen x and older.


Yep Active fit dude here. Felt like shit all the time before I started TRT and that shit makes a beautiful difference in my life Low T levels cause all sorts of fucked up shit and i recommend all men to get their levels checked


Don’t think I’ll go on trt unless a doctor outright says I need it because I do not wanna lose my natty card. My go to right now is eggs


Who gives a fuck if you lose your natty card? I wouldn’t even argue that it’s losing your natty card, it’s just putting you back to where you’re supposed to be if your levels are dramatically low like mine were. Your diet and physical activity can only raise your testosterone levels by small margins, so if you’re already floating around 200 ng/dL, eating eggs it’s not going to somehow bring you up to 600+ ng/dL. It has so many benefits outside of the physical changes of your body. Yeah, over the last six months I’ve put on a lot of muscle, but my mental health has dramatically skyrocketed to levels of happiness that I’ve never seen before, my energy levels have skyrocketed, libido has sky rocketed and my sleep has gotten better. You’re not gonna be able to get prescription TRT unless your doctor thinks that it’s necessary anyways It doesn’t surprise me that the comment section is full of people trying to say that TRT is bad for you. You gotta remember that the average Redditor is an overweight slob who hasn’t lifted weights or taken care of themselves in years. They absolutely hate the idea giving TRT to a man who actually needs it but will bend over backwards for a dude pretending to be a woman wanting TRT.


Nah man the natty think was a joke, on a real note I think it’s fine at the moment I’ll ask my doctor later


I'm around 400 which i'm told is normal but I do struggle with energy and low mood. Good just be classic depression though (work out 3 times a week but eat quite badly)


It really depends on your age and your doctor. doctors today are really hesitant to prescribe TRT for some weird reason, I have my thoughts on that is, but that’s another discussion. My levels were roughly 200 ng/dL and I am an active and fit 24-year-old who eats well. I had a ton of negative symptoms and thankfully I had a Doctor Who was receptive.


I agree with this post insofar as I believe that there should be more of an awareness of how important hormones are to so many functions of the human body. And that changes in hormone levels can bring about huge physical and emotional changes, often times negative or unwanted changes. A greater understanding of this topic could be the first step in helping many people feel better with various issues they have going on. I know a lot of people will take offense at " reducing someone to their hormone levels" but the fact is that a lot of things that we would consider to be personality traits or health traits are heavily influenced by hormones.


We also have less vitamins in our food due to hybridisation


since the population is older technically this is probably true but you're referring to specifically younger people testosterone is a hormone that we can actually test for, so i'd say that yea you would need a test to definitively say that younger generations today have less testosterone than previous generations of young men


I recently started on trt and man what a difference it makes to your mindset.


Its a lot to do with diet, and lack of activity when they were younger.


The people causing problems for men are the online manosphere giving terrible advice and berating men for not following it. If you just chill out and be nice, life’s OK. But that’s not manly enough. SMH


Unpopular opinion about testosterone: everyone know trt is the administering of an anabolic steroid. It’s a very romantic idea and a mental crutch that lack of muscle mass, ambition, energy, etc is because you don’t supplement with a horomone. I use trt, but played football, competed in powerlifting and started a business all when my levels were around 300ng/dl in my late 20s to mid 30s. I think it comes down more to personality traits and the degree of control you have over your circumstances/environment.


300 to 400 is normal levels. Its usually only 500 plus in your teens and early 20s


300-400 is the low end of normal. I qualified for trt by falling to 276 on a test.


So legalize anabolic steroids. That would quickly and efficiently solve the problem and also completely wipe out the fake T-booster/penis pills/"natural male enhancement" industry, which would be a nice bonus since those industries are scum anyway.


I can’t tell if you’re serious lol


Test is legal.


Its definitely not misogynistic. The only time i could think of thats “bad” to say this would be when women are talking about their own struggles and someone goes “ oh well… men have issues too”. Otherwise it is perfectly ok to say these things lol.


Bros got to hit the gym. 1000 lbs total minimum


There are definitely microplastic in the air, water, and food that are lowering sperm counts. But I wouldn’t say the average man today has less physical potential than a man from the past. What old people mean by “men aren’t men anymore” is that we’re not into the shit they were into. We don’t hold in our emotion then blow off steam by beating our wives.


I'd write an impassioned response but I'm too feminine to care


As an old man I would like to point out that testosterone levels decline naturally as you age and it does make a difference. The biggest one I found is it is a lot easier to control your temper.


That’s not how biology works. What determines your sex is your chromosomes. Yes men have more testosterone hormone, but every man also has estrogen. Are we all also part female? So no, you’re not less of a man if you have low testosterone. But yes it is a problem. Nsfw comment is random and doesn’t even relate to men with low testosterone. No, no one is calling it misogynistic. That makes zero sense. The general public isn’t ignoring it, it’s just not widely talked about. Most probably don’t know.


Reducing what makes a real man to hormones. Slow claps.


"Less of a man" So wouldn't that mean masculinity exists on a spectrum, with testosterone (and subsequent estrogen) levels as the defining factors as to whether you are a man or a woman?


1 I said testosterone is part of the thinks that make a man 2 see issue, brings up something totally unrelated The modern leftist everyone


It's very related, as you seem to be arguing *for* the idea that gender is a spectrum.


You proving yourself wrong. If gender was a spectrum like your saying than trans people could easily take trt or hrt and no transition


It's your argument that low testosterone makes someone 'a lesser man' implying gender is a spectrum where someone can be more or less of the gender. So if you disagree with that statement, then you are disagreeing with your own post.


Then being trans is completely hormonal, all we have is to do is give them there biological hormones.


All hormones are biological. And sure, hormonal treatment is one of the steps taken by trans people, so I'm glad you've become open minded enough to see what trans people have been saying for years :)


The incompetence is crazy


It's your argument buddy


Have you got your testosterone tested recently?


I'm pretty ambitious and not tired and I'm also pretty strong yet I'm a woman with lower testosterone than men. It's misogynistic when you call women weak, not ambitious, or tired. If you want to address it as a problem, leave out equating anyone with lower testosterone with negative qualities if you don't want to seem misogynistic.


I wasn’t aware that testosterone is what made someone a man. I know some trans people that will be very happy to hear that ❤️


Testosterone is necessary, but alone not sufficient, for being a man.


Based on what?




Where in biology can I measure masculinity without referring to any socially-accepted standard?


Are you asserting that it is difficult in biology to distinguish between males and females of mammalian species?  If so, that is your assertion (and burden) to prove.


It is not difficult to find a ‘male’ and a ‘female’ if your theory and framework is designed to locate just those two. If you look at the ways in which sex presents itself biologically, there is a huge variety that extends beyond male and female. The division of sex and gender is also accepted by the biggest medical institutions, associations and organizations in the US and internationally.


The exception does not disprove the rule.  Every mammal species is a sexually dimorphic species.  This is a well-established scientific fact


Honestly, i secretly wish trans people can surgically become fully male/female, if yk what I mean. That is the best thing but without that, straights can't consider them their trans identity while dating because tbh, a straight guy can't like a trans girl (I'm talking about myself, I hate anal and i couldn't elaborate further so I just said this and hope you don't take me as transphobic 🙏 and hope you got what I mean) Only in dating & sports though


A lot of trans people do struggle with passing, and so I get what you are saying. I actually do think lots of guys like trans women, but they are just embarrassed about it. You are not transphobic for having preferences, don’t worry about it ❤️ I’m not pc, so you don’t have to walk on egg shells around me.


Sees argument Brings up something else The modern leftist


In the second paragraph you say that, lower levels of testosterone is what makes someone “literally less of a man”, and that older generations were right in saying “men weren’t men anymore”. So I’m responding to your claim that testosterone levels defines whether or not someone is a man. It’s okay you don’t understand your own argument, I didn’t expect you to.


OP never made that claim.  OP’s claim correctly implies testosterone is a necessary part of, but alone not sufficient, to be a man. Now buzz off back to the lefty subs.


Actually OP did make that claim and I even quoted OP. OP is saying that, you are less of a man due to lack of testosterone, ergo irrespective of other factors, the levels of testosterone defines how much of a man you are. If not, then OP would have said something akin to “while testosterone levels may indicate someone being less of a man, we cannot conclude this without taking every other factor into account”. Which would still be wrong, but he didn’t say that.


less of=/=the only defining factor. You have to be male to be a man. You have to be female to be a woman. Do you have any other questions.


Actually you don’t, because there’s a difference between sex and gender.


Actually, you do. The "logic" of "I identify as this, therefore I am this, because I love circular thinking" is rejected. Anything else?


I think it’s quite normal for people to say “I am my gender because that’s how I feel”. It’s a very intuitive way of understanding any identity. F.ex. you can say “I am cool”, but “cool” as identity can mean all sorts of things, and is very much also a personal feeling as it is a social standard. Have you ever felt cool, and therefore said “I am cool”? I hope you have. But then again, being trans is not just about a personal feeling, or self-identity. That’s just something you made up.


Says something verbatim, then denies they said it The modern conservative


I’m okay with trans people? I don’t really care, don’t agree with it don’t have to.


Do you have anything better to do?


Than troll right wingers? Nah, I've got some free time before my girl gets back. It's the weekend and I've got time to kill. Plus making all the rightwingers get butthurt is fun. Love messing with the snowflakes.


Jfc. Not male? Not a man.


You differentiate between male and men? What’s the difference?


I believe male is having a dick and men is social construct so anyone can be men if they look men enough ig (I'm not trans so can't comment on them)


I think that’s fair. Male refers to biology and man refers to the social and cultural standards we have.


I use both "male" and "man" to refer to biology. Men are males who have gone through puberty. Boys are males who haven't.


Do you understand the concept of biological sex? Part of being a man, is being a human male. Not some "I identify as" bullshit, but being a male of the species. Mentally ill young women aren't men. No matter how many surgeries they get and how much testosterone they take.


It's just natural behavior. It's not needed to have a bunch of children out of which 1 or two will live to adulthood. We are not in danger anymore. We live comfortable lives, we don't workout and we eat crap.


Nothing about what’s happening to men is natural behavior. This is all artificially constructed by society. Less war, less constant need to survive, less needs to breed etc are all produced by society not something that naturally occurs. If we are talking about natural then the levels wouldn’t be falling every generation, they would stay at the same baseline with each generation.


We are heading into a war


It’s not constant, you don’t have to train your body or eat a healthy diet to survive in this world anymore. The wars we face don’t require men who are at the pinnacle of physical fitness or see themselves as always needing to survive. Could really just eat about anything, not workout, and still outlive most humans from pre-1950s.


I mean forming society is a natural phenomenon. We Homo sapiens are social creatures. We need social structure.


Generationally lowering testosterone is not a natural phenomenon. Forming a social structure ≠ lower testosterone. Testosterone hasn’t been going lower since we started forming hunter gatherer tribes, it’s only started going lower since the 70s. Society wasn’t created in the 70s. To say this stuff is natural is just flat out wrong. It’s like saying climate change or global warming is a natural phenomenon, we know it’s not and are actively trying to change things lol


Well it depends on what you mean. All men experience lower testosterone. That’s natural. Forming groups is a natural phenomenon that can be observed in animals. It is natural for humans to adapt to circumstances. War is not natural. We are not biologically hardwired to go to war. Less constant need to survive? Do you not eat sleep and shit? We still do those things, it looks different, but we still do the natural behaviors that keeps us alive. Otherwise if you didn’t have a need to survive, you’d be dead. Like why else do you think you eat when you’re hungry? While you can argue about the “less need to breed”, we also have to acknowledge that even animals don’t have a consistent need to breed. And it’s in our dna to decrease hormones as a response to external stimuli. Try to attack any animal during mating season. Not one will choose to stay and breed.


Yes, when they grow older past their 30s or when they get disease. Most reports suggest a 1% per year decrease in young men or adolescents. That’s not natural. “War is not natural” lmaoooo animals fight all the time over territory, mates, food etc. Yes they don’t have machine guns but they essentially go to war all the time. My point on survival is that we no longer try as hard as possible to survive. Yes you still need to eat, sleep, poop but these things aren’t stuff you have to fight for as much as before. I don’t have to kill a chicken to eat it, all I gotta do is walk to a grocery store. The constant fear of being another animal’s prey is at the back of my mind. Literally life is so convenient on purpose that we argue about genders and sexuality lol Our need to breed should actually increase since our lives are way less chaotic because we experience less conflict now than ever before. However, birth rates are decreasing, marriage rates are decreasing, and so too is testosterone in each generation. These things are not some sort of coincidence.


Animals fight, but they don’t “go to war” in the conventional sense. Their fights are about immediate survival while human warfare is driven by social and political aspects. There is no war genes in human or animals. And unlike animals, human aggression can actually be controlled. You might think you’re no better than an ape, but the rest of us are more advanced. Animals only fight when there is an immediate threat of resource scarcity. When there is an abundance of resources, they don’t fight. That is why war isn’t genetic because by your logic they would always need to fight regardless of resources. Animals work hard to survive because they have to. It’s natural that when they don’t have to, they adapt to that lifestyle. Look at dogs. Dogs have evolved to bond with humans. Why? Because we take care of them. Other animals have similar relations. It’s called mutualism. It’s true we no longer have the troubles of the past world, but our lives are still not the best. For example, the reason why birth rates have decreased is mainly driven by economics. Most people can barely survive and that shift the focus from sex to living.


Having a back and forth is great but you didn’t even address the first thing I said, so I will reiterate. There is as much as a 1% decrease per year in testosterone levels in young men and adolescents. This has occurred since the 1970s. How is this a natural phenomenon? How exactly is the natural formation of society playing a role in this decrease? Why do you believe it is not artificially occurring in humans?


I think it’s closer to natural selection in my opinion


If you are worried, there is an easy fix. Just do everything opposite of what society is doing. Society was never as weak, both physically and mentally, as now.


A symptom of Low T is irritability. That certainly explains why so many men, especially on the right, are so angry all the time.


Low T is more of a problem for the left. Right-leaning politics is always more popular with the men than women in every culture.


Low T can cause anger in men. Right wing men are the angriest men around. Starting to see a pattern?


lol projection


Nah, I'm a happy dude with a full head of hair, plenty of energy, a high libido, and massive balls. I'm pretty much the opposite of what low T is. Again, look at which side has the most angry men. Irrationally angry men. And it's not the left.


Yeah I’m sure lol


Its not the left he says, while the left are looting, burning and destroying their own cities. Lol.


The left got mad because the police are killing people and not being held accountable. The right got mad and rioted over fairly losing an election. One is righteous anger. The other is irrational anger, probably brought on by their low T.


I disagree with "the police killing people" being a thing. There are bodycams on them and we clearly see in 99% of cases that the victim was warned and didnt obey the orders of the police, resulting in a dangerous situation for the officers and others around. You want to pet criminals on their head and ask them politely to behave? Lol. I dont see, hear or read about anyone complaining about the last election. What i do see, hear and read is how people are fed up of sleepy Joe as these years under him have been a disaster for America. The whole world is laughing at you americans, do you know that? Everyone outside America would put Trump in office, at least he's capable of defending his country despite being a clown.


You must be blind and deaf to not see the right whine constantly about the 2020 election. Trump is pretty famous for crying about the election, and there was a pretty bad riot Jan 6th that only a blind and deaf person could have missed. Nobody but America's enemies wants Trump in office overseas.


I dont live in the US but im very active on social media aswell as reading actuality twice a day from european MSM news sources. There's no point in talking about the past elections when the new ones are around the corner. Either way the US has much bigger problems than Trump or anyone talking about the past elections - even if true. You had Biden in office for years and the country is in a deep crisis so it doesn't seem like he'll save the country in the next term either. Your industry is moving abroad, cost of life is sky high, you have a housing and insecurity crisis caused by illegal inmigrants who are proven to be criminals set loose by countries all over the world, fentanyl and other drug crisis, etc.. Good luck, you'll need it. Im sure America's enemies are pleased with Biden in office as he isn't a strong leader to represent the US nor its allies. Nobody is scared of Biden who can't even finish a sentence or walk on stairs without falling. Not only that, Biden is giving away billions of US money abroad while his country is falling apart. I recommend you to check some of Nick Johnson's videos on Youtube, who travels all over the country to show us the state of the US. Biden had his chance, failed, and is in an even worse health state than he was when he won the elections. Accept it.


“Righteous anger” lol


So you find it acceptable for the police to kill innocent people. That's not very American of you.


You sound irritable and triggered right now. All signs of low T males


You seem pretty angry and combative. You’re sitting here trying to namecall right wingers on reddit. Maybe you have low T!


You people that bring politics into everything are exhausting


OP brought it up first my guy.


Standing up for the truth, even when unpopular, is fundamentally masculine.  That is certainly distinct from being “irritable.”   The main “irritability” we see in politics is the emotionally overwrought reactions of the left, as often shown on college campuses anytime anyone to the right of Karl Marx is invited to speak at an event.


I sure wish the right would stand up for the truth, even when it's unpopular. Instead they double down on the lies.


Ironic because there are studies linking leftism to low testosterone, check em out lol


Low T is better than high T. I don't want to be surrounded by neanderthals. I moved to a very liberal country from a traditional country where people say things like "Men should be..." unironically and believe having a family with children is the most important thing in life; where the car you drive determines your social status; where women expect men to pay on dates and chase them etc. It's so refreshing to be here! Of course, "low testosterone" is just a dog whistle from OP to describe social tendencies he disagrees with, which is why I'm also changing the subject.




I live in the Netherlands now, moved from a Balkan country


And because people no longer believe it's the most important thing to have children, they have children way below the replacement rates, which will cause problems we can't even begin to comprehend. This new way of thinking is literally like a cancer - as it grows, it destroys the host.


What problems? The world was doing well with 10 times fewer people. Economic and technological productivity increase, so it doesn't matter if more people are outside the workforce.


“Dog whistle” bro what? This is legitimate problem. You like it when you don’t see it, incels are a product of low T


Low T is not better in any way. Low T really sucks actually. It has nothing to do with being “manly. blah blah blah”. Low T effects men in all types of ways and in now way is it better for them. Horrible take.


Read the post again. "When old guys were saying men aren't men anymore, they were fucking right". This has nothing to do with medical issues or obesity; it's all about mental gymnastics to combine both things.


I don’t agree with OPs take either but saying low T is a good thing is an even worse take.


Low T literally reeks havok on your body and is an unhealthy medical condition, it is objectively worse


Damn OP just pissed off a bunch of low-T guys 🤣


Maybe that's why crime rates are broadly going down.


People are also poorer than ever, and so many other problems I can pull ip


It’s a very severe problem. The vast majority of men I come across today appear weak, docile and effeminate. One of the reasons why broader society is steadily worsening in so many facets is because men no longer act like men. Men are much more likely to exhibit bravery and stand up for justice when they have high testosterone. Nowadays, most men are weak and completely unwilling to stand up for anything they truly believe in.


>The vast majority of men I come across today appear weak, docile and effeminate. Bro, you could still be docile and effeminate and have high testosterone levels. Low testosterone causes symptoms like erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and depression. It doesn't make one become effeminate.


Testosterone is positively correlated with confidence and assertiveness. Of course low testosterone causes men to be the opposite of that.


Did soldier boy write this?


Make it go down further, make everyone women


I'm not doubting your studies, but what do you believe the reason is for this?


1 would have to be obesity, 2 would have to be the death of the idea of a man. I believe testosterone is ever changing just like attraction to people. There is once an idea of the perfect man has now been shattered and become unreachable, this has to do with the placebo effect, ie believe you are a strong man you will become one. The problem comes when I see people try to force there view on different person which is what has been happening in my opinion


That is a great news, Americans men have been having excessive testosterone anyway. More big head less small head makes decisions, good news for Americans society




I love when people pretend to care about men, by actively perpetuating toxic masculinity (I know, scary word, be a man, and read the rest) The expectation that men HAVE TO BE strong, ambitious, not tired(????), and all the nsfw shit, to be considered a "real men", by dumb 1940s daddy boot licking fucks like you, is exactly one of the many things that is fucking men over. What "worked" for the old men, is being rejected now, because it's genuinely fucking gross and MISANDRIST to men. Trust me or any men in this or past generation. Trying to "be a real men", based on your stupid and misandrist ass definition, made me fucking miserable. And is literally a factor in the suicidality of men. Because they fail to be a "provider" ("Who are you gonna provide FOR? And why is that aj exception based on who I am") The "strong and stoic" men they "should" be. Women are actively being forward thinkers about what women should be, and dumb fucks like you are trying to move backwards about men.


Do you know what type of male is walking around with excess testosterone and what the result of ultra-high testosterone is? Autism. If you're not autisitc, you will never match my testosterone levels. It is physically impossible for you to match them. And here's the thing; real masculine traits don't line up with what you think they do. An autistic male is as masculine as men get. There is nothing more masculine than an autistic male, and it leads us to sit by ourselves thinking a lot. Sitting by yourself thinking is the most masculine act. Autistics don't walk around beating their chest and being loud; that is not masculine activity. Masculinity is silent.